Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 239 Uchiha Madara Uchiha Izuna: What? Senju Tobirama is resurrected!

A few months later.

Yunyin Village.

The Third Raikage, Onoki, Hanzo...

These village leaders and powerful men, who were famous in the ninja world in the past, all stood aside like puppets, with cloudy eyes.

But deep in their minds, because Qing Shui had arranged his pupil power in advance, they could still hear and see Yi Shi's movements and sounds, but they just couldn't break free.

But there are exceptions…

For example, Luo Sha was trapped in the control of Yi Shi and could not extricate himself.

"These mortals are still struggling for my control. Sure enough, if this container does not open the wedge state, it can carry too little power..."

Otsutsuki tapped the table, thinking deeply.

After successfully controlling the shadows of each village, Ishikimoto wanted to take down all the high-level officials of the hidden villages in one fell swoop.

But Yishi soon discovered that he couldn't do it...

Even Ohnoki and the others who had already captured the enemy showed signs of losing control from time to time. Only Sunagakure's Rasa was very calm.

In this case, if he continues to increase the number of people under his control, Yi is worried that these most important shadows will escape, causing an accident to the cannon fodder he holds in his hand.

"Kumogakure and Iwagakure's desire for revenge against Uchiha Qingsui is quite intense... If there is information about Uchiha Qingsui being sealed, then if a war starts, the people below will not raise too many doubts..."

Ishiki put his feet up on the Raikage's desk and glanced lazily at the Third Raikage: "Your son really wants to avenge the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki... He will become my biggest supporter."

"What did your son say about the will of stone? He also said not to give up resistance because of the strength of Uchiha Qingshui. It really makes me happy..."

Ishiki glanced at Ohnoki again and shook his head: "Of course it is meaningful to have a strong will, but it is very sad if you can't recognize yourself. You can only become a chess piece manipulated by others..."

"Compared to you, Uchiha Qingsui is an amazing mortal, but he is still too soft-hearted to achieve great things!"

Otsutsuki stood up slowly, walked around in front of each Kage, and said to himself:

"Why didn't he kill you? He was probably worried that he would not be able to completely seal Kaguya, and wanted to leave the ninja world with the strength to resist..."

"Not only you, but the Second Hokage who was resurrected by Uchiha Qingsui was also the back-up plan he deployed to prevent himself from losing control. This spirit of sacrifice for a planet, in my opinion..."

Yi Shi laughed coldly: "How stupid!"

"Having the talent of a mortal to rival gods, yet still fighting for ants, it really makes me sick..."

"If he is thinking about completing himself and thinking about how to become stronger like an Otsutsuki, then I would still have concerns."

"This kind of weak mentality will only add countless shackles to yourself!"

Otsutsuki Isshiki looked at the unresponsive Kages, shook his head boredly, and laughed to himself.

With his character, how could he talk so much to these puppets?

Or I have been hiding behind the scenes for too long...

For thousands of years, the noble Otsutsuki family could only play the role of a wandering monk, so much so that after returning to the stage with the same character, he unconsciously started talking more.

"Kumogakure and Iwagakure are both easy to deal with, but Sunagakure actually has a troublemaking female ninja..."

"She is smart and knows that she will never be able to compete with Konoha. Even if I released the information about Uchiha Qingsui's disappearance, I still continue to persuade all ninjas to give up their illusions, thinking that this is another way to show weakness to the enemy..."

With one movement of his fingers, a flash of red light flashed in Luo Sha's eyes, and she started walking on her own.

"Since she has a brain, let her die..."

"Don't Sunagakure want to surrender? Then let her, the leader of the surrender faction, devote herself to Konoha to calm the anger over there, and she can also find out the truth about Konoha for me."

The ninja Isshiki was talking about was Ye Cang.

"These hidden villages that were crippled by Uchiha Qingsui are still not strong enough..."

Ishiki sat on Raikage's desk and said softly:

"It seems that Senju Tobirama used a magic technique to resurrect the dead? This is probably the work of that woman's son... There is no reason why the souls of death can gather together and not dissipate..."

"Looks like I'm going to try to use it too."

"If possible, then resurrect the ancestors of these hidden villages. They can always be used as useful cannon fodder..."

The art of reincarnation in dirty soil is not difficult for Otsutsuki like Ishiki.

It's nothing more than communicating with the Pure Land. There's no reason why he can't do things that mortals can do...

What Yishi didn't know was.

The Kages, who thought they were unconscious puppets, were already filled with rage!

The Third Raikage and Ohnoki have been passively exposed to Ichiki in the past few months, and they already know that this is an invading alien...

