Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 224 Senju Tobirama was beaten by everyone, Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to seal the teacher! (1W

Opening the door to the Hokage's office, he saw Tobirama with scarlet eyes staring at him expressionlessly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt as if his heart had stopped for a few seconds...

This scene is so horrific.

What ultimate intimidation illusion...

But even despite this fear, Sarutobi Hiruzen still did not forget his promise to Qing Shui...

Keep the water flowing!

"Teacher has taken Qing Shui's body, and even Qing Shui's body has been alienated and transformed into his own appearance..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought sadly in his heart:

"In the teacher's notes, it is also recorded that Uchiha Madara once obtained his younger brother's Mangekyō Sharingan, and opened the pupil power that will not be exhausted and can open the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan..."

"If Zhisui knew that Qing Shui had his body taken away and was betrayed by the will of fire he always believed in, under this kind of mental stimulation, Zhishui's talent would definitely open the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Qing Shui is obviously such a good inheritor of the Will of Fire. Does the teacher really want to be so perfect? ​​Or have I misunderstood him..." With this thought, Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head hopefully and spoke to Senju Tobirama. See.

Originally, he still had some final fantasy, but after seeing the familiar power of Qing Shui in Senju Tobirama's eyes...

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was covered with a bitter smile, and he murmured to himself in his heart: "I can only say that it is you, Tobirama-sensei..."

"I am too immature. I actually imagined that Teacher Tobirama would be kind to Uchiha..."

It wasn't that Sarutobi Hiruzen was wrong.

But Senju Tobirama actually possesses Qing Shui's eye power, which comes from the fact that his soul was soaked and transformed by Qing Shui, and turned into the shape of Uchiha.

Senju Tobirama looked at the pale-faced Sarutobi Hiruzen in confusion.

Why do you feel so unhappy when you see yourself resurrected?

He was still talking weird words just now. Regarding Shisui, Senju Tobirama must take good care of this genius Uchiha boy.

The first is Qing Shui’s younger brother…

Secondly, through daily contact, Senju Tobirama also judged that Shisui had a bright will of fire in his heart and was a talent that Konoha needed.

Qian Shu Feijian thought for a moment and then understood.

It is estimated that Monkey felt that he had too many flaws in managing Konoha and was worried that his teacher would fix him, so he was a little overly nervous.

Senju Tobirama really wanted to punish Sarutobi Hiruzen severely.

Starting from the zero-point Hokage test paper, to the roots of Danzo Shimura and the ambitious Orochimaru, these all have to be criticized.

It's just that Qing Shui's matter is so urgent, Senju Tobirama doesn't want to waste words with Sarutobi Hiruzen at this moment.

"Monkey, Shisui is a special talent that I value. He is not an ordinary Uchiha..."

For the sake of Qing Shui, Senju Tobirama did not continue to put pressure on Sarutobi Hiruzen, and specifically explained: "I will take good care of him, don't worry."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression became even worse.

Special talents, special care.

These two words sound okay, but if Senju Tobirama said...

That's no different from trying to dissect Shisui!

Can you be a human being, Tobirama-sensei!

Do you have to eat the entire Qingshui family and squeeze out the entire Uchiha family until there is no bone marrow left before you are willing to give up? !

Qing Shui and Uchiha are all part of Konoha...

You, the Second Hokage, don't you even understand such a simple truth?

Sarutobi Hiruzen roared in his heart, and even had a faint thought that he shouldn't have.

Senju Tobirama, who was originally dead, but still interfered in the affairs of the ninja world, messed up the ninja world and Konoha that were supposed to be getting better and better...

It seems like it shouldn’t continue to exist!

If Qian Shu Fei Jian didn't seize the green water...

Then how beautiful Konoha would be!

Tsunade and Qing Shui will successfully get together and solve the biggest problem in the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha...

This is just a small aspect. Qing Shui's talent, charisma and cohesion have transformed the roots of darkness in the past into a new force that everyone yearns for in the village. He himself has the most outstanding will of fire and is the fourth generation Hokage. A well-deserved choice.

