Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 431: Sleeping and sending pillows (5000 words)

Well, let's first look away from Tang En, who is a savage in Zhuangshangouzi, and continue to the southeast, and continue to derive from the southeast ...

At noon, the vast canyon.

The roar, the sound of killing, the weapon's symphony ... Under the bleak sun, the crowd was surging and the blood was empty. There is no doubt that a scene of war is taking place that is both natural and unexpected.

Of course, this is because it is the front line, and fighting is more common and frequent than ordinary people.

Surprisingly, it is because this is the territory of the Zichen Army Corps. As the most powerful fighting force in the Blanc Corps, the Zichen Army has been guarding the frontline for decades and has never let the Beihuang tribe take a step forward! With such a high reputation, no one dares to belittle the tiger.

But now, this situation clearly shows that there is a strong man bravely braving the wind ...

The terrain of the canyon is wide, and there are simple patrol levels at both ends. But now the level at the front end has been turned into broken rocks and crushed by brutal men who have swarmed up. The checkpoint at the end is also in danger. The soldiers wearing the armor of the Zichen Army retreat step by step, and this military base was about to be lost.

Of course, this is also the result of the situation. The Zichen Corps has a good reputation, and its soldiers are naturally powerful. However, their number is not dominant, only about 2,000. It can be said that if it was not restricted by the terrain of the canyon, they would be drowned by the tens of thousands of barbarians on the opposite side in an instant.

"Offensive, offensive ... pressed on, pressed on me, pushed directly, and picked off the last layer of underpants. Haha, really **** cool!"

In the barbarian army position, the young man riding the giant wolf is like the orchestra commander, dancing. His face was unusually flushed. From time to time, she also laughed, her words were arrogant and rude.

Of course, he has reason to be arrogant. With such a dominant situation in his own battle, the crumbling level across the canyon is indeed like the last layer of underwear on a woman. In spite of the desire to cover up, in the face of these surging reckless men, it will be a matter of time before it is cut off.

Being able to crush the Zichen Legion in this way has undoubtedly brought a great sense of accomplishment to this young man, shaking his head and shaking his head: "Haha, the name is not true. The name is not true! So is the so-called Zichen Legion, haha ​​..."

Beside the young man was a middle-aged barbarian officer. He looked up at the war situation and nodded with relief. However, after hearing this arrogant discourse, his brow could not help but frown: "Tiwu, we are only outside the Zichen Legion. The other party may be under-reacted now, don't take care."

"Okay! Uncle, you're really boring. I'm obviously just stimulating it, expecting the other party's storm to be more violent." He waved his hand, and Tiwu looked a little disapproved, and then shouted at the soldier of the Zichen Army opposite, "Still struggling. Hurry and run away. Tell the man named Zi Ziyi, and say he disappointed you, Master Tiwu!"

The coach was humiliated, and the soldiers felt the same. What's more, Ziyi, the famous army **** of the north, had just heard the words from Tiwu, and a few angry roars were heard from Zichen's soldiers who were dying on the opposite side.

"Oh, say you're not happy, and dare to yell at me? Now, don't say no chance, Master Tiwu is standing here, you come and bite me?"

So much ridicule. Tiou pursed his lips and whispered to the wry smiling middle-aged barbarian: "Uncle Yuan Fang, not me, the reaction of the Zichen Army is really slow. We have scored a dozen or so levels in the past two days. Right? Even if you do n’t expect that Ziyi to come face to face with me, you have to send a general to make me feel refreshed! Really ... ”He touched his chin. With a thoughtful look, "Well, do you want me to rush into the hinterland for them?"

"No way!" Yuan Fang was shocked when he heard the words, and said hurriedly, "It is a taboo to go alone, so don't pit these tens of thousands of warriors."

"Looking at you scared, just kidding me." Tigging his lips, Tiwu spread his hands depressed. "So what do we do now, and still fight like this?"

