Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 247: The Battle of Feiquan, Tobirama's death and the interlocking plot!

Thousand-handed Feijian's face was as black as coal.

He regretted it immensely...

When Danzo Shimura framed Sakumo Hatake, he shouldn't have listened to the monkey and given this shameful creature a chance to redeem himself...

Just cut it off with one knife!

Sure enough, the existence of this bastard monkey is wrong, wrong, guilty, and worthy of death...

Ever since he got a zero on the Will of Fire test, nothing about this traitor has gone his way.

If he hadn't rushed to save Qing Shui, Senju Tobirama would have wanted to lead everyone in Konoha to beat Hiruzen Sarutobi and teach him a lesson!

Uchiha Izuna's operation to summon Shimura Danzo inadvertently allowed Senju Tobirama to sentence another of his apprentices to death...

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

"Shimura Danzo, tell your teacher what you have done..." Uchiha Izuna ordered: "Tell me!"

Before Shimura Danzo could figure out the situation, his eyes suddenly lost their look, and he shouted proudly: "In order to correct Sarutobi Hiruzen's mistakes as soon as possible, let me become the Fourth Hokage and lead Konoha as soon as possible. On the right track…”

"I used the Will of Fire to form roots and conducted Hashirama-sama's cell experiments. Although some unwilling ninjas were sacrificed, I achieved great results..."

"I also convinced various ninja clans to provide me with geniuses, using curse seals and torture as tools to make them loyal to me..."

"But Sarutobi Hiruzen's forces are so intricate that he used his teacher's cells to cultivate the monster Uchiha Qingsui, and he won the right to explain the will of fire and strengthened his reputation in the village. I can only think of a solution step by step. By cutting off his wings, I was about to succeed in letting Hatake Sakumo die, but I was..."

With the blessing of chakra, the sound spread for thousands of meters...

The entire battlefield tacitly stopped and fell into an awkward whirlpool.

Countless probing eyes were cast on Qianju Tojian from near or far...

The extremely strong psychological quality of Senju Tojama was so strong that he couldn't hold back any longer...

Look at the hammer?

Haven't you ever seen a family in misfortune?

A flying thunder god kunai shot out, accurately hitting Shimura Danzo's head.

Senju Tobirama's eyes were full of evil spirits: "Uchiha Izuna, do you think your childlike tricks will be useful to me?"

"Next time... I will show off Uchiha Tajima and let him tell the story about how he wet the bed when he heard the name of the Senju when he was a child!"

"No, there will be no next time...you will be killed by me today and go back to the Pure Land!"

Now that Uchiha Izuna used his apprentice as an attack, Senju Tobirama responded tit-for-tat by using his father's remarks...

"Who is Uchiha Tajima?"

Kaguya, who was thinking about how to persuade Qing Shui to escape, saw the corners of Qing Shui's mouth raised slightly when he heard the two people swearing, and she also became curious:

"Is it the apprentice named Uchiha Izuna?"

"No, Uchiha Tajima is his biological father..." Qing Shui said lightly.

"Ah... this ninja named Senju Tobirama has such poor quality!" Kaguya frowned and commented.

"Indeed." Qing Shui nodded slightly: "His reputation in the ninja world... can also be said to be relatively complicated and anthropomorphic..."

Kaguya couldn't help but sigh, Qing Shui also said that he would make her a great love immortal...

In Kaguya's opinion, in the entire ninja world, only Qing Shui has the state of mind that matches this name.

Obviously knowing that the mortals in front of me are a group of low-quality bastards...

But he is still willing to sacrifice himself to save them...

It’s so much love!

After hearing Senju Tobirama's extremely insulting words, Uchiha Izuna narrowed his eyes dangerously: "The truth spoken by your apprentice is too much for you, the master, to bear? So you say I control him?"

"It's so funny, Thousand Hands Tobirama... You naturally understand the truth and lies in your heart. If your apprentice is so shameless, how can you, a teacher, be any better?"

After Shimura Danzo said these words... Uchiha Izuna actually admired him quite a bit.

The order given by Uchiha Senna was for Danzo Shimura to tell the truth.

But what I didn't expect was that Shimura Danzo seemed to really think that he was doing the right thing. He would always mention the Will of Fire in his speeches, and while belittling Sarutobi Hiruzen, he also didn't forget to slander Qing Shui's origin.

He really thought that everything he did was right and for the good of Konoha!

Uchiha Izuna couldn't help but wonder, how did Senju Tobirama cultivate such an arrogant, stupid and utterly bad apprentice?

Shimura Danzo, as Senju Tobirama's disciple, made Uchiha Izumi feel that this was a price reduction for his old rival, which made him lose his face...

