Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 184: Ground drilling

Who cares about the roadside stones? No!

I believe that if it weren't for the dozens of pairs of eyes on the mountain who collectively scanned the bottom, and exactly one person saw it, the flying "stone" would not be found.

And when everyone turned around, the "stone" had stretched in the air and fell into the middle of the swordsman group.

Needless to say, those soldiers were also stunned, and even the stunned were only a small part of the surroundings, and most of them were still on their way.


The stick figure flipped and fell down.

After the "stone" cut into the middle of the team, he did not hesitate to wave a thick wooden stick with his arm and knocked on a soldier's head. The other party also gave his face a distorted head and fell down. Before the body landed, "Stone" picked up the man and rushed out.

Of course, the formation of the rushing team can't be said to be strict. The "stone" rushed a few steps down the gap before the surrounding soldiers would react. But before they waved their swords and called for warning, another "stone" behind them jumped up,

Hit people, swing, attack!

The newly gathered crowd was immediately rushed to both sides. The "stones" that had rushed into the prisoners trot out along the passage, and then the two "stones" ran their legs and ran towards the low mound. Maybe it's heavy or something, peeling off the gray stone skin while running ...

Reaching the top of the mountain, two black armored figures appeared in front of the crowd, then disappeared on the back of the mountain, and the angry soldiers in the back chased quickly.

"Brother Harry? Brother David?" Carlo looked up, blinking bright eyes.

"Well!" Tang En nodded silently.


The whole process took no more than ten seconds, but everyone on the mountain was at least 30 seconds away.

"This. This ..." Daniel opened his mouth. Like a fish on land that lacks oxygen. In the end, nothing was said.

What does that mean ... everyone knows what General Daniel wants to say, because that's what they are thinking about now. There is no doubt that the two are in the gray space. but……

Well, your camouflage is awesome, and your moves are good enough, but it's just a person ... uh, what does it mean to be so active?

Without waiting for everyone to think habitually, there was a sound again. And it's coherent,


"There are also here!"

"Uh, this is also ..."


The previous captive action seemed to sound the horn, and the wings of the swordsman regime fell into chaos in an instant.

Stones, turf, ground, tree holes ... all kinds of camouflage, all kinds of captives.

Some of them rushed in for grabs as before, and some were tied down easily by hanging a rope from a tree. The worst thing was a man who was running in the front of the line. He was directly blasted into a roadside ravine by a trunk. The members of the gray space opened sacks. Packed and carried away ...

Of course, not every time. But even if it can't be taken away. The members of the gray space will also try to stun each other and then evacuate.

In just a few minutes, everyone on the mountain was dazzled and dizzy.

This efficiency, this creativity, is not only professional, but also professional!

The officers looked at Tang En with a strange look. This Nima was definitely a gray space, wasn't a thief who was kidnapping and extorting in the city mixed in?

A few minutes of captives, the effect is huge. On both sides of the hill, soldiers of the swordsman group chased people across the mountain. However, it can be clearly seen that the members of the gray space are absolutely top-notch, climbing and leaping are all-in-one, the soldiers blocked for many times, but finally they could only follow behind to eat the dust.

At this time, everyone on the mountain looked at Tang En again. Think about the gray space training before, and think about how Tang En stepped on the mountain wall to reach the summit.


After a few talks, the officers regained their thoughts. At this time, they were even more confused.

According to the current situation, it is clear that the important action in the gray space is to capture people. But what is the purpose of this?

Is it the sabotage formation ... this is the most likely answer everyone thinks of.

Right now the soldiers on both wings of the swordsman regiment are really in chaos. The soldiers are like wild animals running through the mountains when the tiger hunts. A bunch to the east, a bunch to the west ... But, this effect is not great!

The officers frowned, for the obvious purpose, the captains of the swordsmen regiment were not fools. Besides, even if they don't realize this, they will give up after they can't catch up with them, and then re-raise the manpower to rush to the encircled place.

That's right, that might delay some time and affect the fighter. However, in fact, the impact was minimal. Although the number of soldiers in the swordsman regiment in the middle was less than that of the full lance group, it would not be impossible to sustain these minutes.

However, if you think so, then this gray space is ...

"Coincidentally?" Said an officer of the First Army thoughtfully.


There was a silence in the field, and then everyone looked at each other with complex faces.