It's not surprising that Tiwu was depressed. Since late two days ago, he has led an army to attack the Zichen Legion's defense zone. He has been sloshing around. The checkpoints have been destroyed by more than a dozen. However, the other side was unheard of and did not react at all. Here it comes.

Obedience in this way is naturally abnormal. Tiou has always had no lack of confidence in himself, but he is never arrogant enough to think that the other party is afraid of himself. In contrast, Tiwu felt like he had been overlooked, like a dog who kept spinning around his owner's legs. The owner was finally annoyed, and he threw a bone and let the entangled dog play by himself ...

This mother-in-law's uncle can bear it. Tiu came here with great ambitions, and even if it was planted in Ziyi's hands, this trip was not worthless. If I go back like this, how can I be answered when asked? Oh, I'm going to the Zichen Army's defense zone, but I've been around for a while, and my courage is back ... Isn't it!

"Maybe there is a trap for the other party to do this, but we haven't seen it yet." Compared to the enthusiastic and ambitious Tiu Huaiyuan, Yuan Fang seemed very cautious, very pragmatic, and was against the tribe's biggest enemy, Zi Yi Never dare to relax your vigilance.

"You have said this more than ten times, please come and be practical." Tiu was helpless when he lifted his forehead. "We are now outside the Zichen Army defense zone, and the attack target is very casual, no May be besieged. And the rear is the side of the mountain, and the Thunder Legion we occupied. We left 3,000 people there, and there is no danger of being cut off ... You talk, in addition, the other party can What's the trap? "

This analysis is well-founded and Yuan Fang is also dumb. But then he watched Tiew alertly: "No matter what, we can only move outside. If we can successfully attract the other party, I will let you play. But if the other party does not come out, you definitely do n’t want to. Thinking of going deep into the zone. "

When Tiwu heard his expression froze, he was clearly guessed, and he couldn't help muttering: "Damn old man, he's really vigilant ..."

"What?" Yuan Fang frowned.

"Oh, nothing ..." "Ula!"

Just as Tiou waved his hand to deny it, a trembling cheer came from the front. The two looked up, but the simple level behind the canyon was finally pushed down by the barbarians, the stones flew wildly, and a large amount of gray soil was raised.

And then. The two thousand Zichen Corps soldiers had retreated in an orderly manner, and quickly withdrew from the canyon. As in previous times, without any entanglement, immediately abandon the military stronghold here and evacuate to the defense area. The barbarian in front didn't get the chase order. After covering up for a while, seeing that there was no advantage, he stopped giving up.

Seeing this, Tiwu waved his lips and said coldly, "Let's go and continue to the next level. Huh, Ziyi, Ziyi, I don't believe that you can clear all the lines of defense around you. The skin is chopped for you, and you will remain indifferent. ! "

Then, when the pioneer wolf came forward. Yuan Fang heard the words lightly, and it was unreasonable for Tiwu to go crazy, but as long as he did not go deep, there should be no major problems. Think of it here. The rear army was ordered to continue.



Look back.

At the time when Tiou and others were working on the danger of bearding tigers, Tang En was sitting on the mountain watching tigers!

This place is very close to the edge of the wilderness. According to the news returned from the gray space, as long as you go forward to Qiba Lishan Road, you can escape here.

Although out of the wilderness, it does not mean that the danger will pass completely, but after all, it is half the distance. The dawn of escape is not far away. So everyone was very relaxed at this time, but also at this time, David and they found out the situation ...

Boom ... Boom ... Boom ...

Stuck at the top of the mound, Tang En and Frei listened to the sound of the explosive explosion outside, carefully prying out half of their heads under the cover of rubble.

Below the hill is a lot of open space, with rugged rocks and occasionally holly trees standing upright, which has a special meaning of the wilderness. But now it has been seeded under tyrannical force. As long as it is involved, it will immediately be broken. The dust rises, so it's not messy.

The number of combatants is not large, but they are undoubtedly masters.

