Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 838: Silent voice array

It's another quarter of an hour.

Compared to the ease and peace of both Down and Josiah, the cavalry who still survived was in a frosty nightmare ...

The winding lanes are quiet and quiet. In the past, more than a thousand cavalrymen thought that the alley was too complicated and too wide, and it was completely empty no matter where they went. They were extremely strange. But now, just a few steps away, I can see a pool of cold corpses and smelly blood everywhere! Gritted his teeth, walked in another lane, and proceeded to the sight of the familiar body of blood ...

With these eye-catching references, in the eyes of survivors' cavalry, the whole lane suddenly became simple and narrow, no matter where they went, they had a familiar look, just like they just walked.

First anger, then shock, then fear, and finally numbness ...

I don't know if it is because of the psychological gap between the front and back, or because of the **** environment of the roadway. The corpses of the dead, which were once used to, are now extremely sensitive to the surviving cavalry. Every time I walked into a new alleyway, the first thing I observed was not the presence of the two demon figures around, but the subconscious sweep to the ground. Is there more than a dozen team members who were buried in the quietness of the alleyway? Dead body?

If so, I ’m not surprised or angry, it ’s more like this, I know I will have this expression, and then I cross it without expression ... If not, my body will be unconsciously tense, a little nervous, thinking that I will It won't be the corpse that fell here ...

They didn't crash, they were just going crazy!

Just half an hour, in the deep alley. The dizzying cavalry squad was scattered, walking silently and aimlessly. Around the echoes are heavy steps and wheezing sounds that are rushing or slowing. They don't know where the goal is, and they have no interest in actively seeking it.

They are an elite heavy rider of the Tiger Howling Corps, but now they feel more like poultry slaughtered in slaughterhouses. They can be selected and slaughtered at will.

And because they are the elite heavy riders of the Tiger Howling Corps, they have their own glory, so despite their low morale, they have become walking dead. But still subconsciously unwilling to choose to be a deserter, fleeing this **** Shura field. Instead, he walked with a stunned look, as if searching, and as if waiting for a certain ending-fighting, dying, and then lying down and letting subsequent companions look at him quietly, face to face. Cross without expression ...

No one can defeat the army, no matter how powerful. This is common sense! But in this complex and long lane, Tang En alone changed this common sense. Although it is due to the convenience of terrain and some other calculations. But it cannot be denied that the fact is that here and now, he is the **** of death who dominates the right to kill and kill, to win and win!

The offensive and defensive situation reversed instantly. The situation is indeed out of someone's control ...


Library library on the fourth floor.

Rustling ... As time passed, here as the command center of this combat operation, it became even more silent. In the end, the clearest sound was the slow drifting sand of the hourglass on the table.

A moment. The rustle suddenly disappeared. The hourglass, representing a quarter of an hour, fulfilled its timekeeping mission accurately. Stuck. One palm turned it upside down, and a rustling sound came back. Breta looked at her with a narrow glance, wondering what she was thinking, her eyes stunned.

According to plan, they had an hour of combat time for this operation. I rushed to Pia City for a quarter of an hour before breaking through the city and encircling Shili Lane, until now. It took another ten minutes and a quarter of an hour, that is to say, there were at most 20 minutes left, and the gray clothing reinforcements might arrive here.

No one is a fool, and the situation has evolved to such a situation, although Breta and others do not know what happened in Shili Lane, and how the other two men carried the siege of more than a thousand cavalry. But there is no doubt that everyone knows that the plan has failed and is likely to fail.

After seeing Bletta turning the hourglass upside down, an officer stepped forward stubbornly: "General, I will now send troops to Shili Lane, Nancheng, and promise to cut off the head of the rebel leader. Here we are enough you……"

"You want me to retreat?" Breta raised her head, looking calm, saying nothing.

Opening his mouth, the officer wanted to say something. A rush of strides suddenly came, and then a soldier in a hurry appeared at the entrance of the fourth floor, saluting directly, "General, a group of cavalry killed five miles away With a scale of nearly a thousand. "

In the west, that is the site occupied by the Grey Army. The identity of the cavalry coming from that direction is naturally self-evident.

"General, retreat!" Even Fitch couldn't hold himself now, and to be honest, he still didn't believe that a combative warrior could resist the siege of more than a thousand heavy horses. He himself is a ground-level strongman, thinking that even if the opponent can persist to the present, it should be the end of the crossbow. Maybe in a few minutes, a good news will come from the front. However, the priorities are urgent, and more than a thousand cavalry of the Gray Army will be killed immediately. It is no longer safe here, so he cannot worry about anxiety.

