Uchiha: Starting from the imprisonment of Tobirama

Chapter 365: Izumi and Tobirama's honeymoon, Uchiha Madara who swept the ninja world

"Ah? Started a war? Why didn't you tell me! Madara..." Hashirama held his head, looked at his friends in front of him in disbelief, and shouted.

A very funny thing.

Everyone in the Senju and Uchiha clan knew that the war was about to begin...

Because Uchiha Madara issued a declaration of war on the entire ninja world.

But Hashirama, who didn't pay attention to current affairs, was just intoxicated in the harmonious atmosphere after the peace between Senju and Uchiha every day, and didn't notice it at all.

After all, during the time of the Senju clan, any major or minor events in the ninja world were only presented to him after Tobirama, the second master, streamlined the information...

If Tobirama didn't tell him, then he, the clan leader, would actually be the same as being ignored, completely in the dark.

Tacitly, Tobirama, Madara, and Izumi didn't tell Hashirama... And the other Senju and Uchiha clan members didn't think that such a big figure as Hashirama didn't even know about such a thing?

So much so that when Hashirama was playing shogi with an Uchiha uncle today, the uncle told Hashirama kindly——

"You have to perform well in the war, you are Senju Hashirama..."

After Hashirama subconsciously agreed, he realized that there was going to be a war?

Then he hurriedly said goodbye to his uncle, and escaped from the chess game that he was about to lose. He hurriedly found Tobirama and Madara to ask...

"There is a war, Hashirama...but you don't have to participate. I, Izumino, and Tobirama are enough to deal with them."

Uchiha Madara glanced at Hashirama and said funnyly: "Looking at this time, are you playing chess with that old man again?"

"I heard that you haven't won lately. How was your day?"

Hashirama suddenly became depressed, seamlessly switching from the heavy low pressure, and his whole forehead was covered with black lines like an illusion:

"Sigh... He is still too strong. If he hadn't run out today due to something, he would have been so dizzy that he would have been killed again today..."

Hearing Hashirama's answer, Madara, Izumino, and Tobirama all laughed. For a moment, the room was filled with a happy atmosphere, and it didn't look like a war was about to begin.

And Hashirama was in this depression, and it took him a moment to realize that something was wrong!

The situation has changed... Why did Tobirama and Madara seem to have a good relationship, but they isolated themselves with Izumino?

You don’t even talk to yourself about such a big thing!

Hashirama looked at Tobirama standing side by side with Madara, his mind was in a trance... No, this position was his before!

How did his evil brother do this? Even Madara can fool him...

What the young Hashirama didn't know was...

For Tobirama, the young Uchiha Madara is the best to coax... As the biggest mastermind who once drove Uchiha Madara out of Konoha, a certain white-haired man has learned the principles of forehand and backhand teaching.

What Madara cares about is nothing more than the understanding of his tribe, his paranoid desire for peace, and his persistence not to be stabbed in the back...

And Tobirama can give him what he cares about.

When Tobirama said everything and used the art of language to transform Madara's disadvantage as Hokage into his advantage as "Satiko on the table", the problem was solved.

Madara didn't have to think about other things, he just had to do what he was best at.

The best way to deal with the Uchiha clan, especially the deep-minded and paranoid Mangekyo Uchiha, is to clearly say what you want to do, and then modify it a little in the way he likes, and you can always get a good result. result.

Tobirama deeply understood this truth while getting along with Qing Shui.

As for how to understand, of course it depends on how Qing Shui gets along with other Uchihas...

That Uchiha Obito, even if he was extremely crazy, he still thought about Qing Shui in his heart and was unwilling to do anything to harm Qing Shui...

This is the value of the new generation of Uchiha King!

"What do you mean? Madara...we don't want to end the troubled times and bring peace to the shinobi world, so why do we start a war?"

Hashirama thought deeply and said in confusion: "I recently learned something... Since the Uchiha and Senju clan united, the war in the ninja world has almost disappeared. Isn't this a good situation?"

