Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 245 Sasuke: No, why are my brother and my father crazy?

Urashiki fell into deep silence.

Momoshi on the side also narrowed her eyes, obviously very interested in these two chakras, but also seemed a little surprised and troubled...

After Ishiki and Kaguya went to the ninja world to harvest chakra fruits and lost contact for a thousand years.

Under the orders of Otsutsuki's top brass, Urashiki, Momoshiki and Jinshiki were dispatched to investigate and solve the problem.

And just after arriving in the ninja world...

Urashiki and Momoshi, who originally had different ideas and were about to act separately, discovered that this seemingly ordinary planet was actually transmitting extremely rare space-time energy fluctuations!

It was Qian Shu Feijian who appropriated the dragon vein and transmitted it across time and space...

Not only that, Urashiki also discovered that the Noble Phantasm of the Otsutsuki clan, the plow, was missing here. Echoing the vague energy fluctuations in time and space, the two Otsutsukis were aware of its existence in advance, and they joined forces to attack Konoha. He fought back and took it back easily.

After that, Urashiki and Momoshiki worked together to go to the time and space where Qingshui was, and Sasuke also used his Tenshou power to change places before traveling and came here together...

The so-called plow is a precious phantom with the ability to travel through time and space, and its true form is a living turtle.

Tobijian Qianju seizes the dragon's veins to create a seal, and the impact it has is far-reaching...

Although it seems nothing on the surface, in a distant different time and space, the two Otsutsuki even changed their original trajectory before taking action against the ninja world...

It's a real deal - he is indeed the evil Senju old ghost who has brought trouble to the ninja world!

The Immortals of Six Paths have been guarding for thousands of years, in order to prevent Kaguya from appearing...

Senju Tobirama hit his head with an idea, and he attracted two Otsutsuki's head families and one Otsutsuki's branch family, and they were still in full swing!

"Senior, don't keep a straight face...Although you are powerful, you are nothing more than a mortal."

Ushiki quickly adjusted his mentality and said with a playful smile:

"We have found the lost Noble Phantasm, and it will definitely be a credit after handing it over to the family... and detecting the strong men lurking in the ninja world in advance will also be very beneficial for us to recover the chakra of this time and space."

"Look, if we only thought that there is that woman's son in the ninja world, and there are two ninjas like Naruto and Sasuke who can fight, and maybe we will be attacked by these guys, we can avoid some trouble..."

Ushiki said meaningfully:

"Senior, apart from you and me, no one in the family will know about the chakra from different time and space collected through the plow... How much chakra can we get after a long trip?"

"We are here to reap the benefits!"

"Although it will take a lot of effort to fight, after all, Ishiki and Kaguya have been delayed for thousands of years. It is normal for us to spend a little more time for them to finish, right? No one will question it..."

Urashiki's words made Momoshiki frown.

The key reason why the two of them came to the Ninja World of Different Time and Space... was to discover the plow - a lost treasure that was not in the sight of the senior officials of the Otsutsuki clan.

When Momoshiki and Urashiki came to the ninja world, even though the chakra on this planet was extremely rich, but under the special attention of the top management, all the recovered chakra must not be handed over without mercy...

But it’s different in different time and space!

Even if space-time energy is precious, normally speaking, it would be a very disadvantageous act to use the remaining energy in the plow to come to another time and space just to collect chakra...

It's equivalent to exchanging gold bars for wood.

But the problem is that if the remaining space-time energy in the plow is not used and completely handed over to the Otsutsuki family, it will not fall into the hands of Urashiki and Momoshiki. No matter how precious it is, it will have nothing to do with them.

Even if a certain reward was given, it would be insignificant. Compared with the chakra of the entire ninja world, it would be nothing.

But if they come to another time and space, Momoshiki and Urashiki can eat all the plundered chakra.

Instead of working for the Otsutsuki clan, I became the boss!

Anyway, the senior officials of the Otsutsuki clan didn't know about the existence of the Noble Phantasm Plow in the ninja world.

Originally, it would be a credit after discovering and handing it over. No matter how unkind the senior officials were, they would not ask whether there was any hidden space-time energy in it.

It's like the sealed book is lost...

A jounin found it and handed it over to the village on his own initiative. A sane Kage would only give a part of the reward, instead of asking if he had peeked privately...

As for the Ōtsutsuki clan being able to maintain its strength for so long, it is obvious that there are no abstract figures such as Ōtsutsuki Danzo and Ōtsutsuki Koharu, and they will not mindlessly exploit their servants.

