Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 303 Blowing Snow

Chapter 305 Blowing Snow

Uchiha Mingjing's body, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and the perfect immortal body, have very advanced Yin and Yang escapes.

At this moment, the two forces began to merge under the leadership of Indra Chakra and Asura Chakra.

Ming Jing suddenly felt enlightened.

This is Yin Yang Escape.

Yin Yang Escape is the power produced by fusing Yin Escape and Yang Escape. Many people have actually used this thing.

It's actually those black sticks on Payne's body.

Uchiha Madara, Nagato, and later Uchiha Obito were as hard as metal and could also emit transmission signals.

Mirror, this is also the yin and yang escape that Uchiha Madara learned in the process of opening the Samsara Eye, and taught it to Obito, who then taught it to Payne.

Theoretically, as long as you can practice Yin and Yang Escape to the extreme, you can naturally use Yin and Yang Escape to synthesize the power of the Six Paths.

Yin-Yang Escape can be regarded as a by-product of the process of generating the power of the Six Paths.

"how do you feel?"

Jinos asked, looking at Ming Jing, who was sitting motionless.

"The two forces are in a state of opposing each other to merging with each other. This process... is very slow and may take several days to complete."

Ming Jing closed his eyes involuntarily and savored it carefully.

The power of the Six Paths is now flowing into his eyes bit by bit.

During this process, Der Spiegel had similar feelings many times in the past.

Every time the Sharingan is upgraded, high-quality Yin escape chakra generated in the brain will flow into the eyes, but now this high-quality Yin escape chakra has become the power of six paths.

In the process, Mingjing also gained a deeper understanding of the nature of Yin Dun and Yang Dun.

Now, he should be able to activate Susanoo directly without the Sharingan.

"Then can your eyes still work?"

Jinos asked the mirror.

Ming Jing shook his head lightly, and then said: "Just wear sunglasses. Even without these eyes, I can still exert my strength which is not much worse than before, and my perception ability is enough to ensure normal actions."

Now he already possesses the Wood Release and the Perfect Immortal Body. Even if he can't use his eyes for the time being, his strength is not much weaker than when he fought Boros before.

A few hours later.

The door to the gravity training room was opened, Ming Jing took off his training clothes and walked out naked.

He could feel that he was far away from the door...

Whether it is the second genetic modification or the current process of awakening the samsara eye, they are strengthening their own strength while raising the upper limit of what they can achieve.

The upper limit is higher, and progress will naturally be easier. At least the effect of the exercise in the gravity training room just now is not bad, Mingjing thinks.


Ming Jing took the towel handed over by Mosquito Girl and wiped his sweat.

"After that, you can come over and exercise for a few hours every other day. Dr. Kusno and I built a medium-sized energy reactor at the bottom of the building to supply the building's daily electricity, but it only accounts for the power generation. Less than one percent of it, and the rest are all stored centrally in the gravity exercise room, enough for you to exercise yourself regularly using the star-level gravity.

But this is the limit of what we can currently achieve, unless you find an excellent superpower to assist. "

Kinos seemed to like the action of pushing up his glasses. He pushed up his glasses again, took a piece of paper and wrote down a series of formulas and data.

"The gravity training room actually uses a gravity amplifier based on the laws of the universe that we currently cannot understand. The theorems in it may be able to derive a hundred, which is enough for me to win a hundred and two Nobels. Awarded.”

"Why one hundred and two?"

"Because as long as I think about it, the next two Nobel Prizes will fall on my head. It's just that I am too lazy to deal with those academic people and have no plans to get them."

Genos said matter-of-factly.

"Getting back to the subject, the current gravity training room is amplified based on the gravity of the earth. Once it is paired with a superpower, this base can be increased many times, which is enough to activate the gravity of the white dwarf star. According to what you just said After calculating the data left in the gravity training room, although you are still inferior to Boros in the unarmored state, I think you have generally reached a state and should be able to withstand the gravity of the White Dwarf star. "

"By then, your exercise effect will be hundreds of times stronger!"

A hundred times more effective exercise?

