Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 377: Rescue, embarrassment

The fierce fighting continues, and on the slopes leading to the top of the mountain dozens of meters, the land is soaked with dark red blood, and gradually stiff bodies lie down, mostly Bran soldiers. Some of them had concave chests and had not yet died immediately, and convulsed from time to time, and then a big iron rod fell in the sight of ignorance ...

boom! With a kick on the side of the barbarian, the defying body could not help taking a few steps back, and the epee stuck to the ground, barely stabilizing the body shape. Although this brave man with the rank of Camp Bran in his cuff was unshakable, but It was the end of the crossbow, and his wounds were **** and crumbling.

"Roar!" A barbarian not far away saw a big bargain, and immediately roared, threw away his opponent, and rushed over with a heavy sword. Ordinary savages are not good at their brains, but they know Bran's rank and know that the credit for killing a commander is more than that of a soldier.

clang! Mars splattered, and the epee, which was managed to parry, fell instantly, chopped on the kneeling camp's own shoulder armor, and was deeply embedded in it. "Come on!" With some vague words, the barbarian raised his bulky sword with excitement again, but just before it fell, his body shook, and his left chest was pierced by a epee with animal skin.

"Idiot, your opponent is me!"

咣 Dang! The cumbersome sword fell to the ground, and then a slam, the unwilling barbarian was soared by his former opponent, a young soldier, and rolled down the hillside.

"The battalion commander." He stretched out his hand to pull up the majestic Han. The young soldier's face was a little pale. The blow just now was not easy for him, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay ..."! With a moan, the battalion commander pulled out the epee embedded in his shoulder, and then patted the young soldier's shoulder indifferently, grinning, "Rose, you did a good job!"

"Oh, it's the barbarian who is too greedy." The young soldier named Rose scratched his head. Slightly chuckled. Immediately holding the battalion leader back a few steps later, he asked, "Are we going back?"

"No retreat! Grunt ..." He responded without hesitation, gasping, and the battalion commander looked around the situation around the soldiers, and his soldiers were almost unable to support it. "Pass me an order and let the reserve team behind!"

"Uh ..." Subconsciously glanced backwards. There were not many soldiers sitting on the top of the mountain more than ten meters away, and there were only a dozen or so, all of them were injured. Said to be a reserve team, it was actually a wounded soldier who had previously retreated. But now is not the time to hesitate, Rose nodded, and ran back, but ran back, but hesitated, and turned his head to ask. "Camp chief ... reinforcements, will they come?"

"Yes, I will! Go now." He waved his hand, and the commander's face was firm.


But the premise is that we can hold up to that time ... Watching the young soldier's face run away with joy, the majestic man lowered his arm, and the corner of his mouth appeared bitter.

Time is too fast ... They met this group of barbarians last night. After quickly judging that they could not get rid of it, he immediately sent soldiers back for help. The terrain was also used to delay for some time. But even if the soldier arrives at the checkpoint safely, the distance between them is enough to consume a short time. To be honest, he didn't have any assurance that the reinforcements could arrive in time.

But he is the battalion commander, and even if the team is truly in the Jedi, he will not let his soldiers lose confidence.

The more than twenty wounded soldiers soon entered the battle, and the battlefield was restored to stability. But everyone knows this is only temporary. And after this time they were again passive, they could not even return to the top of the mountain, and their lives were at the end.

Nevertheless, the battalion commander did not retreat. The decision to send out the remaining troops was also correct. There are no fortifications at the back. If you don't fight the last one here, but return to the leveling hill, it will evolve into a unilateral slaughter. In that case, it would be better to kill a few barbarians here.

Looking again at the checkpoint direction, there are still rolling hills without human traces. Huh ... Take a deep breath, the **** smell fills the throat, the majestic man clenches his epee tightly, the disappointment in his eyes means to retreat, to regain sharpness and determination.

Can't retreat anymore, since this is the case, let's die here today!

Half-lifted heavy sword, stepped forward, opened his mouth and roared ...


Zhentian shouted and screamed loudly from behind him.

It ’s not me shouting ... Opened his mouth, the magnificent man was a little stunned at this moment, and there were more than ten people next to him. A black armor, a large sword, a short blade, and so on. A variety of weapons, and then one after another Soldiers with various spears in various armors rushed out. What is this ...?

"Reinforcement comes, reinforcement comes ..."

The young soldier had not been able to find a suitable offensive opportunity, and had been scattered on the edge of the battle. Therefore, he was also the first to discover this group of magical soldiers who seemed to fall into the sky. His heart jumped first, and then he saw that it was armor, not animal skin, and immediately Subconscious cheers.

