Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 233 The beginning of the relationship between Kaguya and Master Qingshui? Uchiha Itachi who

Chapter 233 The beginning of the relationship between Kaguya and Master Qingshui? Uchiha Itachi became one of them...

Kaguya wants Qing Shui to help her...

And Qing Shui didn't expect that Kaguya's foundation was so bad...

If Kaguya still has plenty of chakra and uses the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye...

So any ninjutsu in front of her is child's play!

But the problem is, Qing Shui does not allow Kaguya to use these abilities.

After leaving the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin, in order not to be discovered by the Sage of Six Paths, Otsutsuki Ishiki and others, Kaguya took the initiative to lend her power to Qing Shui, allowing him to control it at will for the time being.

While practicing the Three Body Art...

Qing Shui did not return the power to Kaguya, but only gave her "the chakra share of an average ninja student". He also asked Kaguya to relax her body and mind, and conducted chakra to suppress her physique, trying her best to imitate a serious Nakato. posture.


Kaguya, who has always enjoyed Otsutsuki's outstanding talent and the miraculous power of chakra, finally discovered that ninjutsu is so difficult to control!

"Qing Shui, how can you condense a technique with such a small amount of chakra?"

As an Otsutsuki, after Kaguya lost the ability to "clap with both hands and get whatever you want", she dryly formed the seals over and over again, and after trying the Three Body Technique again and failing, she said blankly:

"I really can't do it!!"

The Goddess of Mao has never fought such a poor battle in her life...

"Is it true that others can't do it? Qing Shui, your requirements for me may be too high. You need to be more basic!"

Kaguya looked at Qing Shui's half-smiling eyes and said with shame, "I don't believe that those kids in the ninja school can do what I can't do!"

Qing Shui raised his eyebrows.

If the class were just a group of children with mediocre talents, not many would be able to skillfully use the Three Body Technique at the age when they first entered school.

After all, this is the content of the graduation exam.

But sitting next to Qing Shui were Uchiha Itachi and Kabuto.

Putting aside Uchiha Itachi's character, his talent is considered excellent among the Uchiha clan.

In the original time and space, Uchiha Itachi was at his current age, and his special training was seen by the peeping Orochimaru, which also aroused the greed of the mad scientist from this moment on.

Kabuto is even less so.

If it weren't for Izanami's first sight, this person would have surpassed the Eternal Kaleidoscope Uchiha Sasuke on the shoulders of a mortal...

The talent is extremely amazing.

Kabuto, who grew up in the orphanage at the root, has not lacked resources since he was a child.

"Look, it's so urgent..."

Qing Shui shook his head:

"Although mortals who have perfected their skills cannot compare to Otsutsuki's casual blow, but in terms of proficiency in techniques alone, we who were born poor have spent all our money because we can only hold on to the only resources we have. Mindfully split one chakra into five parts for use..."

Kaguya covered her ears: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it! If mortals are like you, then the Otsutsuki clan can be called a mortal clan!"

Qing Shui laughed dumbly.

But at this moment, because Senju Hashirama, Tsunade, Shisui, Matt Dai and others...

After reading the letters left by Qing Shui to them one by one, and focusing their emotions on Qing Shui, the special talent from the Son of Luck made Qing Shui's luck even stronger.

No one else can detect it.

But Kaguya inside Qing Shui's body clearly sensed the increase in Qing Shui's power.

"Why is the natural energy constantly pouring into his body..."

Kaguya said to herself in surprise: "Isn't this the power of the sacred tree? Am I the Otsutsuki, or is he the Otsutsuki!"

The sacred tree absorbs natural energy and requires violent means to forcefully devour it.

But Qing Shui, who was entwined with the luck of the ninja world, became more and more blessed by this world as his luck became heavier and heavier. The natural energy happily poured into his body at a speed faster than that of the sacred tree. quick!

To bear a chakra fruit, the sacred tree needs to stay in the earth for thousands of years...

In Kaguya's view, if Qing Shui keeps absorbing it at this rate, it won't take a thousand years at all, and maybe two or three hundred years will be enough!

Kaguya couldn't even understand...

When she first met Qing Shui, the two had fought against each other. Although Qing Shui at that time was powerful and extremely proficient in fighting skills, he had not yet awakened similar traits, and overall he could barely be considered a mortal.

But only a few days passed...

After a series of foreshadowings laid by Qing Shui broke out, under the final confrontation of everyone in Konoha and the convergence of various emotions.

In Kaguya's eyes, Qing Shui seemed to be on a rocket, and his strength kept rising, making it difficult for her to understand.

"Even within this family... The speed at which he improves his strength is definitely a genius among geniuses..." Kaguya murmured to herself in her heart.

At this moment, Kaguya was very happy that she was sealed by Qing Shui due to some mistake.

