Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 288 The End of the War

Chapter 290 The end of the battle

"I remember his hero name is... Bald Caped Man, right? Is he really... just B-level?"

The super alloy black light stood there in a daze, looking at the two streams of light running around, feeling that with his own strength, he could not even see clearly the movements of the two men fighting each other.

"Ah, yes, he scored full marks in the physical test when entering the association and broke many records. It's just that his written test scores were too poor and he almost failed, so he was ranked as a C-level at the beginning."

Ming Jing explained to the super alloy black light. A pair of eternal kaleidoscope sharingan eyes moved quickly, almost leaving an afterimage.

He could see clearly that Saitama was slightly interested, but he still didn't show his true ability. Instead, he wanted to see how much of his strength this enemy could force him to do, and whether he could really get serious about it, so he just blindly parry defense.

Saitama would be very boring if he was killed with one punch from the beginning.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝖘𝖍𝖚.𝖓𝖊𝖙

The two of them fought at an absurd speed, almost every second. They fought countless times. It seemed to Ming Jing that it had exceeded a certain limit, making the effect of his own knowledge and color domineering ability to foresee the future almost useless.

In other words, it was not a failure, but the two men fought too fast and used too many moves. The time during which Ming Jing could foresee the future was greatly shortened.

However, with the help of the dynamic vision of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and the combination of seeing and hearing, the details of the fight between the two can still be seen clearly.

In this state, Boros, even if he is a mirror, may not be able to take many moves at his own expense.

Boros is definitely the strongest person who has shown strength in the one-punch world, second only to Saitama.

Tornado, including the current Ming Jing, may have surpassed most dragon-level monsters by one dimension.

But Boros is one dimension stronger than Mirror and Tornado at this time.

As for Saitama...

It is probably the same - in the original time and space, Boros used his own death to test out the upper limit of Saitama's continuous ordinary punches and the lower limit that he could achieve with one serious punch. Adding the two previous ordinary punches, Boros was the only one. A being who formed Saitama's Four Moves.

Even after a serious punch, Boros could still retain his consciousness and not completely die.

Seeing that Boros became more and more excited as he fought, and the moves he used became more and more powerful, Mingjing immediately turned his head to look at the super alloy black light.

"The aftermath of their battle is getting bigger and bigger, and I'm afraid it will affect this place. Let's take everyone down first."


"Saitama! You are indeed strong! I have indeed met an opponent on this planet who is worthy of fighting with everything I have!"

Boros' expression was full of excitement and enthusiasm, and the pink energy core on his chest became more and more dazzling.

"Meteorite explosion!"

The terrifying shock wave appeared again, almost flattening the surface of the upper part of the spacecraft.

Powerful energy bloomed around Boros, and he punched Saitama.

A super sonic boom sounded, and the entire spacecraft couldn't help but shake up and down. An unknown number of combatants died inside.

A pink beam of light that penetrated the atmosphere suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

Saitama was punched by Boros and sent flying to the moon.

Below the spaceship.

The superalloy black light, carrying the zombie man in his left hand, the vested lord in his right hand, and the pig god on his back, felt the movement above and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"Scarlet Ninja, you think the Bald Caped Man is fine, right?"

Super Alloy Black Light worried Zhong Zhongdao.

"No, it's us you should worry about."

Above the head of the super alloy black light, Ming Jing stood on Bruce's head and said to the bottom.

Bruce flapped his wings and waited for the remaining S-class heroes with a tornado on his back.

With sufficient supply of energy and blood, Bruce is now more than twice the size of his previous largest size. He is more than ten meters long and has a wingspan of more than forty meters. It is not a problem to carry several humans on his back.

However, in order to avoid affecting the speed, the heavier Super Alloy Black Light could only run around underneath with the equally heavy Vest Master and Pig God, and also brought the zombie man with him.

Not far in front of Ming Jing and others.

Bangu, who was shirtless and exposed his muscular body, crushed a blue bead in his hand, and the body of the tall Meruza Garudo suddenly turned into blood and disappeared.

"It was obviously a short time away from being solved, but I actually snatched the human body and the silver fangs from you."

The Atomic Warrior held grass in his mouth with a faint smile on his face.

Just now, it was he who used his special skill Atomic Slash to dismember Meluza Garudo's body. This allowed Bangu to find an opportunity and seize the core of Meluza Garudo.

"Well, an old guy like me should move his body more to avoid getting rusty."

Bang Gu patted his back and responded with a smile.