Ming Jing couldn't help but feel a little moved.

But now, the only person with superpowers he knows is Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki can defeat the telekinetic octopus, which shows that its superpowers are not inferior to it. The telekinetic octopus has the ability to help Boros exercise, so letting Tatsumaki help him is definitely more than enough.

He just had to find a way to trick this legal lolita into helping him, and he couldn't just do it once or twice, he had to turn her into his long-term tool.

However, this matter needs to be considered in the long term.

Heading all the way north, leaving the headquarters of the Evolved Takoyaki global chain store, Ming Jing quickly walked back to the community in the uninhabited area of ​​City Z.


There was a roar, and red flames floated into the sky along with thick smoke.

"Eh? What's going on?"

A beautiful woman with a hot figure and wearing a dark green trench coat stared blankly at this scene.

"Teacher Saitama, I have driven away that pervert who follows you around and wears purple tights every day."

Genos flew out of the explosion, landed on one knee in a typical superhero pose, then stood up and said respectfully to Saitama.

"S-class hero, devil transforming into a human being?"

Fubuki's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, Saitama-sensei, there was some dust at the door."

"You call this dust?"

Saitama pointed at the black smoke floating around with a speechless expression.

"Wind Escape·The typhoon has passed."

A sudden strong wind blew up, blowing away the black smoke caused by the explosion.

"Oh, Ming Jing, you are back."

Saitama had a silly smile on his face and waved at the intersection.

"Well, I have been training recently, and now I feel that it is time to settle down, so I have ended my training."

Ming Jing came over wearing a sweatshirt with one hand in his pocket, and showed Saitama the large plastic bag in his hand.

"Last time you said you wanted some seafood steaks. I brought some back this time, as well as some takoyaki for snacks."

Saitama immediately ran over and took the plastic bag.

"Teacher Mingjing!"

Genos shouted: "I'm going to boil water and prepare hot pot for entertaining!"

After finishing speaking, Genos spurted out a stream of flames from his feet, turned into an afterimage, rushed back, and began to boil water.

"That was... an S-class scarlet ninja just now?"

Fubuki already has a tendency to become petrified.

Although the top management of the association and most of the S-level members knew that Saitama was very strong, the Hero Association did not immediately promote Saitama to S-level or A-level during the last alien invasion incident, but instead promoted him to S-level or A-level. Promoted to the second position in Class B.

They seemed to think that the Scarlet Ninja and Tatsumaki, with the help of Super Alloy Black Light and other S-class heroes, caused heavy damage to Boros, and it was Saitama who finally finished.

Of course, the Hero Association has recognized Saitama's potential to become an S-class hero and regards him as the next police dog man - this one has also stepped from the last place in C-class to S-class.

However, among the top leaders of the association and S-class heroes, except for Sweetheart Mask, who is number one in A-class, and has read the official internal report of the association, only the top four A-class heroes Iai Steel, Kama Itachi and Bushido Drill have heard of it. Atomic Samurai tells more complete details.

But the problem is...

Fubuki doesn’t know!

The alien invasion has been internally evaluated by the association as the least "dragon or above" disaster. Maybe if there is a god-level disaster in the future, it will be compared with this one. It is the highest level disaster that humans have encountered so far. Crisis, most content is blocked.

Even if Fubuki is ranked first in B-level, he is still only B-level. He is not qualified to know these top secrets, and he has no relevant information from his sister Tatsumaki, who is not close to him.

Therefore, in Fubuki's mind, Saitama is just a potential stock who suddenly jumped from the last place in the B-level to the second place.

but now……

The devil's reformer called him teacher, and chatted and laughed with the scarlet ninja, who was said to be even stronger than the tornado, and looked like the two brothers were getting along...

Fubuki was shocked.

"Um... seafood hot pot, do you want to eat it together? There is a lot of hot pot sauce and kelp greens in it."

Ming Jing reached out and waved his hand in front of Chui Xue's godless eyes, waking up.

"Ah, ah, okay! Thank you!"

Fubuki, who came back to her senses, blushed and said in a panic.

