Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 837: 10 Miles of Blood

East of the city, the fourth floor of the library.

"Ten minutes! This is the third long loaf I ate. It tastes good ... Of course, this is not the point. Find me a glass of water. Well, the point is that I haven't received any news, even if it is bad news, you guys. Should you give me an explanation? "Swallowed the third loaf of bread and clapped her hands, and Breta asked calmly, looking at the standing officers around.

This is not a question. Officers who know Breta's personality are very clear. As long as they execute the plan and order exactly, they will not blame their generals even if they fail. Conversely, if you do not follow the plan, the result will be difficult to say ... So Breta's voice just came down, and the nearest officer immediately replied: "General, the rebel leader is indeed in Shili Lane, Nancheng, accompanied her and that. Nyrah, all under our siege, it's just ... but there is no result now. "

No result, it is naturally because of no success. Breita was stunned, and turned to look at the master of the army by the window: "Fitch, are you fighting fighters so good? Can't you get a cavalry brigade of nearly a thousand people?"

"Wait a second, General ..." then Fitch looked at Nancheng Sky slowly and said slowly, "It hasn't taken off, indicating that the information is correct, and the other party is really not a space-level warrior. Well, it should be a prefecture, maybe Prefecture-level peak. In such a complex environment, although such a strong man is more troublesome, the thousand-man cavalry brigade plus those assassins should be enough ... wait and see. "

After hesitating, Fitch still gave a positive answer, but his heart was already in waves. He is also a fighter. Or to be precise, it is the strong in the army and the ground level. Naturally, it is clear that the power of a thousand people can ride hard. Although the cavalry could not carry on the charge because of the terrain, the cavalry that was dismounted was at least an elite soldier, plus the assassins who were good at lane operations as a guide. After more than ten minutes, the siege should also be siege. It should not be passed back without any movement ...

Of course Breta didn't know what Fitch was thinking, but she still frowned slightly as she watched the hourglass passing by. The situation seems to be out of control ...


Ten Mile Lane in Nancheng. The situation is indeed changing, and the cavalry brigade is unable to return the news.

One is because they are ashamed. To know that they have not surrounded each other so far, let alone stabbed a knife and stabbed a shot ... How did they get the news back? The second is unknowingly, they find themselves seemingly lost in this complicated roadway, a little dizzy ...

"There. There is movement in that direction!"

"Hurry up, get around!"

"Well, how do you feel farther and farther ... where is this?"


"Damn, this haze, alley!" A slamming sound, a cavalry squad entering the dead end looked at the thick wall in front of him, and slammed a punch on the side of the alley beside him. Suddenly scolded.

This cursing is not accidental, it is performed almost every moment. Shili Lane is too complicated, and cavalrymen who have just arrived and have no time to familiarize with the terrain feel a little dizzy when they come in. Coupled with the faint mist, even if they clearly heard the warning sound, they were not far away. But turning on a few lanes in that direction, I suddenly found that I seemed to deviate from my destination. Wait for God to come back. I don't know where I am ...

However, it must be said that the number of cavalry that came in was quite a lot. The alley was so large that it went around. Although it lost its direction in the end, it was often wrong. For now ...

As soon as the cavalry turned around, the squadron saw a figure rushing past him. "Who!" Before turning the sword, two figures appeared again, a man and a woman. As you walk, your speed remains unaffected.

The scene stagnated for a moment. The cavalry squad turned its head subconsciously and ran away. It was a middle-aged man dressed in leather armor and blood-stained. His panic and fear could not be concealed. Now he was staring at the wall of the dead end. Despaired ... turned his head again, looking at the man and woman, "Team to Team ..."

Stepping on the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no time. Looking at this hard-searching to this day, but now actively take the door to the door of Tang En and Johsia, the cavalry were excited, "Captain, it is them, it is them!"

Thunder roared, "Here! Kill!" After more than ten minutes there was no success. The captain of the cavalry knew that they could not keep each other, so first a roar, a warning came out, and then rushed forward with a knife, trying to hold the other side for a while , So that nearby companions come to form a circle.