Meruza Garudo is very strong, but among the four opponents, Silver Fang's strength is firmly in the upper reaches of S-level. The strength of the metal bat has no upper limit in theory as the momentum increases. It is also very strong. The attack of Atomic Samurai The power is second to none among S-class, and with a sexy prisoner who is not weak in strength, spending some time is enough to find Meruza Garudo's weakness and pass the level without any damage.

Suddenly, the metal bat carried his own bat, stepped on a stone, looked at Bruce who was moving towards this side and shouted:

"Hey! What is that big bat over there? Is it also a creature on this ship?"

The sexy prisoner stood sternly next to the metal bat with his fists clenched.

"I will never let any monster hurt other cute boys in this city again!"

Bang Gu and Atomic Samurai were stunned for a moment, and then stood beside the metal bat and the sexy prisoner in tacit understanding.

The huge bat in front is quite impressive and looks like a ghost if not a dragon.

"Hey! Mr. Bangu, Atomic Warrior! It's us, don't do it!"

At this moment, Super Alloy Black Light saw four people standing side by side in the distance and shouted loudly.

The four of them immediately looked at each other.

How did so many S-class heroes end up in this embarrassing end?

Was this a defeat from above?

While everyone was wondering, a roar came from the spaceship above.

This was caused by Saitama jumping back to the earth from the moon and making too much noise when he fell.

"That thing might fall down after a while! Run out first!"

Mirror stood above Bruce and shouted to the people below.

Several people looked at each other and ran out quickly.

At this time, various buildings on the spacecraft also fell one after another.

"Angel dash, angel dash!"

"Enough sexy prisoner, your sprint isn't speeding up at all!"

"Angel Dash—!"

After running out of the shadow of the spaceship, Mingjing controlled Bruce to land, and he and the others delivered a group of S-class heroes to the hands of medical staff from a nearby association.

"What...is going on! Did you actually defeat so many S-class heroes?"

Xiqi looked shocked as he looked at the S-class heroes lying on stretchers.

Atomic Samurai, Silver Fang and others turned their attention to Mirror and Super Alloy Black Light.

Since they didn't board the spacecraft, they didn't know the specific battle situation.

"The battle above is not over yet. I'll go up and have a look."

Ming Jing just said this and waved his hand towards the sky.

Bruce chirped, retracted his wings and dived downwards. When he was about to touch Ming Jing, his body quickly shrunk and turned into the tail feathers of the sky and fell into Ming Jing's palm.

The complete Susanoo appeared again, flapped his wings on his back, and rose up from the ground, flying towards the spaceship.


Xiqi glanced at Susanoo who was walking away, and then looked at the super alloy black light.

"What happened on the spaceship?"

"There are many powerful monsters on the spaceship, but we have basically solved them. Two of the stronger ones were also killed by Tatsumaki and Scarlet Ninja, but they also have a leader who is very powerful. We have more Even if two S-class heroes joined forces, they couldn't kill him. Everyone's injuries were caused by him. If Tatsumaki hadn't protected everyone at the last moment, there would have been more serious casualties."

"what about now?"

"The strength of the bald cape man exceeds everyone's expectations. Now he is fighting the enemy's leader. The scarlet ninja should go up to help him."

Super Alloy Black Light said.

"Bald Caped Man? Isn't he Class B?"

Xiqi called out the bald man who had been stunned during the previous meeting. He didn't expect that the other party had such strength.

"The Bald Man with the Cloak is very close to the Scarlet Ninja and the Devil Cyborg. They were also tested together during the association's previous assessment. It's just that we have noticed the Scarlet Ninja and the Devil Cyborg before, and they got full marks in the exam. , while the bald cape just barely passed."

Xiqi's assistant, the association cadre with stubble on his chin, came over and said.

"However, he also got full marks in the physical test, and even broke many records. His strength is definitely not as simple as B level."

Xiqi nodded upon hearing this, expressing his understanding, mentally appraising Saitama's strength.

"I know a little bit about Saitama's strength. He also put in a lot of effort in the incident where the meteorite fell. I have long said that Saitama will become an S-class hero sooner or later."

Bang Gu put on a simple coat and took over the conversation.

"Do you have the potential to become an S-class hero?"

After taking a look at the S-class heroes who were receiving treatment and counting them carefully, Xiqi said:

"By the way, why didn't you see the king?"


Super Alloy Black Light was stunned for a moment.

