Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 210 Lord Mizukage, please give the order!

Let Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro become the new Kirigakure Jinchuuriki?

If the Third Mizukage said this, or in any other hidden village, this would be a proposition...

Although the perfect jinchuriki is powerful, it has to go through countless blood and tears before it is born.

Just like Kumogakure, the eight-tailed jinchūriki changed one after another. The Third Raikage suppressed the beast countless times before finally finding Kirabi with a special personality...

In the cognition of the ninja world, becoming a Jinchuuriki means that there is always a bad chance, and sooner or later, you will go berserk...

Why do the hidden villages exclude jinchūriki?

On the one hand, some people's brains are really bad.

On the one hand, it is also because in the process of researching tailed beasts, there were too many violent incidents before success, which brought tragic memories to many people, so much so that some villagers thought that they would be killed by jinchūriki anyway, so it was better to curse first. Besides...

But it's different here in Qingshui.

How the two natural disaster-tailed beasts feared by the world were played with like toys, and how they were transformed into sculptures at a glance, were all shown to the Mist Ninjas with their own eyes.

Especially Qing Shui also made a promise - he will use his strongest sealing technique...

This can almost be seen as, now there are two opportunities to become the perfect Jinchuuriki. They are placed in front of you, do you want to take them?

No fool would...

Don't say that it would be weird to have a monster inside you...

At the moment when the Ninja World War breaks out, gaining superhuman strength is almost everyone's urgent desire!

It’s just that what many people don’t understand is.

Why give Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro this chance?

Even if the ninjas in Kirigakure Village were very knowledgeable and even arranged for Qing Shui from Shuiyingyan, they wouldn't be treated like this, right?

In the minds of most Mist ninjas, Qing Shui came here to capture the two tailed beasts, and the greatest possibility was to bring them back to Konoha...

Who would have thought that he would leave the tailed beast in Kirigakure and create the perfect jinchūriki all by himself?

Zabuza, who had been looking forward to Kirigakure's contribution to Qingshui and hoping to feel at ease, was already numb at this moment. The debt was getting bigger and bigger. How should he repay it?

I am afraid that my life is not enough!

"Lord Qingshui... would you like to think about it again?"

Kisame's little eyes widened, and he couldn't even speak clearly: "You are not only the Mizukage of Kirigakure, you are also the Hokage..."

"No, you are not Hokage now, but you will be Hokage sooner or later!"

Kaguya Junjiro was very excited: "Lord Qingshui, I have long wanted to try the power of the tailed beast!"

Qing Shui glanced at Kisame and said softly: "Why, Kisame, aren't you willing?"

"It's not that you are unwilling, Lord Qingshui!" Kisame suddenly knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice:

"It's just that I haven't made any contribution to you and New Kirigakure!"

Kaguya Junjiro shrugged and glanced at Kisame in confusion.

After Qing Shui broke all his bones and healed them, this brilliant person from the Kaguya clan thought very clearly...

No one can guess what Qing Shui wants to do or what he is going to do. He is a mysterious man like a mist.

But there is only one thing that Kaguya Junjiro firmly believes in. It comes from his strange intuition after being beaten...

As long as you stand unswervingly on Qing Shui's side, believe whatever you say, and do whatever you are told...

Then you can’t go wrong!

Don't think about the logic behind it and Qing Shui's position. These are superfluous things.

Follow Qing Shui, and one day you will be able to live a life of lying on a deck chair, basking in the sun, doing nothing but fighting...

On the way to this beautiful life, all you need to do is play the role of Qing Shui's chess piece.

Anyway, even if he guessed wrong, the worst thing he could do was owe Qing Shui his life and he would be fine.

For example, Kisame, who was thinking about Qing Shui, and Zabuza, who felt uneasy, even Kaguya Junjiro felt that they were just mediocre people. They were not ninjas of the same level. How could they possibly guess Qing Shui's thoughts?

It can only be said that even Qing Shui did not expect that Kaguya Junjiro, a brain with a small brain capacity, would secretly confront Qing Shui's principles...

Maybe this is the fool who beats the master?

