Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 855: How much hatred?

PS: Thanks for the reward of the book “Shadow Sniper”.

Misery, "Ah-kill! Kill! Kill! Kill this group, cough ... this group of corrupt heretics! Damn ... cough ..."

It was the glare of the glare, and the nose blowing smoke, and Harvis, who was caught by tears and snot, jumped suddenly, screaming and roaring.

For the sudden appearance of Owens and others, Harveys was not surprised, after all, the other party has tried several times to rescue this way, and they are no strangers to each other. However, he never expected that the other party was so gloomy this time, first using false miracles as a cover, and then using these non-lethal but annoying enough alchemy props to assault, and immediately disturbed the situation on the field ...

However, it was well prepared. When Owens and others stormed the trial platform, the four figures quickly stood on the four corners of the platform, first supporting the shield at the same time, and then the wand flickered, and the light circulated. Light walls, blocking the assailants' intention to save people.

Immediately, the surrounding knights hurried forward to contain. But at this moment, in the entanglement of "Give me-broken!", A violent drink, a figure rose into the air, and even a person with a gun passed through the top of the knight's head instantly. Unbiased, hit a thick light wall.

Boom-the waves rolled, the wind was overflowing. Under the violent impact, the dazzling doumang looks extremely dazzling in the thick black mist of ink. The block of bluestone flooring around the platform also jumped up, burst, and dust filled the sky.

Immediately, on the north side of the platform, the light wall burst, "声 ......" and the magician standing at the north corner suddenly spewed blood mist, his body resembled the leaves in the wind, and suddenly fell back into the black mist and disappeared.

After all, it is a magic light wall erected in a hurry, and naturally cannot stop such a rapid blow!

but. These magicians had no plans to stop the raiders. What they asked for was to stop them. Then, "Owens ..." The same dagger was quickly smashed from the oblique ground, and it would immediately break the light wall. The assailants who swarmed onto the platform stopped from midair. Shen Sheng drank, "Do you really want to betray the temple?"

With a bang, the two spears flew in the air and flew away. The assaulter who fell back to the ground fluttered in shape and stepped back to stand firm. Who was Owens, another divine knight of the temple? And you can exchange a shot with him. Regardless of victory or defeat, the opponent is naturally a divine knight.

Carelessly wiped the bleeding from the corners of his mouth, Owens set a spear and laughed, "Why don't you say that the temple betrayed us?"

"It's absurd!" In the dark fog, the blurry figure walking away a few steps away didn't want to immediately reprimand, "It seems. You are really completely fallen."

"So, we don't have a tacit understanding." Owens wasn't surprised by the other's reaction. He took a step forward and shook out the gun flower. "In this case, use it to talk." Attack with a gun.

Don't look at Owens on the surface so casually, it seems that he did not look at the other side. But in fact, at this time, he was so anxious that he didn't dare to waste the slightest time.

Along the way, in addition to the first to destroy the long-range teleportation array, those who had escaped from the temple hunt were not rescued. No way, the two sides are too familiar with each other, and there is almost no room for coincidence. In frontal battles, the manpower that was deliberately transferred from the temple was not something Owens and others could resist.

I arrived in the south a few days ago. Seeing that the original Jintang temple team suddenly split into two lanes, holding Xia Wei'an all the way to the trial, and other Puritans all the way to the Temple General Assembly. Owens was sensitive and saw the opportunity coming. After all, Xia Wei'an was only one person, and the guard force was naturally stronger than the other team. This is the best time to rescue.

But from the actual situation now, Owens couldn't help secretly crying. The opponent is really worthy of Xia Wei'an. The guarding force is scattered. Yes, but the masters, including the temple mage and the sacred knight captain in front of him, mostly choose to follow this team ... Where did Owens know it Catty, in order to get Xia Wei'an to come to this trial, Winsling used a lot of family relations, and even implicated Wang Ting. The temple had to give this face, how could Harvey dare to make the **** team a little bit unexpected?


In the struggle, Owens took the opportunity to observe the situation in the eye. The black mist still lingers, it doesn't look very clear, but the people on their side are indeed entangled. Although the impact of the raid was still there, it was impossible to save Xia Wei'an in one fell swoop ... but even so, no one proposed to retreat. They really have no other choice now, unless she gives up Xia Wei'an and watches her burned to death. Otherwise, they will never retreat before this trial!

How to do how to do……

Anxious, Owens, who was distracted by him, was immediately avenged. For a moment, he was bullied by the opponent's long gun and was suddenly discarded.

The same is the sacred big knight captain, the opponent's strength is not low. Seeing that Owens's delicate, fast-moving gun shadow had loopholes, it was naturally impossible to grasp it. The mango broke off, and Owens was shaken off the platform in an instant. If it weren't for the annoying dark fog, it was not appropriate to pursue, Owens was afraid that he would be completely passive.

But because of this, Owens looked at the dark fog around him, and his heart fluttered, and a figure appeared in his mind ... To know that he had only used the subject to play, this false miracle and flashy crystals, smoke bottles and other insignificant methods But he didn't use it ...


It's complicated to say, in fact, it took only a short moment from the time when Owens and others started the raid and failed to hit the platform for the first time.

At this time, thousands of people in the square reacted. Suddenly, the people close to the platform looked at the raging fighting in front of them, overflowing with strong wind, and suddenly retreated.

But they want to retreat, but some people are unwilling to move. The so-called trial with a robbery scene is a complete trial. It was hard to wait until the turning point in this good show, and they naturally did not want to leave early. Of course, the more important thing is that they are in the back and are not very worried about security ...

