Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 296 The Five Kage Summit, Madara's attack!

Chapter 298 Five Shadows Talk, Madara’s Attack!

"You don't have to say that, because even I may have made a diagnostic error. Der Spiegel, what do you think?"

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Tsunade shook her head indifferently and looked at the mirror.

"Tsunade-sensei's diagnosis is correct. It is indeed a blood disease, but it is quite special."

Ming Jing put on medical gloves, opened Gui Deng Man Yue's mouth, looked at the mouth full of fangs and said.

Many families in Kirigakure Village are like this, and they look different from ordinary people.

The Ghost Lanterns look normal, but they have fangs like fish.

In addition to this, the Gangui clan also looks like a shark.

"There are generally two ways of birth of the Blood Succession Limit. One is passed down through the bloodline, such as Uchiha's Sharingan, and the other is cultivated through the fusion of chakra. The typical representative is the Scorch Release Leaf Cang. , but the latter generally only has a small chance for future generations to inherit it. For example, the Blood Successor Knockout Dust Release trained by the second-generation Tsuchikage was not inherited by his own descendants, but was learned by the third-generation Tsuchikage. The same is true for the descendants of the third-generation Tsuchikage. There is no inheritance of Chendun.”

"Um...so what do you want to express by saying so much?"

Suigetsu Kito, who only went to ninja school for one year and then defected with his brother, scratched his head, not understanding what Ming Jing meant.

"You, the Ghost Lantern Clan, are in the middle of the two. You have practiced the art of water transformation for generations. Even a six or seven-year-old kid like you can do it. This shows that your Ghost Lantern Clan is about to transform from a secret art family to a blood family. And the first The one who awakened the Blood Succession Limit was supposed to be you, the most talented ninja that the Ghost Lantern clan has appeared since the Ghost Lantern Huanyue, the Ghost Lantern Mangetsu."

Ming Jing pointed at the ghost lamp full moon and said.

Tsunade nodded, took over the topic and said:

"The disease you have must have appeared four or five years ago, right? At that time, you happened to be in adolescence when the blood realm was most likely to awaken. It's just a pity that the blood realm in you didn't fully awaken, or failed to awaken. This ultimately led to the occurrence of blood disease.”

After Gui Deng Man Yue heard this, he was silent for a while.

For any ninja, awakening the Blood Successor Limit is a good thing.

But in his case, it turned out to be such a tragedy.

"Then...my illness can't be cured?"

Ghost Deng Man Yue murmured.

He had never heard of a cure for the disease. In everyone's opinion, the disease was an incurable disease.

"Who says it can't be cured? Just be glad that you are in today's Konoha. In any other place or at any other time, you wouldn't have the slightest chance of being cured."

Tsunade made the same posture as Ming Jing with her hands folded on her chest, and said with her head held high, and the waves were turbulent for a moment.

Gui Deng Man Yue's pale face lit up with a bit of anger.

"Then, I'll leave it to everyone in Konoha!"

It was almost winter, and there was fine light snow falling in the sky, which was bitingly cold.

The location of the Five Shadows Conference was not arranged in Konoha, but in a town dozens of kilometers away from Konoha.

Iron Country General Mifune had arrived two days ago.

The day after the third Tsuchikage and the fourth Raikage arrived, the second Five Kage Talks were held under the auspices of Mifune.

In the center of the bright and white hall, there is a long arc-shaped table.

On the wall behind the long table, five-color flags representing the five ninja villages were hung. In the gap of the arc, stood Mifune, the general of the Iron Country.

Directly opposite Mifune, Kato Dan, who was the Fourth Hokage at the time, was sitting. Behind him, Uchiha Mingjing crossed his arms with his hands on his chest, and his eyes full of intimidation kept scanning the other Kages present.

After negotiating with Konoha, Hagura and Terumi Mei agreed to the conditions of serving as the fifth generation leader of their respective villages.

Perhaps for them, whether Konoha wins or Uchiha Madara wins, their village can be saved.

Uchiha Madara wins, the two villages are still led by their respective Fourth Generation Mekage. If Konoha wins, they will also take over the remaining villages and start rebuilding as the Fifth Generation Mekage.

But in this way, Sunagakure and Kirigakure's status is destined to be inferior to others.

Behind Ye Cang is her disciple Juan.

