Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 847: Alan, Xia Wei'an, who can I save?

"Ah! Ah ..."

"Boss ... you have a cold?"

"What a joke, how is it possible ... someone should think of me, eh, it must be a beauty, the idea is so strong ..."


This is a small southern port city. It is backed by the Leinau River, which is known as the Bran economy artery. Its development momentum is very good.

At this time in the busy morning, the loading and unloading of goods at the port and dock seemed extremely busy, and the crowd of people came and went, accompanied by the wailing and applause, which was very lively.

On the periphery of the pier, under the shelter for the handyman to rest, two men wearing robes and dressing slightly mysteriously sat on the stone benches, watching the lively scene in front of them, and chatting with each other.

Among them, the public face on a portrait said, "Mi Xiu, are you a northerner, is this your first visit to the south?"

"No, I came with my family a few times when I was a kid. An uncle is here ..."

"Oh, I ca n’t remember it. In fact, I ’m not familiar with this. It ’s a pity that I did n’t find a cargo ship that passed through Laiyan City. Otherwise, I ’m quite familiar with it. ... "

"Uh ..." The other person hesitated, and decided to ignore the second half of the sentence, saying, "Listen to the boss. You started from Laiyan City and chased to the north along the Lainau River."

"Yeah, and then keep being hunted down ..."


Speaking of which, without introduction, the two are naturally Tang En and Mi Xiu who came by boat from the north.

Shocking Josiah's throbbing assassins all around, and then he recruited Barlow as a titan. The Grey Army is already very stable. At this point, Tang En's mission in the north was almost completed. The next natural thing is to go to the south to find a way to hold Woodin.

This time with Tang En, it was not members of the first phase of Grey Space such as David, but the assassination team led by Mi Xiu. After all, Tang En scared most of the assassins, but there is no guarantee that there will not be some guys who are patient enough to wait for the opportunity. So it is undoubtedly necessary for David to take over and stay with Josiah. And after contacting some time ago, I believe that Victor and others should not oppose giving up the guard position near Johia ...

However, although everything was arranged and he came to the south smoothly, Tang En's work has just begun. Woodin's side is temporarily out of consideration. Tang En must first confirm the situation of the Laozhangren family. If it's okay, find a way to move the family to the northern gray clothing army station.

Of course, the South is no better than the North. Tang En is really new to this place, not even the route from here to Lai Yancheng. Moreover, the South is not the main area covered by secret agencies. To get accurate information, it is not as easy as in the North. This is why Tang En and Mi Xiu sat here and chatted after disembarking.

They are waiting for news.

Fortunately, I said hello before I set off. The waiting time is not too long. As soon as the cargo ship who brought them over contacted the picker and started to unload the goods, a man dressed in a black robe dressed in a distant place came quickly with an old man in Tsing Yi. After all, if there are three mysterious people in a place, it's really dazzling.

Tang En didn't care, and looked at the lively dock with interest. I think of a few years ago I found a killer organization in Laiyan City, that is, after the Thieves Guild. The first assassination mission received, the target seems to be the people on the dock, a gang leader called the tyrant bear ... Hehe, go around, I feel back to the original point. Sorry for the impermanence.

Sorrowful, Mi Xiu returned to his side. The look under the hat was a little weird. "Boss, ask about two things."

"Oh?" Tang En was surprised, he remembered that he asked the other party to investigate the current situation of the Johsia family, and incidentally pointed out how to get to Laiyan City.

"Your old man seems to have been arrested."

"Nani?" Tang En heard a moment's surprise, and then suddenly hesitated, "Are you slower?"

No surprise, this is Bran territory after all. Nor did he panic, because Bran captured the members of the Johia family, just to threaten the Johia family and not kill them immediately. In this way, there is an opportunity for rescue.

However, Mi Xiu shook his head again and said, "Boss, it's not that simple. This seems to involve Allen."

