Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 243 When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous of each other. The fateful duel between Se

The Konoha ninja standing behind Senju Tobirama.

The leaders are Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito, a pair of legendary ninjas from the Warring States Period.

The second row is Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tsunade, Hatake Sakumo, Kakuzu, Beiruhu, Hyuga Hizashi, Uchiha Yashiro...

These shadow level or close to shadow level combat power.

There are also Matt Dai and Shisui, these three "weak" people who seem to have certain abilities in Senju Tobirama, but in fact should not be here.

These two people…

One is Qing Shui's younger brother, and the other is Qing Shui's nursing home.

After staying in Qing Shui's body for so long, Qian Shu Feijian also has certain feelings for these two people.

So even though he knew that they were incompetent, he could understand what they wanted to do for Qing Shui and still let them follow him.

Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato and Kushina, although they and Senju Tobirama applied to participate in this operation, they were ordered to be stationed in Konoha because of their connection with Mt. Myoboku.

If Senju Tobirama hadn't been in a hurry and couldn't spare the time to deal with Jiraiya, the Konoha leader of Mt. Myouki would have been in serious trouble!

The Second Hokage, who is not very open-minded, remembers...

It is the rumor of the prophesied son of Miaomu Mountain that has added a lot of pressure to Qing Shui. It is very likely that Qing Shui's spirit will be tense and the erosion of the Six Paths Immortal will be accelerated!

This is a grave, unforgivable sin!

And in Kirigakure.

Senju Tobirama streamlined its troops and only selected the two Jinchūriki, Kisame and Kaguya Junjiro, whose tailed beasts had clearly promised to contribute, while the rest were stationed where they were.

When using the Immortal of Six Paths as the imaginary enemy, the number of people has lost its meaning.

There is not much physical difference between an ordinary jounin and a genin, and they are not qualified to be cannon fodder...

"Everyone, let me emphasize the plan again..."

Senju Tobirama took a deep breath: "Qing Shui and I have a soul connection. Mito has blessed my perception ability. When all the sage modes explode, I can find the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin under the sea. "

"Brother, Xiao Gang, you guys will channel the chakra for me. I need to quickly pull Qing Shui's coffin out of the bottom of the sea using Immortal Water Style. Then we will prepare to open the coffin."

Qian Shu Feijian said in a deep voice: "After opening the coffin, I will go and communicate with Qing Shui first... Even if the Six Paths Immortal takes Qing Shui's body, I will definitely find abnormalities!"

"If anything goes wrong, I will use all my pupil power to form a protective shield of heavenly rocks to protect Qing Shui's soul and body...so that he can escape from the control of the Six Paths Immortal as much as possible!"

Senju Tobirama nodded at Shisui: "Kid, don't be stingy with your pupil power, and don't worry that your pupil technique burning my potential will affect my vitality. Use your full power to increase my power."

Shisui nodded solemnly and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, the Second Hokage!"

He was sincerely grateful to Senju Tobirama.

Although Shisui's "Tong Jutsu·Kaku Mizuha" can overdraw his potential, he must also accept the backlash accordingly.

These words from Senju Tobirama...

It can be roughly understood that he has given up his life for Qing Shui!

Shisui couldn't help but glance at the Third Hokage who was standing aside, and sighed in his heart: "Maybe, this is the gap?"

If Sarutobi Hiruzen could have the structure and measure of Tobirama Senju, and for the will of fire that can burn life for an Uchiha, then my brother might not have to bear so much pressure...

I can peacefully be a low-level student who didn't graduate from the Ninja School at the age of eleven, and live a simple and peaceful life...

Or just be like Inada Kojiro and open a delicious three-color meatball shop.

Instead of being Laoshizi's savior!

"Brother, sister-in-law... If I fail to free Qing Shui from the control of the Immortal of Six Paths, then we will have to take action!"

Qianju Tobirama continued to divide the work: "Use the sealing technique to control Qing Shui, and let me use the dragon vein seal to expel the Six Paths Immortal and banish him to another time and space!"

Senju Tobirama looked at the others again and said in a deep voice: "Everyone here, please lend me your chakra..."


After Qianju Tojian shouted angrily, he felt the power left by the Qingshui in his body and quickly entered the immortal mode...

And behind him, every Kage-level ninja contributed a lot of chakra to Senju Tobirama!

Thousand Hands Tobirama's eyes widened in anger. Even with his body transformed by Qing Shui, he still felt a little strenuous after so much power poured into him at once.

But Senju Tobirama remained silent, and said to Senju Hashirama who looked worried at the side: "Brother, I need more senjutsu chakra... more!"

Senju Hashirama took a deep breath, and the black immortal mask covered his face.