Even Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato, who believed in the Son of Prophecy, were initially skeptical of Qing Shui, but gradually changed their views and wanted to communicate more with Qing Shui.

Hatake Sakumo, Kakuzu, Beiruhu, Aburame take root...

These strong men who once wandered around the edge of Konoha, almost had accidents, or did not belong to Konoha at all,

There are also the Yamazaka, Akimichi and Nara clans whose secret techniques have been improved, as well as Kurama and other ninja clans, all of which benefited from Qing Shui's loyal support.

What a great situation!

Even if Qing Shui doesn't have such terrifying strength, just relying on his management skills has made Konoha's combat power rise several levels...

But when Qian Shu Feijian took the green water from his body.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even dare to think about what would happen to the village that was now blooming with flowers and burning with fire!

over a long period of time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has always been worried about the rebellion of the Uchiha clan. He believes that this kind of internal strife will greatly weaken the strength of the village, so that it will trigger uncontrollable consequences and be invaded by other hidden villages and pick the peaches.

But what Senju Tobirama is doing now...

But it will set off a situation more terrifying than the rebellion of the Uchiha clan!

Needless to say, Uchiha, these red eyes will definitely go crazy and fight Senju Tobirama...

And the roots under Qing Shui's command also possess the latest war ninja tools, the strong ones like rain.

Even though Senju Tobirama has a reputation in Konoha, he may be able to win over a group of people by relying on the inertia of ruling the village for twenty years...

But it must not include the Uchiha clan and its roots. There will even be some ninjas who once stood in the Hokage clan. For the will of fire and the justice and morality in the human heart, they will choose to stand on the opposite side of Senju Tobirama!

When the time comes, the two sides will fight, and this level of fighting is far beyond what the Uchiha clan rebellion can compare to.

From Sarutobi Hiruzen's point of view...

If that moment comes, Konoha will definitely be beaten to pieces.

What's even more terrifying is that the will of fire that Konoha ninjas have always believed in will become a joke, and people's hearts will no longer be able to unite.

The Hokage has done this insidiously. Does this village still have a sense of security?

Sarutobi Hiruzen would never want to see this!

"I don't know if Qing Shui was completely swallowed up by the teacher, or if he can be saved..."

"With the teacher's methods and character, since he appears here, it means that Qing Shui is most likely gone..."

While Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about the horrific scenes when Konoha was divided, he gradually felt a sense of courage in his heart.

He can no longer be so submissive to the teacher...

Even if Senju Tobirama and the Second Hokage did something wrong, they must be corrected!

Although the wrong done cannot be made up for, Qing Shui has been harmed by the greed of the previous Hokage...

But if he, the Third Hokage, sacrificed his life and used the strongest sealing technique to seal away the ghosts and take away Senju Tobirama...

So maybe the ninjas in the village can accept it a little bit?

When this thought came together, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of Shimura Danzo who was crippled by Senju Tobirama.

"Teacher Tobirama, you have become someone I don't recognize. You are no longer the respectable Hokage who cut off our queen..."

"I am not just your disciple, I am also the Third Hokage of Konoha Village, and I have responsibilities that I need to shoulder!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen furrowed his brows as he silently recalled the corpse-sealing technique in his mind.

This technique requires too many seals!

If he were to use it in front of Senju Tojama, let alone after taking away such a powerful Qing Shui...

It's just that Senju Tobirama itself is very troublesome.

With the power of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Hiruzen Sarutobi had no confidence that he could successfully complete the seal in front of his teacher!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was sure, Senju Tobirama could tell at a glance what forbidden technique he wanted to release...

So, what should we do?

Still need help...

And just then.

Qianju Tobirama said: "Monkey, the situation is very urgent now, I won't tell you too much..."

"I need to see Qing Shui's subordinates. You take me to find them. After communicating with them, let the whole village enter a state of war again. We don't have time to delay any longer!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart trembled.

First find the ninja who trusts Qing Shui...

