Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 207 Tobirama: It’s over in a matter of seconds, there’s nothing to say.

A little soul experiment…

This sounds quite strange, especially when paired with the greed shining in Orochimaru's eyes, it seems even more creepy.

Before Qing Shui stepped into this barracks, Orochimaru was a conscientious commander who was still analyzing war maps late at night, and he was also a deputy minister of scientific research who was working hard to make his roots shine...

But after knowing the situation inside Qing Shui's body, Orochimaru's work at hand suddenly lost its taste.

It makes no sense...

Although Orochimaru is very interested in learning new forbidden techniques and fighting a war with technology as the main element, this man with clear goals has never forgotten his ultimate appeal from beginning to end——

Cut off the ultimate forbidden technique from Hu Qianshou Feijian, and obtain Qing Shui, a body that can climb to the top and live forever!

Wasn't the reason why Orochimaru worked so hard just to let Qing Shui give him a chance to be alone?

But plans always fail to keep up with changes. Orochimaru didn't expect Senju Tobirama to move so quickly, but fortunately, he was always ready!

During the period of time when the roots were settling, Orochimaru used the research notes and forbidden techniques given by Qing Shui to perfect many of his ninjutsu, including the "Undead Reincarnation" technique that can seize the body of others...

"I originally wanted to devour Qing Shui's body that drives people crazy, on a sunny afternoon, in a well-arranged venue, on a memorable day. But unfortunately, time waits for no one..."

Orochimaru stared at Qing Shui's meditative expression, and his body gradually turned into scales silently. The carapace inside silently secreted an imperceptible paralytic aura, and the chakra in his body was mobilizing in an extremely weird way.

Qing Shui looked at Orochimaru, a blue-purple light flashed in his eyes, quietly waiting for Orochimaru's performance.

[Eye of the Snake]: You have a strong ability to see through, learn, and copy the boundaries of ninjutsu, secret arts, and non-organ blood inheritance!

Perhaps Orochimaru's secret technique was very tricky, but in Qing Shui's eyes, the secret was nowhere to be seen.

"First, the special snake venom released by the physical body is used to suppress the opponent's chakra, causing a weakening effect, and then the own soul and chakra are bonded together using a technique, and the intensity increases. It is a powerful technique..."

Qing Shui couldn't help but marvel at Orochimaru's idea.

His brand-new technique of seizing bodies focuses on the soul...

Unless you are a ninja who has mastered the art of spiritual transformation or a special training method, the strength of your soul is innate and can hardly be acquired.

However, Orochimaru's technique of immortal reincarnation uses a strange method to strengthen his own soul. Therefore, during the tug-of-war that occurs in the spiritual space when seizing the body, only the strength of the soul can speak for itself, and it has nothing to do with other aspects.

This extreme idea is like Namikaze Minato's fighting method. As long as he is faster than others, he will be invincible even if his single attack strength is not strong enough.

The same is true for Orochimaru's technique. As long as the enemy's soul strength is not as high as his, then he can kill him instantly regardless of physical body, technique, combat experience and other factors!

As Orochimaru's snake venom filled the entire barracks, his somewhat anxious heart calmed down. This first step was already under his control.

Just out of respect for Qing Shui's strength, Orochimaru asked hypocritically, further waiting for the effect of the snake venom.

"How about it, Lord Qing Shui, do you agree?"

"Orochimaru, I agree, but have you really thought about it?" Qing Shui looked at the confident smile on Orochimaru's face with interest and asked softly.

Compared to Orochimaru when he seized Sasuke's body in the original time and space, he is indeed more prepared at this moment.

Orochimaru had no reason to be confident after further improving the art of turning around without having his hands restricted by the corpse seal, nor having experienced many corpse turnings that left his soul in an unstable state.

In Qing Shui's view, with Orochimaru's current state, even the ordinary Sanmagatama Uchiha would not be able to escape his capture...

But after entering his body, you might be a little surprised.

There are a lot of tenants here...

"Qing Shui, of course I have thought about it, you don't have to worry too much..."

Orochimaru's eyes flickered: "I have no ill intentions towards you, I just want to help you solve your problem and get some research information by the way."

Qing Shui nodded noncommittally: "Then, Minister of Scientific Research, please feel free to express yourself?"

The words just fell.

Orochimaru suddenly turned into a fierce white phosphorus snake. The purple snake venom mist enveloped Qing Shui without concealment, and his voice was extremely bewitching:

"Look at me, Qing Shui!"

Qing Shui raised his eyes and met Orochimaru's gaze.