"Why should we... break it..."

Tobirama glanced at Hashirama and smiled inwardly.

It's the same as it was decades ago... During the first five-kage meeting, if Hashirama could work hard and integrate all the ninjas in one go, then there wouldn't be the frightening wars that followed.

In the short term, the ninja world as a whole may have problems of one kind or another.

But compared to the fact that there are five different ninja villages with tailed beasts, even if a certain degree of civil strife breaks out, the chaos that will be caused is nothing compared to the three ninja wars...

The Great Ninja World War was a fight between the various hidden villages... Judging from the unit time, the number and efficiency of ninjas killed in such a war far exceeded that of the Warring States Period!

This is the bitter fruit of a moment of hesitation.

"No, Hashirama... The reason why the Ninja world has suspended the war is because you and I, Tobirama and Izumi are still alive. As long as we exist in the Ninja world for one day, I really believe that those other Ninja clan will not start another big war... "

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and instead of following Hashirama, he retorted sharply: "Then, what if we all die?"

"How many people want to be king, how many want to conquer the ninja world? If we don't eliminate this disaster for our descendants now..."

"Then we who have the ability to do it now will be scolded by our descendants like Indra and Asura in the future!"

Hashirama looked at Madara blankly.

Being scolded like Indra and Asura? That's really too bad...

Just like Tobirama back then, the Uchiha clan would subconsciously curse the damned Senju Tobirama when they choked on water...

The current Uchiha and Senju have already had this trend.

As long as there is something that doesn't go your way, just curse these two damned ancestors...

Let's put aside whether Asura and Indra are wrong, but in Tobirama's observation, this move has indeed greatly eased the conflict between Senju and Uchiha.

That's enough.

There will always be someone who has to bear the infamy, what's wrong with Asura and Indra? If the souls of these two ancestors knew, Tobirama believed that they would be relieved...

"This... but this... is this right? Or is it wrong?" Hashirama was shocked by Uchiha Madara's rapid-fire rebuttal. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, and could only look at Tobirama beside him for help:

"Tobirama, what do you think?"

"I think Madara is very right." Tobirama nodded seriously.

Hashirama looked at Izuno pitifully again, hoping that the woman with the clearest mind in the family could argue for him.

"I think Tobirama and Madara are right." Izuno put her arm around Tobirama and smiled sweetly at Hashirama:

"There's nothing we can do. Now three votes are greater than one! Therefore, the resolution on normal war is passed!"

Hashirama listened to Izuno's declaration weakly, wanting to say something about peace and no war, but the words were spinning on his lips and he couldn't say them.

He could only stay there depressed for a while, and nodded helplessly:

"If that's the case... let's do it this way... but don't kill too many people, let's focus on persuading them to surrender! We can give them some generous treatment and let them join the village on their own initiative."

Tobirama, Madara and Izumino nodded mechanically. It was obvious that these three people would not take Hashirama's words to heart.

"Don't worry, Hashirama... As a ninja, since you want to conquer, you naturally have to show force. You know this."

Tobirama looked at Hashirama's helpless look, feeling a little pitiful, and spoke to comfort him:

"But after this, Madara will give them a chance to surrender... If they really want to join the village, put down their hatred and have expectations for peace, Konoha will certainly welcome them to join."

"Okay, that's good, Tobirama!" Hashirama thought for a while, and his eyes gradually became firm:

"If you need me to fight, call me at any time!"

Tobirama nodded, humming and ah, calling you? Bao can't call you...

In the past few months, Tobirama has greatly strengthened the combat power of the people around him.

For example, Izumi and Madara, both of them have learned the immortal arts. Madara injected Hashirama's cells and now has a hand of wood escape, which he uses very skillfully.

And Izumi got Tobirama's cells, which almost has the pupil power of the Eternal Eye, and also learned a series of techniques of Tobirama, mainly the Flying Thunder God Technique.

This is not taught in vain.

When Tobirama tried his best to improve the strength of Madara and Izumi, the pillow person who had been watching these details had been moved to the point of melting in his heart.