"No, Kisame, you will make great contributions to me."

Qing Shui patted Kisame on the shoulder, lifted him up, and said seriously: "Not only you, but also the entire Kirigakure Village, I have important tasks to give you, so I must make you stronger. "

"If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to complete the mission."

After hearing that Qing Shui had a task for him, Kisame's expression suddenly became serious: "I understand, Lord Qing Shui!"

"Okay, I understand."

Qing Shui glanced at Kirigakure around him, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

The Mist ninjas are really cute. After Qingsui announced that Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro would become Jinchuuriki, the Mist ninjas headed by Zabuza showed no joy on their faces, and they were even more confused and frightened. .

On the contrary, when Qing Shui said he had a mission, these people seemed to relax, and their eyes became expectant again.

"A natural chess piece, a life of hard work..."

Qing Shui sighed in his heart, signaled Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro to walk to the sides of Sanbi and Vulpix respectively, and said softly: "Are you ready?"

"Ready, Master Qingshui!" Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro responded loudly.

"Okay, very energetic!"

The magatama in Qing Shui's eyes suddenly spun, and the mountain-like pupil power instantly destroyed the three-tailed and six-tailed forms. The two monsters seemed to be melted, turning into thick gel-like chakra.

Immediately, Qing Shui shot out countless golden chains from behind, tightly binding the tailed beast's chakra together, using the King Kong Seal as a vessel, and sent it straight into the abdomens of Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro. middle.



Qing Shui patted their abdomens twice rhythmically...

The two tailed beasts were sealed in an instant.

Four Elephants Seal?

No, it’s the Bagua seal superimposed on two Four Elephants seals!

In the Bagua seal, Qing Shui also left a gap so that the chakra filtered by the seal could be used by Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro.

"How is it? Is the seal still firm?"

Qing Shui looked at the dumbfounded Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro, and asked with a smile: "I still have some knowledge of the sealing technique. I studied under Uzumaki Mito, and I have practiced it till now, and I am barely a master."

"You...you are so humble..."

Kisame looked at the three tails hanging up by the diamond chains in his body, feeling the tailed beast chakra trickling out from the Bagua seal, and his whole body seemed to be full of power.

Kaguya Junjiro let out a long sigh of relief, feeling proud of his amazing wisdom.

Look, as expected, just follow Lord Qingshui and do it...

As a genius of the Kaguya clan, Kaguya Junjiro was born with a blood stain disease. Although the symptoms were mild, they tended to get worse.

After becoming a jinchuriki, the self-healing ability brought by the tailed beast chakra filtered by the Bagua seal made Kaguya Junjiro's body feel relaxed as never before.

Hey, after becoming a jinchuriki...

My waist no longer hurts, my back is no longer sore, and even using the Corpse Veins in one breath no longer hurts!

"Don't underestimate the power of tailed beasts. A single ferocious beast will not lack the wisdom and methods to guide huge chakra. Even an ordinary shadow can easily suppress it..."

Qing Shui said seriously to the two of them:

"You can talk to the tailed beast in your body. If we can reach the same level of mind, even if I face a powerful perfect Jinchuuriki, I need to brace myself to deal with it."

Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro agreed repeatedly.

This is the truth…

Tailed beasts and jinchūriki are different. Just like Senju Hashirama didn't feel anything after seeing the ten tails, he just suppressed them with Ming Shenmen.

But after seeing Uchiha Obito becoming a jinchuriki, he said: "It turned out to be a jinchuriki. It's troublesome..."

Qing Shui patted their shoulders and said in a deep voice:

"Go and gather all the ninjas in the village... I have a task for you all."

A moment later, Kirigakure's ninjas quickly gathered in front of Qing Shui and lined up as required. There was a distance of about ten meters between everyone, and they looked like they were preparing to do broadcast gymnastics.

Qing Shui looked at the fog ninjas present and crossed his two index fingers: "Ninjutsu: The art of multiple shadow clones!"

After the smoke cleared, Mist Ninja was surprised to find that there was Qing Shui standing in front of each of them!