This gave her a chance to get in touch with Qing Shui...

If Qing Shui continues to grow naturally, the seal will naturally break after a hundred years. Kaguya believes that even if she has gathered the power of the Ten Tails, Qing Shui at that time only needs to rely on herself to absorb natural energy, and she has swallowed the Chakra Fruit. Not much difference anymore.

Kaguya didn’t even dare to think about it…

Qing Shui, who was on the same level of strength as her, when fighting her, his beating methods were many times more cruel than before!

"What's wrong, Kaguya?"

Seeing Kaguya stunned, Qing Shui smiled helplessly: "Should I make you laugh? For the sake of the Otsutsuki clan, I once thought of imitating the Otsutsuki clan and trying to absorb natural energy to strengthen myself..."

"But after all, I don't have a sacred tree. Although I have developed corresponding techniques, the speed is still too slow."

"However, in order to fight against the Immortal of Six Paths, it would be good to be a little stronger..."

Qing Shui sighed, shook his head and said, "This is what we mortals do. Many times, what we do in the sky seems ridiculous, but it is the limit of what we can do while struggling."


What Qing Shui said was very touching. For a moment, Kaguya felt the spirit of being an ant but still daring to challenge the dragon...

That kind of indomitable willpower!

But the next moment, Kaguya, who was just a little moved, remembered that the person in front of her was Qing Shui.

A "mortal" who can use his physical body to simulate the divine tree or even surpass it?

"Ha ha…"

Kaguya laughed awkwardly, tried hard to keep a straight face, and said vaguely, "Yes, yes... you are right, Qing Shui..."

[Comes from the special talent - Kaguya's fear, your Otsutsuki bloodline has been purified! 】

[Kaguya's Fear]: Whenever your strength increases, your mastery of ninjutsu, and your understanding of combat exceed Kaguya's knowledge, your bloodline will be additionally purified.

Kaguya's face froze completely. She seemed to vaguely feel that Qing Shui had become stronger?

Kaguya once thought that she had seen geniuses among the Otsutsuki clan, and many of them were considered to be amazingly talented.

But compared with Qing Shui's speed, those geniuses appear to be more like "mortals"...

"So, you have to work hard to become stronger, Kaguya!"

Qing Shui and Kaguya looked at each other with a serious look in their eyes: "Your talent far exceeds mine. Mastering fighting skills and skillfully using your own power is the best way to deal with those evil Otsutsuki." Way!"

"I will teach you all my good skills, as long as you want to learn and learn seriously..."

Kaguya saw nothing but sincerity in Qing Shui's clean black eyes.

Qing Shui really wanted to help her!

"I, I know Qing Shui..." Kaguya waved her little red fist: "I will work hard!"

After seeing Qing Shui's talent...

Kaguya seemed to see the hope of a peaceful life for her in the future!

Although the Sage of Six Paths, Ishiki, Hamura, and Otsutsuki from outside the world are all watching, it may not be long before they take action against Qing Shui!

Even though Qing Shui's talent is so amazing, due to the gap in his background, he is still just an undeveloped genius. He has not converted his potential into immediate combat power and cannot defeat the enemy.

But... doesn't Qing Shui still have her in his body?

Compared to fighting those terrible enemies alone and hesitantly, Kaguya already had an idea in her mind...

If we continue to investigate, Qing Shui is a trustworthy person.

Then Kaguya doesn't mind lending her power to Qing Shui, first helping him survive the early days when he was chased by strong men, and slowly grow up...

Is it a kind of...alternative kind of cultivation?

Kaguya's face turned red unconsciously, but she still maintained a certain degree of calmness.

Even though Qing Shui liked her in every aspect, now was not the time to fall in love!

Kaguya kept warning herself in her heart: "It's not the time yet! Kaguya, you are just using Uchiha Qingsui to learn fighting skills. He is not a person who can be trusted yet!"

"You don't know him at all. You have to be steady and don't let others deceive you like before!"

Kaguya, who had been betrayed by Otsutsuki Hamura and Hagoromo, had a certain amount of defensiveness in her heart.

But Qing Shui didn't know what Kaguya was thinking, nor did he care.

What Kaguya thinks is that Qing Shui can accept her power and temporarily abandon the ninja world to hide, waiting for the growth of strength...

But Qing Shui couldn't do this.

In Qing Shui's view, as long as the ninja who is close to him has a better outcome than the current situation or arrangement in the original time and space, then no matter how he arranges for them to stage the plot, he has not treated them badly...

The bottom line is not high, but it is still there.

This bottom line prevented Qing Shui from abandoning the ninja world.

But to enrich the emotions of the ninja world in him as quickly as possible, not only to explode more gold coins, but also to absorb more luck, and finally let Gaia's consciousness choose him...

"Hello, classmate, are you the son of the Fugaku clan leader?"