He was very relieved.

Unexpectedly, my younger brother, who has always been prejudiced against the Uchiha clan, would actually dedicate himself to this level in one day...

You can even give your own life!

Sure enough, the establishment of Konoha Village and the Will of Fire is absolutely correct...

A huge amount of senjutsu chakra was poured into Senju Tobirama's body, making his aura extremely powerful!

"Wake it up for me!"

Qian Shu Feijian roared angrily, and with the help of everyone, he seemed to have become a god in charge of the ocean, turning the rivers and seas on the endless sea...

Deep in the ocean, ocean currents are rioting!

The Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin sleeping deep in the ocean, under the power of Thousand Hands Feijian, is rising rapidly towards the sea level...

"Attention from all parties, I have successfully sensed the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin and am in the process of fishing!" The Mangekyō Sharingan in Senju Tobirama's eyes was spinning crazily and he shouted sternly:

"Reaching the sea surface in three minutes, three minutes!"

And at this moment.

In the Pure Land, the Immortal of the Six Paths was awakened by the warning spell set up, and quickly opened an observation spell with the Six Paths tin staff...

Everyone was confused.

No, what are you mortals doing?

Uchiha Qingsui sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki, are you trying to release Kaguya?

Although Immortal of Six Paths understands a little bit about bonds, friendship and family ties, he knows that a person like Qing Shui who sacrifices for everyone will definitely make people feel uncomfortable, and everyone will definitely want to save him...

But when this kind of stupid thing that exudes the brilliance of humanity has something to do with Kaguya...

The Sage of Six Paths' blood pressure is high!

Understand each other? Understand each other's shit!

The Sage of Six Paths just wants Kaguya to be sealed forever...

"Do you want to get in touch with the reincarnation of Asura?" The Six Paths Sage stared at the Senju Hashirama bursting with magical chakra, and shook his head hesitantly:

"This generation of Asura Chakra... seems to be very close to Uchiha Qingshui. It is not a good idea to convince him, and it will take a lot of effort to control him..."

"Is now a good time to take action?"

The Six Paths Sage named Otsutsuki Hagoromo, but actually Otsutsuki Hiruzen... started to make a classic mistake at a critical moment - hesitation.

in the original time and space.

The Sage of Six Paths has many opportunities to give Nazuo power before Kaguya summons him...

But he just didn't want to, and he delayed it until the last moment, almost overturning the car.

"Eh? Is that... is that the reincarnation of Indra?"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths: "He has come to stop the wrongdoings of Asura's reincarnated group... Good!"

In the reincarnation eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths.

He saw Uchiha Madara and his group jumping from another time and space with a powerful gang.

Although the Sage of Six Paths feels weird...

For thousands of years, the reincarnation of Asura has prevented the reincarnation of Indra from doing "bad things". Only this generation has done the opposite...

But this is just a detail. The only thing the Sage of Six Paths wants to see now is for Qing Shui and Kaguya to continue to be sealed in the deep sea!

And high in the sky.

Otsutsuki Hamura, who had taken away his wife, looked at the scene with complicated eyes.

Is this because they know that Kaguya is in Qing Shui's body and that Qing Shui is in danger of annihilating the world, but these mortals who have already made a name for themselves in the ninja world still work together to save him?

"What a..."

Otsutsuki Hamura recalled the changes that happened in the Hyuga tribe, and slowly exhaled a long breath, with strong interest in his eyes: "What an interesting little guy!"

It is Qing Shui, and the Will of Fire proposed by Qing Shui...

Like the descendants of Hamura above the moon, the tragedy of fighting each other to the point of annihilation was controlled by reason.

Even if he kills the red eye, he can force himself to calm down...

Being able to seal Kaguya as a mortal and influencing Qing Shui's thought to a bloody outcome has rekindled interest in Hamura Otsutsuki, who had already given up hope for peace.

And at this moment.

Qing Shui and Kaguya hid their figures and watched this scene.

"Did you see it? Kaguya... pay attention to the techniques of these ninjas to mobilize chakra, and Senju Tobirama's technique of using senjutsu chakra. These are high-level techniques that you need to learn..."

Compared to Kaguya who was very nervous, Qing Shui was very leisurely and guided her to learn from mortals.

Kaguya nodded repeatedly, a pair of pure white eyes scanning around alertly: "Qing Shui, when do you think those two traitors...and the Yishi will appear?"

"Before opening the coffin, Kaguya."

Qing Shui patted Kaguya's shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Don't be nervous. Being nervous will only make your body and mind fall into a state of internal friction. Treat it calmly!"

Feeling the power coming from Qingshui, Kaguya's beating heart because she was about to face each Otsutsuki gradually calmed down.

The Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin is still rising!

A hint of joy appeared in Senju Tobirama's eyes, and chakra exploded even more!

A buzzing sound.

The huge black water coffin, entangled tightly with nine water dragons, roared out of the water, causing waves like a tsunami!

The whole sea is roaring!

At this moment, even a shadow-level powerhouse like Hatake Sakumo needs to mobilize a large amount of chakra to stabilize his body to avoid being swallowed by the violent sea currents...

This is an epic scene!

In the past, in the ninja world, tailed beasts less than 100 meters tall were already called natural disasters...

And today.

What they challenged was the Sage of Six Paths, and just the prelude had already triggered a tsunami...

The scene was so big that it was jaw-dropping!

"Ready to open!"

Senju Tobirama turned to look at Shisui and said in a deep voice: "Kid, are you ready?"

Shisui nodded heavily.

Just like Thousand Hands Tobirama, these two men have already made up their mind to burn themselves for Qing Shui...

The kaleidoscope patterns in Senju Tobirama and Shisui's eyes rotated at the same frequency and at high speed, as if they were coordinating with each other...

Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito were ready.

But right now!

Before opening the coffin, it was on the sea not far from Senju Tobirama and others.

The huge spatial turbulence is twisting and turning, like a portal...

Uchiha Obito's divine power broke through the space!

"Hashirama, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Madara Uchiha laughed loudly and took the lead to step out of it. His eyes were full of fighting spirit: "Last time, I deliberately lost to you in order to awaken these eyes..."

"This time, I won't do it!"

Uchiha Izuna stood next to Uchiha Madara and looked at Senju Tobirama with a cold expression: "Asshole... you and I haven't seen each other for a long time. It's time to give me your life back!"

Uchiha Obito didn't say anything. He looked at Shisui and Yashiro like a little transparent person and shook his head.

They are all Uchiha clan...

After hanging out with Qing Shui for so long, why is his IQ still so low?

Judging from their appearance, they must have been deceived by the Hokage Senju Tobirama... Why are they still helping him!

Under Bai Jue's information.

Although Uzumaki Mito is in charge, Uchiha Izuna, who is familiar with Senju Tobirama's temper through comprehensive analysis through dragon veins and monitoring other people's intelligence, still guessed what this forbidden magic bastard was going to do...

The Immortal of Six Paths who keeps saying that he wants to wander into Qing Shui's body?

I'm afraid that wandering into Qingshui is the right thing to do!

There was a high probability that Senju Tobirama could not control Qing Shui, and when he was unable to seize his body, he used the advance plan arranged in advance to seal Qing Shui in the seabed, just like a tailed beast that could not be controlled.

And in the future, with Senshou Tobirama's cautious character, he will definitely have to deal with Qing Shui!

Since you can't defeat him, then you can make up a lie to deceive everyone. In short, kill Qing Shui who can't deal with it first. Then what will happen even if his lie is exposed?

It's like coaxing the Uchiha clan to join Konoha. After losing Uchiha Madara's thigh, aren't the sharp fangs exposed in a sinister way?

When Qianju Tojian saw this familiar figure, his engraved kaleidoscope eyes suddenly widened!

Uchiha Izuna…

Was he actually resurrected? What the hell does this happen!

And Uchiha Madara, wasn't he killed by his elder brother? Why do you still have a pair of eyes like the Sage of Six Paths!

Not only that.

Those controlled shadows, resurrected shadows and ancestors...

They all walked out of the divine space one by one!

Ohnoki, the third Kazekage, the third Rai, Hanzo, the second Tsuchikage, the second Mizukage, the major jinchūriki...

at this point.

Countless powerful men in the entire ninja world in the past hundred years have gathered on this sea area, and the scene is extremely grand!

And Otsutsuki Ishiki.

At this moment, he used his pupil technique "Shaoming Vigana" to shrink himself to the extreme, looking greedily at the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin!

In that coffin, there are all the resources to return to the top!

"We have to wait a moment... These mortals are surprisingly capable of fighting... Let them fight first to consume all the chakra and make the scene more chaotic!"

Yi Shi forcibly suppressed the greed in his heart: "That woman's son, you must be watching this scene, right? Don't worry, whether it is you or Kaguya, I will deal with it one by one in the name of my family!"

Uchiha Izuna enjoyed watching Senju Tobirama's stunned look.

And when he was about to open his mouth and continue to taunt.

However, Senju Tobirama shouted violently: "Calm down! Have you seen Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan Eye? These spineless Uchiha must have taken refuge in the Sage of Six Paths and been raped!"

"Kill them first!"

A question mark slowly appeared on the head of the Immortal of Six Paths:?


It has something to do with me!

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