Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 153 Susanoo, the third form!

Uchiha knows the secret art of the mountain family, Izanagi, and the ninjutsu of the ghost lamp family among the water and iron cannons.

It is the ability of the kaleidoscope, and Uchiha instant is not inferior to Uchiha Itachi.

There are only two Uchiha Itachi.

An Amaterasu, a month to read.

There are also two Uchiha instants that can be used at the same time in a short period of time.

A Tibetan.

But the other one looks at Uchiha's own configuration.

The degree of freedom is much stronger than Uchiha Itachi.

You can use the monthly reading, you can also use the divine power, and you can also predict the danger.

Bie Tianshen couldn't use it because of the cooling, but the pupil power it brought was genuine.

In addition, Uchiha instant has a bigger advantage.

That is Uchiha instant has a column cell.

Uchiha Itachi, who has no intercolumnar cells, uses the ability to use a kaleidoscope to write a wheel eye, which is torture.

Especially Amaterasu, it will bleed when you use it.

And Uchiha also knew Amaterasu's weakness.

On the surface, it is called the strongest fire escape in the ninja world.

But the actual combat effect is not so strong.

Once Uchiha Momo turns on Susanoo, Uchiha Itachi cannot use Amaterasu to directly damage Uchiha Momo's body.

Amaterasu is harmful to Susanoo, but the effect is not so ideal.

Uchiha Setsuna can completely discard part of Susanoo and use chakra to make new ones.

It's like being reborn from a broken limb.

In this case, the effect of Amaterasu is extremely limited.

Furthermore, Uchiha knew instantly that the Seal of Sealing Fire could deal with Amaterasu.

In the original plot, Jiraiya used the Seal of Fire to seal Amaterasu's flames.

This Uchiha instant can completely learn.

"Next, just wait."

The news of the dragon veins, the root organization is already collecting.

Uchiha Setsuna himself went to the country of wind, and the effect would not be much different.

The technique of Guiya Luo, Beluhu is still being perfected.

The news of Uchiha's letter, Yaoshitou is already inquiring.

Uchiha instant doesn't expect Yakushi pocket to get Uchiha letter's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, or Uchiha letter this person, all Uchiha instant needs is news.

There are too many bases for Orochimaru.

Uchiha Tsuna didn't know which base Uchiha Shin would be in.

Once the grass is stunned, the next time you want to act again, the difficulty will increase.

Orochimaru is still very good at Gou.

But as long as Uchiha gets the news in an instant, he can go directly.

In the Orochimaru base, no one could stop Uchiha instant.


Uchiha Setsuna used the moon reading on Naruto.

In the Yuedu world, Naruto was very excited and rushed over to Uchiha in an instant.

"I have climbed the tree to ten meters today."

"Nice job!"

Uchiha suddenly smiled and praised.

"Naruto, I knew you could definitely do it, after all, you are my son of Minato Namifeng!"


Naruto nodded heavily.

Uchiha paused for a moment.

"Naruto, do another training tomorrow."

"What training?"

"It's still under the control of Chakra. This training program is called treading water. As the name suggests, it is to condense Chakra on your feet and use the power of Chakra to float yourself on the water."

"Also keep your balance and walk on the water."

Naruto imagined the scene and felt a little difficult.

But the more difficult it was, the more interested Naruto became.

Difficult to be effective.

"Father, are you sure I can learn it? It won't be the same as when I learned the Clone Technique, right?"

Uchiha shook his head instantly.

"No, this is just an advanced project for climbing trees. Since you have already learned to climb trees, treading water is a training project that you can definitely learn."

"After you learn this project, I will teach you a ninjutsu."

"You don't need too many knots, a ninjutsu that is very suitable for you, and can completely replace the effect of the clone technique."

"It's much stronger than body skills!"

Hearing this, Naruto's eyes lit up.

"Yes, father, I will try my best."

What Uchiha wants to teach Naruto is naturally the technique of multiple shadows.

As long as this ninjutsu can be used, as long as it can withstand its side effects, the effect will be much stronger than that of body, shadow, and water.

And Naruto fits the bill perfectly.

In the original plot, Naruto did learn it.

Or just look at it twice.

Uchiha Setsuna himself did not learn the technique of multiple shadow clones, but this ninjutsu is not difficult, and Uchiha Setsana has the technique of sealing in his hands, which can be used at any time.

the next day.

Its daybreak.

Naruto opened his eyes.

Fist clenched.

"Father, I will do my best."

Today is not a day off, but a class.

However, Naruto woke up very early, and now there is still a lot of time to go to the ninja school.

So Naruto is training.

Even if this time is very hard, very tired.

The previous Naruto can be regarded as hard work, but compared with the current Naruto, it is completely two levels.

When I came home every day and lay in bed, Naruto felt that he was about to collapse and was too tired.

But this period of time was the happiest time for Naruto over the years.

Naruto knows his true identity.

Naruto has a more specific goal.

More importantly, Naruto Minato, played by Uchiha Setsuna, often appears, guiding Naruto and talking to Naruto, making Naruto feel that his father is by his side.

This made Naruto feel that he was no longer an orphan.

This is the kindness that Naruto has longed for for many, many years.

"I must not let my father down!"

Uchiha's rare technique to cancel the shadow clone in an instant, but the main body goes to the ninja school.

Having been in the midst of intense training, Uchiha also wanted to give himself a break and relax.

For Uchiha Setsuna, going to the ninja school on the main body is equivalent to relaxation.


Uchiha Itachi waited at the intersection.

Uchiha nodded instantly.

"Sasuke, good morning."

The two go to the ninja school together.

For Uchiha Sasuke, he didn't notice the difference between Uchiha's instant body and shadow clone.

But for Uchiha Setsuna, the feeling is slightly different.

The memory of the shadow clone will feed back, but it is more like watching a movie than experiencing it in person.

But it's more of a real feeling than watching a movie.

The pain suffered by the shadow clone will also be fed back to the body.

Enter ninja school.

"In an instant, early."

Yamanaka Ino took the initiative to say hello.

"Good morning."

Uchiha replied in an instant and sat down beside Yamanaka Ino.

A figure, into the classroom.

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