This intention is very obvious. Teacher Tobirama wants to defeat the hidden dangers to him one by one!

With Qing Shui's power, Senju Tobirama mastering the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and the Sharingan, he is already invincible one on one.

Although Qing Shui occupies the hearts of Konoha...

But as long as they are not allowed to gather together and become a collective force that is difficult to confront head-on, they will be eradicated one by one...

Then it won't pose any threat to Senju Tojama!

But by then, Konoha will probably turn into an even more terrifying blood mist...

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart was spinning.

Suddenly, he remembered that Asuma had told him that the most powerful ninjas who were closest to Qing Shui had gathered at Qing Shui's house and had been waiting for his return, wanting to make up for him with a birthday party as a surprise.

That’s right!

Sarutobi Hiruzen found that he had found a way to break the situation.

As long as Thousand Hands Tobijian is brought to Qing Shui's house, there won't be a situation of being defeated one by one!

Especially since it is still the land of the Uchiha tribe. After seeing Senju Tobirama, all he has to do is raise his arms and there will be a large number of reinforcements...

And as long as someone delays time for him, Sarutobi Hiruzen is still confident that he can successfully release the ghoul seal. With the collective efforts of everyone, he can seal Senju Tobirama, the teacher and the previous Hokage who has gone on the evil path!

"I understand, Tobirama-sama."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Please come this way with me. Everyone should be at Qing Shui's house now..."

Silently, beads of sweat appeared in Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands.

This was the first time he had done this against Senju Tobirama.

But it is also what Hiruzen Sarutobi must do for Qingshui, the village, and the will of fire in his heart!

Senju Tobirama nodded, followed behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, and hurried towards Qing Shui's house.

And before them.

After a day and night of hesitation and staying awake all night, Tsunade was now walking towards Qing Shui's home.

The previous hesitation was because although Tsunade had long been attracted to Qing Shui, she felt a little embarrassed due to her apparent status...

When Qing Shui took the initiative to embrace her and vigorously push forward the progress.

On the contrary, Tsunade felt that she was a little unprepared, and even had some self-doubt, worrying that she might have made a mistake.

Does Qing Shui like her?

There is definitely no objection, but what makes Tsunade a little suspicious is that Qing Shui is very gentle and friendly to everyone, and she is not a particularly special one...

But after a day of self-precipitation.

Tsunade recalled that from the day she met Qing Shui, she was freed from her self-degradation, debauchery and empty life, and experienced the taste of love and fulfillment again.

A bowl of chicken soup, taking over Kakuzu, and establishing a basic medical department for her...

Qing Shui had done a lot for her without knowing it, so much that she couldn't even repay him.

So, when the relationship between the two people reached the final step...

Tsunade thought that she should take the initiative and not let Qing Shui do everything.

It's not her Tsunade-hime's style to be coy and coy!

So, Tsunade quickly rushed to Qingshui's house, planning to wait with everyone for Konoha's hero, her hero to return home...

When celebrating a happy birthday for Qing Shui, find a suitable time to express your feelings.

Regardless of the final outcome, Tsunade felt that this was what she had to do.

Otherwise, even if she didn't confess her love to Qing Shui, everyone would be waiting for Qing Shui to come back, and it would be very wrong to be without her.

Uchiha clan land.

Qing Shui family.

The moment Tsunade knocked on the door and entered the house, the Konoha princess was welcomed by everyone.

Hatake Sakumo and Kakuzu both looked at each other, and the pair of live treasures blew funny whistles, making the atmosphere even more lively.

Shy woman and beloved boy...

How interesting?

"Perhaps this is youth, Kakuzu?"

Hatake Sakumo patted his partner on the shoulder and said with emotion: "I remember the day I fell in love with her..."

Kakashi on the side gave his father a rather unhappy look.

Fall in love with her?

Was it his first love with Kakashi's mother, Hatake Sakumo's wife, or someone unknown?

Too old and immoral!

But Kakashi's face behind the mask couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, smiling happily.

