Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 218 Slaughter the strong! Collect the chakra of the nine tailed beasts and attack Kaguya&amp

Chapter 218 Slaughter the strong! Collect the chakra of the nine tailed beasts and attack Kaguya's mind! (continuous chapter 1.2W)


How can there be a savior like you...

The Third Raikage looked at Qing Shui with something wrong in his eyes - is this guy crazy?

The most terrifying lunatics are often not purely bad people, such as perverts who take pleasure in killing people...

Instead, he thinks he is right and uses brutal means to do so-called justice, so he has no sense of guilt or compassion, and even has a spiritual bonus.

Qing Shui's expression at this moment did not contain any hint of joking, but was serious.

It was as if the souls of the tens of thousands of ninjas killed just now had truly fought and sacrificed for peace, not because of the massacre by Qing Shui alone.

"It's too dangerous. No matter what the cost, Uchiha Qingshui must be killed today!"

The Third Raikage thought this in his heart, raising his elbow with an exaggerated note, with violent lightning condensed on it...

"Heavy flow storm"!

Qing Shui's eyes became more serious, his body erupted with lightning that was more powerful than the Third Raikage, and he faced him with the same attitude!

Elbow against elbow, the competition is pure physical strength...

The Third Raikage smiled ferociously. He was proud and confident enough when it came to physical combat.

Even with the powerful Eight-Tails, the Third Raikage fought with this monster until both sides were exhausted, and their physical bodies did not show any scars caused by the other party.

In this ninja world where ninjas are generally "glass cannons", the Third Raikage is indeed the only one with such a solid body!

In terms of resistance to fighting, it even surpasses the physical body of Uchiha Madara, who has the power of all things...

But when he and Qing Shui collided, the smile of the Third Raikage solidified——

No, you are a member of the Uchiha clan, how did you get such great energy?

A few years ago, when Qing Shui first debuted, Uchiha Yashiro, who was chopped down by him, once said this with emotion.

A few years later, on the most dangerous battlefield in the ninja world, the Third Raikage, who was reputed to be the strongest physically, experienced it.

After elbow to elbow with Qing Shui, the muscles and meridians in the Third Raikage's entire right arm seemed to have lost consciousness.

"I have to admit that in terms of physical body, you are the strongest ninja I have ever seen..."

The Sharingan in Qing Shui's eyes turned slightly, and the fist wrapped in bone armor was wrapped with dense blue chakra, and he punched the Third Raikage's heart!

The Third Raikage glared angrily, raised his still movable left arm, and crossed his palm, without any intention of avoiding Qing Shui's punch...

This strong man imitated Qing Shui's movements, both of them were fighting at close quarters and attacking each other's heart!

This is not the way ninjas fight at all. Both of them specialize in recklessness...

With a heavy punch, the Third Raikage flew out like a cannonball and hit the mountain in the distance.

Suddenly gravel splashed!

Qing Shui also took a few steps back, his eyes solemn.

At his heart, the thick white bone armor was cut open with a deep incision, exposing Qing Shui's body!

A very dangerous thing.

If the Third Raikage harms his body, Qing Shui will have one less trump card!

Compared with the bonus of Thunder Chakra mode and Corpse Vein...

Qing Shui gathered the blood of many descendants of immortals, practiced and beat day and night, used medical ninjutsu and thunder escape chakra mode, and coupled with the physical body forged with natural energy, it is truly indestructible!

"You are indeed a ninja worth learning from. I recognize your strength."

Qing Shui lowered his head and looked at his wound, and said seriously: "The power of Guanshou needs to be warmed up and sprinted to reach its maximum limit. But even if it is just swung in place, can it have such power?"

"Even my corpse veins were cut open..."

"You are really dangerous, the Third Raikage."

Qing Shui boasted about the danger of the Third Raikage, but the cut bone armor healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"A monster...a complete monster!"

Onoki's face floating in the air was extremely ugly. How could he even know how to use the Qingshui of Corpse Veins?

It doesn’t make sense!

Reminiscing that Qing Shui had copied Ye Cang's Burning Escape at a glance, Ohnoki secretly looked at the red light escaping from Qing Shui's eyes, and had a bad suspicion in his heart...

Could it be that Qing Shui's Kaleidoscope Eye Technique can copy any ninjutsu? !

In this case, there can be an explanation for the explosive power of Qing Shui when he bombed Kirigakure, and the King Kong blockade used when extracting Lao Zi and Han's tailed beast chakra...

After all, the Mangekyo Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is so unreasonable and is born with a strength that goes against their cognition.

In the distant valley, the Third Raikage held his chest, a fishy sweetness welling up in his throat, and he couldn't help but spurt out blood.

The chest that was hit by Qing Shui was extremely visibly dented.

After he mastered the Thunder Chakra Mode, the Third Raikage believed that he was a unique ninja who was unparalleled in the world...

Even when faced with the Wind Release Ninjutsu that restrains Thunder Release, there is no need to dodge. The only thing that needs to be feared is the Dust Release of Iwagakure Dwarf.