"Maybe it's because he's too strong. Not long after boarding the ship, King excused himself to go to the bathroom and acted alone. Maybe he's now helping the Bald Caped Man and the Scarlet Ninja fight the enemy leader."

After hearing this, Xiqi raised his head and looked at the huge spaceship in the sky that covered the sky, and prayed secretly in his heart.


Boros received an ordinary punch from Saitama head-on, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his one eye was bleeding. However, he was not blown out. He only suffered minor internal injuries, but he quickly recovered under the influence of his ability.

In this state, he is fully capable of taking an ordinary punch from Saitama.

Mirror manipulated Susana to land not far behind Saitama, watching the battle in front of him.

He didn't want to miss the famous scene of split punching in the middle of the earth.

"That's right! That's it, that's it, Saitama! Only you like this are worthy of me defeating you!"

Boros seemed to be close to his limit, looking crazy, and the lines on his body became more complicated.

"Continuous normal punches."

The next moment, Saitama rushed in front of Boros, and threw more than a dozen punches with both hands.

This time, Boros' body was blown up on the spot, but to Saitama's surprise, it took less than a second for the flesh and blood in the air to condense again, making Boros' body appear in the air again.

"That's it! Saitama, you will be defeated by me!"

A heartbeat-like voice sounded, and at this moment, Boros' appearance changed again.

The dazzling pink on his body disappeared and turned into a deep and dark black, and the originally bright energy lines also turned golden at this time.

(This only appeared for a few seconds in the animation)

Mingjing, who was watching the battle from a distance, felt his breath choked, and a great sense of threat surged in his heart. The foresight of the future, which was originally able to play a little role, was completely ineffective at this moment.

This is already a gap at an absolute level, as if the two sides are no longer in the same dimension.

But Mingjing's intuition told him that in this state, even if he was as strong as Boros, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die after using it.

It can be said that this is the result of Boros burning his life and raising his strength to a higher level.

"I will release all the energy in my body at once, Saitama, if you can't take it, this move will destroy the surface of your planet!"

The huge energy gathered in Boros' body, making Mingjing feel as if he was facing the god of death.

Even so, in the eyes of some people now, his strength is as strong as a god.

Under the dancing light and shadow, Mingjing saw for the first time that Saitama's face showed a serious expression.

He recognized Boros' strength.

"Then, I will also use my trump card, the sure kill, the serious series."

"Serious punch!"

"Roaring Star Cannon!"

In an instant, the world lost its color.

Endless energy burst out at this moment. Even though Mingjing's current body is already extremely strong, his eardrums were broken in the first time.

The solid complete Susanoo also disintegrated like ice and snow at this moment.

Ming Jing blocked his arm in front of him, and felt that he was seriously injured again, and spit out blood again.

He knew that the battle here would be terrible, but he didn't expect that in the face of such a terrifying power that could almost destroy the world, he seemed to be barely qualified to stand aside and watch the battle. He could only withstand the impact and move to Saitama's back with difficulty.

After a long time, the strong wind stopped, Ming Jing bared his teeth, and a green light bloomed on his hands, covering his ears, repairing the damaged eardrums.


Boros's body, which was originally so strong that it seemed to be able to shake everything, fell from the air powerlessly at this moment and fell to the ground.

The lower half of the body almost disappeared, and the rest of the body also turned into a color like dead ash at this moment. The withered body outlined a series of shriveled muscle fibers, and the plump and strong appearance before could still be vaguely seen.

Ming Jing raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

The sky in front was divided into three parts, and the middle one was extremely clear, without a single cloud.

On both sides, there appeared a tail cloud that looked like the one left by a plane after it flew over, but it was many times thicker, and the density of the cumulus clouds behind it was also greatly increased, constantly spinning in the air.

It can be expected that after this battle, the change in the atmosphere will cause climate disorder for half of the earth for a period of time.

"Did I... lose?"

Boros' eyes were empty and lifeless, lying on the ground, looking at the sky.

"You are still conscious, you are really amazing."

Saitama turned his head with his back to Boros and said.

The first half of the sentence was full of exclamations, and the second half was with recognition.

He recognized Boros's strength, and also recognized Boros's attitude of giving everything, even his life, when facing a strong enemy.

This guy is a real warrior.

"Your mother, you are here too. It is true that as you said, there are stronger beings on your planet than you."

Boros looked at Mingjing and said weakly.

Saitama immediately looked at Mingjing with a strange look.

Mingjing couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so he said:

"I made a slip of the tongue when I introduced myself to you before."

