He smiled there and continued: "I wanted to make you happy for a while, but it seems that now that you understand the situation, there is no need to hide anything from you?"

Speaking of the green wolf, he jumped off the high platform and stood on the edge of the sour water.

Perhaps to prove that his body is not afraid of the acid water, he deliberately soaked his legs in the acid water.

Then there looked at First Generation Ashura triumphantly, as if provoking him.

First Generation Ashura's eyes watched the green wolf's movements for you, and he didn't feel surprised.

If the acid water on the body can corrode, then this invention is really not worth mentioning.

Then his interest in this accessory will be greatly reduced, but now he is more interested in seeing the green wolf look like this.

So he looked at Green Wolf and said, "The quality of this metal is very good.

Although I don't know what he is, it should be only in this different dimension space. "

Listening to First Generation Ashura being there very sensibly analyzing his own situation, the blue wolf slowly floated up there, and then concentrated Chakra on the soles of his feet.

Looking at First Generation Ashura coldly there, he said, "You care about these accessories so much. Do you have any ideas about accessories?"

First Generation Ashura heard what the Green Wolf said, and for a moment it seemed that her mind was too obvious.

It was actually seen by this blue wolf, so other people must have seen it too.

After thinking about it there, he nodded and said: "This is nothing strange. Everyone is eager for power. Accessories can bring powerful power. I'm very curious. There is nothing wrong with this."

The Green Wolf heard that First Generation Ashura had admitted this, and suddenly laughed there.

Then he said: "Okay, since what you want is okay, I believe Armado should be very, very happy.

If someone is willing to let him install accessories, it is very happy. "

Hearing the words of the green wolf, First Generation Ashura's eyes lit up there, and then took a few steps forward.

Looking at the green wolf, he said, "What price will he have to pay if he presses the accessories?"

In fact, First Generation Ashura is a little too impatient. He will feel that he is really stupid after asking this question. Can Green Wolf tell him the truth?

He was only teasing himself just now. As the mad scientist of the enemy, how could he install accessories for himself?

And just when Qing Lang was about to answer him, a person slowly walked out behind him.

Amado, Cordes and Chuanmugui came out together.

"You don't need to pay any price? Just trust me.

Of course, there is a small requirement, that is, you must join the machine orifice organization to defend the kingdom of machinery. "

Even Uchiha Jingyan was there after hearing his words.

He didn't think that the organization of the machine would be so easy to trust others? Install machine accessories for others.

Amado had already arrived in front of Uchiha Jingyan and the others, and at this moment First Generation Ashura had also taken back his ninjutsu.

The ground was exposed again, and the acid water did not corrode the ground too strongly.

Although there have been many signs of corrosion on the ordinary metals.

But it seems that this machine, there is life, when the acid water disappears, they begin to gradually recover. .

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