However, Tang En turned a blind eye, letting go of the palm that rested on Josiah's shoulders, staring faintly at the rear of the cavalry squad. The middle-aged man who was trying to drag his injured leg over the wall, stepped forward: "Anyone is an assassin Even if the reputation is not good, there is no need to be a dog leg of the official army. Too shameful in our profession, let me ... "

Suddenly, before rushing to the cavalry sword, stood up stumblingly, stepping side by side on the surrounding wall, and passing over the team cavalry as easily as possible, "... Clean the portal!" Leaping in the air like an arrow, instantly came to the top of the middle-aged assassin, stepping on it!

With a bang, the middle-aged assassin subconsciously raised his hands horizontally and over-topped. Although he held up the stampede, his body inevitably fell down under great force, desperately watching the wall closer and closer ... … He knew very well that vitality would be cut off!

The cavalry in the rear saw that Tang En had not been cut, and the momentum could not be eased, but he looked at Josiah not far away and looked excited again. After all, Johia was their real goal, and it was clear that Johia seemed to be better off than Down.

However, before waiting for joy to hang on to the corner of the mouth, as Josiah lifted his arms more than a dozen steps away, the cavalry squad rushing in a stride instantly fixed the charge posture, and bowed his head in shock, and saw the white mist running down the boots It quickly spread to the knees, and then chilled into the bones. The white mist instantly turned into crystalline and solid ice cubes. They were firmly nailed to the ground by the surrounding icy ground, and they could not move at all.

Yes, compared to Down, Johia's strength is indeed low. But don't forget, anyway, she is also an intermediate wizard. Not to mention anything else, just stand still and let the chop. This cavalry squad may not be able to split off her magic shield ...

The situation here is deadlocked for a while, and Tang En has indeed separated from life and death. This middle-aged assassin is not low in strength, otherwise it would not be possible to insist on escaping here under the sword of Tang En, but that's just it ... Compared with the cavalry encircled by the encirclement, Tang En is more acquainted with these assassin counterparts. Hate, not to mention that I wanted to achieve deterrence, so naturally I saw one kill one, and two kill one pair!

Wheezing. "Snoring, you can't escape ... you absolutely can't escape ... snoring ... I'm waiting for you in hell!" Holding the dagger running through the heart with his palm, the middle-aged assassin's eyes were resentful and fierce.

"Yeah, anyway, heaven doesn't know anyone." Indifferently responding, Tang En turned the dagger seriously and slowly, and shot the middle-aged assassin's chest momentarily before the blood spray. A thumping sound such as defeated leather, the broken body flew horizontally, and a large blood mist sprayed out, mixed in the thin white mist, adding a bit of gorgeous color.

immediately. Boom ... The rocks and rocks splashed, and the thick wall of the dead end in the rear cracked open, smashing a large cave, drowning the body of the middle-aged assassin.

"Who?" "Be careful!" "Uh ... is he?"

Suddenly, exclaimed exclaimed came from behind the cave. There were looming figures in the mist and dust. Needless to say, only cavalry who came in to besiege appeared at this time. Probably recognized Tang En. The shaking figure couldn't wait to get out of the cave.

It was a pity that when they got into the dead end, they were blocked by a small team of cavalry companions who had frozen their legs and feet, and they could only watch Tang En and Josiah disappear side by side again.


The siege continued, and at this time more than a thousand cavalry had completely spread out, covering basically every corner of Shili Lane, and a dense enveloping network was formally formed.

This situation is undoubtedly unfavorable for the two of Tang En. Diversion has become meaningless, because wherever you go, you may run into chasers. But at the moment Josiah felt at ease, surrounded by an unprecedented sense of security ...