At this point, Mingjing paused and said seriously:

"I will introduce myself again now. My name is Uchiha Mingjing."

"Ah, I know, Uchiha Mingjing, I will remember you before I die. You are the only opponent here besides Saitama who deserves to be remembered by me."

Boros already knew that his life was coming to an end.

When he used the Roaring Star Cannon, he had already been prepared to gamble his life.

"And Saitama, as predicted, this is an equal battle."

Boros murmured intermittently.

"Ah, yes."

Saitama turned his head and looked at the clear sky. The incomplete white cloak behind him fluttered in the wind, and there seemed to be a different emotion brewing in his heart.

"You are lying."

Boros replied.

Saitama lowered his head and did not answer.

"You clearly still have the ability to continue fighting, but I don't. In this battle, I barely have the strength to fight back. This can't even be considered a battle."

Boros has fought countless battles in his life and has extremely rich combat experience. How could he not recognize the actual situation of this battle?

Except for the last moment, Saitama didn't use his full strength in the previous battles.

"Prophecy is really unreliable..."

Boros' voice became smaller and smaller, and he laughed a few times at last, and then he completely lost his life.

Saitama walked away silently.

The spaceship, which was already shaky, was affected by Saitama's serious punch and the aftermath of Boros's roaring star-shattering cannon. The power ball at the core was destroyed and finally fell completely.

Such a huge monster landed on the ground, and it naturally caused an earthquake.

But fortunately, the survivors in City A had been escorted and evacuated by the heroes of the association, and the remaining staff were also with Metal Bat, Silver Fang, Super Alloy Black Light and others.

Their abilities were enough to protect everyone who stayed.

Mingjing took a look at the remaining body of Boros, took out a seal scroll and put it away, and then flashed away.



Next to the wreckage of the spaceship.

The people who were rescued by several S-class heroes who still had combat capabilities built a temporary medical facility here.

"A City, how did it become like this? Aren't the S-class going to have a meeting today?"

A handsome blue-haired guy walked here, looking at the ruined A City and the huge spaceship wreckage in the center with an incredible look on his face.

"Metal Bat, tell me what happened here until I am satisfied."

Sweetheart Mask called Metal Bat and asked with a stern face.

"Sweetheart Mask? Where did you come from? You didn't come earlier or later, and you came after the battle was over."

Sweetheart Mask didn't look good to Metal Bat, so the latter naturally didn't give face to Sweetheart Mask.

"I was filming a TV series in a nearby city. It was not until I was affected by the earthquake just now that I suspected something happened here and rushed here. After all, I am not an S-class like you. There is no need to come to a meeting with you. If there is anything, wait until the TV series is finished, and then let the association notify me."

Sweetheart Mask walked into the makeshift medical camp with a gloomy face.

"Now it seems that even if I stay at the top of the A-class, I can't completely prevent the weak and incompetent from being promoted to the S-class."

"You bastard..."

As a rebellious bad boy, Metal Bat wanted to take action on the spot.

"You are the bastards. As the S-class heroes of the association, you represent justice, and you must win in the most perfect way, because justice is perfect and cannot have any flaws. Obviously, you disappoint me."

Sweet Mask interrupted Metal Bat, put his hands in his pockets, and continued:

"What about the other S-class? Just you guys?"

Bang held down Metal Bat who was about to attack and looked at Sweet Mask.

"Blast still didn't show up, and Metal didn't come either, but other S-class heroes like Tornado were seriously injured and fell into a coma. Now Scarlet Ninja and other medical staff are treating them."

Sweet Mask was stunned when he heard this.

Even as arrogant as he is, he also recognizes the strength of some S-class heroes. He has a certain status in the association, and he knows how powerful Tornado is.

Now even they are seriously injured and unconscious.

This shows that the enemy this time is indeed extraordinary.

"Hey! Everyone! King has captured a large number of people alive!"

Superalloy Black Light stood under the spaceship and waved to the distance.

Behind him, King, who was speechless, escorted a large number of low-level fighters out of the spaceship.

When the spaceship showed signs of falling, these low-level fighters who often cleaned and were familiar with the internal structure and terrain of the spaceship hoped that he could take them to a room with the strongest walls.

They thought that King was not afraid of the spaceship falling, but they would definitely be smashed to pieces.

So, King and these low-level fighters were so lucky to avoid the impact of the spaceship falling and successfully escaped.

"Evil monster? Then I will do it myself..."

Sweetheart Mask stepped forward, and when he was about to take action, he was held down by the shoulder.

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