They used their banner with extremely ruthless means to eradicate dissidents in the village, and now they are bringing the ninjas from their village to serve as cannon fodder to start a war with the Leaf Village!

The reason for the war was naturally Qing Shui...

It was also today that these shadows understood what Qing Shui had done...

In this ninja world, there is more than just one Otsutsuki.

Qing Shui used his body to seal one!

At that time, why Qing Shui spared their lives and what he said was also very strange.

It was like saying goodbye, and also like admonishing them to work hard, not like a victorious party after defeat——

"From now on, let's all struggle to become stronger in the name of the "Living Sannin". As a price, let's each shoulder our own honor..."

"Goodbye, everyone."

This is what Qing Shui said at that time.

Combined with the fact that Qingshui took the initiative to form a peace agreement with the major hidden villages when Konoha was extremely strong, this made the minds of Ohnoki and the Third Raikage even more complicated.

Could it be that Qing Shui at that time really wanted peace and was not fishing for law enforcement?

Although it did look like showing weakness to the enemy and tempting them to attack... but judging from the results, Qing Shui let a few of them go and did not kill them all at once.

This made Qing Shui become confused.

And the coldness and arrogance made the Third Raikage and Ohnoki feel more and more that Qing Shui might really think that the ninja world cannot be trusted because they had betrayed the peace covenant...

Therefore, before taking action to seal Kaguya, he could only calm down the unstable factors in the Ninja world such as the hidden villages, and spare no effort to give them a way out, and strive to retain a certain amount of combat power for the Ninja world.

In this contrast...

Ohnoki and the Third Raikage have such strong hearts that they both feel like insects in the ninja world compared to Qing Shui!

Why are you so mean?

Qing Shui clearly proposed to reach a peace agreement in a good voice, why did he have to tear up the treaty and attack Konoha!

"Uchiha Qingsui...you...you have to work harder!"

"You are the pride of the ninja world, don't lose to those aliens!!!" Onoki and the Third Raikage roared in their hearts.

And at the same time.

Uchiha Madara, who had completed the forbidden art of life force and returned to youth, was laughing loudly in the valley. The sound was so loud that the echo shook away the thick dust.

"This is the body I had in my heyday! This is the power that fresh flesh and blood gives me!" Uchiha Madara clenched his fists, the Purple Light of the Rinnegan Eyes in his eyes grew brighter, and his expression became a little distorted.

After decades of silence in his aging body, this feeling of vitality made Uchiha Madara's mind somewhat lost, and his chakra exploded extremely arrogantly.

Uchiha Obito glanced at Uchiha Madara, shook his head gently, and Hei Zetsu commented: "Although he is a shura in the ninja world... but judging from his character, he is far worse than Qing Shui."

Hearing this name, even in Uchiha Obito's body, Black Zetsu trembled instinctively and frowned.


Could you please stop mentioning that man’s name suddenly?

It's really scary!

"Obito, it's time... Uchiha Madara has returned to his full glory. It's time for Bai Zetsu to tell them that Senju Tobirama is resurrected. After letting them fight, we will wait for an opportunity to rescue Qing Shui and take away the heretic demon!"

Black Zetsu calmed down and spoke to Uchiha Obito in a deep voice.

"I understand, Lin, you can control the White Zetsus and tell them..." Uchiha Obito nodded.

Uchiha Madara was still laughing.

Uchiha Izuna came over at this moment, and said to his brother with a smile: "Welcome back, brother! On this stage of the ninja world, it is really best for you to dance!"

Listening to Uchiha Izuna's words, Uchiha Madara raised a big smile and pressed his shoulders:

"Izuna, without you... I wouldn't have been able to get this far by myself!"

"Thanks to you!"

Uchiha Obito frowned, he really didn't want to see this disgusting scene.

Even if two grown men have a brotherly relationship, what are they doing with this slimy relationship?

Black Zetsu looked at Uchiha Obito speechlessly, speechless at his expression of mocking Uchiha Madara brother...

Do you want to take a look at your own more complicated and colorful expression when Qing Shui was mentioned before?

When Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna are still celebrating.

A Bai Jue jumped out of the ground, interrupting this extremely hard-won celebration.

"Madara-sama! Izuna-sama! We have captured extremely important information about Konoha Village!" Bai Zetsu shouted at the top of his lungs.

Uchiha Madara smiled evilly: "Well done, have you finally found Qing Shui's location?"

Uchiha Izuna put his hands on his hands and smiled: "Good things come in pairs!"

Bai Zetsu scratched his head: "It's not Uchiha Qingsui's information. We found that the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, and Uzumaki Mito were resurrected!"