In fact, his perception was not wrong.

Even though the strength of the dirty earth body is not as strong as that of the third generation Raikage, it cannot even be torn apart by Naruto's Rasen Shuriken, and its strength has reached an exaggerated level.

But it is a pity that in this time and space...

In the ninja world, the Third Raikage is not the only ninja who pays attention to the physical body, perseveres, and has talents...

Although Qing Shui is a latecomer, with his superior bloodline and assistance, his physical strength has surpassed him after several years of hard training!

The Third Raikage endured the pain, pressed hard with his two big hands, and forcibly reset the broken sternum, his eyes becoming more and more fierce.

But Qing Shui's battle continued. After the Third Raikage was knocked away, the four Jinchūriki who had entered the second state pounced ferociously, preventing Qing Shui from continuing to pursue.

After speculating that Qing Shui and the Ten-Tails are related...

In the mood of fear, shock or fear, the remaining four tailed beasts were bound by Qing Shui one after another, and temporarily gave their power to their jinchūriki without any reservation.

Qing Shui must be killed!

Therefore, these tailed beast jinchūriki have shown far more power than before, and the tailed beasts' chakra is so thick that it seems as if it is about to overflow...

"Whatever comes to mind..."

Qing Shui smiled, without any intention of avoiding it, and countless dark golden chains shot out from behind!

Kirabi, who had excellent combat awareness and was mentally connected to the Eight-Tails, retreated violently at this moment and barely escaped.

But the King Kong Blockade still penetrated into the bodies of the first, second and seventh tail jinchūriki...

In front of the King Kong blockade that can suppress the tailed beast and has a powerful sealing effect, the Jinchuuriki who were extremely fierce just a moment ago fell into a state of weakness, struggling hard to pull out the chains from their bodies!

Using the chain as a bridge, the chakra of three different tailed beasts flowed into Qing Shui's body.

Qing Shui transferred the plundered tailed beast chakra into the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye in his body.

[Kaguya Otsutsuki’s hope]:

You obtain a small amount of chakra that carries the activity of the sealed part of Otsutsuki Kaguya, and pour high-density energy such as tailed beast chakra and senjutsu chakra into it. After reaching a certain level, it will react with the main body.

Before the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye, which represents Kaguya, did not absorb enough tailed beast chakra...

It is actually just an empty shell and cannot summon Kaguya's consciousness.

Just like before playing a game, you always have to put coins in...

Qing Shui is not stingy.

What's the point of just a nine-magatama samsara eye? I can only activate it occasionally and bluff Tobirama...

The so-called wool comes from the sheep. Although Kaguya has absorbed the tailed beast chakra provided to her free of charge by Qing Shui, when her consciousness awakens, these early efforts will be repaid a hundredfold.

Qing Shui is very confident about this.

Qing Shui would not forcefully squeeze some young men who were weak and could only owe money, such as shabby young men like Shisui and Asuma.

But for a rich woman like Kaguya Otsutsuki who has no strength and cannot show her true level, Qing Shui said that you should just wait to be knocked to the bone and sucked out the marrow!

Following the chain, the tailed beast chakra, which was as plump as crab paste, was unconsciously eaten by the hungry Kaguya. The terrifying red light instantly covered Qing Shui's entire body, so much so that Qing Shui opened his eyes. Don't open your eyes...

As Kaguya ate, Qing Shui's aura became more and more terrifying, with a hint of madness and destruction inexplicably...

"Qing Shui, be careful!"

Senju Tobirama closed his eyes and shouted: "Don't absorb too much! Each Jinchuuriki can extract part of the tailed beast chakra. If there is more, I'm afraid we won't be able to control this monster..."

From Qianju Tojian's point of view, there was no problem with Qing Shui's plan.

The Uchiha Stone Tablet says that the condition for releasing the Infinite Tsukuyomi is to collect the chakra of the nine tailed beasts...

Therefore, a mutilated tailed beast would naturally not work.

Since we plan to completely seal the Six Paths Sage, we will carry out double insurance. Not only will the main body be restricted within Qing Shui's body, but all the tailed beasts that can resurrect the Ten Tails will also be reduced to a mutilated state...

This is the safest.

Senju Tobirama is not a time traveler, so how could he know that even an octopus leg can replace the entire Eight-Tails or Nine-Tails, and the big head can also be replaced by the ones inside the Golden Horn and Silver Horn?

But even so, when Kaguya's consciousness gradually revived in Qing Shui's body, the pressure brought by it silently still made the well-informed second-generation Hokage feel suffocated.

Too scary!

Although Senju Tobirama didn't see Kaguya's true form...

But even with this aura, Qianju Tojian is sure that it must be a world-destroying existence.

"Poison Ninja Technique: Sansho Poison Mist Technique!"

"Seal, the lion shuts its roar!"

"Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Boundary Technique!"