Everyone is happy to see Tsunade and Qing Shui together. From the politics of Konoha to the emotions of the two, they are a match made in heaven.

Beautiful things always resonate with people...

When Zhisui saw Tsunade coming, he laughed and shouted: "Sister Tsunade, you are finally here..."

"I've said it many times, my brother's birthday party would be incomplete without you!"

Asuma winked at the side and shook his head, sighing: "Tsunade-sister used to stay at Qingshui's house every day, but why haven't she come over in the past two days? She came after being invited so many times..."

"Tsk, I used to call myself Qing Shui's master, but it seems that I am changing my identity! Is it because I lack confidence that I am hesitating?"

Everyone laughed kindly.

Shisui glared at Asuma fiercely: "You're the only one who talks too much!"

"Let me put it this way, as my brother's younger brother, I only recognize Sister Tsunade!"

When Qing Shui was away, Zhi Shui went beyond Qing Shui and made the decision for him without permission, indicating that the mistress of the family was settled.

Bei Liuhu and Abura were drinking tea at the side. Although these two people were not good at talking, they had smiles in their eyes.

The roots are a great tissue…

But greatness also needs to be passed down, and if the only leader Qing Shui has a family and gives birth to children...

So the significance of this is great for root ninjas!

Under everyone's warm gazes, Asuma and Hatake Sakumo's teasing, and Shisui's encouragement, Tsunade's face gradually turned red...

Oh, it’s true!

Tsunade thought that she had concealed it well and no one would be able to detect her affection for Qing Shui.

But now it seems that everyone knows it, and she is the only one who thinks she has hidden it quite well...

While feeling shy, Tsunade thought of another angle.

Even Zhishui admits that she is the only mistress of the Qingshui family, so Qingshui probably thinks so too!

After all, Zhishui is Qing Shui's most beloved brother, and he will definitely say some thoughtful words to Zhishui...

Thinking of this, Tsunade, who was not very confident at first, suddenly changed her aura and walked to Asuma aggressively. The son of the Hokage said condescendingly:

"Kid, who do you think you're talking to?"

"I am the Hokage Assistant of Konoha, Tsunade. My grandfather is the First Hokage, my second grandfather is the Second Hokage, and my... will soon be the Fourth Hokage. Even if your old man is the Third Hokage, I will tell you straightforwardly. you--"

"Based on what you just said, it's impossible for you to become Hokage's assistant. I think the future Shisui is more suitable!"

Shisui suddenly laughed.

Asma's face fell, and she muttered as if struck by lightning: "Unfair, unfair! This is the shady secret of power!"

After some joking.

The atmosphere became more and more lively, and after getting rid of the strangeness, Tsunade, who had lived in Qing Shui's house for a long time, quickly regained her momentum as a "hostess" and directed these rough guys to do what they wanted to do with the surprise for Qing Shui. Create a more detailed layout.

And just after the arrangement was completed...

Shisui, who was responsible for sensing Qing Shui's chakra, suddenly his eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Brother is back!"

Everyone was so happy that they quickly turned off the lights and held colorful fireworks tubes in their hands.

Tsunade picked up the big cake and waited happily for Qing Shui to come home. She fed him the first bite of cake and put on his birthday hat...

After that, maybe there will be a chance to express your feelings...

In the dark night, under the hope of everyone, the door knocked softly.

The moment Shisui opened the door...




The colored paper from fireworks and cannons hovered in the air. Tsunade held the cake with a hint of seductive blush on her face. She held up a large cake with Qing Shui's name on it and walked forward. She looked at the white hair and red eyes in the dark and said softly:

"Happy birthday, Qing Shui!"

After Tsunade finished speaking, everyone shouted happily: "Qing Shui, happy birthday!"

The lights turn on at this moment.

The colorful paper reflected brilliant light under the light. Everyone held gifts prepared for Qing Shui and smiled.

What a heartwarming scene!

But when the lights were turned on, this warm scene came to an abrupt end.

Because the one with white hair and red eyes is not Qing Shui, but another famous ninja in Konoha - Senju Tobirama!

