Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 308 After the Monster Invasion

Chapter 310 After the Monster Invasion

Even now, Mingjing estimated that even if he didn't breathe air, he could barely survive in space.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’96๐™จ๐™๐™ช.๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ฉ

The Otsutsuki themselves are a perfectly evolved race. Now Mingjing has the genes of Senju and Uchiha. In terms of blood, it can be said that he is closer to the Otsutsuki than Indra and Ashura, the sons of the Six Paths Sage, and also has a considerable part of the Otsutsuki's characteristics.

Mingjing has a hunch that as long as he gives himself some time to adapt, he will have the basic ability to survive in space. Breathing and eating, which are normal behaviors that surface creatures need to maintain life, may no longer be necessary for him.

He may be able to rely on the power of the Samsara Eye to absorb energy in the form of cosmic rays to maintain normal survival.

"This is it, right? The influence of the earth's gravity on this place has almost been offset, and our subsequent actions will not affect those near-earth satellites and space stations."

Mingjing looked at Tornado and passed the words to her using the mental resonance method he had learned from Kato Dan.

Before, he had to be in the spirit state of performing the spirit transformation technique to do this, but now after learning the superpowers of Fubuki through the divine mirror eyes, Mingjing can also use superpowers to do this in a normal state.

"Eh? Superpowers? How can you do it!"

Tornado said unconsciously, and then realized that this was in space, and what he said could only be spread in such a small spherical bubble supported by his superpowers. Then he quickly recalled Mingjing's actions and connected to Mingjing with superpowers.

"I just learned it recently. You know, I have many abilities, and this is just one of them."

Mingjing spread his hands to Tornado.

"No! There is something wrong with it ten or even nine points!"

Tornado puffed up his little face and looked at Mingjing suspiciously.

"How come the nature of your superpower is so similar to that of Fubuki! There is almost no difference between them! But it seems to be much stronger than Fubuki..."

Speaking of the latter part, Tornado's expression became uncertain again.

Mingjing raised his eyebrows slightly.

He had only seen through Fubuki's superpowers before, so all the details and properties were naturally the same as those of Fubuki.

And Tornado is not only the ceiling of the superpowers in the One Punch Man World, but also Fubuki's sister. She knows Fubuki's superpowers very well, so it is reasonable for her to distinguish these details.


"You misunderstood, Tornado."

The God Eyeglass was activated again, and Mingjing opened his Samsara Eye and stared at Tornado.

More mysteries about superpowers and the essence of this power were imprinted in Mingjing's heart, and the nature of his superpowers also changed slightly again.

Tornado's expression became even more weird.

Why do I feel...

The superpowers of the Scarlet Ninja have become very similar to my own?

This is simply the superpowers of myself and Fubuki born together!


Tornado seemed to have thought of something and pointed at Mingjing.

"That guy Fubuki has been running outside every day recently. He even stopped playing house with the B-class hero club. He must be hanging out with you!"


"What this and that? I tell you, Fubuki is still young and not old enough to talk about that kind of thing. If you have any bad thoughts, put them away quickly, otherwise, I will beat you up!"

Mingjing's face fell speechlessly.

"You can't beat me, okay..."

"The key to the problem is not whether I can beat you or not! And! Why do you think I can't beat you! Don't be so arrogant!"

Tornado waved her little hand, and an extremely powerful telekinesis rushed from all directions to Mingjing's complete form Susanoo.

Tornado did not use all her strength, and still had some sense of proportion, just showing her attitude on the surface.

However, Mingjing's body surface also glowed with a blue-green light, and she was in a stalemate with Tornado's telekinesis.

Tornado frowned and tried to increase the output of her superpowers to compete with Mingjing.

So, although there was nothing in the space except the meteorite that sealed Elder Centipede, a storm of telekinesis suddenly blew up out of thin air.

In silence, under the mutual tearing of super powers, a crack appeared on the surface of the Earth-shattering Star Fortune not far away, and the crack was still shaking and expanding.

This was caused by Elder Centipede's struggle.

"Forget it, let's deal with the business first."

Mingjing sent the message to Tornado again.

Tornado stared at Mingjing for a few seconds, then turned his head away with a snort and withdrew his super power.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Watching the crack getting bigger and bigger in the silent space, Tornado asked Mingjing with super power.

