Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 259 Otsutsuki’s bloodline converges into one body! Qing Shui has become a stranger!

[Comes from the line target Otsutsuki Jinshiki - you get the bloodline of Jinshiki's ethnic group! 】

[Coming from the line target Otsutsuki Ura Shiki - you get the bloodline of Ura Shiki's ethnic group! 】

[Coming from the line target Momoshi Otsutsuki - you get the bloodline of Momoshi's ethnic group! 】

[Comes from the line target Otsutsuki Ishiki - you get the bloodline of the ethnic group to which Ishiki belongs! 】

[Coming from the special talent "Kaguya's Fear", the limited bloodline you can obtain from Kaguya Otsutsuki has reached the limit! 】


Qing Shui's aura became deeper and deeper, and a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes seemed to be surging with infinite power. They took a deep look at each Otsutsuki in turn.

Immediately, the natural energy between heaven and earth accelerated towards his body!

Three different Otsutsuki bloodlines! It's still the kind that comes from the main family...counting Kaguya and Jinshiki, that's five kinds!

[Forbidden Technique·Otsutsuki Five Bloodline Purification Technique]!

"How... how is this possible?!" Feeling Qing Shui's surge of chakra, Ishiki, Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki were all shocked in their hearts.

This feeling of being close to being suppressed by the bloodline made the three self-proclaimed noble Otsutsumoto Ieki stare at Qing Shui in confusion and uneasiness.

A mere mortal, a despicable Kaguya in essence, whose bloodline has been diluted for countless generations...

How could such purity be possible!

at the same time.

Kaguya, who returned to Qing Shui's body, appeared behind Qing Shui in an extremely solid shadow state...

This scene shocked the hearts of every strong person present...

According to logical analysis, no matter how talented a mortal Qing Shui is, he will never be able to surpass Madara Uchiha at the limit of his strength.

Uchiha Madara is the reincarnation of Indra, and he also absorbed the chakra of Asura and guided the chakra of the Six Paths Sage. This is only the kind that has awakened the Samsara Eye-without Magatama.

In the ninja world, a place where the source of power is blood inheritance, Qing Shui, who was not related to Kaguya and the Six Paths Sage within three generations, had his theoretical limit fixed from the beginning of his birth.

But the problem is...

Although Qing Shui is not the Sage of Six Paths, Hamura Otsutsuki or Kaguya's son or grandson...

But he has Kaguya inside him!

"Hey, do you feel it? This is wrong, so wrong..."

Momoshi stared at Qing Shui and murmured to herself: "A mortal can withstand Kaguya's erosion... Not only that, he also always maintains a clear consciousness, using you and me to suppress Kaguya's With the opportunity of strength, we took back the initiative!”

"Did he seize Kaguya's body in reverse? This is the first time I've seen this kind of thing like a container turning around and becoming its owner..."

Ura Shiki's usually cynical expression also faded away and became extremely solemn.

"More than just being a master... With Kaguya's bloodline, it is impossible for that woman to have such an aura as this guy even if she tries her best..."

"I have a bad premonition. We seem to have created a monster, a mortal with infinite talents but limited by his bloodline. By some mistake, he has obtained Otsutsuki's nutrients!"

Yi Yi, who is proficient in fighting and was more cautious after being kicked by Ye Kai, moved over at this moment and said in a deep voice: "Carefully identify...this guy's chakra contains the aura of each of us!"

"Uchiha Qingsui...I suspect that his pupil technique is the ability to steal power or something!"

"His pair of three magatama sharingan eyes are definitely just a disguise when he is pretending to release his pupil technique. He has been locking our position since he took away Kaguya, but he is not in a hurry to take action..."

Yi Shi shouted in a deep voice: "He is stalling for time, or his pupil technique has a duplicate cooling effect!"

Momoshiki and Urashiki's hearts skipped a beat...

It seems to be the most likely scenario!

"Then it looks like... Kaguya used Uchiha Qingsui as a container at first, but this guy hid it until Momoshiki-senpai and I weakened Kaguya's state to a weak level, and he took the opportunity to come out and seize it in the opposite direction. Give up Kaguya!"

Ushiki stared at Qing Shui with a gentle smile in disbelief. To him, that smile looked like a devil...