Everyone was stunned at this moment.

How is Senju Tobirama alive?

Why does the Second Hokage appear here, with a pair of Sharingan eyes that are very similar to Qing Shui, and with that original eye power?

People don’t know…

Senju Tobirama didn't mean to be so high-profile, but he had just been resurrected and still needed to adapt to the power given to him by Qing Shui. The pair of Sharingan eyes couldn't be closed smoothly yet, and it still took some time to adjust.

Of course, this is what Senju Tobirama thinks so.

Maybe, it's also possible that Qing Shui did it intentionally, but Senju Tobirama would never think of the best Fourth Hokage in the world like this...

About the legend of Qing Shui, Senju Tobirama, and the reincarnation of Uchiha Izuna...

There are many gossips circulating in Konoha, and the more authoritative one is the forbidden art creation theory from Mito Uzumaki.

After gaining the approval of Uzumaki Mito, Tsunade occasionally revealed something to everyone, so everyone basically followed this idea and thought it was the same as what the strongest sealed ninja said——

"The Thousand Hands Tobirama will not affect Qing Shui. It can be eradicated at the right time."

But that doesn’t seem to be the case…

Thousand Hands Tobirama was actually resurrected, and his eyes were filled with the familiar power of Qing Shui's pupils!

The comedy, after the appearance of a certain second-generation Hokage who did not want to be named, instantly turned into a tragedy.

Tsunade, who was holding the cake, looked at the face of her second grandfather, with a hint of fear in her shock...

Could it be that Uzumaki Mito's misjudgment caused Senju Tobirama to seize Qing Shui?

Or, it is possible that Uzumaki Mito and Senju Tobirama are in the same group, and the two of them colluded just to stabilize everyone's position.

In the deathly silence.

Gorgeous colored paper fell on everyone's head, and under the refraction of the light, they looked enchanting...

No one ever spoke...

I'm afraid that if they communicate, the most terrifying bad news will befall this Qingshui family.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the birthday party celebrated for Qing Shui, and his blood suddenly surged!

Let's see…

Take a good look, my respected teacher, my beloved Second Hokage, Tobirama-sama!

What have you done?

You have destroyed the most beautiful thing in the world!

Senshou Tobirama looked at this scene with uncontrollable sadness in his eyes.

I was supposed to enjoy this beautiful green water, but now I am uncertain about my life and death, and I am fighting with the Immortal of Six Paths in the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin...

Is Qing Shui okay?

Qing Shui has sacrificed too much for Konoha and the ninja world!

If we look at the facts, Qing Shui is still doing well...

Although he fought a battle with Kaguya, he also succeeded in beating the ancestor of chakra to tears. A pair of fists not only partially corrected Kaguya's personality, but also exploded precious gold coins to their children, severely purifying them. own bloodline.

But just when Senju Tobirama was about to speak, he coldly and pragmatically interrupted the gathering to explain the situation to everyone...

Sarutobi Hiruzen hugged Senju Tobirama from behind and shouted loudly: "Tobirama-sama has taken Qing Shui!"

"Big guys, don't hesitate, go shoulder to shoulder. If we take him down now, we may still have a chance to save Qing Shui!"

Hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

Qianshou Feijian was confused. How did this monkey's brain grow?

How could he think that he was trying to seize Qingshui?

Senju Tobirama really can't understand...

If even Tsunade misunderstood him, Senju Tobirama would understand. After all, there was an information gap.

But he also had confidence that he could explain things clearly to Tsunade so that misunderstandings would not intensify and lead to internal friction.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen really shouldn't have misunderstood!

Because when he punished Shimura Danzo, Senju Tobirama temporarily took over Qing Shui's body and used illusions to meet him in the spiritual world...

Senju Tobirama felt that he had made it very clear...

What link went wrong that allowed Hiruzen Sarutobi to have such an idea?

The first person to react was Tsunade, who was holding the cake.

