"So I didn't do that, but now that I am here, only you, Eight Tails and Three Tails, are left.

It will be easier to go to Three Tails after absorbing Eight Tails. "

At this moment, Raikage said unhappily there, "Since there are two tail beasts left, why not go find Three Tails first, and instead find Eight Tails first?"

Uchiha Jingyan heard Raikage's words and smiled there. In fact, he knew it before he was prepared.

Perhaps such a request would be made, so he took out a scroll from his waist and placed it in front of Raikage.

Raikage glanced at Uchiha Jingyan strangely, then his eyes lit up.

Because he heard Nara Shikamaru before and they had said about the scroll of spells.

The scroll that I put on the table is the curiosity scroll curiosity.

Raikage asked Raikage to pick it up, and then opened it for a closer look, and his face was shocked.

There is a mystery about the increase in the attributes of the double S-rank Ninjutsu Talisman Scroll Thunder.

He couldn't stop as soon as he saw it, and he watched the ninjutsu scroll attentively there.

He didn't stop until there was a word at the end.

But he knows that all he knows is only the fur. If he wants to practice such a high-strength double S-rank ninjutsu, he needs some talents.

And it needs to ponder and practice repeatedly, not overnight, he turned his head there.

"Uchiha Jingyan, are you sure that someone can learn this kind of double S-level ninjutsu?"

Uchiha Jingyan smiled, and then said, "I don't know the others, but Killer Bee will definitely be able to learn."

Nodding there, Raikage looked at Uchiha Jingyan and continued: "You are sure that you can save Killer Bee's life, and then teach him to use this powerful ninjutsu. Can you help him with all this?"

As if to be more certain, Raikage asked again like all previous doubts.

And Uchiha Jingyan kept nodding his head there, and did not continue to say anything?

After Raikage finished asking, Uchiha Jingyan said indifferently, "Master Raikage, I know Killer Bee must be very important in your heart.

Even the whole village is very important.

But please believe me, he will not die and will live better. Without the tail beast, his ability will greatly increase.

You don't have to worry about this at all, what the tail beast brings us is the huge amount of Chakra that allows us to perform very powerful ninjutsu.

If this is the case, then our book of spell scrolls, he can also quickly improve the strength. "

Raikage got a positive answer from Uchiha Jingyan and finally smiled there.

He nodded there, and then said: "Since this is the case, then I will try it. Killer Bee does what you think, maybe what he said is really feasible."

Hiraby looked at him there and smiled and said, "Brother, your decision is wise. Uchiha Jingyan will definitely be able to create miracles and open our eyes."

With Raikage's consent, Uchiha Jingyan smiled there, watching Killer Bee receive: "Come with me, find a relatively empty and closed place."

Killer Bee smiled.

"That's where I live, or you come with me."

He disappeared there, but Uchiha Jingyan smiled and followed.

Two people left here, Jiraiya and the three of them stayed in Raikage's office.

Nara Shikamaru looked at Raikage there and said, "Master Raikage, it seems that you have completely believed in the power of Uchiha Jingyan.

Raikage said to Shikamaru: "This may be the first time I believe the Konoha Village ninja, otherwise it gives people a feeling of complete security, which is something the rest of you can't do.

Nara Shikamaru nodded there and said, "I hope that after this incident, our Konoha Village can be trusted by Lord Raikage. That is the best."

Raikage nodded, and then didn't continue to say anything, and waited there alone.

After thinking for a while, Raikage looked at Nara Shikamaru there and said, "You probably haven't eaten yet. You have been obstructed when you just came here. Let's do it, regardless of whether it is successful or unsuccessful to eat is a must."

When he said that, he called a subordinate and asked him to take Nara Shikamaru and the three of them to dinner.

And the rest of the men followed, Nara Shikamaru smiled helplessly when they saw them there.

Raikage is still a little worried about them, otherwise he wouldn't send so many people to follow them to monitor them.

It doesn't matter, they are very confident in Uchiha Jingyan. With Gaara's lessons learned, they absolutely believe that Uchiha Jingyan will definitely strip Eight Tails out and save Killer Bee.

So they don't have any doubts?

He followed that subordinate down to Raikage's cafeteria.

At this time, Killer Bee took Uchiha Jingyan to his place to see you, this huge house like a cave.

It seems that Raikage does have special care for Killer Bee, at least this is not like a cave in the mountain, it looks so bleak.

It is a house, but much larger.

Killer Bee smiled there, then said, "Come with me."

The two walked in, only to find that they had everything inside.

Killer Bee lives like a normal person, but the room is much bigger.

Apparently it was used for the changes when the tail was transformed into a beast.

It can be seen that Raikage attaches great importance to Killer Bee and wants to give him a sense of home, so in this huge house, there are beds, chairs, everything.

Just like a normal family.

Seeing the furnishings in the room, Uchiha Jingyan nodded there too. No wonder Killer Bee can get along with Eight Tails so harmoniously.

It was Raikage's care for him that made his heart warm.

Jinchūriki is lonely, and the rest of Jinchūriki don't have such good luck, being able to meet someone as delicate as Raikage.

Looking at his rough temper, coupled with his delicate character, Uchiha Jingyan had a new understanding of this Raikage there.

Just like Uzumaki Naruto, he has his parents in his heart. As one of the sunshine, as a support, he feels less lonely.

Only then did I have the enthusiasm to treat others and gained friendships one by one, and later became no longer lonely but with good friends.

Killer Bee is the same. He has Raikage's care and care for him, which makes him unwavering in his heart.

He has a friend, as long as he has a friend, he is not lonely, he is not lonely. .

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