Could it be that after Senju Tobirama defeated him by luck, he drifted away?

Otherwise, how could you be so knowledgeable?

And Senju Tobirama actually knows...

Uchiha Izuna really didn’t control Shimura Danzo! Just using the so-called will of fire to wash away his stupid words, with Uchiha Izuna's arrogant temperament, there is a high probability that it cannot be imitated.

That is to say…

Shimura Danzo really thought that what he did was right! You still think that Qing Shui was created by monkeys using his cells...

"Danzo, before the monkey, the teacher will send you away first..."

Senju Tobirama said in advance his condolences to his second disciple: "Don't go to the Pure Land, just disappear from now on!"

Shimura Danzo, who was shot in the head by the Flying Thunder God, condensed together piece by piece due to the immortal nature of the dirty earth body...

And when Danzo Shimura had just recovered his body.

The blood in Senju Tobirama's eyes surged, complex kaleidoscope patterns connected together, and dense black fire ignited on Shimura Danzo's body in an instant!

"Eye Technique·Fujin Day"...

The fire that can pollute and burn chakra, and even incinerate the soul, swallowed up his whole body in an instant...

Originally a filthy earth body that could not feel pain, Danzo Shimura howled in extreme pain at this moment, struggling wildly, his eyes full of confusion:

"Teacher, why are you attacking me? What's going on with your pair of Mangekyō Sharingan! Ahhhh!"

Danshimura was hiding in pain, and could only see a pair of red eyes in Senju Tobirama staring at him coldly: "Are you also contaminated by the power of Uchiha? This is betraying the will of fire!"

"This taboo... As expected, only I can master it. For Konoha and the ninja world, I want to..."

Danzo Shimura lay ugly and embarrassed on the ground, trying to stand up and run away.

How terrifying is Uchiha's power...

He felt that Senju Tobirama must have been eyeing the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan like him, but he was possessed by the demonic nature of this clan, so he attacked him brazenly...

But looking at him, Shimura Danzo.

Even after using the Sharingan for so many years, my heart is still full of the will of Konoha and fire, and it has never been affected!

After hearing Shimura Danzo's humorous speech, Senju Tobirama's face turned completely dark, which made Uchiha Izuna burst into laughter: "Hahahahahaha!"

This may be the most embarrassing episode in the life of his nemesis...

Thousand Hands Tobirama silently increased the strength of the eye power, and the evil black flames exploded to the extreme, burning the ninja's dark body and soul to ashes as fast as possible!

Only his chakra, after being completely burned by Fujin Hi, turned into tiny specks and was guided into Senju Tobirama's body.

Uchiha Izuna watched this scene carefully.

He summoned Danzo Shimura not only to disgust Senju Tobirama, but more importantly, to disrupt his mentality and find out valuable intelligence...

The kaleidoscope coming from nowhere in Senju Tobirama made Uchiha Izuna extremely alert.

What kind of pupil technique will this evil Thousand-Armed Demon awaken based on Uchiha's bloodline?

Both of them have their own trump cards...

After playing the card of Shimura Danzo, Uchiha Izuna probably had the information about Futsuhi.

"This pupil technique...is like my Amaterasu..."

Uchiha Izuna narrowed his eyes: "Can it kill the soul and absorb chakra...doesn't it act on matter but on spirit?"

"You must not be hit by this technique!"

Uchiha Izuna’s trump card…

One is the power of the Thousand Hands that has been refined from the heretic demon, and the other is the Thousand Us that he has never used before and can freeze chakra and space.

In his opinion, Senju Tobirama's trump card is his two unknown pupil techniques...

Now, Shimura Danzo has asked Senju Tobirama to use a pupil technique, so Uchiha Izuna has the advantage in this battle first!

In particular, it also affected Senju Tobirama's mentality...

After Danzo Shimura made a statement saying that dogs are not welcome...

The second-generation Tsuchikage Mu who was fighting with Hirohu shook his head: "Judging from the performance of his apprentice, Senju Tobirama also died early, otherwise he would also be an old and dim master, so ignorant of people!"

"In other words, that bastard who met the Ghost Light Hangetsu died together with me, otherwise Iwagakure will definitely win the championship in troubled times! My disciple Onoki is so powerful compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo and the like that I don't know where he is. !”

Bei Liuhu spread his hands and dodged the Chen Escape attack.

You can scold me if you want to, as long as the person you scold is not Lord Qingshui...

Thousands of hands, really unfamiliar.

The second-generation Mizukage Ghost Lantern Huayue who was standing aside also started to speak out:

"Hey, Shark Face, let me see your forehead protector. You are a ninja from Kirigakure, right? Although I am unhappy about being controlled by Uchiha, why are you still helping Konoha fight the war?"