When Qing Shui controlled the three Jinchuuriki, Hanzo, Chiyo and the Third Kazekage acted as co-ordinates!

Dozens of Sanshou Fish burst out of the ground. Under the leadership of the leader, Sanshou Fish Ibushi, they all opened their big mouths and spit out deadly purple poisonous mist towards Qingshui!

The ten crimson-white puppets launched lion heads with powerful sealing skills, biting towards Qing Shui fiercely.

And in silence, the sand-iron barrier sealed Qing Shui's upper, lower, left and right sides, and the strong magnetism restricted Qing Shui's movements. Huge and sharp inverted cones came crashing from all directions!

Qing Shui glanced at this combined attack and nodded slightly.

Sealing, Poison, and Magnetic Escape are a very targeted set of combined killing moves.

Especially for magnetic escape, the strong magnetic field eliminated the possibility of throwing the Flying Thunder God Kunai, making Qing Shui unable to teleport and could only resist this move.

"The mainstays of each village really have something special about them..."

Qing Shui praised his opponent loudly, but the chains wrapped around the three Jinchuuriki became tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to strangle them first before attacking...

Saw this scene.

The offensive of Chiyo, Hanzo and the Third Kazekage did not stop, but increased the power of the spell!

Although the three Jinchuuriki bound by Qing Shui are also within the attack range...

But judging from the strength shown by Qing Shui, even if he kills his comrades indiscriminately, it is extremely worthwhile!

I am not afraid of accidental injury, I am just afraid that Qing Shui is still alive...

And at this moment.

In Qing Shui's hands, a translucent barrier appeared quietly, and suddenly expanded with him as the center!

"Chen Escape: The Technique of Boundary Peeling"!

The expanding Dust Escape disintegrated the poisonous mist, puppet seal, and endless iron sand barrier in an instant, breaking them into atoms!

It is said that one force can defeat all laws.

It's not just a physical fight, but also a collision of ninjutsu, and the elimination of the bloodsuccessor that surpasses the limits of the five-escape ninjutsu and the bloodsuccession. This is the most convenient way for Qingshui, who has abundant chakra, to break the situation!

Kirabi, who was still watching, and the Third Raikage, who had rushed in again, stopped and quickly retreated.

This is Chen Escape!

If you get hit by this...

Even the third Raikage's body couldn't bear it!

Onomu looked at Qing Shui's Chen Escape and slowly clenched his fists, humiliation and unwillingness permeating his heart.

The technique of dust release is the ultimate ninjutsu against Susanoo developed by his mentor, the second generation Tsuchikage Muashi, in order to fight against Madara Uchiha who once bullied them.

Although when Qing Shui was fighting against the Four-Tailed and Five-Tailed Tails, Onoki saw that Qing Shui seemed to have used the dust escape stance...

But Ohnoki didn't really believe that Qing Shui could really learn Dust Escape!

It wasn't until he saw today's scene that Onoki had to admit...

Qing Shui's Dust Escape is above him!

Just the difference between chakras determines so much.

After Chen Dun bulldozed everything, the scene became silent, and no one took action easily again.

Qing Shui stood on the ground, the chains behind his back still absorbing the chakra of the three Jinchuuriki...

In this moment, the first-tailed jinchuriki split, the second-tailed jinchuriki Yukito, and the unknown Takigakure seven-tailed jinchuriki have exited the tailed beast transformation state two form, with only thin tailed beast chakra floating On the body surface.

"It's still a little worse..."

Qing Shui calculated the required tailed beast chakra.

In order to activate Kaguya's consciousness with the ability to communicate and line up, it is also necessary to retain an extra portion of the chakra of each tailed beast as a tool to tease Kaguya.

But you also have to control the amount...

After all, the tailed beast chakra belongs directly to Kaguya's power. If you absorb too much, you may suffer backlash, just like the Six Paths Sage and Uchiha Madara who had to leave the form of the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki...

Otsutsuki, who had swallowed the chakra fruit, was still far behind in strength compared to Senju Tobirama.

To prevent the possibility of being forcibly broken away...

As the tailed beast chakra continued to flow in, Qing Shui's skin seemed to become fairer, but a hint of pain appeared on his face, as if absorbing this chakra was also a heavy burden for him.

Uchiha Izuna looked at this scene and let out a long breath...

There is such an all-powerful monster in the family?

The reason why a ninja's battle can be decided in the slightest is because of his fragile body.

But Qing Shui made up for this shortcoming of his own. This physical defense brought too much fault tolerance, and he could learn all kinds of ninjutsu with just a glance, even the dust escape.

What's even more terrifying is that Qing Shui also has super high mobility...

Uchiha Izuna couldn't help but think of his former title during the Warring States Period - "The Perfect Ninja".

This name is more suitable for Qing Shui!

In Uchiha Izuna's view, even if Uchiha Madara and Qing Shui fight at their peak, the best result would be undefeated.

If Qing Shui doesn't want to fight, who can force him to fight?