Qing Shui walked up to Itachi generously and asked, "Excuse me...have you mastered the Three Body Technique? The homework assigned by Asuma Jōnin just now was very difficult for me..."

"If it's convenient, I'd like to see how you release your three-body technique?"

After hearing Qing Shui's words, Uchiha Itachi woke up from his deep thoughts. He lost his composure and glanced at Qing Shui rather embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now!"

"This classmate, are you also a ninja of the Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Itachi heard the word Fugaku in Qing Shui's words, and his head hurt even more.

His father has become even more stunned recently...

At first, he was mumbling about how the Mangekyou Eye Technique could go wrong, but in the past two days, he began to feel ecstatic again. His overall mental state was among the most outrageous among the Uchiha clan.

Before going to school today, Uchiha Fugaku seriously emphasized to Uchiha Itachi: "Son, you are the son of destiny. You must study hard. The future of the ninja world and the family will be on your shoulders..."

Before the young Uchiha Itachi could get over the sight of Qing Shui slaughtering his enemies, he was knocked unconscious by Fugaku again.

No matter how you look at it, Master Qing Shui is the best choice, right?

What does it have to do with him being a ninja school student!

Especially after listening to Asuma's small lesson about Qing Shui's Will of Fire, Uchiha Itachi was even more in awe of Qing Shui, and felt dissatisfied with Fugaku from the bottom of his heart...

How did such a strong man with the will of fire burning in his heart and his blind father come to be the opposite of him?

Uchiha Itachi calmed down.

He doesn't want to be an idiot like Fugaku, he wants to follow Qing Shui's path to protect the Uchiha clan!

The first step is to start teaching less talented students like Qing Shui...

"Of course there is no problem. The seals of the Three Body Technique are like this, and the chakra flow sequence must be conducted in the body like this..." Uchiha Itachi answered Qing Shui, and then formed the seal, showing the transformation technique. Turned himself into a wooden pile.

Qing Shui nodded: "Do you see clearly? Kaguya..."

Kaguya looked hard at Uchiha Itachi's seals and operations, feeling a little depressed.

No, is there really a mortal who can use ninjutsu with this little chakra?

Looking at it this way, isn't it true that Otsutsuki like her is useless except for her good birth and bloodline?

"Try it, Kaguya..." Qing Shui gave a generous gesture to let the goddess of Mao control his body.

Qing Shui is not worried that Kaguya will do something irrational at this moment.

Not to mention that control of the body can be taken back at any time...

Under objective conditions, a situation in which the ninja world's Otsutsuki is surrounded by wolves...

If Kaguya wants to hide her aura from being discovered in the ninja world, she must rely on Qing Shui's control of power.

Even if this body was given to Kaguya, she wouldn't understand it.

But in Kaguya's little mind, she only felt Qing Shui's trust in her, and she didn't seem to worry at all about her doing something detrimental to herself...

This feeling of being trusted without reservation made Kaguya feel an unprecedented throbbing in her heart despite being a stranger.

Trust and be trusted…

A very simple logic is that when a person is often trusted by others, he will naturally think that others are likely to trust him...

Kaguya, who had never been trusted by others and had been betrayed many times, received Qing Shui's trust for the first time.

Kaguya recalled the movements of Uchiha Itachi's hand seal, and within the framework of the talents of Ninja School students restricted by Qing Shui, she tried hard to use her poor chakra to mobilize the techniques...

But it still failed.

Kaguya froze on the spot, her cheeks completely red.

Uchiha Itachi scratched his head and looked at Qing Shui (Kaguya) lowering his head and remaining silent, and comforted him in a low voice: "It's okay. The Three Body Technique is an assessment item that is only conducted when graduating from the Ninja School. It is not available now. It would be normal…”

Uchiha Itachi's comfort made Kaguya's mentality even worse.

In other words, every kid within her sight will have better chakra control ability than her when they graduate in a few years?

You really don’t want this kind of thing!

"Kaguya, I have a method that can quickly help you master the skills..."

Qing Shui pondered and said slowly: "But I need you to trust me wholeheartedly, let me control your consciousness, involve you in my five senses, and immersively experience how I release ninjutsu..."

"But what I'm saying is, there's some danger to you."

"Based on your current ability, if I try to seize the opportunity to trap your consciousness, you will be in big trouble. I don't think you, who can't even master the Three Body Technique, can successfully resist me when I'm at a disadvantage. control."


Qing Shui cannot imprison Kaguya's consciousness, or forcibly take away all her power...

Even if Kaguya is in a state of complete non-resistance, she is still an Otsutsuki who has eaten chakra fruit after all. If Qing Shui extracts her power during the crazy struggle, she will be like a tailed beast that is completely uncooperative with the jinchuriki.

