"I heard that after collecting the tail beasts, you will go to another dimension space to find your Konoha Shinobi village partners, right?"

Hearing what the boy said, Uchiha Jingyan was there for a moment, then watched the boy look up.

When he said this, he only mentioned this idea to Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikamaru of Konoha Shinobi Village.

But that was a long time ago. He did have such a plan, and he has said that recently.

He talked to Terumi Mei at the Mist Ninja Village.

Could it be that he leaked his thoughts, Uchiha Jingyan doesn't know, but since the other party knows his own affairs, there is nothing to bother about.

So he watched there, and he said: "I do have such a plan, but it hasn't been determined yet. We need to go back and determine what this matter has to do with you?"

Hearing his question, the boy said blankly there, "If you are going there, I want to go with you."

The young man could tell his own thoughts straight up there.

Uchiha Jingyan was there for a moment, then looked at the boy and said, "Since you are a member of the Ōtsutsuki family, then our current position should be relative.

Don’t you think it’s a dangerous thing for two enemies to go all the way together?

They don't trust each other, and they have to guard against each other at any time. Maybe it's not good to have a black hand from behind. "

Hearing what Uchiha Jingyan said, the boy thought about it there, and then said: "I will not shoot behind your back, and I am not afraid that you will attack me from behind.

My purpose of coming to the earth this time is to find the bot lane of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

I know he may be in another dimension, but I can't find a way to get there.

You can find his whereabouts after you absorb the nine beasts.

So I hope you can go with me. Of course, I will not be an enemy of you during the time when I go to another dimension, and I will not kill you behind your back. "

Hearing what he said, Uchiha Jingyan is there and don’t know why?

I feel that what this young man said can definitely be done.

Because what he said is not like a guarantee, not like a sworn pledge, but like telling a fact, the fact that he can do it.

Uchiha Jingyan looked at the boy there, but he was still expressionless as before. For a boy, it was not in line with his age temperament.

But Uchiha Jingyan will not underestimate his strength because of his age and appearance, and compare with that old man relatively speaking.

It seems that the strength of this boy is stronger, as for the boy who wants to go with him to a different dimension to find the whereabouts of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Uchiha Jingyan was also seriously considering it there. The Ōtsutsuki auxiliary style stepped forward to look at Uchiha Jingyan and said: "It is absolutely impossible for him to go with us.

They have a different purpose than ours. They want to find Datong Kaguya, and then gain his power. Then it will be difficult for us to deal with them. "

Hearing the words of the Ōtsutsuki auxiliary, Uchiha Jingyan looked back at him there. In fact, the Ōtsutsuki auxiliary has his own business.

If you go to another dimension and find Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, you can absorb the power of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Only if she was a member of the Datong family, he would become very powerful.

Is this also something he based on around Uchiha Jingyan?

Uchiha Jingyan can fully understand his feelings, so he said there, "Don't worry, they won't go to grab the power of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya with you."

After hearing what Uchiha Jingyan said, Ōtsutsuki's supplementary style, take a look for yourself, take a look. Uchiha Jingyan said: "In fact, it's not like this, for most people..."

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Jingyan smiled and said, "I understand your thoughts, don’t worry, there’s no problem."

Ōtsutsuki looked at Uchiha Jingyan's eyes and nodded firmly, without saying anything. At this time, Uchiha Jingyan transformed again to take a look. The young man and the old man said: "We shouldn't be enemies, how could we go together?"

Still the same sentence, the boy thought about it seriously, and then continued: "In fact, shouldn't we have a common enemy?

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya established that dark organization among a group of people. The strength is very strong, even if you can deal with a few of them, just by your own words.

But are the others their opponents?

In case they are in danger, are you capable of saving them all?

Hearing the words of the young man, Uchiha Jingyan was so cold and sensible there that he was cold and sensible, making Uchiha Jingyan not just sigh.

What did the boy in front of me go through? Can become so stable.

The boy's words gave Uchiha Jingyan no reason to refuse, and now the boy did not wait for Uchiha Jingyan to continue to say? Turned around and left here.

Before leaving, he actually continued to say: "I will go to find you again. When you are about to leave, tell me."

Hearing what the teenager said and watching them disappear here, Uchiha Jingyan didn't know what to do with him?

This young man seemed to have said and done his character, and he was never procrastinated, and he was very sensible and stable.

You can also predict what will happen when you enter a different-dimensional space. It can be said that if you are really friends, it is really a good environment.

They are also very, very reliable people, but after all, they are members of the Ōtsutsuki family.

Uchiha Jingyan still decided not to give me too much confidence in them, and they were destined to be enemies in the future.

So Uchiha Jingyan still had some precautions against them. In fact, at this time, he went to look at the others.

Nara Shikamaru looked at Uchiha Jingyan there and nodded. What decision can Uchiha Jingyan make?

He didn't say too much, because when he went to a different time space, no one could predict what would happen there?

The decision made by Uchiha Jingyan must be the most correct, so he won’t say much here?

For fear of affecting Uchiha Jingyan's judgment, even the most powerful brain, Nara Shikamaru, didn't say anything?

Jiraiya and Sakura were watching, but Uchiha Jingyan didn't continue to say anything?

He was just very curious and shocked.

The two members of the Ōtsutsuki family seem to be very powerful.

But they actually want to enter that different dimension together with Uchiha Jingyan. .

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