Uchiha Madara also fell into deep thought and whispered to himself: "Qing Shui...when did he become so strong?"

Fortunately, he resurrected Quan Nai first and let his good brother plan the contact with Qing Shui.

If he had discussed this with Qing Shui himself, Uchiha Madara had planned to use his strength to take Qing Shui away even if the conversation collapsed.

But judging from this performance, even if his body that has not reached full vitality has the Samsara Eye, if he really fights Qing Shui, the result will not be good.

Although the Samsara Eye can absorb even the dust escape, Qing Shui only needs to rely on this mountain-breaking physical technique, and Uchiha Madara feels that he cannot withstand it...

Boxing is afraid of young people, it’s no joke!

Uchiha Obito, who wanted to compete with Qing Shui, fell into silence.

Obviously, there is no need to talk about a head-on battle. Qing Shui will definitely not be able to defeat him...

If it were a sneak attack using divine power, there might be something to be said for it.

But Qing Shui not only had the Flying Thunder God technique, but with this speed of movement, Uchiha Obito's Mangeidoscope couldn't even keep up.

Fortunately, he still had the incorporation of divine power, otherwise Uchiha Obito would feel that he and Qing Shui were not ninjas at the same level!

"Brother, Obito..."

Uchiha Izuna stared at Qing Shui, the magatama in his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes turned rapidly: "Did you notice? After Qing Shui absorbed the chakra of those tailed beasts, he obviously entered an unstable state!"

Uchiha Madara looked at Qing Shui silently, and nodded with a complicated expression: "Izuna, I have already guessed this..."

Uchiha Izuna glanced at Uchiha Madara in surprise.

Oh, our great genius is thinking so quickly this time?

"With Qing Shui's talent, he will not fail to see that this ninja world is wrong. Only the Infinite Tsukuyomi can correct all this..."

Uchiha Madara said sonorously, with a hint of complaint in his tone:

"Izuna! Maybe what you did was wrong. If we had communicated with Qing Shui in advance, then Qing Shui would not have to use his own body to absorb chakra. We are in control of the heretic demon!"

When Uchiha Obito heard this, he also glared at Uchiha Izuna with dissatisfaction: "Madara is right! I thought you were as smart as Qing Shui, but I didn't expect you to be not that..."

A tic-tac-toe appeared on Uchiha Izuna's forehead!

These two guys with undeveloped brains actually criticized him!

"You two, calm down!"

Uchiha Izuna said angrily:

"Don't forget, he and the Senju Tobi are inextricably linked... And you see, Uchiha Qingsui does not intend to completely absorb the entire tailed beast in the Jinchuuriki's body, but controls it within a certain limit."

"Is he really replicating the method of gathering tailed beasts in the Uchiha Monument? I don't think so..."

Uchiha Izuna said slowly: "He seems to be trying, using part of the tailed beast chakra to test..."

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito nodded slightly: "If you say this, it is in line with Qing Shui's cautious temperament."

Uchiha Madara shook his head: "How could there be a problem with the Uchiha Stone Tablet? This is a secret passed down by our ancestors, and only clan members with sufficient eye power can read it..."

"Maybe he was influenced by Senju Tobirama, right? Qing Shui is so cautious, but he doesn't look like an Uchiha!"

Uchiha Izuna glanced at Uchiha Madara speechlessly.

Doesn't this look like an Uchiha?

His older brother was indeed very powerful at times.

As an Uchiha, you can use conspiracy and tricks to darken Obito next to you...

So couldn't the ancestors use similar methods?

It's just that Uchiha Izuna knows that once his brother is sure of something, it will be difficult to persuade him.

It was like when he was on the verge of death, he had been telling Uchiha Madara not to join forces with the Senju clan to form a village, even if it was to go to other countries, and not to form an alliance with enemies with blood feuds.

But there was no way, Uchiha Madara just refused to listen, and eventually led Uchiha and Senju to establish Konoha...

So although Uchiha Izuna has doubts about the Uchiha Monument...

But this suspicion comes from his intuition, and there is no conclusive evidence yet. Instead of Uchiha Izuna's clear-cut opposition now, it is better to smooth over Uchiha Madara and ask him not to do it in a hurry.

As well as Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Izuna on the side, they also discovered that this kid's IQ is not high during their recent interactions.

It was as if he was possessed by a demon. He would hold a diary and read it every day when he had nothing to do. His face would smile and cry, and he kept talking about how to achieve infinite reading for Lin, and then go to the Pure Land to find her...

With such a crazy level of confusion, telling him that there is something wrong with the Eye of the Moon plan will most likely be useless...

Uchiha Izuna was thinking...

Unlike Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, he had no feelings for Qing Shui. He only recognized that Qing Shui had led the Uchiha clan to develop well under the tyranny of the Senju.

But amidst the unprecedented changes in this millennium...

Uchiha Izuna's favorable impressions were not enough to shake his reason. His cold appearance was exactly the same as Senju Tobirama before he was influenced by Qing Shui!