At this moment, the blush on Tsunade's face because she was about to see Qing Shui instantly turned into an extremely angry red, and the blood vessels in her temples were beating, like Kaguya Otsutsuki in a violent state, like a lioness who chooses people to devour!


Tsunade used the cake she was dragging in her hand as the most advantageous weapon, and with the help of Senju's strange power, she slammed it directly on Senju Tobirama's face!

The cake exploded like a pulp!

Senju Tobirama's face was covered with cream, and Tsunade's violent blow made him feel dizzy.

No, why does Tsunade believe whatever the monkey says?

Doesn’t he have any prestige and credibility in this village? Why does everyone seem to think that he will really take away Qing Shui...

If it's about something else...

The people of Konoha may give Senju Tobirama, the second-generation Hokage with outstanding military exploits, a fair evaluation, but when it comes to Uchiha, that is not the case.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took advantage of this opportunity and firmly grabbed Senju Tobirama's arm with one hand to prevent him from forming the seal.

The other hand bit his own finger violently, so hard that it even tore off a mouthful of flesh and blood.

He knows very well that when fighting against his teacher, every fighter opportunity is extremely valuable and absolutely impossible to lose!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's bloody palm struck the ground - "Psychic Technique·Ape Demon King Ape Demon·Vajra Wishful Stick"!

The Vajra Ruyi Stick stretched out the monkey demon's hands and instantly grabbed the other hand of Senju Tobirama.

But after reacting, the Ape Demon King looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi with fighting spirit in astonishment, and asked blankly: "Hiruzen, the person I caught is the second Hokage Senju of Konoha Hidden Village. Tobirama?"

"Isn't he dead?"

But no one answered the question of the Ape Demon King. After Sarutobi Hiruzen and Tsunade took the initiative, although the people behind him were still a little confused, they generally knew that Qing Shui seemed to be in trouble!

Facing the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, all the ninjas of the Qingshui family quickly formed seals.

And Tsunade, who was standing in front of Senju Tobirama, was already crying at this moment. The cruel fate that hurt her heart made her unable to even stand still after that blow.

Tsunade witnessed her relatives die along the way during the war, and her friends also withered and parted ways.

In the darkness of life, it was Qing Shui who walked in and led Tsunade into warmth and happiness...

However, it is obvious that we are about to reach the other side.

Her second grandfather, whom she respected, actually took away Qing Shui and even most likely killed him!

He also came to Qing Shui's house during this birthday party, making the color of this tragedy so thick that it seemed as if it couldn't be dissolved, and it was so heavy that it couldn't be added!

If Tsunade were an Uchiha, she would have to open the Mangekyo Sharingan...

"Why, why do you have to do this..."

Tsunade shouted at the Senju Gate: "What's wrong with you, the Uchiha clan? Why do you have to seize Qing Shui? Why don't you let him live!"

"You are a naturally evil Thousand-Armed Old Ghost!"

The sound mixed with chakra penetrated the Qingshui family, floated in the Uchiha clan, and even in Konoha...

For a time, the entire Uchiha clan was in riot.

Hatake Sakumo, who was making jokes just now and didn't look serious, had ice in his eyes. He pointed the sharp chakra knife at Senju Tobirama's shoulder blade and stabbed it fiercely without hesitation!

And beside him, Kakuzu, who had seemed kind before, had once again transformed into the most terrifying bounty hunter in the ninja world.

The black thread of earthly resentment instantly burst out from his body and wrapped around Qianju Tojian's body, trying to cripple his limbs!

Matt Dai was also among the first to react.

He was always thinking about what Qing Shui said on the battlefield, so among the people, Matt Dai was actually always a little uneasy.

The Eight Gates of Dunjia Art·Open!

Open the door, close the door, live the door, hurt the door, do the door, view the door...

Matt Dai opened seven doors in a row and opened the alarming door. His body was emitting blue steam generated by the evaporation of sweat, and his aura was extremely terrifying!

Although Senju Tobirama's face is covered with cake...

But with his chakra perception, he knew that anyone who could do anything to him would be considered a master in the field of shadow.

