Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 256 Kaguya and Black Zetsu’s lies are exposed! The two of them are like ants on a hot pot!

After severely suppressing Urashiki and Momoshi with two moves...

Kaguya's confidence has never been higher!

"Qing Shui... Qing Shui taught me how to use my moves. Although it was very useful, I probably would have been able to make the corresponding moves without him, right? I have studied hard!"

Kaguya thought about it in her mind, and after giving herself a positive answer, she looked at Qing Shui very embarrassedly, with some dodge in her eyes, and said coyly:

"Don't get me wrong, Qing Shui...I just, I just..."

"It's okay, Kaguya, how could I do that?"

Qing Shui held Kaguya's hand, and there was clear encouragement in his clean black eyes: "I have been encouraging you, just because I want to see you stand up independently and defeat your cowardly self in the past..."

"Go ahead and do it boldly. I will try my best to help you restore your own strength and fight Urashiki and Momoshiki at their peak."

"Don't worry too much, I will help you conquer the formation."

Kaguya felt warm in her heart: "Qing Shui, you are so kind..."

Qing Shui smiled and shook his head gently: "It's nothing, this is what I want to see..."

For Kaguya, who was feeling a little swollen but felt that she could do it, Qing Shui planned to let her face Ichiban Urashiki and Momoshiki on her own...

Every naughty child who has no worries about food and clothing will become well-behaved again after experiencing ruthless torture.

Obviously, Kaguya needs such experience.

If Lord Qing Shui takes action to teach Kaguya a lesson, that would be a bit unsightly...

And Urashiki and Momoshi, two ready-made thugs, can just do the work for Qing Shui. They can also serve as the best actors to help Qing Shui stage a drama that will seduce the hearts of the ninja world...

Wave after wave of chakra poured into Kaguya's body.

In the outside world, Qing Shui's body also began to undergo changes in appearance.

I saw.

Qing Shui's crimson and white ponytail swelled rapidly, and extremely violent blue chakra air currents danced wildly!

The excess white hair was like giant pythons, merging with the burst of chakra, enveloping Qing Shui's entire body...

"Kaguya, this guy is exploding her own power and starting to overdraw the durability of the container!"

Urashiki took a step back fearfully and narrowed his eyes: "Are you going to fight us desperately? Or is the container Kaguya found able to perfectly carry her power..."

Momoshiki caressed his face with a look of confusion. Even with Otsutsuki's regeneration ability, the injuries caused by killing Ash Bones together were difficult to recover in an instant.

Momoshiki felt the pain on her face and snorted coldly: "Urashiki, what are you worried about? After a thousand years of separation, Kaguya is indeed different from before, but that doesn't mean she is the same warrior as me!"

"It's just that she relaxed and was attacked by surprise. Looking at her chakra level, it can only be said to be nothing more than that..."

"If you're scared, just get out of the way and stay out of the way!"

Hearing Momoshi's foul-mouthed words, Ushiki frowned, but he said nicely: "Momoshi-senpai, don't be so angry...Why am I afraid of a branch family?"

"It's just that Kaguya's progress is indeed obvious. If you think about it carefully, senior Yishi fell into her hands. We still have to be vigilant..."

"But no matter what, I will definitely accompany Momoshiki-senpai to deal with her!"

And at this moment.

Uchiha Obito, who fell to the ground, slowly stood up, and the injury where the black rod had been punctured was quickly repaired.

Dark marks appeared one after another on Uchiha Obito's body.

The chakra burst out by Kaguya greatly stimulated Ichiki...

Since being seriously injured by Kaguya in a sneak attack, Yi Shi has always wanted to take revenge with his own hands and avenge his shame!

"Don't be afraid of Kaguya..."

Uchiha Obito's voice had the same timbre as Yiyi, and he said in a low voice: "I was attacked by Kaguya because of my arrogance, not because of her strength..."

"From the two moves she just made, it seems that Kaguya's fighting level has just improved. This is in line with my prediction of her... She has been imprisoned for a thousand years, practicing behind closed doors in a sealed space, that is, this level 's improved.”

"Lack of actual combat, a few more rounds will reveal her true strength..."

Urashiki turned back, glanced at Shiki, and said with a smile: "Are you alive? Ishiki-senpai... By the way, what is going on in this ninja world, how did you miss at that time, and what is the situation with these mortals?"

"It's so scary to actually master a technique that can make your power explode hundreds or thousands of times..."

Although Momoshiki didn't say anything, she looked at Ishiki, obviously curious about this question.

"Kaguya, as you know, her hardware conditions are not weak and are even stronger than those of the general family... She violated the family's responsibilities and obligations to the family and attacked me while I was planting the sacred tree..."

