Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 843: Who can solve Down?

Bran, South.

If only from the perspective of the division of power, this Nishizawa continent, which has only two imperial power groups, Bran and Beihuang, does not feel broad. However, if you look at it from the perspective of backward traffic and lagging news, the continent is surprisingly big.

To the north, because of the sudden emergence of a confidant, and the fight was impossible. The South is still singing and dancing. At most, the people with broken mouths commented on the news of the gray clothes in the newspaper, commented, or sighed or ridiculed. Then they should go home for dinner and eat. No change.

As for war, turmoil, displacement ... please, does this have anything to do with their ease of life?

Yes, this phenomenon is indeed strange. The separation between the north and the south is like the separation of two old and dead countries. But this is Bran ’s overall national conditions, and not only subjective matters such as local customs, but also the objective terrain and climate seem to follow this law. The biting northerly wind blows to the south, especially to the southern capital. It also becomes gentle and gentle, and you don't see the temperament that you should have in winter.

However, more than ten miles outside the city of Brando, Wooding lived by the pond behind the small house. Although the wind was not mild at high altitude, the atmosphere here became a bit cold because of angry words.

"... That being the case, that guy has now taken out the secret technique to increase the speed of combat cultivation? It's shameless! Oh, I was weird at the beginning. Even if there is a defect in such an inverse secret technique, what is he doing Will cooperate with us so much ... It turned out that I knew the Grey Army was going to be killed, so I used this kind of delay. Master, you are too kind. You should have killed this mean man ... "

Squeeze a fist and look dull. Winsling Wu said in amusement. Wooding and Sea Tower were sitting side by side, looking either indifferent or helpless.

The current situation in the North may not be known to ordinary people, or it may be poorly understood. But the three of Woodin are certainly not ordinary people, because of their long distance relationship, their news may be a little lagging, but the specific situation is definitely detailed and clear. For example, a guy who doesn't know what the lower limit is, goes against it. While the gray clothing army killed 100,000 mountains, once again took out the fighting air circulation channel into the market. Obviously make them feel put together and so on ...

"Okay, sir." Haita rubbed her forehead, waved her hand and stopped hearing the latest news he brought from the capital, and kept talking and scolding Winsling, helplessly, "We agreed with him at Front. The gray-clad army came out behind. Besides, this is the enemy, and this is not to be resentful. "

With a slight hum, Winsling was reluctant to pout, and finally stopped speaking. Across the tower, Haita laughed bitterly, and sighed in his heart that his master was still not open-minded, and that defeat was unforgettable.

He turned to look at Woodin. "Master, the situation in the north is not good right now. Recently the action of the northern desert tribe has become more frequent, and it is inevitable that there will be a war this winter. Now the gray-clad army comes out again to disrupt the situation. If it is not handled well, Bran is likely to lose before the fight.

Frown slightly. Woodin nodded slightly, signaled to know but did not speak. Winsling could not bear it anymore. He said disapprovingly, "brother, you are too overestimating this gray-clad army, that is, the situation is special now, otherwise you can transfer half a small army of men from the front line, enough to destroy them."

"Oh? Then what do you say Bran should do now?" Woodin asked, lowering his eyelids.

"It's very simple, put the gray army first. Master I think so ..." Haita and Wu Ding have spent the longest time and know the master's temperament. Just now I heard a sudden burst in my heart. I know the master is not optimistic about Wen. Sirin's opinions were stunned, but Winsling was anxious to express his own opinions, and did not notice, "The gray-clad army took advantage of our lack of time to take care of this, and this has caused such a big mess in the north. But the problem seems complicated It is actually simple to solve. Before killing the former leader named Luosha, the Gray Army fled to the depths of 100,000 mountains. Now as long as we kill the new leader, we can achieve the same effect. "

I do n’t know where I heard it from, or I did think about it. This Winsling's statement coincides with what the Northern Armed Services Department is doing now, which is to capture the king. But Wooding didn't have any admiration, just continued to ask, "So, who is going to do this?"

"Uh ..." Winsling heard a moment's silence. In fact, he just wanted to say that he had gone, but when he saw Haita's wink, he suddenly understood. Yes, who should I let? It was simple to solve the new leader of the gray clothing army. Although I heard that he was a magician, he was not high enough, and sending a master in the past should solve the problem. But thinking of the person who was protecting the rebel leader, that is, Tang En who had broken one of his arms before, his heart suddenly weakened.