Especially Matt Dai, with the power of the boiling chakra, if he were to be kicked, some misunderstandings might be unexplained!

Senju Tobirama clearly sensed that Matt Dai's chakra was even gathering towards the heart...

Is this going to open the door to death?

No, fellow pillars of Konoha, you should let me, the ancestral Hokage, say something first...

He was ruthless and cruel to death without even saying a word. This meant that the Senju Tobirama who was resurrected by Qing Shui had been strengthened.

Otherwise, just by Tsunade smashing the cake on his face with all her strength, Senju Tobirama would be knocked unconscious for a long time.

Between this electric light and flint.

Senju Tobirama is Senju Tobirama after all...

I saw complex patterns appearing on the Sharingan in Senju Tobirama's eyes, and then a trace of light appeared on the surface of his body.

Hiruzen Sarutobi and Saru Demon, who were hugging Senju Tobirama, felt as if they were touching lava after coming into contact with this stream of light.

At the moment when he relaxed a little, Senju Tobirama threw a Flying Thunder God Kunai out of the window at an extremely fast speed before the resentment and sword light struck!

Windows shattered.

The Flying Thunder God Kunai flew far away.

The figure of Senju Tobirama also disappeared, and he was temporarily freed from the crisis under the influence of the flying thunder god's technique.

"Everyone, chase after me!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up the Vajra Wish-Wish Staff, with determination as deep as a sinking ship in his eyes!

Now that I have dealt with Tobirama-sama...

No, if we attack Senju Tobirama, then there is no way out!

If you don't do it, you won't stop. Today, we must have a result...

Sarutobi Hiruzen does not regret the decision he made...

Taking a step back, even if Senju Tobirama, who possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique, cannot be caught today, Konoha will not be in a state of collapse.

Although there will still be unrest, if Qian Shu Toijian is allowed to take power, it will definitely turn the world upside down. Qing Shui's years of hard work for the village will be destroyed in an instant...

In the current situation, if he, the Third Hokage, betrays his master and takes action for justice, then at least the hearts of Konoha will not be completely lost!


The best ending is for him to use the corpse seal to take away Senju Tobirama, and use the lives of two generations of Hokage to wash away the anger of Uchiha and Genbe...

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who used to want to escape.

After seeing Senju Tobirama today and not even planning to let Shisui go, Ban suddenly woke up.

Sometimes, compromise cannot be made without limit...

Just like what the first generation of adults said - "If he threatens the village, he will not forgive him, not even his brothers, friends, or even my children."

And in the case of Sarutobi Hiruzen, there is also a teacher!

The Third Hokage took the lead. He formed seals with one hand and frantically sensed the chakra between the Thousand Hands Gate. He picked up the Vajra Ruyi Stick with the other hand and walked out of the room. He ordered everyone in a stern voice:

"Senju Tobirama fled to the direction of the Death Forest, outflanking him from east to west, north to south!"

All of a sudden.

Matt Dai, covered in blue steam, rushed out of the door with a bang and rushed towards the forest of death as fast as possible.

Hatake Sakumo and Kakuzu's eyes were filled with overwhelming anger, but they still adhered to the rules and regulations, and communicated quickly with the awakened Uchiha clan, forming a dense encirclement that slowly shrank. .

Although everyone knows...

It is almost impossible to catch a flying thunder magician!

But for Qing Shui, you have to do it, even if it is absolutely impossible, you have to try...

In the forest of death.

Senshou Tobirama wiped the cake on his face in embarrassment, and the crumbs fell into his mouth unintentionally, exuding a sweet aroma.

But his heart was full of bitterness.

Is this monkey sick?

Until now, Senju Tobirama still hadn't figured out why Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had communicated with him, misunderstood him so deeply.

And the act of bringing him to Qingshui's house also showed that Sarutobi Hiruzen had already planned to ambush him from the moment he saw him.

What makes Qianshou Feijian even more unbearable is.

It's just a monkey's talk, why do everyone really believe it?

Especially Tsunade, Shiro really doted on her so much when she was a child!

