Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 860: Scene reproduction

The cloud of sorrow is still bleak, and the dim color is not increasing. It was just a little bit more rain, and sprinkled, bringing a little coolness to the depressed atmosphere here.

For a moment, the outer wall on the west side of the attic.

Not long ago, the strong fighting spirit fluctuations, like the fireflies in the night, quickly attracted several sensitive masters.

"The larynx bone shattered, plus a sharp blade running through the back of the heart ... Oh! Beautiful, fatal in a single blow, there is no room for struggle." After looking at the neat ground around the eyes, the old man in gray clothing put down his corpse, shook his head and pouted with a little appreciation Make accurate judgments.

"I said that he is very capable of close combat." Winsling frowned, looking at the corpse on the ground, said with a somber face. The reason for his bad mood was of course not that the prefecture-level warrior was killed, but that the latter obviously did not take his previous account to heart, and dared to approach Tang En so brazenly, causing the tracking failure.

"It's just a warrior at the prefecture level, let alone a sneak attack." The slightly fat old man with white hair and rosy face seemed to disagree, glanced at the corpse indifferently, and didn't care to hum.

"The strength at the prefecture level is not weak. Even if it is a sneak attack, it is really not easy to be killed without any resistance. And ..." Shaking his head, the old man in gray clothes looked around, "Since it was a fatal blow, Then the fighting turmoil we felt before should not be him ... why hasn't the elderly arrived yet? "

The so-called old age is naturally Ahnqiro.

The two Wenslings suddenly heard the words, yes, they could feel the turmoil of the fighting, and An Qiluo, an air-level warrior, naturally could not feel it for no reason. But it hasn't appeared yet ...

"Don't have to wait." Just then, a cold voice came out. In the north of the attic, a tall man with a rigid, stiff look like a grave headstone stepped forward.

Waved. Two **** iron claws and a corpse in a navy blue robe were thrown over, "Broken hands and throat, clean and neat, they can't die anymore."

"Uh ... well old!" Watching the hands on the ground severed, his body cringing and twisting. The body of Ahn'Qiro, like a big mouse, the three of Winsling couldn't help but change their looks, exclaiming in surprise.

"This, how is this possible? The time from when we feel the anger rushes to the time when we come here ... it's only five minutes at most!" The old man with a horrible look was shocked, never seeing him before, and shook his head subconsciously to deny it.

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't found these iron claws around. But now. That's the truth!" The tall old man leaned down and squinted, his cold look showing a few nerve-like smiles, gently fiddled with Ahnqiro Shedding her head, "This is a real butcher ... Look, the fatal injury is a throat cut from the right to the left. It cuts half of the larynx bone of the old man in an instant, and it ’s not bad ... It's pretty! Kill instantly, without the head being chopped off on the spot, or falling off from the ground and losing its beauty. Oh! Perfect! "

Pouting and licking lips are as satisfying as having a rich meal. Immediately, Ban Zheng An Qiluo face, "Look here again. It should be smashed from the back on the ground, so the old man's face remains very good. Oh, this should be a blessing in misfortune, at least there is no need for subsequent mending treatment ... … "Waved," Of course, this is not the point, the point is the well-preserved expression just before the death of the elderly. Um ... pain and shock? "

Thinking, the tall old man raised his blood-stained finger and touched his chin in an attempt to restore the scene. This scene made Winsling and others twitch. However, the former seemed to be unaware, and continued to analyze, "The pain is not difficult to understand. Let me guess, this should be before the throat is cut. An old man was cut off with his hands. Astonished ... An old man is People who have seen big scenes are extremely rich in experience, combat experience, and so on. What is it that makes him so shocked? What a curiosity ... "

After thinking about it for a while, the tall old man shook his head with regret. "Unfortunately, the fighting time is too short. There is no fresh blood on the iron claws of the old man. If he fails to harm the other party, he is simply killed. In this way, it can be analyzed There are fewer clues ... Well, from the current point of view, we can only know that the elderly are thrown from the sky after being cut throat. That is to say, the elderly and the other are fighting in the air and should be positive Combat ... "

After a moment's breath, he took a slight breath, looked up at Winslyn, and asked coldly, "I think you need to explain to us. In addition to being good at close combat, Tang En really only has the air-level first-level Strength? "

After that, the other two old men's expressions changed again, and they looked at Winsling in surprise.