"You see, the so-called Konoha is also a mess, there are no capable people..."

Kisame smiled sarcastically: "Who told me that I was helping Konoha fight the war? Bearded man, I tell you, I, Kisame, am the first Mizukage, Seishui-sama!"

Although Ghost Lantern Huanyue hates being called a bearded man...

But he didn't have time to care about this, and asked in confusion: "Isn't the first Mizukage Lord Byakuren? What are you talking about!"

"That's the old Kirigakure, who has been disbanded long ago... Now there are only new ones in Kirigakure, and only the first generation Mizukage Seishui-sama!"

Kisame laughed arrogantly, and the three-tailed chakra wrapped around his body, and he formed a seal seriously: "Old thing from the old era, just roll into the coffin obediently!"

"Water Release: The giant shark bites and explodes!"

Under Qing Shui's teaching, Kisame combined his specialty "Water Release: Five Food Sharks" with Senju Tobirama's "Forbidden Technique: Water Dragon Bite Explosion"...

He developed this terrifying water escape move that is extremely powerful and can swallow up the opponent's chakra!

"What an old guy..."

Ghost Lantern Huanyue shouted angrily: "Let me see what your so-called New Kirigakure is capable of!"

The two Kirigakure ninjas used real fire, and the battle on the sea even caused a small tsunami!

And on the side.

Senju Tobirama sighed.

Not only Ghost Light Gengetsu and Wu Zai were discussing, but even Senju Hashirama, who was fighting Uchiha Madara, took a moment to cast a questioning and disbelieving look from afar.

Damn it, Uchiha Izuna!

Why did Danzo Shimura roar so loudly?

This time, his reputation as a powerful and wise general in the ninja world took a heavy blow...

"Senju bastard, what else do you have..." Uchiha Izuna continued to taunt, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

The Thousand Hands Gate in front of him disappeared in an instant...

The place where it appeared was exactly where the Flying Thunder God Kunai was used to defeat Shimura Danzo!

It's quite close to Uchiha Izuna, and it's also very suitable for a surprise attack!

The sharp blade stabbed Uchiha Izuna's ribs from top to bottom, pointing straight to his heart!

This is the foreshadowing that Senju Tobirama had laid long ago...

Uchiha Izuna thought he was angered?

There is indeed a part.

But more often than not, it’s just Qian Shu Tobijian who uses his tactics!

In the flash of lightning, Uchiha Izuna sneered, and the power in his eyes exploded instantly!

The space where Senju Tobirama is located is like a huge boulder full of gravity in the center, firmly binding the space and the chakra in it.

Senshou Tobirama's eyes were full of shock, his eyes flashed again, and his body surface was covered by a layer of flowing light.

But it was still to no avail, the whole person seemed to be frozen in place.

This is Uchiha Izuna's pupil technique, Senyiki, a powerful pupil technique that can seal chakra and even space...

"Go to hell, Senju Tobirama!"

Uchiha Izuna drew out the blade, ignited the fire of Amaterasu, aimed at Senju Tobirama's heart and stabbed it!

As long as this sword strikes in place, Senju Tojama will definitely die!

The humiliation and pain caused by being killed by the Flying Thunder God in a matter of seconds, Uchiha Izuna will take back the revenge doubled today!


The blade with Amaterasu slashed into Senju Tobirama's body just as Uchiha Izuna expected.


Senju Tobirama's blade also pierced his body.

At the critical moment, Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama both avoided the fatal wounds in their hearts and did not let the opposite blade cut their hearts.

Look from a distance.

It's like Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama died together...

The different black flames of Amaterasu and Fukutsuhi are like a pair of twins, burning each other in this pair of destined opponents!

And the next moment.

The movements of Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama seemed to be synchronized.

Twisting the blade, the opponent's wound was opened wider, and then they both drew out their knives...

Senju Tobirama used his strange strength to hold up the burning Amaterasu on his body, and caught up with Uchiha Izuna when he was retreating, forcing him to punch him!


Uchiha Izuna endured the shattering feeling from his hand bones, and used Amaterasu to fight off Senju Tobirama's continued pursuit...

But even so, the situation suddenly reversed!

"Uchiha Izuna, I understand you just like a grandpa understands his grandson..."

Senju Tobirama sneered and said: "You think you can plot against me with the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique, I tell you, you have already lost!"

"I still say the same thing... If I can kill you the first time, I can naturally kill you the second time..."

"You will never stand up again!"

Although Senju Tobirama's body was still burning with Amaterasu's black flames, his aura far surpassed that of Uchiha Izuna...

Uchiha Izuna's face was extremely ugly.

He was indeed plotted!

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