There are five people on one side, headed by an old man with white beard, wearing a white robe with gold rims. Holding a magic crystal staff. Around him were four guardian knights wearing bright silver armor and wielding spears. Their strength is not low. The old man with white beard belongs to the category of magician. Tang En didn't know it very well, but seeing the large area of ​​sword-shaped white light sprinkled by Thasin's hands, he was at least a senior magician. As for those knights, judging from the outbreak of the fighting spirit, it can be determined that it should be about to reach the level of senior martial arts.

No matter it is the old bearded man or the guardian knight, Tang En and others are all familiar. Because they are dressed in the brand-name outfits of the Bran Light Temple.

And David's previous excitement is here, lowering his voice, pointing at the old man with white beard and saying, "Boss, this old guy can definitely cure Mi Xiu."

Tang En couldn't help but nodded, and his heart was ecstatic. It's time to sleep with a pillow! Everyone knows that the clergy of the bright temple is good treatment. Mi Xiu is not terminally ill, but just a few small diseases caused by infection. Now the old man has a large white light, and the strength is obviously not low. Healing Mi Xiu absolutely no problem.

"Don't take a shot, look at it before talking." Tang En whispered calmly, suppressing the joy in her heart. Immediately, they cast their eyes on a few people who had been working with the temple of light.

Those were three middle-aged men in black, with a cold face. Although they are disadvantaged in terms of numbers, they have the absolute upper hand in the scene. The shot is the dark air of the sky, which evolved into a snake or wolf or the like, and its claws are swallowed and bitten.

A few people in the Temple of Light obviously could not block such a weird attack. In addition to the white light of the old man with a white beard, the black man could be slightly worried, and he avoided himself. Black gas, had no choice but to fight and retreat, to hold on to the key, we can see that defeat is sooner or later.

The offensive and defensive sides of the two sides were very fast, but for a moment, it was out of this open space and headed south. However, before Tang En was about to see them, a guardian knight finally couldn't support it, screamed, the spear was thrown out, and his unshielded body was instantly passed by the snake-shaped black gas. Immediately, his body shrank at the speed that can be seen by the naked eye, and lost a few laps in thin air, as if the internal flesh was swallowed up.

The death of the knight did not have any impact on the two sides of the battle. The fighting continued, but the location was no longer in the open space. However, when the knight fell, his head was just towards Tang En's side, his face and nose were hollow, his eyes were hollow, like a weathered corpse, which was soaking.

"Hmm ..." Elt and Taka breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it, and subconsciously looked away. Cheeks twitched a few times. They've seen more of the dead, but this weird death that instantly turned into a dead body surprised them.

Frey's face on the side was extremely gloomy, and he spit out his breath in the middle of the sound and looked at the crowd. Pouting: "It's a wild cult."

Elt and Taka grinned, apparently also heard rumors in this regard, but now after seeing each other's means, they are still a bit scared.

Tang En nodded thoughtfully when he came to the north. He also dealt with the barbaric cult several times after coming to the north. The attacking method of the black gas snake just reminded him of a man ...

A few months ago, he and Bosco and others went to Cold Water City to buy heavy city guards. It was at that banquet that he accidentally bumped into Sesman and Xia Wei'an who came to receive the award. As a result, an old man named Dawu, who claimed to be from the Hidden Snake Tribe of the Northern Wilderness, avenged Xia Wei'an at the banquet, and the two sides fought. Nadau ’s attack method is also a black gasified snake ... Of course, Dawu ’s strength is much higher than that of the middle-aged black man just now. Finally, Hydra ’s big move made Tang En shudder now.

"This ... Shall we save it?" Elt twitched for a moment before hesitated.

Everyone can see that the people in the bright temple just now are obviously unable to support it. If there is no accident, at most another half an hour, you should lie flat. As for the people in the Temple of Light, people in the army like Elt are still very respectful. This is not only due to the lofty identity of the other party, but also their mission to rescue the wounded from the dead.