In the original time and space, Ye Cang was betrayed by Rasa and died early. Maki was never able to receive guidance and was secretly suppressed by Rasa. By the time of the Fourth Ninja War, he was still only a member of the sealing class. Ordinary chuunin.

But being able to become Ye Cang's disciple is enough to show that his qualifications are not bad.

Here, this guy is now a pretty good Jonin.

There are only a few people around Ye Cang now, and only Juan can barely hold up a bowl of noodles.

Behind Mei Terumi was Mangetsu Kito, who had just completed surgery and regained some of his mobility.

The Five Shadows Conference is of extremely important political significance. Everyone who serves as the shadow's guard at the Five Shadows Conference is the predetermined next shadow.

Except for a certain unlucky third-generation Suigetsu, his position was taken over by the more powerful mustachioed Demon Genzuki, and he could only survive until Demonic Demon Moon and the second-generation Tsuchikage died together.

Sitting on the two sides at the end of the long table are the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage respectively. Behind the Third Tsuchikage is Loess, who became famous in the Third Ninja War and is currently among the guards of several Kages. The strongest one besides Mingjing.

However, if Gui Deng Man Yue hadn't been wasted due to blood disease in the past few years, his strength might not be worse than him.

Standing behind the Fourth Raikage was a young man in his twenties, with a tattoo of the word "Thunder" on his shoulder.

This was Darui, the most outstanding of the younger generation of ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village. His current fame in the ninja world was comparable to that of Kakashi, Shisui, and others.

All the people had gathered. Mifune held the hilt of the sword at his waist and said:

"In response to the call of the Hokage, we are here to start the Five Kage Talks, aiming to deal with the harm brought by Uchiha Madara and the Akatsuki Organization. Now, the Five Kage Talks are about to start. Please put the hats representing your identities on the table."

The five Kages simultaneously put down the hats on their heads and placed them flat on the table.

Mifune bowed his head to the Five Kages and then took a step back.

His duty was to host and mediate during the Five Kage Talks.

"I didn't expect Konoha to support two women to be the Mizukage and the Wind Kage. Are they going to support two puppets to increase their voice in the Five Kage Talks?"

Onoki spoke first, with an air of old-fashionedness.

Konoha originally had the highest say. Now if the Mizukage and the Kazekage are yes-men, then wouldn't the Hokage have the final say in the Five Kage Association?

"So, the Third Tsuchikage thinks that I, Ye Cang, am not worthy of the position of Kage?"

Ye Cang snorted at Ohnoki.

Although she is young and only in her early thirties, she is also a veteran who became famous during the Third Ninja World War.

"I am also curious, does the Tsuchikage look down on women? If so, I don't mind letting the Tsuchikage experience the strength of us women."

Mei Terumi smiled lightly and counterattacked.

"Ahem, everyone, please pause for a moment. Konoha did not summon you here to let you fight."

Kato Dan immediately spoke to mediate.

"If anyone wants to fight, I am happy to accompany you."

Mingjing stood behind Kato Dan, looked at Ohnoki, said coldly, and even showed his Sharingan as a deterrent.

Ohnoki couldn't help but pause.

He knew very well how terrifying Uchiha Madara was. Among all the Konoha ninjas present, no one was more afraid of Ming Jing who could fight Uchiha Madara to a draw than him.

"Humph, that's what you said, but the people in the Akatsuki organization are rebels from your villages, especially the two main characters Uchiha Madara and Hirugo, both of whom are rebels from Konoha. Shouldn't this be solved by you Konoha yourself?"

The Fourth Raikage snorted and retracted his fearful gaze towards Ming Jing.

During the Third Ninja World War, he could barely fight Ming Jing, and with the help of Killer Bee, he had a chance of winning, but now, the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

"But Mr. Raikage, Uchiha Madara's goal is to collect all the tailed beasts. For Kumogakure, which has the two-tailed and eight-tailed beasts, it is also an act that can shake the foundation of your village. They may even revive the previous generation of Kage of your village to deal with your village."

Kato Dan persuaded patiently.

Ming Jing leaned against the wall with his back, silently watching the five Kages who were discussing fiercely.

In fact, the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage had no choice.

They didn't want to send the tailed beasts to other people, especially the Fourth Raikage, who would never give up his brother Killer Bee.

Choosing Konoha, even if Konoha was the main force, they were still equal in name, and they were more familiar with and accustomed to Konoha's style of doing things.