To be honest, Johia is not clear about Tang En's realm of strength. Just know that it is very high, and the general strong can't compete with it. However, there is no concept of how high it is. Instead, she knew very well the power of the army. The gray-clad superstructure is special. From a certain point of view, as the leader, Josiah has higher authority than King Bran, and has absolutely unquestionable authority. The same is true for the military. In name, the former Marshal Aumont and now Frey were the top managers of the army. But if Josiah wanted to step in, either Omonfrey or the thousands of gray soldiers would only obey her orders. So she is no stranger to the military.

This way to kill from the 100,000 mountains, it is not normal for the gray-clad army to have never encountered a master, and there are thousands of officers and soldiers in Bran. But in the face of the overwhelming army, the so-called masters on the battlefield are actually no different from ordinary soldiers. They are nothing more than powerful single soldiers, and they can even affect a certain regional war situation. However, under the grand strategy, the so-called influences are actually controllable. One round of arrow rain and ten rounds of soldiers' shocks are really impossible. The use of Thor's hammer and other battlefield heavy bombs on a large scale will always dispel the so-called masters. , Died tragically ...

Fight more with less and bully with the crowd. This is the battlefield norm!

Because of this, knowing that the magic of the mist is limited, Josiah tried his best to show it before-it can help, better. That's the truth, but now Josiah notices that he seems to think more ...

At the beginning, Bran's soldiers were like the tide on the river bank, and the front and back rushed forward. However, Tang En is like a towering dyke, which crosses the river. As long as he hits it, he will sink into the sand and break his bones!

Josiah didn't know where he was now in Shili Lane. Because of the tight time, more than a thousand cavalry were not familiar with the terrain, and they did not have time. However, her husband seemed to be very clear. He took her to stop and stop, turned straight, never walked into a dead end, and never was forced to death. He walked calmly, as if walking in his backyard.

Josiah doesn't know how many people Tang En killed, but only knows that killing one person in ten steps is not just an exaggeration, but it has never happened before ... and so far, her husband has not been injured, Puffing, but the body was more or less stained with blood, his look was more rigid and indifferent, hand-to-hand, knife-to-hand, knife-to-hand ... like a personal killing machine, never tire, and never stop, as long as the enemy returns in……

Taking a secret breath, Josiah felt a little worried, even a little fear, in her heart.

Josiah hasn't seen the killer. Since she was determined to run away from the small town in the south, she has traveled all the way. Enemies, relatives and friends around her, and so on, she has been accustomed to death. But Rao is so, she has never seen such a simple and casual killing ... Or, it should not be called a killing, but a job, a very ordinary job, like making bread. Collect raw materials, noodles, put condiments, and occasionally sprinkle some sesame or something ... methodical and easy. When the finished products come out, that is, when the dagger pulls out the death blade from the enemy's body, his husband will get a sense of work accomplishment, the corners of his mouth will rise slightly, and the nerve-like silent laughter will look like enjoyment ... ...

Josiah doesn't exclude killing, of course, not much like it. But just like that, she also has to admit that Tang En's killing methods and scenes are really beautiful.

Amazing beauty! Thrilling beauty! It's chilling too beautiful!

Because it is too concise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is not called brutal, basically it is a kill in silence, and even blood is rarely seen ... even if it is, it is mostly blocked by Tang En, she The new coat under the magic shield is indeed as brand-new as it was when joking.

But Josiah knew very well that not seeing did not mean not. She believes that the ten-mile long lane behind her should now be reduced to ten miles of blood ...

Finally, after a dagger penetrated the cavalry's eyebrows again, Josiah bit his lip. "Don ..." He paused and looked at Tang En turning his head in the corpse all over the ground, the little bit hanging on his cheek Yin Hong's blood drops suddenly couldn't go on.

"En?" He froze, indifferently, seemingly aware of what Josiah thought, Tang En raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his face, the corners of his mouth were raised, his bright smile, "Oh, call her husband."

"Hah ..." Josiah laughed too. She knew that her worries were superfluous. Her husband wasn't lost, she would play with her, and nodded obediently. "Well, husband ..."

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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