So Tobirama extracted a large amount of time and space aura from Izumi, and the power of the six paths has been unlocked...

And Qingshui in the ninja world was able to rely on these different time and space auras, ignoring the restrictions of time and space rules and coming here for a short time.

These are complementary.

Now, Madara can complete the feat of Susanoo Buddha alone...

As for Hashirama...

"Well, in the miscellaneous part of the clan's library, I remember there is a chess manual handed down from ancient times, which is said to be full of extremely exquisite moves."

Izumino coughed lightly and said slowly: "Do you want to take a look? I believe that with your intelligence, Hashirama, you will definitely be able to defeat that old man after learning..."

Hashirama's eyes suddenly lit up!

How many days has he been tortured by that Uchiha old man?

But after being moved, Hashirama still asked unwillingly: "Uh... Do you really not need me? Tobirama, Madara, you two know that I am actually quite good at fighting..."

"Go and play, Hashirama, there will be more important things for you to do in the future. Relaxing now is just to conserve your energy later..."

Madara smiled at the corner of his mouth and imitated Tobirama's tone.

"Oh... remember to find me if you have anything to do! Also, don't kill too many people!" Hashirama scratched his head, emphasized the last sentence, and went to find the chess manual with brisk steps.

Looking at Hashirama's back, the three Mangekyo Uchiha laughed.

"Is there really such a chess manual?"

Tobirama scratched Izuno's face and said with a smile: "I have read all the classics in the clan land a long time ago, how come I didn't find it?"

"You found it!"

Izuno made a face at Tobirama and replied with a smile: "I knew Hashirama would come to find me after he knew it..."

"I wrote that chess manual, and the old man who played chess with him was a stubborn elder of the Uchiha clan in the past, named Uchiha Lei, who used to claim to be a wise general and often picked on me..."

"Later, I learned the shogi he was good at. After losing dozens of games in a row, I knocked him unconscious in the competition. Since then, he has been very supportive of me and my brother."

Tobirama laughed loudly: "Okay! Let's see if Hashirama can defeat this old guy named Uchiha Ray after learning your chess record!"

And listening to the sweet and tacit conversation between Tobirama and Izumino, Madara was also very moved.

It seems that only a man like Tobirama can match his sister...

The two of them are like a natural match. Tobirama can find out the authenticity of the chess record in an instant, and Izumino seems to have known that Tobirama would guess it, and tells him enthusiastically.

This is also part of the interest of Izumino and Tobirama's life.

And Uchiha Madara, who has already recognized Tobirama, is also happy to see this scene.

His beloved daughter, the rose of the Uchiha clan, has been entrusted to her lover...

"Let's fight, Madara..."

Tobirama openly hugged Izumino in front of Madara and said naturally: "After notifying those people to surrender, they still made excuses..."

"This shows that a conquest is indeed needed."

"We go together? Or do you go alone..."

Uchiha Madara waved his hand very heroically and shouted in a deep voice:

"No need... They are just a group of weaklings who can't even dance! We have given them a chance to surrender. Since they don't do it and are lucky, then They want to be our enemy!"

"You and Izumino go collect the tailed beasts. I heard that those ninja clans imitated our Konoha and established ninja clans. It's really funny... In this ninja world, there is only one ninja village in Konoha!"

"There are no other shadows, only one Hokage!"

Tobirama nodded, took out a stack of information and handed it to Uchiha Madara: "Then we will split up, but you have to be careful..."

"Here are some more dangerous people in other hidden villages. The blood limit and secret techniques they master are all listed above. Take a look when you have time."

Uchiha Madara took the information helplessly and glanced at it.

Not only the existing secret techniques and blood limit, but even Tobirama marked the so-called Rock Village, which is developing something called blood elimination...

The power of this technique may threaten Susanoo.

"Hey, you're always like this..." Uchiha Madara shook his head helplessly: "I'll solve it as soon as possible, is there anything else to pay attention to?"