I wanted to retreat in front and stay in the back, and the scene immediately fell into chaos again.

At this time. "Stupid thing, what are you doing there, do it yourself!" Looking at the situation in the field, Xavius, reluctant to restore his eyes, was restless, and then his anger was rising. Turning his head and roaring at the seemingly frightened knight holding a torch not far away.

"My lord ..." The knight-chief, who was fighting with Owens, frowned and couldn't help reminding him. As soon as the words came out, Harveys knew that he was stupid. Such an order should be secretly issued. Isn't this brazen enough to force Owens and others to desperately?

"Uh ... yes, yes." The cavalier looking around was not thinking much. Hearing the words first, he nodded quickly, holding a torch and rushing down the platform.

"Stop him!"

"Stop them!"

Commands with similar contents sounded at the same time, the first sound came from Owens and others. Dry firewood is flammable, once it is lit. This wooden platform together with Xia Wei'an will instantly become a sea of ​​fire, and there is no way to save it.

As for this second sound, of course, from Harveys, the situation has evolved to this point. He does not expect to persuade Xia Wei'an or continue to watch the other party's joke, but only wants to burn her as soon as possible to end the chaos here. After all, the ordinary people inside the temple are unaware of it, and the temple cannot reveal its ugliness. So ordinary people only know that Xia Wei'an is ‘degenerate’, and they do n’t know that it involves Owens and other Puritans ...

It turned out that Harvey's order was more effective than Owens and others. Although Owens and others had almost madly attacked themselves, the casualties increased sharply. But after all, there are obvious differences in manpower. Coupled with the masters on Harvey's side, they can't break through the defense at all, and can only look at the bright torches in the black fog and approach the bottom of the platform.

"Stop ... um ..." With a moan, Owens finally pulled back the passive situation at the expense of the blood hole on his left shoulder. Hissing and yelling at the distant knight, "That's Xia Wei'an! Is that what you adore, admire, or even secretly admire ... Xia, Wei, Ann! You ... want to burn her? Are you sure ... ... are you going to burn her ?! "

Although the words were intermittent, the meaning of Owens was undoubtedly very clear, that is, to play the close card with Xia Wei'an's excellent character and popularity in the temple. For this reason even moved out of the name of admiration. Of course, this is not to say that there is no cover. Xia Wei'an has a lot of supporters in the temple. This can be seen from the archbishop's child who even heeded the charges of treason for her ...

However, the vague knight in the black mist turned around and looked to this side, waving the torch seemed to be irritated, and said firmly: "OK! I just want to burn her, burn her with my own hands! Who? Let her ever refuse me to come ... Keke, what, sir, I am acting on orders. "


When it comes to half, the Cavaliers also seem to feel wrong, and quickly changed his stance. But this is enough to make everyone in the audience stunned. What is this rhythm? Love and kill? Will you destroy it if you do n’t get it ... Owens is dumbfounded when he hears the words, and ca n’t wait to slap his face after reacting. This Nima—cheap mouth!

Not to mention the crowd, even Xia Wei'an, who was stunned on the stage, could not help looking at the knight. It was not suspicion that she really rejected the pursuit of many admirers in the temple. She just thought about when she refused, did she say something ruthless, or why did the other person hate herself so much ...

Harveys was happy when he heard what he said: "Haha ... well said! I promise, as long as you are ordered to act, no one will blame you."

"Yes, sir!" With support, the knight no longer hesitated, leaning over to ignite the dry wood.

"Do you dare-ah !!!" Instantly, more than ten sounds of anger and roar came one after another, anxious and angry.

However, the knight seemed determined, only bowed his head and focused on the ignition, completely deaf.

"Hmm ... what are you doing?" Harvey looked at the knight's movement blankly, in surprise. The other party did not throw out a torch and ignite it at one time, but hurriedly walked around the platform while holding the torch, while igniting the dry branches in the surrounding area. They were very careful to start, basically they just left.

"Master, it's too cheap to burn her all of a sudden ... too easy. My subordinates thought that if I ignite all the firewood on the periphery, it would not delay and watch it slowly burn into it, and the effect should be better."

What a feud ...

Harvey and the three magicians standing around the platform could not help but look at each other, and looked very strange. But then thought of the sincere words that the Cavaliers had just unintentionally revealed just now. This is an opportunity to fight revenge ...

"Funny," Harvey reprimanded in exasperation, and then looked at Xia Wei'an on the stage with a smile, "Hehe, it seems that the popularity of the Lord is not very good."

Xia Wei'an didn't care about the ridicule, but looked seriously at the knight who was igniting himself, and saw that the other party was all finished, the flames ignited around him, and after throwing the torch, he lightly pressed his lips and solemnly bowed: "I'm sorry ! "


"Sorry ... Although I don't remember you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I also forgot the refusal words I said at the time. But I think it must be very hurtful. I hereby apologize solemnly and hope to get your forgiveness . "

Scratching his head, "Uh ..."

"Also," Xia Wei'an straightened, taking a breath. "If I can, I would like to know what I said at the time."

"In fact, it's nothing ... well, you were ignoring me at the time." Under the light of fire, the young knight raised his arms and looked excited, "You said that you only like people who are stronger than you, but you laugh at my strength. You have to rub your wrists with me to reject me ... I'm so excited about this! "

Fists furiously and roared indignantly, "Everyone hasn't compared yet, how do you know that I am not as powerful as you? Besides, even if my strength is not as good as you, do you know how hurtful this is? Man! You can say anything , Just can't say no! "


………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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