"After seizing Kaguya...his pupil technique can even be effective against Otsutsuki, stealing the power of the clan!" Momoshi continued, her eyes became very dangerous, and she said in a very serious tone:

"This kind of potential and scheming... the key is that I also captured the Noble Phantasm "Plough"! If Uchiha Qingshui is allowed to escape in various time and space, constantly stealing power, what kind of terrifying monster will be born? "

"Before he can understand the Noble Phantasm and start the explosive period of growth, he must be killed here today!"

Reversing what Momoshiki said - this kid is so terrifying, there will be endless troubles if he doesn't get rid of it!

Ishiki, Ura Shiki and Jinshiki all agree with Momo Shiki.

Qing Shui's pupil technique was really terrifying... In a short period of time, he silently stole a large amount of their chakra, and also robbed the Otsutsuki clan's Noble Phantasm...

If this happens over time, even if Momoshi and Urashiki do not belong to this time and space, they are worried that their behavior of eating Xiaozao while on a business trip this time will create a terrifying monster that hunts Otsutsuki in various time and space...

[Coming from the laning target Hamura Otsutsuki, you gain control of the giant reincarnation eye! 】

[Coming from the opposing target Otsutsuki Hagoromo, you gain the power of Six Paths and Yang! 】

While Momoshiki and others were conspiring loudly, the gold coins of Kaguya's two traitors also arrived...

Regarding these Otsutsuki's suspicions, Qing Shui just smiled slightly.

His eye skills are no secret.

Just copying other people's chakra...

Qing Shui had no intention of hiding this ability from the beginning. He told Black Zetsu and Kaguya straightforwardly...

As for the smart man Qian Shu Feijian, he had already discovered it during his daily interactions with Qing Shui...

After all, for the Will of Fire and Konoha, it was Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna who Qing Shui first played through the pupil technique...

But no one thought...

Qing Shui could even copy Otsutsuki, and he copied five of them at once!

There was a hint of pride in Qianju Tojian's eyes. He even had some doubts and thought secretly in his heart: "Maybe... Qing Shui never lost to the Six Paths Immortal from the beginning! He also noticed something, so he lurked..."

"Those monsters... Qing Shui probably started to bind them with the pupil technique when the Six Paths Immortal was fighting them!"

Uchiha Izuna fainted.

Having only heard of Qing Shui but never seen him, he always felt that he was just a talented junior. Could he be more powerful than his most talented brother?

It is said that seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

After Uchiha Izuna saw Qing Shui's performance, no matter how much he favored Uchiha, he still felt that the waves behind him were beating the waves in front of him on the beach of the old era...

[From the laning target Uchiha Izuna, you get the Mangekyō Sharingan (Izuna version)! 】

[From the laning target Uchiha Madara, you get the Samsara Eye (Uchiha Madara version)! 】

And at this moment.

Uchiha Sasuke, who was watching, had his back wet with cold sweat.

He is here to stop the two Otsutsukis, Momoshi and Urashiki...

But it seems that today in another time and space, he not only saw Ishiki, the Otsutsuki that he has not yet met, but he is also about to witness the birth of a new Otsutsuki that is even more terrifying than these original Otsutsuki!

"What the hell is going on in this damn time and space?"

Uchiha Sasuke murmured to himself: "Judging from Uchiha Qingsui's absorption rate of chakra and natural energy, he is like a natural Otsutsuki, and he also obtained the chakra of Otsutsuki at once..."

"I feel like something will happen! I hope it's just my misunderstanding!" Uchiha Sasuke felt quite uneasy in his heart.

Will Qing Shui be the savior of this world?

If not, will Qing Shui become a being who travels back and forth across time and space, being bigger than Otsutsuki and plundering chakra?

It’s really hard to say!

[From the laning target Uchiha Sasuke, you get Eye Technique and Tenshou Power! 】

"I give you time to let you become stronger, not to analyze my abilities..." After the gold coins were collectively received, Qing Shui slowly spoke and said helplessly:

"Otherwise, I won't even see your trump card, and I will misunderstand the strength of the Otsutsuki clan..."


As soon as Qing Shui finished speaking, Tao Shi, who had the most murderous intention towards Qing Shui, immediately attacked with a murderous intent!

Qing Shui only glanced briefly, then casually caught his fist and shook his head: "Didn't that fisherman say that? You guys are like this now. Even if you try several times, you can't keep up with my speed..."

"You overestimate my patience."

Taoshi's fist was held tightly by Qing Shui's iron-like hands. Just when he was about to say something and fight back...

Qing Shui's movements were as violent as thunder!

I saw that Qing Shui's two big hands started from the peach-shaped fist, and cycled upwards in the process of tightening, letting go, tightening, and letting go!