"Among them, Senju Tobirama is suspected to be truly resurrected, while Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito are reincarnated in the form of filthy earth."

Uchiha Madara's expression instantly became distorted.

That bastard from Senju Tobirama is actually resurrected? And Hashirama was actually exposed!

what is happening?

Uchiha Izuna was also in great confusion. How did that bastard come back to life?

In the flash of lightning, Uchiha Izuna's expression suddenly changed: "Oh no, I guessed wrong!"

"I previously speculated that Qing Shui wanted to peacefully resolve the differences between the Uchiha clan and the top management of Konoha, so he pretended to be the reincarnation of me and Senju Tobirama..."

"But if that bastard is resurrected, it means that Qing Shui definitely has an inseparable relationship with him! Bai Jue, are you sure that he is not the reincarnation of the dirty earth, but the real resurrection?"

Uchiha Izuna unconsciously opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, and her gentle tone in the past became as cold as the cold wind after hearing Senju Tobirama's name.

If this ninja world could allow Uchiha Izuna to break through his defense...

That must be Senju Tobirama!

"Yes, Master Izuna...he is not a filthy earth body but a resurrected true body. Not only that, Senju Tobirama also possesses a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan for some unknown reason. Even when walking in Konoha, he has always opened It’s on…”

Under the arrangement of Black Zetsu's words, every word of White Zetsu stimulated Uchiha Izuna's nerves, causing this usually elegant and easy-going man to become furious in an instant!

"Damn it, damn it! I was actually concealed by that bastard!" Uchiha Izuna roared angrily:

"If you have any other information, please tell me quickly!"

Bai Jue said cringingly: "Just today, Senju Tobirama suddenly appeared in Konoha. This is also the first time we have successfully captured information about him..."

"According to his speech at the Konoha Conference, Uchiha Qingsui seems to have been sealed in the depths of the sea in the Kingdom of Water. Senju Tobirama plans to mobilize a large number of troops to station in Kirigakure Village."

"It is suspected to be to strengthen Uchiha Qingsui's seal! We did not eavesdrop on the specific content of the conversation. Uzumaki Mito's perception is too threatening to us, so we can only make an emergency retreat..."

Uchiha Izuna was breathing heavily, and all kinds of information came to his mind one after another, tangled up like hemp ropes.

"No matter what Senju Tobirama wants to do...then we must stop him!"

Uchiha Izuna waved his hand and said viciously: "Brother, what do you think?"

Uchiha Madara nodded equally angrily: "This time, we must kill Senju Tobirama! Even if Hashirama pleads with me, it's useless!"

"He did indeed do something to Qing Shui... After using him to resurrect himself, he sealed him and even reinforced it!"

"The most outrageous thing is that Senju Tobirama dared to covet our clan's Sharingan and even made a pair of kaleidoscopes. This is simply the biggest insult to Uchiha!!"

On the side, Uchiha Obito, under the guidance of Black Zetsu and the revelation of his true feelings, condemned Senju Tobirama with the same hatred and hatred!

"Quenna, let's take action!? We can't let Qing Shui be persecuted by that bastard anymore!"

Uchiha Madara said sadly: "This time, Hashirama actually stood by that guy's side. He must have been deceived by him!"

Uchiha Izuna took a deep breath, and the violence in his eyes was once again covered by calmness:

"Brother, we don't have any power. Although ordinary ninjas are useless to us, we have the new ninja tool Qing Shui invented before..."

"We need to use the power of other hidden villages to spread the news that Qing Shui is sealed, and then assist with illusions, or directly control the high-level officials of the hidden villages to make them our cannon fodder!"

"I know you are impatient, brother, but based on my understanding of Senju Tobirama, we must find someone to help us wade through the muddy water ahead. This is the safest way!"

Uchiha nodded: "Without further ado, let's take action now!"

"Uchiha Obito, do you want to come too?"

Uchiha Obito nodded: "For Qing Shui, of course I am willing!"

Therefore, under the exposure of Black Zetsu, the Uchiha Kaleidoscope trio and Ishiki's brain circuits collided.

Both sides invariably focused on the remaining ninjas in other hidden villages, treating them as their pawns and cannon fodder.

The situation suddenly became violent after the revelation that Qing Shui was sealed. The entire ninja world was like a huge powder keg, and the fuse was already being ignited...

And in Konoha at this moment.

In the laboratory underneath the roots.

Qianshou Feijian breathed a long sigh of relief, and his eyes flashed with joy: "The dragon vein seal used to banish the Six Paths Immortal was successful!"

"We can go rescue Qing Shui now!!"

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