"Why are you blushing? It's only 21 degrees today, isn't it hot?"

Ming Jing glanced at Fubuki's expression suspiciously and touched his chin.

Have you become more handsome recently? Or is it because he is wearing sunglasses now?

Inside the house, in the kitchen.

While cutting the steak, Genos insisted on showing off his skills to the mirror.

"Teacher Ming Jing, please give me some advice!"

Genos bowed to the mirror, then put on his apron skillfully, and slapped the desk with his left hand, causing the steaks, vegetables and other things on it to fly away.


A metal sword blade that looked somewhat similar to the Sky's Tail Feather popped out of Genos' arm.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

A cold light flashed, and when the steaks fell back on the chopping board, they had turned into slices of crystal clear meat. The vegetables were also cut and neatly placed aside.

"Si Guoyi! It's exactly the same as the ones in those cartoons on TV!"

Saitama clapped wildly as if watching an acrobatic performance.

"Teacher Ming Jing, I asked Dr. Kusno to download all the swordsmanship information on the Internet, set it up as a program and imported it into my database, but I found that the effect is far inferior to when you use the sword. Even compared to swordsmen such as Atomic Samurai, there is a big gap!"

Genos looked at the mirror with eyes full of curiosity.

"Well, swordsmanship is swordsmanship, and kendo is kendo. Your body's various indicators are already very good. Coupled with these set procedures, it is equivalent to laying a foundation with almost perfect scores. For subsequent advancements, you You can take a look at my sword training notes."

Ming Jing casually took out a small book.

This stuff was summed up when I was coaching my students.

Genos took the small book as if he had found a treasure and couldn't wait to read it.

"Okay, Genos, don't wait any longer, let's wait and see these things later!"

Saitama took a pair of chopsticks, knocked on the bowl, and looked at Genos with a pitiful look.

He even prepared the dipping sauce.


Genos said loudly.



"Hiss... Ha!"

Saitama took a piece of meat from the pot, blew it, dipped it in the dipping sauce, put it in his mouth, and showed a look of enjoyment.

"This is life. You don't have to worry about not being able to complete the weekly patrol quota, nor do you have to worry about the attack of a pervert in a tights. It's really enjoyable..."

Saitama was so beautiful that he was about to fly.

Fubuki was a little restrained. Seeing that everyone else had started eating, she picked up a piece and started eating, and then her beautiful eyes lit up.

I've never eaten meat before!

"Scarlet Ninja, where do you get this kind of meat? I want to buy some, usually... usually as a benefit for the Fubuki group."

"There is no meat for sale outside, no need to look for it, I will give you some later, this meat is very rare in this world, and it can't be found by ordinary means."

Mingjing waved his hand.

The stock of this meat in this world is in this room, how can it not be rare!

"Well... okay."

Fubuki nodded cautiously.

"By the way, Mingjing, I haven't seen you for a while, why do you suddenly start wearing sunglasses to be cool?"

Saitama ate hot pot and looked at Mingjing's glasses curiously.

He felt that Mingjing was a little bit wrong recently, but he couldn't say what changes had taken place, but he probably got stronger.

"It can be regarded as a way of practice, not using the eyes and other commonly used sensory organs to perceive the outside world, strengthen your reaction ability and sharpness, and when you can perceive more delicately than the eyes without using the eyes, you can also notice many details that you couldn't notice in the past when fighting."

Mingjing said nonsense casually.

With Fubuki present, he still couldn't talk about the fact that he couldn't use his eyes these days.

And it wasn't all nonsense. If one's own perception attribute was high enough, then he could use his method to open a transparent world.

Fubuki was immediately frightened.

Genos even took a small notebook to record it on the spot, and then wrote down a long list of thoughts.

"As expected of Mr. Mingjing, he can actually think of such an ingenious training method! I've decided! From now on, I will also turn off all my perception parts and learn this trick!"

Genos did what he said, then closed his eyes and sat down, picked up the chopsticks, and stretched them forward.

So, the two chopsticks were inserted into Saitama's nostrils without bias...

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