Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 204 Tsunade: Hey, Qing Shui is enlightened? Progress suddenly accelerated

Chapter 204 Tsunade: Hey, Qing Shui is enlightened? Progress suddenly accelerated...

Qing Shui hugged Tsunade gently.

Although the movements were a bit ambiguous, the technique was very gentlemanly and did not touch anything inappropriate.

But even so, Tsunade still felt relieved, and her whole body temperature began to rise...

What a coincidence!

Before Qing Shui walked into the barracks, Tsunade was thinking about Qing Shui...

As her abilities grow, more and more responsibilities and pressures are quietly shouldered on her shoulders as an apprentice.

Not only do you have to deal with Kirigakure's offensive, you also need to run around like a firefighter, such as supporting the Iwagakure battlefield...

Not to mention, now Konoha's flying bombing troops and roots need Qing Shui to control them alone...

Back then, at the Amegakure battlefield, Tsunade and Jiraiya teamed up to face Hanzo, but they failed to defeat their opponents, earning them the humiliating title of "Three Ninja".

Tsunade couldn't imagine how one person carrying Konoha's Qing Shui could lead the village to fight against the allied ninja forces...

But these are all matters on the surface, and they are about the village, the righteousness, and the collective.

In the dead of night, Tsunade thought more about Qing Shui and her future.

She and Qing Shui were called masters and disciples, but in reality they were not masters and disciples.

Tsunade thought carefully and realized that her master had never taught Qing Shui any decent ninjutsu.

On the contrary, Qing Shui was like a beam of light, shining in when Tsunade was most depraved and confused, starting with a bowl of chicken soup, ending with the battle against Kakuto, and then getting along with each other like a family member every day...

Tsunade was cured not only of her fear of blood, but also of her broken heart.

She, the master, is the one who is taught, the one who is deeply captured by the other person's charm.

Combined with what Uzumaki Mito said - "The time is right. If you have concerns, just deal with your second grandfather, and then get along well with Qing Shui..."

Tsunade often thought that after the war was over, Qing Shui would probably be an adult, and then he would have the opportunity to start a new relationship in another identity.

But Tsunade is also worried because she can't tell whether Qing Shui is what she thinks...

Qing Shui has a gentle character towards every friend, is equal, and helps everyone to the best of his ability. She, Tsunade, is not the special one.

Recalling every bit of the two of them before.

Tsunade found that Qing Shui did not seem to have any feelings for her beyond that of master and disciple, or did he behave slightly beyond the boundaries...

This frustrated her.

But today, the progress has suddenly accelerated!

No matter how gentlemanly Qing Shui's hug was, the fact that the apprentice hugged the master from behind was wrong from any angle!

Tsunade's face gradually turned red and she turned around in panic, not knowing how to respond.

Qing Shui still has Senju Tobirama's chakra in his body at this moment. If he crosses the line at this time, Tsunade will feel very awkward...

A very strange mentality.

Tsunade was worried that the relationship between Qing Shui and her would not progress in the future, but she also did not want to progress too quickly with Qing Shui before the chakra of Senju Tobirama was resolved...

After some thought

Tsunade gently grabbed Qing Shui's hand and responded gently, pretending that nothing happened, and said teasingly:

"We obviously just met each other not long ago...do you miss me?"

Qing Shui felt Tsunade's obviously rising body temperature and the subtle trembling in her words, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Qing Shui loosened his hands neatly and nodded:

"Miss you, Tsunade-sensei."

Hearing this, Tsunade felt happy, but then she became a little nervous because of Qing Shui's actions.

Why is it so straightforward?

Why don't you pull it?

If you insist on continuing to hug me, it's not impossible. Anyway, I'm not as strong as you...

Tsunade felt very complicated and turned around to look at Qing Shui.

His eyes trembled.

It only took a few months, but Qing Shui's changes were huge.

If Qing Shui was still a handsome young man before, although he was physically strong, he always had a bit of a boyish look...

But now, compared to a boy, it is more appropriate to describe him as a young man and a man.

After the improvement of Otsutsuki's bloodline, Qing Shui used Thunder Chakra combined with medical ninjutsu to temper his body day and night. From muscles to skeleton, his body was further optimized, and his body proportions were extremely well-proportioned and beautiful.

And the red-white hair color, combined with Qing Shui's figure, exudes an indescribable nobility...

It's like an immortal descended to earth!

[Ocean Confusion]: For female creatures who want to be relied on, feel lonely and long for companionship, your charm will be strengthened!

Tsunade was fascinated for a moment, and at this moment——

With the blessing of Terumi Mei's special talent, Qing Shui looked at Tsunade who couldn't take his eyes away in a funny way. Is this about to show love in his eyes?

"Tsunade-sensei, Tsunade-sensei?"

Under Qing Shui's soft call, Tsunade realized her gaffe, coughed quickly, put on a puzzled look and asked:

"Qing Shui, what's wrong with your hair..."