The officers of the First Army were naturally excited, and the more they thought about it, the more likely they were. Yes, after all, the members of the Gray Space have not experienced the real battlefield. They do n’t know something and naturally take it for granted ... Just like now, they must think that as long as they anger the Swordsman Brigade, the other party will always accompany them to play. . However, in fact, they do not know that officers at all levels will complete it without any difficulty after receiving the military deployment above, especially here is the elite Great Sword Group of the First Army.

The first army officers thought, of course, others could think of it. The officers of the Fourth Army looked dark, and all sighed in their hearts. resentment? Not to mention, after all, the members of the gray space really don't understand the military, alas, it seems that they will lose this time ...

Looking at his face, the officers of the First Army smiled immediately, but before they laughed at the exit,


Uh ... everyone turned their heads, and saw General Daniel's face somber as if he could drip water, plus the cold humming just now, obviously he was in a bad mood. Look at General Dana on the other side, the old **** is holding his black beard, and the corner of his mouth is widening to the ear.

The old Marshal Oumen in the middle turned around and patted Tang En's shoulder, admiring with admiration.

What is this ...?

Looking at this completely opposite attitude and expression in front of them, the officers stunned, wasn't it what we thought?

"Stupid!" Daniel looked more angry at his subordinates, his eyes twitched, his voice agitated, "Don't understand? Think about why the head of the pike group agreed to do this! Is he as stupid as you? ? "

"You guys ..." General Dana also spoke at this time, pointing at his subordinates and not scolding, with a very flat smile on his face: "Believe in the eyes of your comrade-in-arms!"

The head of the pike group?

The crowd froze and reacted.

The result is that if the leader of the pike group is not stunned by victory, then he will use a swarm of bees to calculate the tactics of the opponent to choose two wings. If he said that, he also knew that the gray space was acting ... oh, no, the gray space now says that it can't drag its wings ... uh, wait!

The officers were numb with scalp, like a stream of cold water. Since the head of the pike group knew the action in the gray space, how could he not see with his eyesight that this would not be successful at all! He still chooses to do it now, the only explanation is that this tactic can be successful ... we think wrong? But what went wrong?

"Leader of the Spears, scout, uh ..." It was still Borg, with an unbelievable face, swallowed his throat, and swallowed his saliva, "Did they take it away before ... the team of each swordsman team leader?"


Quiet! silence! Deadly quiet!

Oumen raised an eyebrow in front of him, then turned back and smiled, nodded, and admired, "Yes, yes! It is a material for the leader to fight!"

Borg was flattered and proud with his face, straight, and paid a standard military salute.

It is not easy to be so exaggerated by Marshal Oumeng. However, Borg's heart is still a bit complicated. He can guess first. On the one hand, it is because of the unique talent in tactics. On the other hand, it is the most critical place. He is too jealous and confident about Tang En. Unlike other people's complicated ideas, his first thought was to find the cause in the gray space, so he had this bold guess.

Aside, the officers' faces were burning hot, as if they were slapped in the face.

Now they finally understand why the head of the pike group agreed to do this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as the members of the gray space successfully robbed the lower captains of the two wings, the remaining soldiers became headless flies … This is not an exaggeration. If the commander is taken away, the battalion leaders will discuss and recommend individuals to take over the command. If the battalion captain is taken away, the captain should also be able to continue to lead the team, and they are all equipped with certain military qualities. But hijack the captain of each team ... Uh, don't you let the soldiers have the thinking of the officers?

The officers now can almost see the next situation, and the soldiers in the Midway Great Sword Regiment will fall into a passive struggle after they have not received support. At this time, the head must send someone to urge the wings, but he will find that there is no scout nearby. At this time, the two-wing soldiers continued to chase, or stood blankly waiting for the order ... Then the middle swordsman regiment was defeated by the dominant spear group in one fell swoop, and finally it was a cricket in the mountains ...

Holding his hair fiercely, most officers squatted down. Too cruel, this trick is too cruel ... If the gray space won the command post in the first battle was beheading, then it is undoubtedly the amputation of the veins. Without the meridians connected in series, what wings do not move at all? ... and this one-lethal style is clearly very clever tactics. Before ridiculing themselves, they laughed at their ignorance of tactics, taking it for granted and taking it for granted ...

Where's the seam? Where is the ground sewn? I want to get in! (To be continued ...)

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