He waved his hand, "The eight hundred cavalrymen in Xicheng District came out of the city to meet the enemy, and they must stop the other side of the city gate." First, he made countermeasures, and then Bletta met the anxious look of Fitch and others, saying calmly, "Don't worry, there are no cavalry in the Gray Clothing. If you guessed right, the more than a thousand pieces of warhorses are already their limit. So the plan remains the same and we have 20 minutes to go."

I have to say that although this style of Bretta's behavior is a bit strange, it is not ambiguous in marching. The more than a thousand cavalry who arrived were indeed the limits of the Gray Army. To this end, Frey scolded all the horses in the battalion, and even sacrificed military investigation during this time.

Fitch and others believed Breta's speculation, but at the same time they also firmly believed that their choice was correct. Anxiously advised: "General, your safety is the most important thing. It is enough to have us there at Shili Lane. You don't have to stay here to risk it. "

"Oh, it sounds like I'm a burden." Breta was calm and said with a smile.

"General ..."

"Well, I admit it's a bit unwilling ..." Pressing hands stopped many persuasion, and Breta shook her head and laughed, "My army has been dormant in the south for a long time, and its combat power has dropped sharply. It is often a joke for various legions, it is a shame. It is ridiculous to have the opportunity to rush to the front to prove myself. I do n’t want to wait for the horrors of the barbarians, but there are signs of overturning in the ditch here. Of course, victory and defeat are common tasks. Time for opportunity, why not try again? "

Speaking of this, Fitch and others also knew that it was impossible to persuade Breta immediately, and had to ask: "What does the general mean?"

Breta didn't answer immediately, but suddenly asked, "What's the situation over the North City?"

"Still deadlocked."

North City, where there is the second battlefield in the city except Shili Lane in the South City, where Victor's entangled soldiers guard and cavalry fight. Victor and others had good luck, where they found a well-guarded rich merchant manor. Relying on the superiority of the walls and stones and the small guard equipment in the manor, they attacked the cavalry very hard. Although the situation is a bit more difficult, fortunately, it has not been broken.

Of course, the main reason is because Bretta has determined the position of Down and Josiah, so there is not much interest in annihilating the less valuable Victor and others. Otherwise, even if the number of soldiers on Victor's side doubles, it should be taken down early.

Nodding his head, Bletta said directly: "The order passed, and within five minutes you had to forcibly break into the manor, where the rebels could capture as much as possible, and then tied me up and sent them to Shili Lane, Nancheng. As long as the rebel leader could not come out, Kill a group of people every minute until they come out or finish. "

After a pause, Breta tapped the finger on the table, and said with a smile, "Is the rebel leader a young woman? I heard that it is pretty, huh, she should be tempted. But there is that cruel Niro banging in the end I don't think it will come out ... But it doesn't matter. While you are killing the rebels, you will mobilize all the cavalry in the city to make a final charge. I will push the Shili Lane there. "

"Uh ... yes!" The surrounding officers couldn't help but hesitated, and had to say that although Bretta's attitude was light and light, the tone of his speech was flat and seemed normal. But the killing of prisoners of war is too shameful. It wo n’t be glorious ... How can my general be a little reconciled? It is clear that I want to kill him directly ...

But then again, none of the people present here are good people. To win against the enemy without compromise, this is an excellent quality close to virtue in the battlefield. So after a short pause, the officers immediately responded.

"Wait." Raising his hand to stop the people who were about to give orders, Breta shook his head, and said quietly, "Time is urgent ... Everyone, bring the voice-on method, and let scouts scattered around the city inform the call. "

"The general is wise." The plan was set, and the dexterous officer immediately expressed his flattery and eased the atmosphere.

"Oh, it's your kid who is most likely to make a flattery." With a smile, a soldier lifted a wooden cabinet with a microphone array and placed it on the table ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Bretta took out a magician and pressed it in. The groove, waiting for the magical elements to gather light, leaning closer, "I'm Breta."

After a pause, there was silence in the sound transmission array without any saluting greetings.

Breta frowned, and said again, "I'm Breta, hear me back."

After a few breaths, the magic light still flashed, and still silent. "Well! What are these bunnies doing ..." The smart-minded officer was immediately angry when he saw this, and he was about to reprimand. Alas,

"Shut up!" Brying angrily, Breta stared at the ray of flashing transmissive spells, seemingly seeing some great terror through the void space, before the relaxed look swept away instantly It was replaced by Tie Qing Bing Han and a faint tremble of trembling.

Huo Ran got up and looked up, slammed a fist, smashed the sound transmission array in the wooden cabinet, "withdraw, withdraw, withdraw! The order continues, withdraw now!"

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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