"It's okay, Tsunade-sensei, it's just a part of practicing the sage mode."

Qing Shui smiled gently, indicating that she didn't need to worry, and explained softly:

"It's all under my control, don't worry."

Tsunade nodded thoughtfully.

She was originally a little worried that the white hair was related to her second grandfather...

But since Qing Shui said he was under control and it was related to the immortal mode, then it should be fine.

However, just in case, the sealing of Senju Tobirama must be started immediately after the war...

Lao Deng, please stay out of the way!

Tsunade and Qing Shui sat opposite each other and started chatting.

"Qing Shui, have you been to those holy places? What happened to the son of prophecy that Jiraiya said?"

Tsunade said softly:

"Actually, you don't need to take it to heart. Although that's what the Great Toad Sage said, only Jiraiya has always believed in it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself..."

The reason why Tsunade and Orochimaru strongly supported Qing Shui in studying the Son of Prophecy was actually just to let him relax.

At that time, Qing Shui had extreme thoughts and began to think about whether killing everyone in the ninja world would be considered peace...

Instead of letting Qing Shui continue to think, it would be better to find something illusory to do to relax him.

But looking at Qing Shui's white hair and saying it was related to the Immortal Mode, could it be possible that the son of prophecy really had something to say?

"Tsunade-sensei, let's not talk about this for now. I believe I can arrange everything..."

Qing Shui shook his head, as if unwilling to continue this topic, and then folded his arms, looking at Tsunade very directly and without hesitation, his two eyes seemed to be taking a picture of Tsunade's figure.

Tsunade was stunned, why was Qing Shui so straight today?

She was a little shy.

But Tsunade still mustered up the courage to look at Qing Shui. The two of them didn't speak, just looked at each other quietly.

The atmosphere was charming for a while, and an ambiguous smell gradually rose in the barracks.

In Qing Shui's body, Qian Shu Fei Jian watched this scene speechlessly, not knowing what to say...

Tsunade and Qing Shui, what a beautiful couple!

Because of the conspiracy laid by the Sage of Six Paths, the Uchiha and Senju clan have been at odds for thousands of years...

If Qing Shui and Tsunade were together, there would be no such worries in the future...

We are all a family!


It's too late.

Qing Shui came to say goodbye to Tsunade, not to express his feelings.

"This is probably the most unforgettable meeting between Xiao Gang and Qing Shui, and it is also the last time."

Senshou Tobirama looked away unbearably and lowered his head in pain.

Qing Shui's time is running out, and so is the Ninja world's time.

After interpreting the Six Paths Stone Tablet, Senju Tobirama has determined which ancient Uchiha chakra is possessed by Qing Shui...

It was Indra, the eldest son of the Immortal of Six Paths, who sealed their father alongside Asura!

From the perspective of Senju Tobirama.

The Immortal of Six Paths must have been lurking in Qing Shui's body for a long time.

Senju Tobirama did some calculations and found out that Jiraiya started looking for the son of the prophecy after he became an adult. At that time, Qing Shui was just born!

Everything is right...

But at the beginning, neither Thousand Hands Tobirama nor Qing Shui noticed the deeply hidden Immortal of Six Paths.

But he couldn't escape Indra's perception...

Senju Tobirama recalled the scene when Qing Shui obtained the Susana Spirit Tool. From that time on, Indra Chakra possessed Qing Shui.

Senju Tobirama hadn't figured it out yet...

Why does Indra chakra possess Qing Shui's body?

Now the truth is revealed.

The scenario in which father and son compete for dominance in Qing Shui's body is probably similar to the chakra battle between Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Senna.

He could understand the logic.

Indra Chakra went berserk before, forcing Qing Shui to retreat, and Senju Tobirama also understood...

That's because Indra wants to occupy Qing Shui's body to completely eliminate the Six Paths Immortals!

But Qing Shui and Senju Tobirama at that time regarded it as their enemy...

But Senju Tobirama has no regrets.

Regardless of whether it is Indra or the Immortal of Six Paths, Qianju Feijian will not allow any of them to seize the green water.

Regardless of good or bad, wrong or right motives, just wait and be sealed at the bottom of the sea with him and Qing Shui.

For the sake of peace in the ninja world and for the sake of sealing the Six Paths Sage, the source of trouble, someone must make sacrifices...

But the problem is that as long as Qing Shui uses his power now, it will naturally be eroded.

Therefore, I can only say goodbye to those close to me in advance.

When the war for Konoha ended, it was also the day Qing Shui disappeared...

When the time comes, it will be considered successful if he can successfully seal the Sage of Six Paths. Qing Shui will not have the energy to bear the further erosion of his body and talk to Tsunade in a leisurely manner like now...

Even if Senju Tobirama knew that this would make Tsunade even more uncomfortable after Qing Shui disappeared, it would even be unforgettable in this life.