"In space, I don't know if Elder Centipede can adapt to the interstellar environment, but with his physical strength, he can at least withstand it for a while in space. At that time, you can use super power to fix it, and then I will make the final blow. If it can't be solved..."

Mingjing turned his head and looked at the vast sun in the distance.

"If I still can't solve it, I will seal it up again, and then use my superpowers to transport it to a constant orbit, so that it can feel the warmth of the sun."

Tornado nodded, then spread his hands forward, and his windbreaker fluttered without wind.

As soon as Elder Centipede emerged from the meteorite formed by the Earth Explosion Star, he found that he could not move.

Right in front of it, the golden Susanoo with two wings on his back was already holding the Juken Sword and raising it high.

"Amaterasu Dragon Dance!"

After the eyes evolved into the Samsara Eye, Ming Jing could release more Amaterasu Black Flame at once. Looking at it at this time, the size of this huge Amaterasu Black Dragon was not much smaller than Elder Centipede.

A blue light flashed in Tatsumaki's eyes, and he immediately forcibly controlled Elder Centipede who was about to break away and collided with Amaterasu Black Dragon.


According to Ming Jing's perception, Elder Centipede's body was indeed burned with many wounds by Amaterasu.

After all, even Kaguya would not take over Amaterasu, let alone such a large-scale Amaterasu.

"Then we just wait for this guy to be burned to death? If we burn it in space, no one will jump out and say that we are not environmentally friendly, right?"

Tatsumaki curiously looked at Elder Centipede in front of him, who was dancing in pain.

She had seen Ming Jing use this move before. On the spaceship at that time, Ming Jing, with the cooperation of her and a group of heroes, gave Boros a solid hit and blasted through the spacecraft on the spot.

It also forced Boros to use his third form, which would shorten his lifespan once used.

Only now, Tornado discovered that Ming Jing's move was even more powerful!

Coupled with the superpowers just demonstrated...

That was the most powerful superpower that Tatsumaki had ever seen, except for the telekinetic octopus on the spaceship. It was enough to easily kill some powerful dragon-level monsters.

With Ming Jing's current mental strength, after learning the super powers of Tatsumaki and Fubuki, he can indeed exert this level of combat effectiveness.

Before facing Boros in the second stage, Uchiha Mingjing had to team up with Tatsumaki, a master who was also above dragon, plus a group of powerful S-class heroes such as Super Alloy Black Light and Flash Flash, to barely block Boros. And forced out its third state.

But from Tatsumaki's perspective, Ming Jing may be able to do this alone.

"Just waiting is a bit too slow."

Ming Jing shook his head, and once again controlled the complete body of Susan, swung the ten-fist sword in his hand, and stabbed towards Elder Centipede with one sword.

After struggling for so long, this guy's aura has weakened a lot. Now it will be much easier to seal it with the Ten Fist Sword.

I just donโ€™t know if Bruce can absorb the blood of an arthropod like this.

Because Elder Centipede was still alive, even though he had been severely injured, he was still a peak dragon-level monster with extraordinary strength. It took Mingjing more than ten minutes to seal his body together with Amaterasu with the Ten Fist Sword. stand up.

As soon as the two returned to the surface, they received a notice from the association.

Every city under the rule of the Hero Association was attacked by large-scale monsters at the same time.

"In this large-scale monster attack, there were two dragon-level monster attacks, and there were eleven ghost-level monster attacks. As for tiger-level disasters, they are still being counted, but it is expected to be no less than three digits."

A few hours later, in the newly built headquarters of the Hero Association, Xiqi pointed at the big screen with a solemn expression and said.

At this time, the screen was divided into more than a dozen pictures, with the two in the middle being the largest. One was a picture of Elder Centipede wreaking havoc in City S, and the other was a picture of a martial arts conference in City C.

On the outside, there are scenes of many S-class heroes solving ghost-level monsters.

Crossbow S, Hundred-Eyed Giant Octopus, Overlord Stinky Flower, Fist Fighting Demon, etc.

"Among them, Elder Centipede, the most powerful dragon-level monster, rescued the heroic hunting wolf with a flying monster under the hands of Silver Fang, Devil Cyborg and others, but was defeated by the scarlet ninja who arrived at the scene. In order to To avoid causing too much impact on the surface, Tatsumaki and the Scarlet Ninja were sent to space to eliminate them."