The next moment, the white phosphorus snake exploded on the spot and turned into a silt-like soul body, rushing towards Qing Shui's body!

Qing Shui's eyes didn't even move. When Orochimaru showed an extremely obvious intention to attack, he didn't even use the pupil technique.

"I have been holding Qing Shui for such a long time, and the snake venom has completely invaded his body. His chakra and soul are in a weakened state. This is the best time for me to seize the body in one go!"

Orochimaru laughed wildly in his heart: "Thank you very much, my most respected Second Hokage! Without your efforts, why would Qing Shui give up on resistance like giving up on himself..."

"It's just that all of this belongs to me!"

Orochimaru performed the technique smoothly, and the smoothness of the process surprised him.

But then I thought about it, and Orochimaru could understand Qing Shui's thoughts...

Anyway, the body is going to be taken away. Isn’t it the same to whomever you give this body to?

He was hurt too deeply by the Will of Fire.

Orochimaru is still thinking that maybe after seizing the body, he can fulfill part of Qing Shui's wish to make up for him...

But when he opened his eyes, he was instantly stunned by the complicated situation inside Qing Shui's body.

No, why are there so many?

The first thing that caught Orochimaru's eyes was the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye hanging high in Qing Shui's spiritual world, exuding an aura of coercion and destruction!

Under the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye, the tailed beast chakra from the four-tailed, five-tailed, and nine-tailed groups were swimming, and there were a pair of spiritual weapons on the sides——

Ten Fist Swords and Eight Tatar Mirrors!

Orochimaru also sensed two streams of Uchiha chakra that were not strong but had extremely sharp aura...

This is the power Qing Shui pretended to show when teasing Senju Tobirama, who played Indra and Uchiha Senna respectively.

But when Orochimaru first entered the world inside Qing Shui's body, he felt that he was always being stared at by two extremely powerful Uchiha from behind, and there was a faint chill on his neck, as if he would be beheaded the next moment!

"What exactly is going on? This, this, this..."

Even Orochimaru, who is well-informed, has to say that he has never seen such a scene in his life?

Orochimaru originally thought that there was a Senju Tobirama in Qing Shui's body, which was still in a sleeping state, hidden deep in Qing Shui's soul, and was subtly carrying out the body seizing...

After all, Qing Shui is still dominated by his own consciousness, so Qianju Tojian must be in a hidden state.

Taking possession of one's body is a matter of life and death.

If Qing Shui could catch Thousand Hands Tobirama, the two of them would have started an explosive fight, and there would only be one winner.

Qing Shui's attitude of being depressed and wanting to give up on himself, in Orochimaru's opinion, was the reason why Qing Shui couldn't catch the Senju Tobirama in his body.

And after entering Qing Shui's body, Orochimaru did not see Senju Tobirama...

But what he saw made him even more confused and shocked!

Orochimaru stared blankly at the Nine Magatama Rinne Sharingan. Even if he looked directly at this sun-like divine object, his eyes would feel extremely painful, so he looked hard at it.

Although Orochimaru doesn't understand what this is...

But a kind of gap stemming from bloodline and status made Orochimaru vaguely feel it while trembling——

This is the eternal life he pursues!

Although I don’t know why this ultimate existence is in Qing Shui’s body...

But Orochimaru fell into extreme ecstasy.

To be honest, Orochimaru didn't dare to guarantee whether he could reach the realm of immortality even if he took Qing Shui away.

Although Qing Shui's body is perfect enough, compared to his ambition of eternal life, it is just an admission ticket.

But who would have thought?

Qing Shui is the answer!

Once you get this body, you have half a foot on the road to eternal life...

"How beautiful, how tempting, how powerful that people want to devour!" Orochimaru's sticky soul body cried out in Qing Shui's body:

"I want to take root here first and reach the highest level in Qing Shui's body step by step!"

Orochimaru was about to merge into Qing Shui's soul world, but at the next moment, a figure with white hair and red eyes appeared not far from him.

"Qing Shui, you're still here..."

Orochimaru smiled arrogantly, with a trace of madness in his eyes: "Now that I'm here, don't drive me away! You have so many tenants and secrets in your body, you don't mind having one more of me, right?"

"who do you think You Are?"

The man with white hair and red eyes is not Qing Shui, but Qianju Tobirama!

A gloomy voice sounded, Senju Tobirama folded his arms and stared at Orochimaru coldly:

"You are Hiruzen's apprentice, right? The monkey's eyes really make me a little angry. First there is Jiraiya who believes in toads, and now there is a greedy poisonous snake that chooses people to eat..."