After a while.

Uchiha Izuna looked at the two people who seemed to want to end, and slowly said: "Now suppose we end, even if we contribute the heretic demon, Qing Shui's character will not believe us..."

"If Qing Shui wants to carry out the Eye of the Moon project, then he will naturally find a way to find them since he lacks the heretic golems. At that time, it will be our best chance to contact him."

"The identity of my brother and I is very sensitive in today's Konoha. According to Obito, the bond between Qingshui and everyone in Konoha is very deep, and the education received by these disciples of Senju Tobirama will naturally treat us with contempt. as an enemy.”

Uchiha Izuna said in a deep voice: "We need to find a private opportunity. Only the four of us Uchiha can talk. That is effective communication. Don't rush it!"

Uchiha Obito thought for a while and said in agreement: "Indeed..."

The people in Konoha were short-sighted, but there was nothing they could do about it, Qing Shui's relatives and friends were all there.

Uchiha Obito stepped in...

Suppose he thinks something is right, but if Uchiha Rin disagrees, then it is both right and wrong.

Even though Uchiha Obito thinks that he and Qing Shui are the best in the world, after all, there are still too many people in Konoha who have good relations with Qing Shui...

Uchiha Obito couldn't help but feel resentful.

How loyal he is! My only friend is Qing Shui, my lover is only Uchiha Lin...

But Qing Shui has Tsunade, Asuma, Shisui, Kakashi, Hatake Sakumo, Kakuzu, Metkai, Metedai, Beiruhu...

Too many to count!

Uchiha Madara sighed. Although he wanted to meet Qing Shui under the spotlight at this moment, what Uchiha Izuna said did make sense.

He could only nod: "Then I'll listen to you, Quan Nai..."

Uchiha Izuna hummed, and a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan stared at Qing Shui, not wanting to let go of any detail.

It’s different from what I said…

Uchiha Izuna just wanted Qing Shui to serve as a "guinea pig" to see if there was really something wrong with the Uchiha Stone Tablet method!

If something goes wrong, they still have the initiative as they have not exposed the Samsara Eye, Qianyin and Kamui, and have the heretic demon image.

If exposed, things would be very troublesome.

Qing Shui's pupil technique made Uchiha Izuna very afraid.

If even the kaleidoscope ability can be copied, it means that the only way to deal with Qing Shui is like Senju Tobirama defeated him with the Flying Thunder God, and we can only use the method of killing him at first sight to defeat him!

Therefore, you must not act rashly.

And on the battlefield.

Qing Shui, who had used the King Kong seal to pull away the three Jinchuuriki until they fainted, looked at the Third Raikage and others who were waiting, and said slowly:

"The first Hokage sold the tailed beasts to various hidden villages. He originally wanted to use this destructive power to check the ambitions of the major forces, but in turn it increased the intensity of the war..."

"So, I want to recycle these tailed beasts."

Qing Shui was about to continue speaking, but his breath became unstable, and his expression was rare and ferocious. He adjusted for a moment: "Give me the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and this war will be over."

Senju Tobirama looked worriedly at the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Eyes that seemed to be alive...

He knew that every move Qing Shui made would cause the Six Paths Sage to erode his body. The repeated use of chakra just now, coupled with the abnormality in Qing Shui's condition, made Senju Tobirama very anxious.

Can the ninja across from me understand human speech?

Look at each other's strength!

If Qing Shui is allowed to continue to take action, it will help accelerate the erosion of the Six Paths Immortal, resulting in the seal being unable to be successfully carried out...

In the end, the ninja world was destroyed, and each of you has original sin!

"Don't even think about it!" The Third Raikage glared at Qing Shui and said loudly.

Chiyo narrowed her eyes and looked at Qing Shui who had disabled her grandson, whom she regarded as a treasure, and said in a sinister voice: "Kid, after absorbing so much tailed beast chakra, your current state is not stable, right? "

"Everyone, don't be fooled by him. This devil of the Uchiha clan wants to escape from the war!"

"With so much blood debt on your body, I won't let you escape so easily..."

Qing Shui shook his head and sighed: "There is no blood debt on my body. You intruders are really shameless..."

"With your ambition, desire and arrogance, if you had the power to get close to me, you would have started a war, right?"

Qing Shui said slowly: "But I didn't. I still follow the concept of peace and invite you to come to Konoha to sign a peace agreement. I don't want the flames of war to permeate the ninja world..."

"And what did you do? I treated it sincerely, but you treated the peace agreement as a piece of waste paper and tore it up brazenly. You also used the power of the entire ninja world to attack Konoha, and even the small hidden village was involved."

Ohnoki was so angry that he was shaking!

Are you pretending to be weak and then trying to trick us into attacking?

With such vicious Tobirama series weapons and enough reserves to fight several wars, Ohnoki believed that Qing Shui had definitely planned this for a long time!

"Stop talking nonsense, kid!"