As Xiqi spoke, he switched the picture to a picture of a meteorite flying in space, driven by the full form of Susanoo and his superpowers.

This should be a photo taken by satellite.

"What a... powerful force. This is what a truly perfect hero should be, possessing the beautiful power to solve all evil!"

Sweetheart Mask sat in his seat and couldn't help but admire the picture on the screen.

Others were also a little shocked by the huge earth-exploding meteorite shown in the picture.

They had seen the power of Mirror and Tornado on previous spaceships, and had a clear idea of โ€‹โ€‹the size of the complete Susanoo. In contrast, the size of the Earthburst Sky Meteor was very intuitive.

Body size is often linked to absolute strength. Strong strength does not mean that the body must be large, but a large body is definitely not weak in strength.

"At the same time, in the martial arts competition in City C, the champion of the previous martial arts competition appeared. He swallowed the weird cells and turned into a dragon-level monster. At the same time, there was also Baoshan, the seed player of this martial arts competition. Like Qiao Ze, the former also became a dragon-level monster, while the latter became a ghost-level monster. The two dragon-level monsters were chosen by the B-class second placer who had outstanding performance in the meteorite incident, the Deep Sea King incident, and the last alien invasion. Saitama was defeated. Due to this incident, the association is evaluating Saitama's new ranking and including it on the candidate list of S-class heroes."

"As for the ghost man Qiao Ze and other contestants who took the monster cells and turned into tiger-level monsters, they were selected by the champion of this competition, Sui Long, and the 22nd-ranked A-level Lightning Max and the A-level weirdos who participated in the competition. The thirty-fourth place Snake was defeated by Snake. Currently, Shuilong and the two A-level heroes are receiving treatment in the hospital at the association headquarters. The specific details of the process are available in the official video of the event. If you are interested, you can contact the staff. Check."

"Among the remaining ghost-level monsters, the giant octopus with hundreds of eyes was killed by Flash Flash, the fist-fighting monster was defeated by the Supreme Lord of the vest, and the mad-sucking monster was killed by the sexy prisoner... The long-haired demon was killed by Iai Steel, Bushido Drill and Shemale Scythe. Itachi killed only Weird Princess Crossbow S. Due to the shortage of S-class heroes, the Fubuki team led by Hell Fubuki, who ranked first in B-class, stopped him. Finally, Heavy Crotch Bunker, who ranked fifth in A-class, and the seventh-ranked A-class hero. The skilled magician arrived to support him, but he finally escaped."

The breakthroughs of many weirdos on the screen have been marked with a big X. Only the crossbow S has some reservations.

"That guy Fubuki is so messy! She's not injured, right?"

Tatsumaki's little face turned fierce, and he suddenly said loudly.

Xiqi explained:

"Hell Fubuki's strength seems to have improved a lot compared to before. He was not at a disadvantage when fighting the Crossbow S. He has now been included in the waiting list for S-class heroes by the association's senior officials."

After Sweetheart Mask heard this, he frowned and glanced at Saitama, planning to test the strength of Saitama and Fubuki when he had the chance.

Tatsumaki's brows also wrinkled, but he looked in the direction of Ming Jing.

This guy hasnโ€™t explained himself before!

"Everyone! I think this time is very likely to be the precursor of the god-level disaster left by the great prophet Xibabawa during his lifetime!"

Xiqi said seriously to the S-class heroes.

"Although the previous alien invasion was also considered a god-level disaster, and its leader had the power to simultaneously suppress Tatsumaki, Scarlet Ninja, and many S-class heroes, and his strength has completely exceeded the dragon-level category, but this does not mean that The prophecy ends here, half a year has not passed yet!โ€

"This time, the enemy has appeared multiple dragon-level monsters and ghost-level monsters, and has also shown the means to create dragon-level monsters. The most important thing is that the Weird Association has captured the association's second largest shareholder Baohua Fu and him. The son of Willful Hao, Burohua Fu is the largest investor besides Algni, the founder of the association. More than a quarter of the association's various resources and hero wages are funded by Mr. Buro Flower Fu. Once they If something goes wrong, it will have a major impact within the association.โ€

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