I want to improve the strength and loyalty of ninjas, and maximize the heart of Kirigakure in a short time...

One-to-one heart-to-heart talks and tutoring sessions are most effective.

Fortunately, this is the ninja world where chakra is omnipotent. One Qing Shui can become countless, provided the chakra is enough.

Coincidentally, Qing Shui is not lacking in chakra...

Qing Shui can choose to block the impact of information after the multiple shadow clones end. He believes that each of his shadow clones will have a pleasant chat with the Mist Ninjas and does not need his original body correction.

As for the physical strength required to chat with thousands of people, Qing Shui said that this was also part of physical training.

"Sit down and talk to me about your recent confusion about ninjutsu..."

"You want to learn advanced ninjutsu, but you don't know how to form seals?"

"What you lack is the corresponding Ninjutsu resources. Let me explain a few water escape techniques to you. It's not difficult..."

"Huh? Do you think life is so beautiful now that you worry about gains and losses?"


The scene was extremely lively, and every Kiri ninja was chatting enthusiastically with their respected Mizukage-sama, and the topic seemed to be endless.

At first, when facing Qing Shui, all the stunned Aogiri ninjas were still very nervous. After all, this person is suspected to be the most powerful person in the ninja world...

But as they chatted, everyone relaxed. The Mist Ninjas found that chatting with Qing Shui was like taking a breath of spring breeze. They were like good friends who had known each other for many years, and they talked happily in all aspects.

From the difficulties of training, the understanding of ninjutsu, daily life, to personal ideals and nindo, the system of one country and one village...

Talk about everything.

Among them was Terumi Mei, who was quite over-the-top. After learning Qing Shui's understanding of Melting Release and Boiling Release to his satisfaction, he boldly started chatting about "marriage", "women", "Mizukage-sama, do you like it" What kind of girl?" and other topics...

This caused Kisame, who was chatting with Qing Shui about his life ideals, to look at him frequently.

With such a great opportunity, why not discuss the art of ninja and philosophy?

What a waste!

Zabuza, on the other hand, mustered up his courage and asked Qing Shui boldly: "Lord Qing Shui, are we worthy of what you do?"

"To be honest, even if you want me to die, I will do it, but I don't know how to continue with this kind of day of doing nothing..."

Qing Shui shook his head and said softly: "I won't want you to die, but I need you to fight for me."

"And for those who fight for me, even if bloodshed is inevitable, I hope they can shed as little blood as possible."

"Can you understand what I say?"

Zabuza took a deep breath, and his eyes became as firm as Kisame's: "I understand, Lord Qingshui!"

After chatting for a long time, the fog ninjas relaxed physically and mentally...

Every Qing Shui's eyes flashed with the red light of illusion, deeply planted with the steel seal of loyal thoughts.

In this largest Mizukage symposium in the history of Kirigakure.

Qing Shui used his experience from many legends of the Warring States Period to clear up the doubts in training for every potential mist ninja. He also used his gentle smile and words to bond the hearts of those injured in the blood mist. Together…

As this chat progresses.

What Qing Shui brings to these Mist Ninjas will be rewarded to him multiple times by Kirigakure's heart...

When these mist ninjas follow the path arranged by Qing Shui, they only need to practice for a period of time——

Their extra chakra level, physical enhancement, mental toughness and other aspects will continue to strengthen Qing Shui.

After a long time.

This epic symposium is over...

Qing Shui stood at a high place, looked at each of the Mist Ninjas cordially, and said slowly:

"Now, I have to give you a difficult task..."

"I will provide you with the resources within my ability, and I will also charge on the front line of the battlefield..."

“But after that, we have to rely on everyone’s determination and strength!”

At this moment, every Kirigakure stared closely at Qing Shui, with the mark of magatama faintly visible in the depths of their eyes, and shouted in unison:

"Mizukage-sama, please give me the order!"

But the mission Qing Shui issued next was beyond the expectations of all the Mist Ninjas...

It's not about a mere ninja war, but about the destruction and rise and fall of this planet!

Second update! Eight thousand completed today!

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