But isn't Qing Shui uncomfortable?

He had given everything for the ninja world and peace, even if such a farewell would hurt Tsunade, it didn't matter.

It would be good if it could make Qing Shui more perfect.

Qing Shui and Tsunade smiled.

Using the magic of magic to form an exquisite set of letter paper in his hands, Qing Shui wrote the recipe and details of the chicken soup on it, and then added a few words, all of which told her to take good care of herself in the future.

Even if you are alone.

After sealing it with baking paint, he handed it to Tsunade.

Tsunade's heart moved, and she took Qing Shui's letter with some excitement.

How old are you now, why do you still use love letters between boys and girls to communicate?

But this feeling is surprisingly good. It can give each other a buffer time, which is quite romantic...

"Tsunade-sensei, let's wait until the war is over and watch, okay?"

Qing Shui held Tsunade's hand and said seriously:

"Promise me not to open it in advance."

Hearing this, Tsunade's eyes showed a hint of charm, she smiled narrowly, and held Qing Shui's hand:

"Okay...I promise you."

Qing Shui, who seems to be omnipotent, in terms of emotions...

He seems to be unexpectedly clumsy, and still a little shy when facing her...

Tsunade carefully put Qing Shui's letter away close to her body. After Qing Shui said goodbye and walked away, she slowly exhaled a long breath.


Tsunade suddenly clenched her fists, dove into the quilt and shouted:

"First game, big victory!"

Never had such a great start...

Didn't the little boy Qing Shui obey the charm of his elder sister Tsunade?

Tsunade's eyes have seen so much!

At this moment, Tsunade has begun to imagine how she and Qing Shui can develop further after the war ends...

And after walking out of the barracks.

Qianju Tobirama sighed dullly, saying goodbye like this really made him feel heartbroken just looking at it.

But Qing Shui was in a good mood...

In terms of the concentration of blood in the body, the purest Qing Shui at present is naturally the Uchiha family, but later it will be the Uzumaki...

Senju ranked third. It can only be said that the blood purity of Tsunade and Senju Tobirama is indeed average. After all, they have not even awakened Wood Release naturally.

On the other hand, Uzumaki Mito, the second eldest sister on the list, is extraordinary. Together with Kushina, Qing Shui has completely devoured the Uzumaki clan.

But it doesn’t matter…

Qing Shui can conclude that after he turns black, Senju Tobirama will do anything to save him!

When the time comes, Senju Hashirama will no longer think about sleeping peacefully in the Pure Land. His good brother will definitely call him out to help...

And when Senju Hashirama heard about the identity of Seishui Uchiha, the wonderful experience with Senju Tobirama, and the love story with Tsunade...

Qing Shui seemed to be able to hear the sound of the ninja god's gold coins clattering like a casino stud.

It seemed that he was making Tsunade feel regretful, but in fact Qing Shui had already turned his attention to Senju Hashirama who was still in the Pure Land...

The entire Thousand Hands clan has to work for Qing Shui, no one can run away!

After meeting Tsunade, Qing Shui quickly found his good brother - Shisui, who was also a three-magatama.


Shisui, Asuma, Metkai, Metdai and Nohara Rin gathered together to discuss the current situation of the war.

When they saw Qing Shui come in, they were all surprised and surprised to see their backbone.

"Brother!", "Lord Qingshui!", "Jun Qingshui!"...

Qing Shui's gaze slowly swept over the crowd and he smiled gently.

Basically, they all have value, and you need to say goodbye properly.

While Qing Shui was performing his farewell performance, Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Obito, under Uchiha Madara's explanation, finally roughly understood what Qing Shui was like...

And Uchiha Senna, a person who died during the Warring States Period, has a relatively comprehensive understanding of the current one-country-one-village system, as well as some relatively combat-effective figures in Konoha Village and the ninja world.

And the Moon Eye Project…

Uchiha Izuna frowned tightly and fell into deep thought. The amount of information was too much.

Qing Shui is the reincarnation of his chakra?

This is wrong, at least he has not thought about spreading chakra to the ninja world...

But thinking of Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna found the truth of the matter in his thinking, and faced the radio wave with Uzumaki Mito——

"You bastard, how dare you treat our Uchiha descendants like this!"

Uchiha Izuna's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice:

"Brother, I told you a long time ago, don't be deceived by the Thousand Hands..."

"All the clan members were killed by them!"

Uchiha Madara showed a rare embarrassed look and fell silent.

"Brother, this child Qing Shui must be saved. If he didn't protect the family from wind and rain, I think the Uchiha clan might be tortured to death by those disciples of Senju Tobirama. He has an indelible kindness to the family. …”

Uchiha Izuna glanced at Black Zetsu, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Madara beside him.

There is a word in my heart that I haven’t said——

Something is wrong with this Eye of the Moon plan!

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