"Allen? Why ..." Frown momentarily, Tang En looked a little dignified, "I just let him look after the Josiah family, and take care of it at an appropriate time, which can also be involved?" It's too far from the south to the north Far away, neither Tang En nor the Grey Army can reach it. Therefore, Tang En did talk to Ellen about the Johia family, but just let the other person take care of it. There is no other extraordinary instruction, and it is impossible to be exceptional. After all, Tang En does not want the Asian Tang business group with a good development momentum to be Involved.

"Maybe Allen has misunderstood what you meant, or it may have to be a last resort." Mi Xiu quickly explained, "The secret agency has a small number of people here, and it was transferred some time ago to look after the Josiah family. However, when they came over, the Josiah family had completely disappeared in Laiyan City. The time was about a few days after the gray clothing army killed 100,000 mountains ... Later, our staff did not find the whereabouts of the family, but they came in the city. Official Bran officials. A few days after following the group, they learned that their destination was Songhai City ... "

After a pause, Mi Xiu looked at Tang En, "I remember the boss you mentioned when you came, the headquarters of the Yatang business group, that is, Alan lives in this city."

Obviously, although there is no conclusive evidence, Mithau's inference is no problem. There are not many people who know Johia's family. Since Bran officials have come one step late, they have not been able to control the Johia family in time. It is likely that Allen, who was in a bad position, shot in advance, and combined with the purpose of Bran officials, maybe the two words could be removed ...

A hammer on the stone bench slammed, "Alas! Allen was actually involved." Tang En heard that it was eight out of ten that Allen did, and his expression couldn't help being more dignified.

The Yatang business group has greatly helped the gray clothing army. When deep in the 100,000 Mountains, if the Yatang business group did not send food and supplies from time to time, they would not be able to survive. Not to mention Lena, the chief alchemist of the business group, and the procurement of materials for making purple cannons. It is not an exaggeration to say that the gray clothing army has the potential to sweep thousands of miles like a tiger today, and the Yatang business group standing behind it is absolutely indispensable!

But knowing that the Yatang business group exists, in addition to the people on the side of Tang En, there is only Johya in the Gray Army. Everyone, including Tang En, is clear that the relationship between the Yatang Commercial Group and the Gray Army must not be exposed, otherwise the Gray Army will lose a major pillar under the suppression of Bran. but now……

Huo Ran got up, Tang En said decisively, "Go, find some Malays, and set off for Songhai City now."

"Okay ... yes, boss, there is something else." Under the silver mask, Mi Xiu's eyes became stranger. Immediately in Tang En's confused eyes, he hesitated and said, "Xia Wei'an has been arrested."

"Who? Uh ..." Tang En heard for a moment. He hadn't heard anything about Xia Wei'an for a long time, but he roughly knew that the other party was now in the northern temple, and he was holding trials of priests with various stains. Other than that, everything else is completely unclear. Now suddenly I heard Xia Wei'an's name, and learned that the other party was arrested, and could not help but stunned.

Mi Xiu's role now is to deal with things that Tang En is not good at, or in the shadows, so I know a little about the delicate relationship between his boss and Xia Wei'an. Now when I see Tang En's stunned response, my heart is even more certain.

Continued: "It was done by people inside the temple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The charge is Xia Wei'an for collaborating with evil heresy, and he will always be brought back to the temple for trial. The specific address is not clear now, but according to time calculation, it should be the same as us Just came from the north. "

"Collusion with evil heresy ... Oh, it's really nothing new." Looking back, Tang En thought Xia Wei'an was chased by the temple for the first time, and the excuse used seemed to be this, and he laughed lightly. Of course, the excuses are the same, but this time the situation is obviously different. The last time was a private excuse for Bishops such as Byron, who just wanted to kill Xia Wei'an in secret. Now she's on the table, and she will be brought back to the temple to be judged. This time, Xia Wei'an's ending should be bad ...

So, Allen, Xia Wei'an, who can you save?

Silently, "Big chestless, big chestless ... reminded you already, didn't you, and more than once, why are you so stupid ..."

Shaking his head slightly, Tang En took a deep breath and waved his expression blankly, "Go, save Allen!"

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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