Onoki floated in the sky and shouted angrily: "Your so-called peace agreement is just a drama to paralyze us! Secretly, we have already been preparing for war!"

"Interesting, according to your theory, why didn't the arms race in Iwagakure Village be made public to the ninja world?"

Qing Shui snorted coldly and said coldly: "Although you are stubborn, I am a kind person..."

"This is the last chance. If we hand over the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, then this war will end here."

"I'm warning you, don't let me take action again..."

Qing Shui said sincerely: "I don't like killing people, so you should just listen to me, okay?"

Ohnoki and others looked at Qing Shui coldly.

Don't like killing people?

Then you killed 20,000 people in a quarter of an hour because you liked watching fireworks?

And at this time.

The third generation Kazekage quietly flew behind Qing Shui with his sand-iron wings, quietly opened a scroll, and held a large jar in his hand.

It's the amber bottle!

The Third Kazekage pointed the amber bottle at Qing Shui and shouted loudly: "Uchiha Qing Shui, Sunagakure has surrendered!"

Although Qing Shui had already sensed the movements of the Third Feng Ying, he still turned around and said in cooperation: "Okay..."

And in the midst of this response, the sealing process of the amber bottle has been started!

This Six Paths Noble Phantasm, which could seal the Eight Tails, instantly erupted with a strong sealing force, covering Qing Shui!

The Third Kazekage looked overjoyed, it was indeed a ninja tool left by the Sage of Six Paths!

Because at this moment, Qing Shui's figure was shaking under this strong gravitational force...

"So mean!"

Madara Uchiha suddenly couldn't sit still, his Rinnegan eyes flashed purple, and he summoned the Rinne Tomb clone to help Qing Shui.

This sneak attack from behind reminded Uchiha Madara of the memory of being stabbed in the back by Hashirama...

Sure enough, every Uchiha's weakness may be behind it!

Obito Uchiha's eyes were spinning with divine power, and he had already locked onto the head of the Third Kazekage, ready to summon space turbulence at any time!

At this moment, even Uchiha Izuna no longer stopped him.

If Qing Shui is really sealed by the amber bottle, then Uchiha Izuna will use Senyiki to condense the chakra of the Third Kazekage!

Uchiha Izuna wanted Qing Shui to collect all the tailed beasts to explore the path for the Eye of the Moon project.

And this does not mean that others can use despicable means to sneak attack on the Uchiha clan!

In Konoha's military formation.

Tsunade, Hatake Sakumo, Kakuzu and others have already rushed over...

Are you playing sneak attack?

I just thought there were many of you, right?

But at the next moment, an extremely complex kaleidoscope pattern suddenly appeared in Qing Shui's eyes!

Although fleeting.

But after Qing Shui turned around, he already had a red-white wine gourd in his hand!

An extremely strong chakra burst out from the wine gourd, and the Ten Fist Sword was directly inserted into the open amber bottle!

After the amber purifying bottle was filled with the blade of the Ten Fists Sword, the suction force suddenly disappeared.

The expression of the Third Kazekage changed, what kind of ninjutsu is this?

It can actually break the seal of the amber bottle!

Ohnoki's expression suddenly changed, he quickly condensed Chen Escape in his hand, and blasted a deadly beam of light at Qing Shui!

"The Third Kazekage, return to the formation quickly!" Onoki shouted: "You are too dangerous alone!"

The Third Kazekage was frightened. The iron sand protected his whole body very carefully, and a pair of iron wings used all their strength to incite him!

And obviously...

Chen Dun's long forward swing could not keep up with Qing Shui's speed. When Onomu's barrier dissipated, Qing Shui was already standing somewhere else.

But the third Tsuchikage was still relieved.


This dust escape at least delayed the Third Feng Ying's escape. He didn't even expect to be able to hit Qing Shui...

This is just support in a strategic sense.

At this moment, the Third Kazekage was about to return to the military formation.

Onoki was thinking in his mind: "Although the sneak attack did not accomplish anything, there should be no casualties... we can still fight!"

But it seems to be responding to Onoki’s thoughts...

Blue-purple light burst out from Qing Shui's eyes, and the analysis of the Third Kazekage's Magnetic Escape was completed instantly!


Qing Shui stretched out his hand to the Third Kazekage, and the powerful chakra began to activate Magnetic Release!

Under the strong magnetic force, the iron sand attached to the Third Kazekage's body turned into a fatal flaw, and his whole body was instantly sucked by Qing Shui.

It looked like it was pulled by the magnetic force, as if it was sealed by an amber bottle...

Qing Shui looked expressionlessly at the Third Kazekage who was dragged in the air by magnetic force, the lightning on his body flickering silently.

Even though the Third Kazekage used iron sand to protect his body, it was just a punch...

Qing Shui aimed at the Third Kazekage's chest, punched him through, and sent him to the Pure Land.

The Third Kazekage fell to the ground with a big hole in his chest.

Qing Shui shook off the blood in his hand, his chakra became more unstable, more violent and filled with the aura of destruction.