"Ura Shiki... I understand what you said, but you have to remember that it was you who suggested coming to another time and space to search for chakra... and now because of your suggestion, we are about to delay the mission assigned to us by the family..."

Taoshi had a straight face and said slowly:

"You have also sensed... In the ninja world of this side of time and space, the mortals who exist are more troublesome than the reincarnation eye and the fox. I need to spend more chakra to defeat them."

Urashiki's heart skipped a beat, but he had a flattering smile on his face: "Senior, I understand everything you said! The chakra here will first make up for the vacancies in the battle for you, senior, and we will talk about how to divide it later..."

Momoshiki glanced at Ushiki and nodded with satisfaction: "Don't say that I bullied you, Ushiki... I did it for your own good. Your fighting skills are not that good compared to Kaguya, the shame of the family. Where to go…”

"I will definitely be the main force fighting those guys."

"Let's go and see how those mortals made such a big noise, making it seem like they were fighting Otsutsuki..."

Standing in front of Tao Shi, Jin Shi opened the space portal with a very service attitude, and respectfully welcomed the noble leader in.

Urashiki, who was behind him, stared at Momoshi's back with cold eyes, but he still followed.

If Thousand Hands Tobirama hadn't disturbed the dragon's veins...

Originally, Urashiki didn't want to share this precious opportunity to enrich his own pockets with Momoshiki!

He would only work separately with this Otsutsuki Laoden. Even if Momoshiki was killed, he didn't bother to support him. All he could think about was coming to another time and space to get a Kyuubi first to make himself full...

But what I can’t do is…

Due to the dragon vein moving between the Senju Tobi, Momoshi and Urashiki, who had just arrived in the ninja world in different time and space, felt the fluctuations of time and space energy together, and sensed the existence of the plow together.

Monopoly is obviously impossible.

And Urashiki can only share this opportunity with Momoki, and he has to be beaten by this senior who is very good at hitting. It is impossible to achieve half the expected goal...

Even if you don't open Sanqi, you can't satisfy your greedy peach!

"Xiao Tao, you are really greedy... I have recorded this account..."

Urashiki was furious in his heart, but he still smiled and kept up with Momoshiki and Jinshiki. The three Otsutsuki entered the space portal and shuttled towards the Kingdom of Water.

After the strength has passed a threshold and cannot be easily improved, the big guys around are all at a similar level, and there are not so many things to fight and kill...

Even among the Otsutsuki clan, they are all humane and sophisticated!

This time…

Under Senju Tobirama's Great Dragon Vein Summoning Technique, there were suddenly three people watching the battle!

Hamura, Hagoromo, Kaguya, Isshiki...these four Otsutsuki are all in a state of incompleteness in this time and space.

Plus Jin style, Pu style, Peach style...

On this battlefield in the Kingdom of Water, a total of seven Otsutsuki will come to watch, which is almost enough for two tables of mahjong!


Among the leaves.

Sasuke was walking alone in the village, looking up at the huge Tobirama, filled with doubts in his heart.

What is this stuff? Never seen it!

Even compared to the time and space he is in, Tobirama looks like a super technological creation...

Did he come to the time and space of the future, not the past?

But as Sasuke walked, he saw a shop he was familiar with - Ichiraku Ramen.

The uncle who is cooking seriously still looks like a middle-aged man...

This means that what comes is from the past!

"No...even though it's the past, this past seems completely different from the time and space I live in..."

Sasuke stared at a shop next to Ichiraku Ramen - the Qingshui family's three-color meatball shop.

This shop was extremely popular, but in Sasuke's memory, there was no memory of this snack at all.

"Three-color meatballs, my brother's favorite food..."

Sasuke sighed, stepped into Inada Kojiro's shop, and saw his younger brother at a glance!

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi had the table in front of him filled with three-color meatballs. There was no smile on his still young face, but the movements in his hands were extremely fast, stuffing them into his mouth one after another, and slurping. He kept chewing and looked like he was overeating...

Sasuke was confused.

In his impression, his brother has been an extremely self-disciplined ninja since he was a child. He is very strict with himself and can be called a perfect ninja in terms of training attitude.

This is why Fugaku was always dissatisfied with Sasuke when he was a child...

Because there is a crazy involution Uchiha Itachi doing comparison.

Putting aside his character, in terms of hard work, Uchiha Itachi has practiced to the point of detonating the blood stain disease...

But in front of Sasuke now.

