Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 257: Bounty Hunter in Backwaters 1

As long as the arrow rain continues, the bounty hunter in the house will not be able to lift his head temporarily, even if it is not life-threatening. So let's raise our eyes and extend our attention to the outside ...

Northwest, about 500 meters away, on a roof tile of an abandoned two-story attic. After the tragic bounty hunter broke through the window and finally stepped on the thunderous sacrifice of thunder, Tang En and Josiah appeared here.

"Haha, I know these guys don't like to go through the door!" Tang En raised his head and laughed twice, looking like a successful plan. That's right, the trigger explosion crystal installed in the window is from his hand.

"Traitory." Johia first scorned her lips, and then her lips slightly tilted, and she couldn't help smiling. What could be more refreshing than setting a trap and watching the enemy step in?

"Hey, pay attention to the enemy's position. You can easily become a traitor with this attitude." Tang En squinted, made a dissatisfied gesture, and then squeezed his chin. Be seen as flawed? That is, these guys are too arrogant, otherwise this plan must help. "

The plan implementer in Tang En's words is, of course, the guard cavalry surrounding these secret agencies around these groups. He had only previously passed on the news, and the specific ambush was arranged by Demps himself.

Josiah knew this too, so he rolled his eyes a little and didn't argue.

The arrow rain below was still in tide, and the cavalry around them took the opportunity to quickly advance with their guns and shields, and the house was surrounded by water.

"Don, can this destroy the shameless bounty hunters?"

He shook his head. "Light archery is not enough. You have to look at the melee of the meeting. Well, Eunice is not here. The problem should be small." Tang En knows the power of these arrows. If they are placed on the open plain, this group The bounty hunter has died several times. But here, the northern buildings are known for their solidity, so the actual effect of arrows is very limited. It was like the ambush of Bowes in the Yanlong Club. In the end, there are still dozens of assassins jumping around.

"Anyway, people who don't need to lose us, don't they?" Tang En shrugged and relaxed.

"That's right, but it's still a bit reconciled ..." Josiah frowned, and stroked her lips. "I hope these dirty bounty hunters die here now. And I hope I can breathe We take revenge. "

This is the true idea of ​​Josiah, and in fact they did the same. On the outer periphery of the guard cavalry, in a number of abandoned houses, hundreds of gray soldiers who had previously been transferred to ambush were hiding. Of course, this is not to fight with the cavalry, but to wait for the bounty hunter to escape.

"Woman. You're too greedy!" Tang En said, stroking his forehead, speechless.

"Ha, it seems a bit." With a slight chuckle, Johia fiddled with her hair, no longer tangling the problem.

Slightly tilt, boom, boom, boom ...

The sky was filled with thunderous thunder again, deafening.

"Wipe. Standing at such a high height will not be hacked! Is there really no confidence in the **** here ... Hey?" Tang En glanced at the sky and smiled, as if a few lines of cold water were floating on his face, cold Cold, "Is it finally raining?"

Without waiting for Josiah's response,

Flip-flops ... A rush of horseshoe came from the south.

Johsia heard a shock in her body, looked at Tang En instantly, her lips squirmed a few times, and finally she raised her fist and waved: "You promised. You must win!"

"Relax!" Tang En took a deep breath, then shrugged, and smiled easily, "Be careful yourself."

The words fell, and turned over into the attic. When it appears again. A flash of light flew between the buildings nearby. And on the street not far from him, Gilly with wheat-colored skin was leaning over a Mercedes black horse, looking anxious and waving his whip.

The huge explosion just now, and the subsequent whistling arrow rain, Gilly naturally heard 500 meters away. There is no doubt that she is now going to Yunis for rescue.

Tang En's body has completely disappeared. Immediately after that Gillie also disappeared, Johia pursed her lips, retracted her eyes, closed her eyes, put her fists in front of her chest ...

The broken attic is like a crisp rain, praying for a girl ... all around is silent, like a freehand sketch, like a mist!


"Haha, the bounty hunter inside is listening!"

Soon afterwards, the arrow rained, and the yell of arrogance shattered the beautiful picture, echoing around constantly.

The voice came from Demps, who was now very happy, sweeping the haze of the previous two days. First I heard the **** guy say that there would be a bounty hunter. He didn't believe it, but after getting the address of the tavern, he checked it and was immediately excited.

This is a bounty hunter ... Honestly, Demps, who is at peace with the status quo, has a huge difference in power compared to Bowes. Usually, the trouble of finding gang members is that Assassin has not caught a few. But now the opportunity is undoubtedly coming, as long as the group of bounty hunters who are already in control has won the credit, glory, etc.?