No wonder they reacted so much that Ahn'Qiro's body was in front of him, and anyone could see how he died. In just a few minutes, an air-level warrior was simply killed, and he was still in the air. It sounded too frightening ... because it means that the opponent ’s strength is likely to occupy With absolute overwhelming advantages. Otherwise, an air-level warrior should not have no chance to escape, even if he cannot fight.

Winsling was also confused at this moment, and couldn't believe what he saw. However, he managed to bring several air-level warriors together, and now of course he would not say that there may be errors in the information here.

Gritting his teeth, he bit his scalp and said: "There must be something wrong here, then Tang En's strength is really only the beginning of the empty class. Well, the master has also tried to test it not long ago, it can't be wrong!"

Of course, the three elders knew who the master of Winsling was. Listening to him moving them all out, naturally there was no doubt about this judgment. But while relieved, the tall elder man frowned: "The sword **** has also shot ... failed to kill each other?"

Wooding's engagement with Tang En involved too many aspects, and the news that the sword **** had gone to the north could be shaken out by accident, so Winsling was afraid to say it before. But now these three unknown old class veterans reacted, and their hearts sank. Think about it, even the sword **** failed to win, what terrible strength does the opponent have?

Winsling hurriedly explained: "The master only shot one sword at that time, and he didn't do his best. At the same time, he didn't say anything. You will know how treacherous and cunning the guy from the Assassin is ... … Yes, it must be so. Elderly must have hit him, and this was quickly killed. "

To this day, of course, Winsling must have infinitely belittled the playing situation at that time, and by the way, infinitely higher Tang En's insidious and cunning, like to play with cleverness to defeat the opponent's shameless image. Of course, the latter is completely stress-free ...

The three old men heard each other and looked at each other. Although they were a little dissatisfied with Winsling's knowledge, he had already arrived. Regardless of the Winsling's family background, even the face of being an air-level strongman would not allow them to turn around and leave. Nodded slightly.

When Winsling saw his mind settled, he invited his men to collect An Qiluo's corpse, and said positively: "The death of the elderly is an accident and a regrettable warning. Once again I would like to reiterate to you that Tang En is really sinister, Dangerous! You must be careful not to get him close, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. "

These words, in fact, Winsling had said too many times when he came. But all the masters are proud, including Winsling, if they have not suffered a big loss in the hands of Tang En, how can they be so jealous.

So at that time, although the four space-level powerhouses looked at Winsling's background ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it was a good expression to write down. But in fact, they don't take it for granted. The so-called melee combat is in their eyes, but it is only those low-level warriors who have not broken through to the realm of the realm and can't control the powerful fighting force between heaven and earth.

But now looking at An Qiluo, who is close to their strength, there is a blood mouth deep in the neck. The three empty-level old men dare to be half-hearted, all of them nodded solemnly.

"You stay here to clean up the remains of the elderly, and when this is over, you will be transported back to the grand burial ... Everyone, we will continue to chase!" After explaining his subordinates, Winsling immediately turned to look at the three air-level old men, "Xia Wei'an With no restraint on his body, it's impossible for Tang En to run far. It should be right in front. We are speeding up now to avenge the elderly! "


(PS: Sorry, it ’s still a change until now, Tanuki has important things to do today ... Well, actually, I mentioned it once before. Tanuki ’s sister is in poor health, cancer, and had surgery. But she failed to cure, and should be cured too. No. I have to go to Beijing. Beijing Hospital every few months to review, so today I sent my sister to the train station, and rushed to this chapter after coming back-sorry again!) (To be continued. If you like this work , Welcome you to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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