"How to choose a disciple? There is not even one who can carry the will of fire in his heart. He is a true failure as Hokage."

Orochimaru's pupils dilated instantly.

Can Senju Tojian move freely within Qing Shui's body?

What's going on!

If things like seizing a body are done in a subtle way, they will never reveal themselves until the last moment. Just like Orochimaru in the original time and space had to wait until the last moment when Sasuke and Itachi fought until the chakra was exhausted before taking over. his body...

Senju Tobirama's free and carefree appearance gave Orochimaru a strange illusion.

Is it possible that Qing Shui and Qing Shui are in the same group?

The two people are like a tailed beast and a jinchūriki, having reached a connection of minds?

But what's going on with the nine-magatama reincarnation eye hanging high up there!

There is too much information and too many secrets. Even Orochimaru's genius mind cannot analyze the truth in this short time.

"Second Hokage, there may be a misunderstanding..." Orochimaru spoke slowly, secretly mobilizing the chakra in his body.

At this moment, Qing Shui's voice came from nowhere - "Leave him alive, Tobirama, after all, he has worked for Konoha."

Hearing Qing Shui's voice, Orochimaru's whole body trembled. Was this an illusion created by Senju Tobirama to confuse him, or...

But Qianju Feijian's fingers were slightly raised at this moment, and the magatama in his eyes rotated instantly.

Between the lightning and flint.

Orochimaru only saw a figure passing before his eyes, so fast that he couldn't react at all.

Senju Tobirama was holding a wine gourd and looking at Orochimaru indifferently from behind.

"As expected of the Second Hokage, who is known as the fastest in the ninja world. He moves so fast that I can't react at all, but such a slash is ineffective against me..."

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his long tongue, and mocked himself: "You underestimate me, Tobirama-sama."

But soon.

Orochimaru's smile disappeared. After being penetrated by the Juken Sword, his whole body melted rapidly under Senju Tobirama's stern Sharingan: "Juken Sword... that wine gourd turned out to be a Juken Sword..."

"Why, why is this sword in your hand, what is your relationship with Qing Shui, and what is the Samsara Eye!"

“Tell me, tell me, tell me, I beg you, tell me!!”

Orochimaru howled miserably, but Senju Tobirama smiled coldly, and simply absorbed Orochimaru into the Juken Sword.

"You deserve to know this? There is no such thing as the will of fire..."

After finishing dealing with Orochimaru, Qing Shui slowly appeared beside Senju Tobirama and shook his head with emotion: "Tobirama, do you think this is how human nature is?"

"I'm not too fond of Orochimaru, right? I opened up your forbidden arts books and basic resources to him, and promised you power and courtesy, but as a direct descendant of the Hokage line, he actually wants to take it from me. …”

"How ridiculous it is that someone so close to you has such a dark mind, Tobirama."

"To be honest, if the Infinite Tsukuyomi has nothing to do with the Six Paths Sage, I think this is a good way to bring peace. Using illusions to wash away the evil thoughts in people's hearts may really be a feasible way."

Senju Tobirama was silent for a moment. After Orochimaru made this scene, words and everything were powerless.

Qing Shui was willing to risk his own life in order to seal the Immortal of Six Paths. Is it okay to say something extreme?

Just a few complaints, alas.

"Qing Shui..." Qian Shu Feijian pursed his lips and said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry about the moths that occasionally appear in this world, just keep going, I will be with you."

Qing Shui and Qian Shu Feijian smiled and nodded.

A flash of fierceness flashed in Senju Tobirama's eyes, he picked up the Ten Fist Sword in his hand, and blasted Orochimaru sealed in it towards the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye...

But before it came into contact with the entity of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye, the sticky Orochimaru vaporized.


"Qing Shui, you are still too kind. This kind of rebellious nin must be killed!" Qianju Tobirama said silently in his heart: "I know you can't bear it, so let me bear this darkness..."

And in the barracks.

The big white phosphorus snake fell in a pool of blood. One day, the little white snake hid in the snake carcass, hiding its figure in a cowardly manner.

But Qing Shui still noticed...

The red light in Qing Shui's eyes flashed away, and he secretly marked the little white snake with a technique to control the five senses, and then used Earth Release to deal with the blood stain in the barracks.

Under the cover of Tu Dun, the blood stains and snake corpses disappeared.

"It's like a bird that has eaten all its food and throws it into the forest, leaving a vast expanse of white and the earth is really clean..."

Qing Shui whispered to himself: "Immortals and mortals are all the same."

First update 4218!

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