And Tao Shi's bones were shattered one by one!

Until he reached his shoulders, Qing Shui looked coldly at Momo Shi who was screaming in agony. After grabbing his shoulders, he crossed his two arms that had lost the support of their bones and had become limp...

Explosive force!

He actually tore off two of Momoshiki's arms forcefully!

"I already gave you a chance..."

Qing Shui looked at Taoshi whose facial features were distorted due to pain, and said coldly: "I can give you one more time, but there is no third time..."

Qing Shui kicked Momo Shiki away, and kicked him back to Ichi Shiki and Ura Shiki.

"Kaguya, can you handle these two arms?" After the battle began, Qing Shui communicated with Kaguya for the first time and said to her calmly.

"Yes, I can, Qing Shui!" Kaguya was stunned at first, and then replied hurriedly.

She actually wanted to talk to Qing Shui a lot...

For example, she explained that she did not deceive Qing Shui and wanted Qing Shui to solve Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki as soon as possible...

However, Qingshui's calm tone, terrifying display of strength, and violent fighting performance that was completely inconsistent with Qingshui's gentle and elegant temperament made Kaguya dare not say anything...

Angry, this must be angry!

Qing Shui didn't say much, and threw Tao Shi's two arms into the sky, and the solid Kaguya shadow behind him took them and began to refine the chakra contained in them.

The swipes and throws were so natural, as if they were just one person...

Seeing this scene, Qianju Tobirama frowned.

Something's wrong...

He felt something was wrong. Although Qing Shui seemed to be back, he felt a little strange.

If Qing Shui were normal, he would not give Otsutsuki Momoshi a second chance and would definitely kill him with one blow while he was weak...

Qing Shui now…

The pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in Senju Tobirama suddenly widened!

It reminded him of his mental state when Qing Shui once asked him about "truth and falsehood", "peace and eternity"...

Referred to as Uchiha Classic Enchantment!

Qianju Tobijian was instantly sweating...

Now, Qing Shui's body is not the wise and calm him, but the Immortal of Six Paths with unknown ingredients!

Uchiha Izuna on the side seemed to have thought of something. The two looked at each other and saw something bad in the other's eyes.

As the guardian of Momoshiki, Jinshiki is entangled with Konoha and others. After seeing Momoshiki being injured, the power in his white eyes became powerful, and he moved to the infinite in a hollow method that was very similar to Uchiha Obito's divine power. Standing next to Momo Shiki, he said in a deep voice:

"Momoshi-sama, just like my fathers gave me power, the time has come for you to devour my chakra! Please don't hesitate to show the arrogant natives the power of the Otsutsuki clan!"

Taoshi nodded fiercely: "I will remember you!"

Urashiki watched this scene and sighed: "Senior Momoshiki, it seems that I have to show my true skills today..."

Jinshi's huge body transformed into chakra at this moment, turned into a scarlet fruit, and fell into Taoshi's palm...

Immediately, Taoshi started to gnaw on it!

Urashiki, who was on the side, swallowed the red-light fishing basket, fishing rod, and even his own pair of blue samsara eyes!

Both Otsutsuki began to transform! It seems like we are about to enter the second stage...

Qing Shui, who was watching this scene, narrowed his eyes and suddenly opened his mouth!

The shadow of Kaguya behind Qing Shui, which was solid enough to catch Tao Shi's arm a moment ago, is now as ethereal as smoke and dust, turning into wisps and entering Qing Shui's mouth!

for a while.

This absurd yet uniform scene caused everyone in the ninja world to fall into silence...

Judging from their appearance alone, there is no doubt that Qing Shui is of the same race as these two alien visitors!

They're all being devoured!

"I need to understand what is real and what is false..." In the silence, Qing Shui whispered the words that made Qianju Tobiran's heart beat wildly.

I saw.

Otsutsuki Ishiki, or Uchiha Obito, who quietly ran to the edge of the battlefield...

Frozen in place at this moment!

And in his body.

The sleeping Uchiha Obito began to move after sensing Qing Shui's chakra!

"Qing Shui? It's Qing Shui!"

Uchiha Obito roared in the spiritual world: "Lin, I will resurrect you first. Qing Shui is here, and everything will be solved!"

Hei Jue's mind was like an electric shock: "No... don't!"

But Uchiha Obito seemed to be unable to hear its voice, seizing this last opportunity and pouring out his precious life force!

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