Thinking of this, Demps couldn't help the excitement in his heart, stepped forward to stand outside the gate of the house, waved and shouted: "The people inside listen, we are the Mountain and City Police Hall, you dare to come here Chaos! Now give you the opportunity to throw away your weapons and come out for trial, otherwise ... "

Slow tones, echoes. In conscience, it really sounded impassioned. Fortunately, Tang En is not here, otherwise this opportunity will not be missed. You must know how similar this is to the rogue police bandits in Hong Kong and Taiwan ...

Demps naturally did not think so. There was a large number of guard cavalry watching at the scene, and the object was the infamous bounty hunter. He only felt that the possession of the Imperial City Judge at this moment was too special. Of course, there is a more important reason for this move in addition to showing bags, that is, the live bounty hunter is more valuable than the corpse.

It is a pity that the bounty hunter ignored his "some hard work" and did not wait to finish,

嗖 ——

Shouting sharply, a bow and arrow spun out from the house.

"Master, be careful!" Bang, the arrows are broken!

The cavalry chief's long-awaited hand quickly grabbed a shield to block the front, his body shook, and the sound of metal impact sounded, blocking the arrow.

Demps opened his mouth, and said nothing of the words of righteousness. His complexion pulled out his sabre from his waist and snarled, "Damn, what are you doing, chop me this mess!"


A pause, "Kill ..."

The shouting of the shocking sky, the cavalry's eyes flickered, and he quickly missed the awkward Lord Chief, waving his spear into the house.

At this time, the cavernous house suddenly burst into many holes, and a dozen figures burst out from it. Instead of fighting the cavalry immediately, he quickly retreated and retreated to the back yard.

"Well, this isn't going to die ... round it up, hurry up!" Demps couldn't help but jump at the sight of so many figures, daring that the mighty arrow rain just now was worthless? Hurriedly directed the cavalry around.

Although Demps has been the commissioner of the police for nearly two decades, these scenes have not been experienced before. Ordinary gangsters can basically finish their work as long as the arrow rains down. But he is now facing a bounty hunter ... Fortunately, this encirclement has been formed for a long time, otherwise, according to his command, maybe these people will rush out.

Enemies in all directions are inevitable. However, these bounty hunters had no idea of ​​rushing out with their own ability. Now they just try to expand the fighting area as much as possible to extend the fighting time and wait for rescue.

For a moment, the melee begins.

The bounty hunter occupied two courtyards, or a group of two, holding the door firmly. Or go solo for a solo fight. In the middle of several wood and stone blocks, a bounty hunter threw away the big sword in his hand, grabbed the long bow of the dead companion, and shot down.

The bounty hunter's skill can not be said, and the cooperation is more tacit. It is not comparable to these ordinary cavalry soldiers who only bully. Therefore, in a short round of attack, the cavalry dropped a dozen companions' bodies and were instantly repelled. I believe it would be possible for these cavalry to turn and run away if the numbers were not obvious.

This result is not only due to strength, skill, etc., but also the difference in the will to fight. As the saying goes, it's just not cruel enough!

If we can't escape, we will only have a dead end.

This bounty hunter is undoubtedly better. Their strength is not fake, but it is not high enough to despise dozens of spears. For example, in the previous round of attack, the bounty hunter who had been penetrated by the arrow before the arm was injured ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ penetrated the lower abdomen by a long gun. But at that time he didn't take a half step back at all. Instead, he took the opportunity to rush forward and cut the opponent's head with a knife. In the blood spraying room, he turned around suddenly, the cavalry around retreated, and cleared a block of land in an instant. Then he watched him pull out his spear, apply the trauma potion, and tear off the cloth strip to tighten the lower abdomen ...

"Kill, kill, uh ... your mother, ah!" Footsteps, Demps on the periphery swallowed, and quietly put down his waving sword. As the chief of the police, he naturally has his strength. He had originally wanted to set up a shining image on the front line, but now he has wisely dispelled this idea.

After a brief pause, the fighting continued. The scene is still dominated by bounty hunters, which is expected to be the case for the next period! Of course, everyone knows that this situation will not last long. If there is no accident, these bounty hunters will be slowly consumed ...

So, is there an accident?


(Bow thanks to the bookmates for "greedy sand" and "jht121" for their rewards. Well, Tanuki has seen the consolation and blessings of the book friends, thank you ~!) Come to the starting point (m) to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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