It's really comfortable to be teammates with Tobirama, and he takes care of everything in every aspect, without worrying about other things.

But it's too comfortable...

As a ninja, when all the information has been mastered by the enemy, the battle has actually been lost...

Especially for someone like Tobirama, who even dug out the secret technique that others are studying, which made Uchiha Madara not know what to say.

He digested Indra's chakra, obtained Hashirama's cells, and mastered Wood Release, Seal Healing and Sage Mode...

Even the information is completely mastered.

If he couldn't pass through the other hidden villages without getting hurt, Uchiha Madara felt that he had no face to return to this home and meet Tobirama and Izumino...

"Just like what Hashirama said, don't kill too many people... In addition, be careful not to kill the enemy leaders as much as possible, and leave them alive."

Tobirama waved his hand: "In order to make other ninjas from other villages return to their hearts, we still have to pretend later and soften our methods a little."

"Those enemy leaders can't die now, I'll keep them useful."

Uchiha Madara nodded: "Don't worry, I know..."

Just like that, the war to end the chaos began.

It's called the beginning, but in fact it's just Uchiha Madara's full posture to face the joint counterattack of the entire ninja world...

And Tobirama and Izumino, on the other hand, traveled around the ninja world, like visiting a zoo, and captured the nine tailed beasts.

From this day on.

Originally, he was still full of ambition and thought that even if Uchiha and Senju joined forces, they might not necessarily defeat the coalition forces of the entire ninja world. He realized what true power was...

When the giant Buddha of Wood Release blessed the shell of Susanoo and the fluctuations of fairy chakra surged, the ninjas of the outer village felt that the sky had fallen.

Is that really a great power that humans can master?

With three swords, the dream of the ninja world coalition forces for hegemony was shattered...

Uchiha Madara's road to conquest was very fast, and for him, the biggest difficulty was to kill as few people as possible and leave those leaders alive according to Tobirama's request.

After all, his brother-in-law said that keeping them would be useful...

Although Uchiha Madara didn't know what the value of those trash was, since Tobirama had opened the mouth, he would find a way to do it.


A few days later

"The last tailed beast has been caught... I wonder how my brother is doing? To be honest, sometimes I am also worried that my brother will go too far..."

Izumino and Tobirama sat side by side on the furry head of the Nine-Tails, and said with some concern: "After all, the power you gave him is too strong..."

Tobirama smiled: "It's okay... If he goes too far, it will be considered as a training for my brother-in-law, but I believe he is a man who can control his own power."

Tobirama, who has seen Qingshui participate in the war, has a good resistance to this aspect.

The Susanoo Buddha's blessing fairy technique is indeed fierce...

But a certain Mr. Qingshui, who does not want to reveal his name, has used weapons named Tobirama No. 1 and No. 2 to send tens of thousands of people to the Pure Land in an instant with common ninjutsu...

If we compare efficiency and the shock of the scene, no matter how strong Uchiha Madara's Susanoo is, it can't compare to Qingshui back then.

Moreover, for Tobirama, this is also a process of testing Uchiha Madara's mind...

Even if he gets so much power, if Uchiha Madara can control his inner desire to kill, it means that he is indeed a qualified candidate for Hokage.

"Go home, Izumino... Madara sent a letter, he seems to be having a lot of fun..." Tobirama's heart moved, and the newly established contact and sensing department sent him information.

"Let's go... But this shouldn't be considered a honeymoon, right?" Izumino glanced at Tobirama and muttered:

"Although it can be considered a trip, it's still a mission after all..."

"Of course not, I have thought of a place for the honeymoon..." Tobirama's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he said gently:

"Wait for me to take you there..."

Izumino nodded in surprise, and there was a hint of anxiety in her heart besides the warmth - such a perfect husband, how can she help him?

The honeymoon place that Tobirama mentioned was naturally the ninja world where Qing Shui was.

After dealing with the dead bones of Shibai.

He wanted to take Izumino home! Back to his real home...

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