"Reinforcement is here!"

This sentence is more useful than any restoration of magic. The exhausted Bran soldiers were overjoyed. The body seemed to be re-injected with a warm stream of energy, and the weak epee was immediately waved into the wind. Before the reinforcements had time to join During the battle, the barbarians were constantly retreated.

Needless to say, these reinforcements are naturally gray space and Frey's spear breaking camp.

The reason why it came over from the back is that although the **** behind the hill is steep and it is not suitable for fighting, the climbing is not a problem without interference. The second is because the surrounding vision is wide and there is no good opportunity to attack the barbarians. It is better to save the Bran soldiers first.

Because of the sudden appearance, these fifty or sixty barbarians were caught off guard, plus Frey's side were all fresh forces, and the long guns were handed out, and the barbarians had to back up again and again. More than a hundred barbarians at the foot of the mountain finally returned to God at this time, and screamed quickly, rushing to respond.

At the mid-mountain position, all troops of the two sides made their first contact. Because there were no plans in advance, the venue could not be opened at all, and there were casualties in the dogfight. In general. Frey took a little advantage here. The barbarian saw a bad situation and did not storm. After dropping more than a dozen corpses, he slowly returned to the foot of the mountain.

The barbarian was going to retreat, and the soldiers in the gray clothing did not pursue. Through the short confrontation just now, they can be regarded as experiencing the brutality of the barbarians. Although not afraid, but also had to admit the opponent's combat effectiveness. This is not an opponent that can be defeated in one fell swoop, and Qianglai can only cause unnecessary casualties.


Bang, bang, bang ... Watching the barbarians return to the foot of the mountain, the last force that supported Bran's soldiers disappeared, sitting on the ground paralyzed, breathing heavily. On a half-hill slope, there seemed to be a few twitch bellows in a flash.

"Haha, God is not dead, my Epee Camp ... Thank you, thank you, where is your chief ..." In the laughter, the majestic man found Frei, glanced at the opponent's armor and cuff rank with a little doubt. , And immediately raised his hand for a military salute. "Thank you for your support! Well, the Thunder Four Epee Camp, Elt!"

Xu Shi heard the name of the Thunder Corps, and Frey smiled and returned to the ceremony. "Bran's new gray coat spear broke the camp, Frey."

"Grey, gray clothing ..."


There was a brief silent pause in the scene, and the big gasping sounds in the surroundings also calmed down.

It's certainly ecstatic to escape from the dead. However, after learning that the former battlefield opponents-the Grey Army rescued them, these Bran soldiers still had an involuntary and complicated mind, which was awkward.

"Uh ... it turned out to be the brothers of the Grey Army." For a moment, Captain Bran, who was called Elt, reacted, his face was a little weird, and he laughed, "I heard you were coming over ..."

Before the words fell, he was interrupted by a voice of repressed anger. It was the young soldier named Rose. "Are you the gray army?"

Frei was hesitant, looking at Elt: "This little brother is ..."

"You guys are grey-clad!" The epee trembled, his breath more sharp, as if confirmed.

The surrounding gray soldiers frowned, and were a little angry. Well, they kindly came to the rescue. It's better now, but was questioned by the rescued. What the **** is this ...

"Rose, calm down! Without them, we are dead!" Li sighed, watching the young soldier's face flushed, but still stubborn, Elt shook his head helplessly, and waved, "Come, first Drag him aside. "

Several Bran soldiers forcibly pulled Rose away, whispering something. Elt apologized and spread his hand: "Sorry, his brother, um, was killed when fighting with you before ... no other meaning, you can come to the rescue, I would like to thank the entire camp up and down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ His tone was quite sincere, which made the soldiers on Frey's face look slightly better. Although he may not have a good opinion of the gray army, but as said just now, they are indeed saved because of each other. The necessary thanks are still to be made. of.

But despite this, the atmosphere of the scene cooled down inevitably. After saying a few words, Elt was going to watch the casualties of the troops and organize a combatable soldier, and politely left. Although Frei had previously expected that such a situation would occur, as a rescuer, he did not get the respect he deserved, and was quite depressed, and nodded.

"Well, damn, I knew I shouldn't have rescued these white-eyed wolves." He spit and spit, David looked angrily at the Bran soldiers who separated from them automatically.

"It's always going to take the first step. It's okay to make a good destiny. Oh, and it's said that they are white-eyed wolves, whatever they do." Replied casually, Tang Enke was not interested in these right and wrong, he Keeps his eyes on the barbarians under the mountain, consider a problem ...

Barbarians should also be considered human. Will there be blood to kill ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

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