Maybe he could barely extract some chakra, but it would also bring a lot of trouble to Qing Shui.

But when Qing Shui told Kaguya frankly...

Kaguya, who couldn't even learn the Three Body Technique and had deep doubts about herself, had no doubts about Qing Shui who had beaten her violently.

Qing Shui changed the subject and said sincerely: "But, I promise I won't do that to you... I just want to help you familiarize yourself with how to use power correctly as soon as possible, so that your strength can display the power it should have. "

Kaguya's heart moved, and she pursed her lips in confusion.

Do you want to try giving Qing Shui?

If given, if Qing Shui had evil intentions towards her, then she would really have no room to resist...

But if Qing Shui is not given, will the trust that the two of them have just established crack at this moment?

Especially when Qing Shui stated his interests to her, he didn't hide anything from her...

Kaguya found it difficult to say the word "no".

"I...I can't fight against Qing Shui now. If I don't make up for my shortcomings, then my strength will stop here and my relationship with Qing Shui will be damaged..."

"Anyway... I can't learn it myself, and Qing Shui shouldn't lie to me, right?"

Kaguya recalled the small class on the Will of Fire that Asuma told.

In fact, this scene is very similar to Qing Shui using Sharingan to hypnotize Asuma and teach him the essence of fire escape...

Qing Shui had been so helpful before, not just to her.

After a series of self-attacks, Kaguya hummed softly, not daring to look directly into Qing Shui's eyes: "You... come on, Qing Shui..."

"How should I cooperate with you?"

Qing Shui smiled slightly and said softly: "You just need to relax, it'll be fine..."

Under Kaguya's initiative to give up resistance.

Qing Shui took over Kaguya's consciousness and slowly formed seals with her hands, leading her to a detailed understanding of how to mobilize chakra with maximum efficiency and how to quickly release ninjutsu...

After going through it a few times in my mind.

Qing Shui slowly released his control over Kaguya's consciousness, quietly letting her take the lead, relying on inertia and using very little chakra to successfully release the Three Body Technique!

This is the beginning of Kaguya beginning to control her own power. The goddess of Ura finally takes a small step.

As for Qing Shui. This was a big step where he began to put his mark on Kaguya's soul and body!

A completely relaxed consciousness is the best time for the green water to corrode and assimilate Kaguya...

In a daze.

When Kaguya woke up, she found that Qing Shui had no longer controlled it, but had released the ninjutsu herself. She covered her mouth in surprise: "Qing Shui, I did it!"

Qing Shui smiled and nodded: "Yes, you did it, Kaguya... I believe in you, you can do more!"

And on the outside.

Uchiha Itachi looked at Qing Shui, who was silent just now and seemed to be very low on his own talent. After just lowering his head and thinking for a while, he released the technique with almost no seals, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

Only watched it once?

Did he completely optimize the essence of the summary he got from his father?

"W-what's your name..." Uchiha Itachi looked at Qing Shui solemnly and said seriously: "You are a genius!"

"Kaguya, did you hear that? This kid praises you as a genius..."

Qing Shui extended his fist towards Kaguya and said happily: "To commemorate our first cooperation..."

Kaguya fist-bumped Qing Shui very excitedly, shaking her head and saying, "I am indeed a genius!"

[From the laning target Kaguya Otsutsuki, you get a special talent—the assimilated Uno Goddess! 】

[Assimilated Uno Goddess]: Kaguya’s chakra, or the chakra of the Ten-Tails or the Ten-Tails split body she possesses, cannot corrode you.

"That's ridiculous, Itachi."

Qing Shui shook his head and whispered to Uchiha Itachi, "My name is Uchiha Kei. Thank you for your demonstration."

It's like talking about cross talk. If there is a funny person, there must also be a flattering person.

After Qing Shui taught Kaguya, having a character like Uchiha Itachi and being shocked from a third party's perspective in comparison can give Kaguya a greater sense of satisfaction and more gold coins...

Uchiha Itachi played a link between Qing Shui and Kaguya, and he was proud of it.

And in this place called Ninja School...

The so-called school can also subtly cultivate a new bond between Qing Shui and Kaguya, just like childhood sweethearts going to school, but with an additional teacher and student in them.

Uchiha Itachi looked at Qing Shui's back and fell into silence.

Is he really the son of destiny?

Why does an ordinary ninja school student and a little-known clan member show better talents than him?

Uchiha Itachi couldn't bear it anymore.

Tonight, he will return home to ask Uchiha Fugaku...

And in the middle of the night.

Qing Shui walked on the streets of Konoha and whispered to Kaguya: "The first lesson is about combat power...The second lesson is that I want to take you to see the complex human heart..."

"Are you ready? Kaguya."

Kaguya looked around Konoha curiously, and nodded excitedly and seriously: "I'm ready, Qing Shui!"

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