Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 845: Identity exposure

The morning sun, the rising sun, and the mist will clear. The unique warm and lazy light of winter pours down over the northern part of this large southern city.

The elaborate estates stand in a row separated by a polite distance that will not disturb each other. The architectural style may be different, but the interior decoration is the same luxury without losing taste. Large grass fields, beautiful sculptures, dreamy creative fountains ... Although they are not aristocratic areas in Dongcheng, these manor buildings located in the rich business district of Beicheng are no less shabby than the former, and some even have them.

This has nothing to do with status, only the charm of money!

Today, in front of one of the luxurious buildings that is still more common than most aristocratic estates, the burly guards are pushing the iron gates to the left and right, and the well-dressed driver is driving the delicate carriage and slowly leaning on the steps Next ... all this foreshadows that the owner of this manor may go out later.

Just then, "Darling, can't you really go with me for an appointment?"

"Sorry, Anika, yesterday I had an appointment with Lord Earl yesterday for a morning meeting. And, you know, you are all ladies, staying together have a common topic, I used to be a bit inappropriate."

A gentle explanation, a pair of young men and women came out side by side inside the door. The man's face was slightly handsome, but because of the short hair that was deliberately accumulated at the chin, he had a bit of mature taste. The woman surrounded by the arms is tall and elegant, with a nice face with delicate light makeup and a touch of coquettishness.

Shaking his arms, "But I have already promised Becky, and aren't you all from Lai Yancheng? She wants to meet you this time."

"Just because of business. Annika." The young man raised his hand and stroked the soft hair of his female companion, laughing softly. "I'm clear about her intentions. Well, let's go and talk to her on my behalf and promise the business group to cooperate with her family."

"Ah-but I don't understand business negotiation at all, what should I do if I lose?" Covered his mouth and whispered, I heard that this beautiful woman called Anika was shocked and pleased, on the one hand, she was delighted by her man trust. On the one hand, they are not confident about their business field.

"Oh, rest assured. This is a long-term cooperation and it will not be a loss. And since it is your good friend, it should be taken care of." The young man gently soothed Anika into the luxury carriage.

"Okay, thank you Darling." Bai Jieyu's neck was proactively kissed the young man's face.

"Well, that's fun." He waved his hand, and the young man turned around with a smile, waving his hand to let the driver who was standing besides close the door and leave, staring blankly and looking forward.

More than ten feet away. A group of dozens of people who did not know where they came from scattered in an arc, stopped in the middle of the road, and strode forward. However, it is not this impolite behavior that attracts the attention of young men, but the temperament of these dozens of people, which will be exposed as soon as they are gathered into a group. Only battle-hardened soldiers of military origin can own it.

"Man, you seem to be blocking the way." Such a group of menacing men approached. Naturally, the guards scattered around could not be seen, and they quickly stepped forward and stopped in front of the carriage. However, the captain of the guard may have seen the identity of this group of people, so his attitude is quite polite.

"Oh, sorry, this is because we didn't make an appointment." A young man in a gorgeous robe stepped out from behind dozens of people blocking the road. A handsome and charming smile on his handsome face hung his hands and shrugged.

Just by words and deeds, we can see that this young man is obviously very different from the dozens of people with iron and blood momentum beside him. Unlike people in the army, it looks like an elegant aristocracy.

But of course this cannot be the reason for the guards to let him go, not to mention that from the words just spoken by this young man, it is obvious that they are directed at this side. Shaking his head, "Then I'm sorry, my host hasn't seen a stranger."

"Yes, why don't you ask?" The Junlang youth heard the words without any frustration, looked over the guards, looked at the young man standing in the carriage, and greeted his hands with familiarity, "Hello, Alan. First meeting My name is Philip. "

Although it is south, it is far away from the capital, so everyone here does not know the meaning of the name. Except for one person ... the young man, that is, Allen, looked awkwardly, his eyes narrowed sharply, but soon again He eased and relaxed, took a slight breath, and waved the guards back: "Let them come over."

"Ha, I know you must have heard of me. But I guess that guy doesn't say anything nice to me behind the scenes, right?"

"It does."

"... Trust me, that's libel, he's absolutely jealous!"


Since this handsome young man is Philip and the young man is Allen, the so-called guy is of course Tang En. Philip and Allen are both friends of Down, but they didn't know each other before. It's also impossible for Down to introduce Phillip to Allen, just to mention to Allen that such a person during a chat. Now that Philip is suddenly uninvited, the meaning behind it is naturally self-evident ...