That cake hit Senju Tobirama in the face and almost knocked him unconscious. It definitely used the strange power of the Senju clan...

This little cotton-padded jacket is so evil. She is really not afraid of smashing her second grandfather to death with a cake on the spot!

If the wise Senju Tobirama died under his granddaughter's cake, and if Uchiha Izuna found out, he was worried that this damn bastard would laugh and resurrect from the pure land, and even taunt him in front of his face!

But what makes Senju Tobirama quite happy is that...

The current strength of the Konoha ninja is really much stronger than at the peak of his leadership!

Hatake Sakumo and Kakuzu, these two people who had undergone root transformation and learned a lot of secret techniques, made Senju Tobirama feel threatened.

And Matt Day is even more so.

He was like a ferocious beast after opening the Jingmen. Even with Senju Tobirama's physique, he didn't dare to face his physical skills.

In Senju Tobirama's Sharingan, he also clearly saw that Matt Dai still had a trump card. Chakra could be consciously controlled in the heart area, and there was a high probability that it could release the Eight Gates of Armor. Come and gain the ultimate power to protect Konoha!

There are so many strong people...

If Uzumaki Mito and Senju Hashirama are dragged out of the Pure Land, then Senju Tobirama will have enough confidence to rescue Qing Shui!

Qing Shui must not be allowed to be so brave and save the ninja world by himself. Behind him are the Senju Tobirama and Konoha!

Senju Tobirama thought very well...

But the problem before him was how to explain to everyone in Konoha - "He did not take Qing Shui's body, but Qing Shui took the initiative to resurrect him..."

Senju Tobirama suddenly discovered a problem.

Although it is true that Qing Shui took the initiative to resurrect him, considering his relatively special reputation in Konoha, it seems to sound a bit abstract...

When an Uchiha was trying to save the ninja world, he still took the time to help him resurrect. Is this a bit too fantasy?

The feelings between Qing Shui and him were indeed not something that others could easily understand.

However, Senju Tobirama was still confused. What did Sarutobi Hiruzen and others think?

The night is dark and there are many figures.

The Death Forest, which was usually an uninhabited area, was surrounded by Matt Dai taking the lead.

The Uchiha all stared at Senju Tobirama in surprise and anger, looking at his pair of Sharingan eyes that were filled with the power of Qing Shui.

Although everyone still doesn’t understand what’s going on...

But just the fact that Senju Tobirama is resurrected and has the Sharingan is enough to make the Uchihas want to kill!

Situations are stronger than people.

Although the only thing Senju Tobirama wants to do now is to twist off Sarutobi Hiruzen's head and kick it like a ball.

See if it is filled with water...

But there were so many of them, and they were all very capable of fighting, that even Tsunade misunderstood him.

In this case, we can only have a good chat first.

Senju Tobirama frowned and looked at everyone in Konoha, and slowly raised his hands: "Everyone, I think there is a misunderstanding between us..."

But before Qianju Tobijian finished speaking.

Hiruzen Sarutobi shouted loudly, jumped in front of the formation, and interrupted Senju Tobirama's words: "Tobirama-sensei, you went too far this time!"

"Everyone, I have to tell you a truth..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a deep voice: "Qing Shui, you must have been exposed to the forbidden soul technique of Senju Tobirama since you were a child!"

"This forbidden technique includes Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna, Uzumaki Mito, and many strong men from the Warring States Period. So this is one of the reasons why Qing Shui's talent is so extraordinary and he can awaken many blood inheritance limits..."

"I originally thought that this was to create a second Kyuubi for Konoha, but in fact it was Senju Tobirama's attempt to gain more power for himself!"

I saw.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was holding the Vajra Wish-Wish Rod and wearing the Hokage's robe, his face was extremely solemn: "Although...I couldn't stop him before!"

"But today, I will use my life to wash away this shame and avenge Qing Shui!"

Although it was a deep dark night at the moment, it still seemed as if there was a righteous light shining on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face!

Today, 10,000 completed!

good night everybody…!

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