Although he didn't want to admit it, and there were many derogations, Winsling knew it. That Tang En didn't seem to be famous, but he was definitely a master, and he was also a master who could carry the sword **** master Yi Jian. That is to say, this matter could not be publicized, otherwise Tang En will become famous in the first battle and sensationalize the entire continent.

And since that failure, Winsling has actually secretly investigated Down. Although limited to the other party's low-key and deliberate cover-up by a certain force, not much information was found. But at the level of Winsling, once you want to check, the resources and connections you use are extremely scary, and you can always find the information you want to see.

Among them, Xia Wei'an and Owens need not say more. From these two people, it can be seen that Tang En is almost invincible in the prefecture level! In addition, not long ago, in a small town's civilian college, in a terrible battle, Tang En could still kill a magic teacher and a genuine air-level warrior under the heavy siege ...

This is not the most horrible. From the analysis of known data, Winsling also came up with an extremely unbelievable message-that Tang En's martial arts talent may still be above himself!

In fact, Winsling has already put gold on his face. After all, from the history of Tang En's shots over a small time span, prefecture-level warriors, great magicians, air-level warriors, and wizards ... In less than two years, Tang En was chased and killed by Xia Weian The wolverine martial arts soldiers who entered the northern wasteland quickly jumped to the front to compete against the temple-level warriors, and even the masters who took the sword **** sword!

I have to say that this was a little scary to Winsling. Of course, because of this too fast speed of strength improvement, Winsling was unconvinced, only if it was caused by Tang En's deliberate concealment before. But just taking a step back, thinking that Tang En, who is about the same age as himself, has such strength, Weslin couldn't help but secretly startled. It is because I worshipped under the gate of the sword god, and there are many resources used by the family at will. But what about Down? A guy who doesn't know where to come from can even practice to this point ... Is it really because he has higher martial arts talent than himself?

Well, Winsling, who has been titled various geniuses since he was born, is resolutely jealous!

But jealousy and jealousy, some facts must always be faced up-if such a person rashly sends a master in the past to provoke, even if it is empty, it is likely to be planted ...

"You said, who should you let?" Wooding asked calmly again, interrupting the various thoughts in Winsling's mind.

"Should ... maybe, or a few air-level warriors can ..." The more the tone became weaker, Winslin also knew that he wanted to be simple.

Although the number of air-level warriors is scarce, they can certainly be found if they want to find them. But this method can be used by others, but they cannot. Because they are invincible to the world of sword gods! This kind of thing asks for help. Once it is spread, it will be a shame. And if you use other channels to find it secretly, the interests involved in all aspects will be a big trouble. After all, the air-level warrior is not a cabbage. It ’s very implicated ...

Thinking of this, Winsling moved in his heart and looked up at Woodin, "Perhaps, if the master can come out ..."

"Master, younger brother, in fact, the key to solving this problem lies in that Tang En." Seeing Wooding's indignant anger in his eyebrows, Haita quickly interrupted Winsling. Why doesn't he know that as long as the master takes the shot, this matter can be solved with certainty. But Haita is a little clearer. The master is really old. If he travels thousands of miles back and forth, it is a big question whether his body can withstand it ... Rounding the road, "Yes, there is one thing I forgot to say. The leader of the gray army, Johia Has been identified, his family is a little nobleman in Laiyan City. As long as we stare there, we should see Tang En ... "

After a pause, facing the doubtful glances of Woodin and Winsling, Haita spread his hands and laughed, "Then Tang En has a close relationship with Josiah, it should be a relationship of lovers."

Winsling said in surprise: "Is this the case?"

Heta nodded: "En ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In fact, since receiving the news from the Grey Army from the 100,000 Mountains, Wang Ting has been checking the identity of the new leader. There are not many magicians. It is female, ice, and still young. Combining these conditions, it is necessary to check the information from the Magic Guild one by one, and find out sooner or later. As for the relationship of lovers, huh, this is what Philip said, should Can't be wrong. "

"Try it, although this method is a bit tricky, but if you can have a chance to see that Tang En, just give me a word. Right ..." After thinking about it, Woodin looked at this status in Wangting Castle. A big disciple, "Who did this work?"

"Philip, he took the initiative." Haita looked a little weird.

"He?" Wooding stunned, "What is he doing?"

Haita looked even stranger: "Uh, he said that there is a rare opportunity to go to the corner to please the future wife's father and mother."


………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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