Ishiki stared at Momoshiki's face that had not yet been fully repaired, and said in a deep voice: "She pierced my heart with the ashes of the common killer, fed my body to the sacred tree to induce its maturity, and finally one person swallowed the planet's natural Chakra fruit bred from energy!"

Momoshiki and Urashiki's expressions became a little ugly.

The planet of the ninja world contains a lot of natural energy... The chakra fruits produced from it must not be available to ordinary members of the family, and they must be provided to high-level officials.

Therefore, after accidentally obtaining the Otsutsuki Noble Phantasm "Plough" lost in the Ninja World and discovering that the Ninja World has dragon-veined space-time energy resources, Momoshiki and Urashiki came up with the idea of ​​​​looking for a fortune. .

And is Kaguya still so easy to deal with after swallowing this chakra fruit?

Moreover, Kaguya seems to have some fighting skills.

And at this moment.

After some changes, the shadow of Kaguya behind Qing Shui disappeared...

Because Qing Shui turned into Kaguya!

The long white hair touches the floor, the broad sleeves of the robe hang down, and the most eye-catching thing is the pair of white eyes. The scarlet nine-magatama samsara eye between the eyebrows exudes a coquettish and noble blood light!

Urashiki's face became more and more ugly, and he murmured to himself: "Nine magatama reincarnation sharingan? How much chakra does the chakra fruit produced by this planet contain..."

"No wonder, the higher-ups will send us here and ask us to bring back the chakra fruit..." Taoshi said softly: "The lower species and natural energy of this planet seem to be extraordinary..."

Kaguya snorted coldly, but felt very relieved to hear Momo and Urashiki's shocked words.

But before he could be proud for a long time, the voice of Ishiki that made Kaguya fearful and jealous rang out.

Ishiki used Uchiha Obito's body, stared at Kaguya with hatred on his face, and said coldly: "This woman is just a showman! Feel her chakra carefully, it is not much different from yours."

"After successfully attacking me, Kaguya, who merged with the sacred tree, chose to split herself into two children in order to resist the family's pursuers, hoping to cultivate her power..."

"These two sub-bodies benefited from the power of the sacred tree and both had blood similar to Otsutsuki's. But what's interesting is that Kaguya actually broke up with them later. These two sub-bodies fought with Kaguya and defeated her. He pulled out her Ten-Tails from her body and created a small star to seal it inside."

When Yi Shi said this, he couldn't stand it any longer: "Sometimes I think... such a stupid woman, I would be attacked by her, I should also suffer this fate..."

Momoshiki and Urashiki listened blankly to Kaguya's story.

Is there a dumber episode than this?

In order to weaken oneself to fight the enemy and create clones, if it is to speed up the rate of absorbing the natural energy of the ninja world, this is reasonable...

But this body is not a clone at first glance, it is an independent and thinking kind! It was even stronger than Kaguya's true form, and the backlash was so strong that the Ten-Tails was pulled out of her body!

What the hell is this bitch doing?

Is there even a tiny bit of common sense and logic in this?

Urashiki and Momoshiki couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and they understood a little more about Ishiki being attacked by surprise.

This is like a follower who is extremely imbecile in daily life, and he is not pretending to be one, he is really imbecile...

But it was inexplicably cruel once!

If it were Momoshiki and Urashiki, they would most likely feel that they would end up in the same fate as Ishiki, and maybe even worse...

"The reason why his two sons opposed Kaguya was because they claimed to bring peace to the ninja world based on the concept of mutual understanding, although the first step they did was to suppress their mother with force..."

Ishiki temporarily transformed into a commentator on the history of the ninja world, narrating the past and present life of Kaguya's family:

"What's funny is that after Kaguya's eldest son became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, due to the specificity of his bloodline and the sacred tree, he could only take the initiative to strip off the sacred tree, and hid in a different space to survive, collecting the souls of the ninja world. Preparing for resurrection…”

"The Ten-Tails was also split into nine parts by him, becoming what the ninja world calls tailed beasts."

"The other child ran to the star that sealed Kaguya, and its specific whereabouts are unknown..."

Ishiki raised the corners of his lips and said slowly: "By the way, her eldest son who once became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki also had a conflict with his eldest son when he was about to die. Those two guys are Kaguya's two grandsons. The reincarnation of chakra..."

One gesture pointed at Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

Momoshiki and Urashiki were stunned.

Does Kaguya's family have some strange curse? Why are the eldest sons of generations willing to rebel?

And Ishiki's gaze surrounded the audience and said in a deep voice: "Urashiki, Momoshiki, you have to be careful...his two sons are most likely not dead, and may be ambushing in the dark..."

"But according to my judgment, due to the lack of blood or the erosion of the Ten-Tails, they have most likely lost their physical bodies and cannot be directly reincarnated. Just pay attention to the two reincarnations I mentioned..."

