Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 417: What a world of love!

PS: Thank you so much for your rewards for being "handsome and inhuman" and "jht121"!

Wow ...

Almost the whole day was brewing, and the long pouring rain finally played the strongest sound at night. Hit on the broad forest leaves, the lead dust was washed away and sizzled. The rain curtains sloping far and near, covering the sky and covering the earth, making the rolling mountains that appear vague because of the twilight, even more uncertain.

This is such a harsh environment. In this area of ​​more than a hundred kilometers, there are groups of barbarians standing against the wind and rain, putting their hands between the eyebrows, barely opening their eyes, walking step by step in the wilderness of the mountain road, trying hard Looking for something. Often I can see some barbarians stepping into the air, rolling down the ditch beside the road, and then he got up and roared, drew down the waist rain, and climbed up with the help of his companions ...

It should be said that although Tiwu was approaching madness when he ordered, and the trend is getting deeper and deeper, the decision to hunt at night is still good.

That's right, in such an environment, the sight must be obstructed, and the torch cannot be ignited. It is quite difficult for the barbarians to hunt. But this is also true for the escaping side, even more difficult because of passive reasons. After all, the barbarians can still bang their heads, but the fleeing side dare not.

But despite this, the result now is that the barbarians are constantly searching, but they can't find the **** Bran who made them anger! In reality, however, these barbarians did not know that some of them had approached each other infinitely ...


An unknown hill above the gentle slopes of the rocks.

Whether looking up from the mountain. Still struggling to climb up the mountain and look down, there are no problems with this hillside. Glanced at. Some strange stone crickets, the rain rushed down the **** ... Of course, only at night, it is best to look from a distance.

If it is sunny daylight, or if someone walks into it, you will find hundreds of clay figures lying on the ground under the black mud layer, connected by hands and feet. A large carpet of human flesh is formed.

That's right, this is Tang En and his party. The effect of night and rain on them was too great. Even the members of the gray space who were arrogant in the eyes of soldiers were not sure to reconnaissance in this environment without any mistakes.

So their only option was to find a place to hide. The so-called thing had two sides. This heavy rain prevented Tang En from continuing their escape, but also gave them a layer of perfect camouflage.

The mountain road is still slippery. Not to mention this looks like a hill with a lot of slope. And fell on the mountain road, at most, fell into the ditch to drink some sewage, or have a blue nose and a swollen face with a small injury or something. But if you are skidding on this strange rocky hillside, then the joy will be great, even a barbaric and thick barbarian, rolling down this road. It is not necessarily possible to survive.

So after finding this place again, Tang En didn't hesitate to order everyone to roll a few rolls on the ground, so that the whole body was covered with mud before lying on the ground.

It should be said that the effect is still good, there are more than a dozen teams of barbarians passing under the mountain without doubt here. And some barbarians who executed the order without hesitation and ascended to the top of the mountain in the wind and rain, were discouraged in front of this strange rocky hillside. Go down the hill from a slightly flat surface on the other side.

Of course, this great hiding effect comes at a price. such as……

"Alas, alas, alas ... Brother Tang Tangen, you, your idea is simply utterly utterly ... just, it's too **** damn, **** cold ..." It was just three short sentences, but accompanied Teeth trembled, and Taka took a while to say complete.

cold? That's right, that's the biggest torment they're suffering.

They want to hide the best, and the mud they want to get in will not be washed away by the rain. They can only take off their armors and bury them under their bodies, lying on their backs in thin clothing.

Now it is the northern winter season, coupled with the icy rain, most soldiers now only feel cold and bones, their bodies are almost not their own.

Tang En looked at the slightly shaking Taka, Elt, and Frey beside him, and then turned to look at the half-mud and half-Tieqing people's faces behind the rain curtain, squinting unbearably: " Just bear with it. The team of talented people just passed by and they were not very safe. "

System space can simulate all environments, and a qualified killer must adapt to various environments. So under the training of perverts, this coldness is not difficult for Tang En, and there is no vibrato in his words.

Nodding his head, Taka's body curled up a few times as if he was accumulating warmth, then he tilted his head and grinned, "Nothing, nothing, I can hold on. It's just ... as long as I can save a small life, this cold can't be counted Got ... well, what! "

"That's right ... it's gone, nothing, it doesn't matter ..." Elt nodded desperately and said hardly.


He has a strong tone and a tough style! This stuttering discourse is really not convincing ... Tang En bowed his head, "Well ... you guys should just say a few words, it's not easy to gather some heat ..." The eyebrows were raised momentarily, looking not far away. One of the 'stones' gave a sigh of safety, relieved, and got up and said, "Well, everyone, get up, warm up for five minutes."

The so-called stone was Mi Xiu's camouflage, located close to the top of the mountain, with extremely wide field of vision. There are still many places around this kind of stone, which are disguised by members of the gray space. Their task is to monitor the surroundings and deal with unexpected conditions. For example, if a single barbarian was sent down from the mountain to be searched, all they had to do was to trip over the other side without leaving a trace and let them roll all the way to the hillside. Whether or not the opponent is dead, there are people waiting at the end of the line holding stones ...

As soon as Tang En's voice fell, like a corpse, hundreds of clay figurines jumped up from the dark hillside collectively. Not daring to make a sound, while bouncing in place, rubbing his hands with all parts of the body. That posture seemed to even bring down clothes, cuticles, etc. A bit like epilepsy, and a bit like a werewolf under the moon ...

At this time, the benefits of high strength are also seen, especially the vindictiveness with fire properties. As long as it is hidden behind several intentionally constructed obstacles, the teeth will explode, and the red brilliance will shine, but the body will be able to steam and warm in a moment.

In the past, Tang En pulled up a few soldiers who were a little frozen and had difficulty moving, and then walked around the obstacle for a few times. After confirming that Doumang had not leaked, he could not help grinning, and he was quite envious of the effect of Doom .

The effect of killing, killing, torture, etc. is absolute, but it does not have such close-to-life functions, which is really regrettable.

Of course, just envy, Tang Enke didn't mean to have the fire attribute, especially now! Well, even if it freezes, I don't want to ...

The reason is very simple. I had soaked in the cold water together before. Now that you have a fire fighting spirit, your body is as hot as charcoal, so naturally you must have a blessing. So after a while, this hillside has played a scene that is not suitable for children ...

Dozens of hot men who are transpired by the hot mist are carrying their companions, rubbing up and down, rubbing over, rubbing over ... After the body has cooled down slightly, they rush to the obstacles again and burst into anger, then bring the hot mist The transpirational body rushed out and hugged the next one ... This scene, the surface dance is completely weak!

This weird action is not the first time, and it is completely under the premise of life and death. Therefore, although everyone has a strange look, they still stand rubbing or being rubbed honestly ...

"啧啧 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What a world of love!"

Although it was not the first time I saw it, and I believe it was definitely not the last time, Tang En watched this scene more than the group demon dance, but subconsciously pursed his lips and looked up.

Such heating time is necessary, but it must be said that it is also a little uncontrollable. That's right, the hills are already under control, but you can't catch it any further. If the barbarian has the same talented eyes as Luke, it can still be spotted even if the rain is like a curtain.

So at five minutes, although Mi Xiu didn't find the barbarians around, Tang En ordered to lie down immediately. The soldiers heard that their faces twitched, without hesitation, quickly gritted their teeth and fell to the ground, rolling back and forth a few times, so that the whole body was covered with mud again, and then lay flat and motionless. In the meantime, there was no trace of moaning!

Suddenly, the hillside was quiet again.

The weather is gloomy, the night is long ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m. )

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