However, although he knew that he had been exposed, Alan had no panic on his face, only frowned and asked, "Can you ask, how did you find here?"

Philip waved his hand at will: "Oh, that was just an accident. We found the family of Josiah here, but after we went to Laiyan City, we took a break and learned that the family suddenly disappeared out of thin air overnight. ... In fact, you have been very careful, we do not know where the family was transferred to now. But you know, this is Bran territory after all. And if you want to save people, some intermediate procedures cannot be bypassed. , Such as collecting heavy money for your soldiers who opened the gates at night. "

Anyway, it is also a family relocation, there will always be some traces. And on Bran's land, if Bran's court launched all the forces to search for it, it would be basically sooner or later to find it.

"I see, thank you." Nodded his thanks, Allen laughed at himself, "It seems gold coins are not everything. You are right, this is indeed Bran's land, it is my intention. It just made me think It is you who came to me. "

"No, in fact, it is even more surprising to me, who can think of the chairman of the well-known Yatang Chamber of Commerce ..."

The words didn't fall, "Darling, what's wrong? Who is he?" Feeling the carriage under him had not moved, Anika couldn't help raising the curtains of her car window, first glanced at Philip, and then looked at the surrounding faint surroundings. Dozens of powerful men suddenly asked nervously.

When Allen heard that his body was tight for a moment, he felt calm and calm for the first time. He licked his lips, slowly relaxed, and said in a calm tone: "Nothing, I met an old friend I haven't seen in a long time, so I talked a lot. meeting."

Spreading his hands and imagining, looking directly at Philip's eyes suddenly bright, he introduced, "This is Philip ... Philip, this is my fiancee Annika, and now I'm going to date. Oh, by the way, don't look at her pretty, Actually stupid, I don't know anything. Hehe ... "

"Da-ling-" Anika couldn't hear the meaning of the pun in it, and she was ashamed and annoyed when she heard it. But the tension faded away unknowingly. Now that Allen would ridicule himself so much in front of this stranger, this should be a friend with a very unusual relationship ...

After a pause, Philip looked at Allen's increasingly bright eyes, put his arms behind his back, and the big man around him immediately retreated and gave way. Taking a step forward, Philip raised his corner of the mouth, exposing an elegant and charming smile: "Oh, beautiful Miss Anika, it's a pleasure to meet you ..."

The voice didn't fall, he snapped, Allen patted Philip facelessly and found out his arm to kiss, "Sorry, conditioned." Then he turned to look at Anika, who laughed softly, and turned mild. "Go, it's almost time for the appointment."

"Well, see you then, His Excellency Philip." Politely nodded and lowered the curtains, the luxurious body dangled slightly and drove away slowly.

"Well, that's a beautiful lady of nobility." He looked back reluctantly, Philip pursed his lips, turned to look at Allen, who was expressionless, "why?"

"what why?"

"You are about to get married, and as your financial means, it is not necessary to do such a dangerous thing, is it? Or, you are also a man in the gray clothing?"

"No." Allen shook his head and said calmly, "I'm a gentleman."

"Sir? Uh, what do you mean, Don?"

Allen did not deny: "Everything I have now is given by my husband, and it is natural to work for him."

"Including what might send you to the gallows?"

"Of course!" The resolute answer.

I froze ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ frowning, "I can't see that guy still has this ability ... well, formally know." Taking a step back, Philip bowed solemnly, and said seriously, "Philip, Down's friend!"

Alan stunned, and bowed in return: "Alan, sir."

"Hah, he won't take you as a subordinate ... but now that he knows each other, it should be okay for my friend to ask you for help, right?" Since the old man was leaning on Allen's shoulders, Philip's serious and solemn look just disappeared and revealed instantly With a flattering smile, "Well, where is Josiah's elder now?"

Allen was immediately vigilant when he heard that, and Philip stroked his forehead, with a wounded expression on his face, "Well, what kind of look do you have? Don't be so vigilant ... I'm not here to catch them, okay, just get to know Let ’s exchange feelings and get familiar with each other ... ”


(PS: Thank you for the rewards of book friends "Tiandao and Saints", "Shadow Sniper" and "Yiqi → _ → Dust"!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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