Where is the hard-working and self-disciplined Uchiha Itachi?

From Uchiha Itachi's numb and painful eyes, Sasuke could only see a child who used food to relieve his sorrow...

What happened in this time and space?

The changes are so great!

And at this moment...

Uchiha Sasuke only felt that he had been hit. He turned around and saw his father again!

Uchiha Fugaku walked towards Uchiha Itachi angrily and snatched the three-color meatball from his hand. He wanted to get angry, but because there were too many people around, he could only suppress his anger. He reprimanded in a low voice:

"Itachi, what are you doing! Why don't you practice! Have you forgotten? You carry hope and the future on your shoulders!"

"Although the future is confirmed by my pupil technique! But you also need to work hard to cooperate!"

Uchiha Itachi looked up in despair, but did not lower his voice like Uchiha Fugaku:

"It's not that I can relax because I believe in your pupil skills and think that the future is destined, but I didn't believe it from the beginning! You are crazy, crazy enough to think that I will surpass Lord Qingshui..."

"I beg you, don't compete with Lord Qingshui anymore... Even though there are various rumors in the village now, whether it is the Second Hokage or Lord Qingshui, which one can you compete with?"

Uchiha Fugaku instantly became red and warm, and he raised a slap and slapped Uchiha Itachi hard on the face: "You bastard who doesn't know how to make progress, follow me!"

This slap was so loud that the busy shop instantly fell silent.

Inada Kojiro frowned. Although he was just an out-of-school ninja who had not graduated from ninja school, he shouted angrily: "Uchiha Fugaku! This is the Qingshui family's three-color meatball shop!"

"What are you trying to do here by beating people? I don't welcome guests like you, please get out!"

Inada Kojiro walked up to Uchiha Fugaku and looked at him without fear:

"Itachi, please don't take him away. I heard you talking about Master Qingshui. I will truthfully report what you just said to the Hokage Building..."

"Although he is your son, he is also the future of the village. Your behavior of beating and insulting is definitely not in line with the will of fire!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Inada Kojiro coldly.

Are you still here in Qingshui?

These ignorant villagers don't know that Qing Shui has been assassinated by Qian Shu Feijian a long time ago!

The evil second-generation Hokage had already reincarnated into a large group of Senju ninjas. Under the coax of lies, he led the entire village of ninjas to strengthen the seal of Uchiha Seishui...

"Leave first... Senju Tobirama has a good relationship with Uchiha Qingsui in name. If I cause trouble in this meatball shop, it will only give him an excuse to deal with me."

Uchiha Fugaku thought so in his heart, and said to Uchiha Itachi in a deep voice: "Itachi, cheer up! Don't say what you shouldn't say. I'll wait for you to come back at home!"

I heard that I was waiting for him to come back at home...

Uchiha Itachi trembled and lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

"Let's go! As the head of the Konoha Security Department, do you still want to interfere with the normal order?" Many ninjas couldn't see it and started to help:

"I'm not talking about you, Uchiha Fugaku... your son will be driven crazy by you sooner or later. His talent is good, but how can you let him think about surpassing Lord Qingshui? You are really crazy because you want your son to succeed!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked around, waved his sleeves amidst everyone's criticism, and strode out of the door coldly.

He's crazy?

No, it's just that except for him, all Konoha ninjas are crazy!

They were all deceived by Senju Tobirama, and they all lived in the scam. Only he, who had the Mangekyō Sharingan and special eye skills, saw a promising future!

Uchiha Itachi looked at Uchiha Fugaku's back, filled his mouth with tears, and chewed a bunch of meatballs.

It seemed that only eating something could make his stressed-out heart relax and prevent him from exploding instantly...

Sasuke stared at this scene blankly.

what's the situation!

What exactly is going on?

How could he, the father of this time and space, be so crazy about putting pressure on his brother...

And who is this Qing Shui? It actually made Uchiha, who was considered the most talented person in his mind, despair, and made Itachi collapse to the point of overeating...

at this time.

Sasuke suddenly looked in the direction of the Kingdom of Water!

With extraordinary perceptual abilities, he felt two chakras that he was very familiar with...

"Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara!"

Sasuke shouted in disbelief in his heart: "Brother is so old, how could these two guys fight after being resurrected? This timeline is completely inconsistent!"

"No, I have to rush there immediately. What is going on?"

Sasuke kept flashing back Qing Shui's name in his heart, and he had a premonition...

These changes seemed to be a craze caused by this strange Uchiha!

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