"The alien space established by Kaguya's eldest son can absorb the souls of the dead in the ninja world. The power accumulated cannot be underestimated, but wanting to carry that power is like choosing a container. It cannot be given out casually."

Momoshiki and Urashiki looked serious and were about to take action.

And Yi Shi's movements were even faster than them.

I saw that Senju Hashirama, who was sealed by Uchiha Madara, was suddenly pierced by more than a dozen black rods from all directions.

"Okay, that's no problem... blocked by my Yin Yang Black Rod, the power of Kaguya's eldest son can't be poured in... Let's deal with Kaguya first, the chakra in these two ninjas is still It’s very abundant, it would be a pity to just kill it.”

Ichishi took a deep breath.

Although Ushiki used his Noble Phantasm to suppress Obito, the time was still too short after all. The compatibility of Ishiki and Uchiha Obito's new container still needs further adjustment, and he himself needs to recover from the injuries caused by Matt Dai. , it is difficult to exert too much power.

And, there is a gadget inside that resists him.

"By the way, there's another interesting thing... Before Kaguya was sealed, she probably found an opportunity to create a child body again, and now she is lurking in my body..."

A ferocious smile appeared on Uchiha Obito's face: "One child after another... Kaguya, don't you have any other way? Being attacked by an Otsutsuki with your intelligence really makes me feel ashamed!"


The scene fell into dead silence.

Isshiki's words were just to introduce the situation to Momoshi and Urashiki...

But from what Kaguya heard, her mortal enemy had exposed the lie she had deceived Qing Shui!

Kaguya's character is the goddess of Ura who advocates mutual understanding and wants to bring peace to the ninja world. She was assassinated by two treacherous sons who coveted power...

The real history is told directly in one form!

After finishing the first move, Kaguya, who had just rekindled his fighting spirit, felt as if a basin of ice-water mixture had been poured on his heart, and his whole body was chilled from the inside out.

If someone else had told this story...

Kaguya can still find a way to explain to Qing Shui that there is a misunderstanding...

But the problem is that Isshiki is narrating information to the two Otsutsuki companions. Moreover, Isshiki does not know the true situation of Qing Shui and Kaguya, so logically it cannot be to sow discord between Qing Shui and Kaguya!

But it was such an unintentional move...

But it made Kaguya feel that the originally unbreakable relationship between Qing Shui and her had cracks due to her lies from the beginning!

How to do this?

At this moment, Kaguya was extremely afraid of hearing Qing Shui ask her doubtfully...

What's going on here?

But Qing Shui's silent silence also made Kaguya extremely panicked...

It seems that this is not as good as Qing Shui questioning her loudly!

What does this silence mean... is he angry, extremely angry, or is he not taking it seriously?

Kaguya couldn't analyze it at all.

Facing three powerful enemies at this moment, Kaguya couldn't distract herself from communicating with Qing Shui in the spiritual world. She could only pretend to be nothing, sweating profusely, and put on a fighting posture with disdain on her face, but in fact I am already completely confused!

Even if you win these Otsutsuki, if you lose Qing Shui, isn't everything still over?

And Black Zetsu, who was desperately trying to resist the erosion of Obito, felt as cold as Kaguya...

Obito should still be conscious, right?

Did he hear the story told in Yiyi? That is to say, he knew that he had actually lied to him again!

It is not a life created by Uchiha Madara, but the mastermind buried in the ninja world, Kaguya's third son - Zetsu!

Similar to Qing Shui...

Uchiha Obito, who was controlled by the Noble Phantasms of Ipshiki and Ura Shiki, did not reply to Black Zetsu.

And Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who was above the Pure Land, also felt his mood hit rock bottom at this moment.

He didn't expect that Yishi would actually know his existence, the Pure Land, and the method of transmitting his power...

After Otsutsuki Hagoromo pinned Senju Hashirama with a black stick in Ishiki, he belatedly tried to contact the two chakra reincarnations, and then realized that Ichiki was not bluffing...

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, who were blocked by a large number of black rods, Otsutsuki Hagoromo really couldn't contact them!

And other people are just like Ishiki said, just like Otsutsuki looking for a container for reincarnation. Not everyone can bear the power of six paths of yin and yang...

By chance, Kaguya's family was killed by a group of Ichiki who were seriously injured and had not yet recovered!

Although Ichiki himself didn't notice this.

At this moment, Momoshi and Urashiki attacked fiercely from two directions, with fierce attacks!

Kaguya's heart was in turmoil as she looked at the fierce moves of the two, and her brain, which was in a down state, seemed to be rusted...

Why are you fighting?

Kaguya was so anxious that she wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to ask Qing Shui for help...

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A new book by a veteran author of harem style. Readers who like delicately written emotional dramas, PUAs, traitorous disciples and masters and other wonderful plots should not miss it!

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