"I gave you a chance to survive..."

Qing Shui said softly: "Why don't you cherish it?"

"It seems that you still have no contribution to peace as always, so I can only do it in my own way."

"I wish you all good luck. In order for the ninja world to survive, I need to reduce your power..."

In silence.

Qing Shui appeared in front of the three Jinchuuriki who were knocked unconscious by the King Kong blockade.

The first-tailed jinchuriki is the blessed monk, the second-tailed jinchuriki is Yukito, and the seven-tailed jinchuriki is the unknown uncle...

Turn your palm into a sword!

Even for jinchūriki, without the chakra of the tailed beast, his body is as fragile as that of an ordinary ninja.

A bloody light filled the air, and three Jinchūriki who could rank high in the ninja world were sent to the Pure Land.

But Qing Shui didn't give them time to grieve.

Qing Shui continued to advance, and Chiyo, who was closest to him, used the ten Chikamatsu people in his hands to launch a counterattack.


Half of the bone armor mask covered Qing Shui's face, and the puppet's Du Qianben and various ninja tools hit the red and white bone armor, making crisp sounds.

But it couldn't stop Qing Shui's steps even a bit.

Another punch!

Chiyo was killed by Qing Shui's punch, and her tattered body fell to the ground. The puppet she controlled also lost the supply of chakra.

Qing Shui at this moment really looked like a demon...

The boiling thunder light was extremely violent, and the red and white bone armor was wrapped in green water, filled with a chilling aura, only revealing a pair of scarlet eyes.

On the arm, a dark golden chain wraps the arm, acting as an arm guard.

Qing Shui rushed straight towards Kirabi, and this perfect Jinchuuriki also responded at this moment!

Completely transformed into a tailed beast!

The ferocious octopus roared, and its eight thick tentacles flapped crazily at Qing Shui!

"The strength is not enough, but the size is huge, so it can only become a target..."

Qing Shui's eyes flashed with patterns, and then the entire octopus burned with black fire - Amaterasu!

The tailed beast, which had been so fierce and majestic just now, let out a pitiful cry that made all the ninjas on the battlefield tremble in fear before they even met him!

Amaterasu grilled the octopus crazily, and even faintly smelled a strange meaty aroma.

Kirabi fell to the ground covered with scars, not knowing whether to live or die.

And Qing Shui seemed to have fallen into fatigue, covering his chest, but his strength was increasing step by step!

Seeing Kirabi seemingly being killed by Qing Shui, the Third Raikage burst out with all his strength from the farthest distance. His five fingers were like knives and axes, and they were pressed one by one during the sprint, gradually reducing the chakra. All gathered on one finger!

This is his ultimate skill - "One-pass hand!"

The Third Raikage once used this move to flatten all the eight tails, and its single-point destructive power was terrifying!

When the Third Raikage rushed to Qing Shui like he was fighting for his life, Qing Shui's eyes were filled with exhaustion, and there was also a hint of pain in it.

Qianju Tobijian's heart trembled, and he quickly said: "Qing Shui, use my chakra!"

But Qing Shui didn't seem to hear it. A pair of Sharingan locked the movements of the Third Raikage, and he cleverly dodged sideways.

Immediately, Qing Shui whipped the Third Raikage's thrusting arm with a whip!

In the sprinting state, the Third Raikage's stabbing thrust that he couldn't stop changed direction, and the fingers of Ipponsan's hand sank straight into his chest!

When the strongest spear meets the strongest shield...

Obviously, the strongest spear wins!

The Third Raikage had half of his hand in his chest and fell down in a pool of blood.

Qing Shui glanced sideways at Hanzo and casually made a seal.

"Earth Release·Yellow Spring Marsh Technique!"

The soles of Hanzo's feet turned into thick mud, and a diamond-colored chain wrapped around him at this moment, dragging him over and cutting off his arm that was still struggling to form the seal with one palm!

At this point, of the nine ninjas who had surrounded and suppressed Qingshui, only Onoki in the sky was still able to move.

Ohnoki turned around without hesitation and wanted to escape, flying higher and higher, but the Dust Escape Light Pillar catching up behind him forced him to turn back.

When Ohnoki used Dust Release to save himself, Qing Shui instantly threw the kunai and used the Flying Thunder God Technique to rush to Ohnoki's side!

"Chen Escape: The art of boundary peeling!"

Looking at Qing Shui rushing towards him, Onomu's eyes were filled with a hint of madness. This might be a good opportunity to kill Qing Shui!

Therefore, he did not put up any defense, but drove the chakra in his body desperately.

Strive to release the Dust Escape as quickly as possible!

But unfortunately, Qing Shui's hand formed the seal faster than him, and his fingers ignited the five elements of chakra and pressed it on Ohnoki's chest!

Five elements seal!

Under the chaos of the seal, the chakra in Ohnoki's body could no longer be mobilized, and Qing Shui kicked him out of the air, accurately kicking him to the side of the Third Raikage and Hanzo.