On the contrary, Uchiha Madara's character of "those who obey me will prosper and those who disobey me will perish" would mean that they would not only have to be humble and humble, but also have to obediently send the tailed beasts.

In comparison, it would definitely be better to choose Konoha.

However, they did this in order to allow their village to have more say in the next alliance.

If there was no Uchiha Mingjing, Konoha would have more than ten Kage-level strongmen. Although the Cloud Village and the Rock Village combined were not as many as Konoha, they could more or less make up seven or eight, and they would have some confidence.

But that was just an if.

Konoha has Uchiha Mingjing, whose strength is not inferior to Uchiha Madara, which means that Konoha must take the lead in the next fight against Madara.

After more than an hour of verbal battles, the two sides finally made an alliance, with the fourth generation Hokage Kato Dan as the commander-in-chief of this ninja coalition, the fourth generation Raikage Ai as the general general, the third generation Tsuchikage Ninja Ōnoki as the chief staff, and the fifth generation Kazekage Yekura and the fifth generation Mizukage Mei Terumi as deputy commanders.

This is just a superficial position. In fact, it only confirms Konoha's dominant position in this alliance and declares that the other four shadows are equal to each other.

The actual move is to let the fourth generation Raikage and the third generation Tsuchikage send troops.

The Hidden Cloud Village will send a large-scale force to attack the Land of Water in the future, and the Hidden Rock Village will also attack the Land of Wind and the Land of Rain in the west together with Konoha.

This is to prevent Madara's power from expanding further.

At the same time, we also need to gather and persuade the ninjas of Sand Village and Mist Village to surrender and join the coalition.

There are also Wind Shadow and Mizukage here, so you are not a judge of the village.

In addition, the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage also promised to personally lead the elite ninjas of their respective villages to join the main force of Konoha to fight against Uchiha Madara and Akatsuki.

The only disagreement is the handling of the tailed beasts.

Konoha hopes to gather all the Jinchūriki to Konoha Village for protection, while the Fourth Raikage said that he would transfer the tailed beasts to Turtle Island in the sea so that Uchiha Madara could not find them.

This time, the Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki strongly supported the Fourth Raikage.


They had already made arrangements for the four tailed beasts before they set out, and transferred them to Kame Island, and both sides sent elite ninjas to protect them.

While cooperating with Konoha, they were still on guard against Konoha.

Whether the tailed beasts fell into the hands of Madara or Konoha, they would most likely not be returned to them in the end.

And with his own people on Kame Island, Ohnoki was more relieved to know the exact location of Kame Island through this.

Mingjing probably guessed that these two were afraid that they would capture the tailed beasts in their village directly if they disagreed with him, so he took measures in advance.

Not to mention, Mingjing actually had this idea.

At most, he could kill a tailed beast directly, which would at least delay the time for three years.

Uchiha Madara would have to wait until the tailed beasts were resurrected three years later before he could continue to implement his plan.

Now it seems that there is no hope.

No matter how strong he is, he can't find an island that can be moved at any time in the vast ocean.

"Then, this Five Kage meeting ends here. Please..."

After the meeting, Mifune once again stood in front of the crowd, ready to announce the end of this meeting.

At this moment, Mingjing suddenly turned his head and looked at the distant horizon, and then Kato Dan did the same thing.

They all have super-wide range perception ability.

The reason why they made this move is naturally because...

"It's not good! Teacher Dan, Mingjing! And all the Kage! Kushina and Haiyi seniors have sensed the chakra of Uchiha Madara more than ten kilometers away!"

Inuzuka Ryo pushed open the door and shouted to everyone in the room with an anxious look.

Ohnoki's face suddenly changed.

He didn't think that he would have to face the shadow planted in his heart when he was young so soon.

Kato Dan also looked solemn and ordered:

"Send a telegram to the village, and ask the sealing team to immediately open the village protection barrier and mobilize the ninjas to prepare for battle!"

Then, Kato Dan turned his head and looked at the other four shadows present.

"Everyone, now is the time to make a contribution."

"That... Uchiha Madara... should be left to Uchiha Mingjing to resist, right?"

Onoki said with a red face.

Mingjing did not reply, but jumped out of the window.

The next second, an extremely huge golden Susanoo rose outside the building, spread its wings that covered the sky, and flew into the sky.

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