But now they are in a situation where they have to hesitate about the rescue operation. They have fled all the way, leaving them with more than 200 soldiers. No more casualties could be sustained. And the strength of the three men in black just now lies there. Once rescued, the dead are inevitable.

With a slight pout, Tang En was very dismissive of Elt's words, but now he had his own plans, so he raised his eyebrows and suddenly asked: "What happened to the wild cults just now? Well, could it be on the front line? Are there many people? "

"Yes, yes, but not too much ..." Frey glanced at Elt and Taka. Slowly said, "I don't know what's going on on the front line now, but a dozen wild cult masters like this still existed more than a decade ago. They usually stay in the barbarian army. They don't take any shots, they usually only look for them The troubles of the personnel of the Temple of Light. In fact, on the battlefield, their strength is limited to a high level. One round of arrow rain can't shoot, and a few more rounds of arrow rain can always nail them into a hedgehog. Not to mention the Thor Something like a hammer ... "

Suddenly, he continued, "Of course, there are also independent operations. Because of their high strength, they are all performing tasks similar to in-depth hinterland reconnaissance. This is also the most troublesome. With their strength, the omission of defense lines is basically blocking Ca n’t stop them from invading. Once the patrol team hits them in the rear, if there are a large number of soldiers, they can also use bows and arrows to suppress them. However, if it is a small patrol, it can only depend on their mood. If you want to kill, you can All they can do is send a signal and spread the team. Everyone chooses a direction to flee. Several people can live and count. After avoiding this disaster, the survivors go back to inform their superiors and let the people in the temple of light or masters in the army. Come and destroy them. "

Elt nodded at the same time as Taka, and then said: "It's basically the same now, but it may be because we are in a passive situation, so it's hard to meet such people. Well, I last saw it for several years. Things. "

Tang En nodded thoughtfully, seemingly contemplative, but he couldn't wait to pull his mouth out. This Nima is stupid. There are restrictions on travel inside the barracks, and there is really limited access to it. It is also difficult to inquire about Sesman. But if several wild cults are arrested for extorting confessions, they often deal with the Temple of Light, and there should be news in this regard ...

Listening to the blast, the eyes flickered, and Tang En flickered, and said, "Brother Frey, set the team down for a while before you go back. I'll take them up to see if there is a chance to save someone. "

"Save people?" Frey gave Tang En a strange look, apparently a little unbelievable, but then he seemed to think something, and said, "Do you want those people just to rescue Mi Xiu?"

"That's right." Tang En nodded, his mouth raised, and his face was serious. "And besides that, the Temple of Light blessed the mainland, Enze Quartet. Especially on the front line, it also rescued and wounded countless soldiers. Now they are in trouble and can Rescue is naturally inescapable! "Some words were upright and loud. It sounds like it's atmospheric and touching!

When Elt and Taka heard the words, they were very moved, and said excitedly, "Okay! In this case, Brother Tangen, please also take us to help."

"Eh?" Nima, pretending to be over ... Touching his nose, Tang En twitched his mouth, shook his head and said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No, your injuries have not healed, and you should not fight again. And we have to sneak close to each other and kill with one hit. Brothers, um, sorry, you know ... "

The meaning beyond the words is naturally that he hated the other party to hide his time and couldn't go home. Elt and Tucker were not angry. In fact, this was the case, and they had to regret shaking their heads and sighing.

Sending Frey away, Luke got together and wondered, "Boss, what are we really saving?"

"Crap! Still expecting the old man to rescue Mi Xiu, can you do it?" A moment later, Tang En narrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyes, showing a mocking smile. "Of course, when they both lost ... Go away and lift Mi Xiu Come over and catch up. "

Luke nodded subconsciously, took a few steps back, pursed his lips, and grunted over.

The reason is simple. If it's just to save people, wouldn't it be better to leave Mi Xiu in the team and wait for the old man to come over? But now it takes a lot of effort to lift Mi Xiu ... Well, the old man is afraid that he won't see Elt and others ...

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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