Under the impact of this kick, Onoki felt that his waist seemed to be broken. He grabbed the ground with both hands weakly, but could not get up.

Qing Shui slowly landed in front of these three people.

No one is standing at the top of the nine ninja coalition forces that surrounded Qing Shui.

The only ones who are still alive are Onoki, who is suspected of having broken his lumbar vertebrae, the Third Raikage, who is lying in a pool of blood with unwilling eyes, and the one-armed Hanzo...

Qing Shui sat on Kirabi's body quite tiredly, looking down at the three people, while absorbing the last eight tails chakra, he said: "Being able to fight so far shows that you have enough strength."

"I don't intend to kill you. Just live with this humiliation. Be it to become stronger or to be patient, to gather the defeated soldiers under your command. Like a catfish, stirring up the muddy waters of the ninja world, let this ninja Everyone in the world is in a state of not daring to slack off..."

Ohnoki, the Third Raikage and Hanzo looked up, their eyes full of fear, confusion and anger.

Why would Qing Shui, who was so cruel and ruthless, let them live?

This makes no sense!

What kind of conspiracy does he have?

Even Qian Shu Tojian asked at this moment: "Qing Shui... why don't you kill them once and for all!"

"If I kill them, the ninjas of Konoha will completely fall into a stable state without any sense of tension at all."

Qing Shui said softly: "If an enemy is still alive, then everyone will become nervous. If one day my seal is loosened, while this period of hatred continues, there will still be a chance in Konoha that someone who can seal me will appear." genius…"

"If I kill them and create a short-term peace, then under the singing and dancing, when the crisis comes, everything will be over."

Qianju Tojian looked at Qing Shui in horror.

This sentence means...

Qing Shui seems to have lost confidence that he will be sealed?

Sure enough, he fought so hard for Konoha that the erosion of the Six Paths Sage increased too quickly!

But Qing Shui didn't say much to Qian Shu Feijian.

After absorbing enough Eight-Tails Chakra from Kirabi, Qing Shui slowly stood up and said to Ohnoki, the Third Raikage and Hanzo who were in a pool of blood:

"From now on, let's all struggle to become stronger in the name of the "Living Sannin". As a price, let's each shoulder our own honor..."

"Goodbye, everyone."

Hanzo, who once gave Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya the name of Sannin.

But today he was dubbed the "Sannin" by Qing Shui.

Hanzo stared at Qing Shui's back, a huge sense of powerlessness and panic came over him.

Why did he let Tsunade and the others go?

On the one hand, he is worried about Konoha's revenge, and on the other hand, Hanzo is extremely confident in his own strength...

Even if these three people are powerful, they cannot surpass him!

As time passes, Hanzo will actually regret letting go of Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya. They are still growing.

And Qing Shui, who let them go...

That’s probably the same idea, right?

But do the Third Raikage, Onoki and Hanzo, the three middle-aged men, really have room for improvement...

Is there still a chance to avenge this blood feud?

And why did Qing Shui let them go? Is it really because he didn't want the Konoha ninja to become slack as he said?

These are all mysteries…

However, the three of them, who were in an extremely weak state, did not notice that Qing Shui's pupil power quietly penetrated into their eyes.

His eyes took on the shape of the Sharingan.

Qing Shui returned to the Konoha military formation, stopped Hatake Sakumo who wanted to execute Ohnoki and others, shook his head and said: "The war is over..."

Although everyone in Konoha didn't know why Qing Shui didn't kill the three of them.

But from the way Qing Shui sat on Kirabi's body and chatted for a while...

Maybe some agreement was reached?

Well, since Lord Qingshui is so smart, he will definitely not suffer any loss. If he doesn’t want to kill him, then he will kill him...

As for why not kill them...

Among the three ninjas whose spirits were rooted in Qing Shui's illusion, they were a natural intelligence station.

Enemies who want to attack Qing Shui will not let go of these three shadows who have combat power, hatred and military resources.

For example, Uchiha Izuna and others may have Otsutsuki Ishiki.

And they will all be Qing Shui's chess pieces, tools used to perform for Otsutsuki Kaguya.

In Qing Shui's view, Kaguya is a woman who is easy to defeat for two reasons...

The first point is her distrust of humans and her betrayal.

And when Otsutsuki Kaguya saw the enemy attacking the Qingshui seal, the Konoha ninjas risked their lives to protect him. This was one of the best scenes...

Therefore, Qing Shui needs someone to survive and act as the so-called "villain".

The second point is her disdain for human strength.

Qing Shui has already made arrangements for this point...

If the move that Otsutsuki Kaguya once feared appeared, Qing Shui would let her see a mortal body comparable to a god!

Metadai will burn his own...

"Everyone..." Qing Shui stood in the center of the crowd. When he spoke, the scene was instantly silent as if no one dared to breathe:

"The war is over!"

Four thousand yesterday, eight thousand today!

A total of twelve thousand!

What a hearty coding session! (akimbo)

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