Ultimate Devouring Evolution

One hundred and fifty-four powerful gene weapons

Gene weapons are weapons inherited from human genes.

There are various forms.

There are the most swords and the like.

There are also some unconventional weapons such as meteor hammers and maces.

There are also some speechless weapons such as hoes and sickles.

As for genetic weapons like wings, they are very rare.

In the entire history of warriors, there have been less than ten cases.

Zhang Fan never expected that his genetic weapon would be wings.

And it's the membranous wings of the blood race.

But what surprised him was that the gene weapon would only be activated if he reached the martial artist level.

I am only a level 9 quasi-warrior now, why did the gene weapon suddenly activate?

Could it be that it was activated because he was bitten by a vampire?

Even because of devouring the blood core of the vampire?

Or because he is a super martial artist, as long as he reaches level 9, he can activate the gene weapon?

Many guesses flashed through my mind.

But now is not the time to speculate on that.

Since his genetic weapons are wings, he is definitely not good at fighting. Only speed is his strong point.

So he didn't think about it anymore, and lightly patted a pair of wings with a blood-red shimmer.

call out--

His whole body seemed to have turned into a blood-red streamer, rushing out of the encirclement in an instant.

"Stop him!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the count roared.

However, no blood race could react at all.

bang bang bang bang—

those vampires,

It was scattered and splashed by Zhang Fan.

The bodies of all the blood clans hit by Zhang Fan fell apart, and the blood fell from the sky like a rain of blood.

The minced meat fell from a high altitude like a hail of blood.

At the same time, Zhang Fan was already shooting towards the distant night sky like a blood-red meteor.

All the blood races were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"Too...too fast..."

"It's like a shooting star, how is this possible!"

"Even the Earl is far inferior to this guy's speed!"

Seeing this scene, the count was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out.

Is this fucking human or not?

Even myself is far behind this speed.

This speed may have reached the speed of sound!

After a while, the count finally recovered from his shock.

This guy actually escaped from under his nose.

If the Marquis finds out, I'm afraid that life would be worse than death.

Thinking of this, the earl yelled at the viscounts who were still in a daze: "What the hell are you doing! Chase me!"

Saying that, he flapped his wings and chased in the direction where Zhang Fanfei was going.

At the same time, ten kilometers away, Zhang Fan flapped his shimmering wings and continued to fly forward.

Under the speed bonus of Gene Wu, his speed has completely reached the speed of sound.

Although this speed is not as fast as Xiaocheng's lunge, but the lunge can only move a hundred meters at a time, and it cannot be used continuously.

But the wings have been flying for half a minute now, and the flying distance is far beyond a hundred times the stride.

And when they flew out just now, all the vampires who were hit by their wings were all smashed to pieces.

I thought the wings were just an auxiliary gene weapon, which greatly improved the speed, that's all, but I didn't expect the power to be so amazing.

Gene Wu, worthy of Gene Wu!

However, just as Zhang Fan was excited and his blood was boiling, suddenly, the shimmering light on the wings behind his back disappeared.

His speed instantly slowed down a lot.

Zhang Fan's heart shuddered.

The Genetic Weapon of a junior fighter can only be used once in a battle, and it should not exceed one minute at most.

He is a level 9 warrior, and it is already a miracle that he can use genetic weapons.

After using it for half a minute now, it is already the limit.

So the twilight disappeared, and Zhang Fan felt a sense of weakness in his body.

He felt that the wings seemed to be retracted into the body at any time.

At this time, it was at an altitude of hundreds of meters. If it fell, it would be disabled even if it did not die.

He barely held on, dangling in the air, as if he was about to fall at any moment.

Ling Xiao also saw Zhang Fan's weakness, and quickly said: "We have to find a place to stop."

Zhang Fan nodded, looked around, and saw a naturally formed stone cave halfway up the mountain peak one kilometer away.

This hole is relatively hidden. If you fly at high speed, you will hardly notice such a small hole.

He quickly flapped his wings and flew towards the cave.

Shaking left and right, it took another half a minute to fly to the cave.

He couldn't hold on any longer, and quickly retracted his wings back into his body.

The two of them slammed into the cave by inertia.

However, at this moment, a black shadow shot out from the side.

Before the two could react, they were stuck by the black shadow, changed direction instantly, and flew towards the left side of the black hole.

They didn't have time to think about it, they felt that their eyes went dark and they couldn't see anything.

At this time, more than 30 meters below the black hole, a five-meter-long behemoth slowly crawled downward.

On its body, the skin was torn and torn, and there were blood blisters with pus and blood in many places.

It has four legs, but one leg has no flesh, only the bone is still exposed.

But this leg crawled up like a normal leg.

There was a big hole in its stomach.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a zombie toad.

It turned out that the zombie toad had been hiding by the edge of the hole.

When Zhang Fan flew over with Ling Xiao, he was naturally seen by it. With a stretch of its thirty meter long tongue, it swallowed the two of them.

The zombie toad climbed to the bottom of the mountain, jumped, and then jumped into a river under the mountain.

Hidden into the river, disappeared.

Just when the toad jumped into the water, the earl and the dozens of blood races had already chased him.

They thought that Zhang Fan had already flown away, so they quickly passed by the sky.

But just as he was about to fly over the mountain, a blood race suddenly shouted: "Count, there seems to be... a cave on the mountain."

"I just saw that guy's speed is so fast, he must not last long. Maybe he is hiding in the cave."

The count hovered in the air, looking at the halfway up the mountain below.

Sure enough, I saw a hidden cave halfway up the mountain.

If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it.

"Then hurry up and find it!"

The Earl gritted his teeth a little bit.


After listening to the earl's order, more than a dozen blood races flew down immediately.

Soon, they came to the entrance of the cave.

I saw that the hole was about one person high and nearly two meters wide.

They looked at each other, then burrowed inside.

However, at this moment, a huge head suddenly drilled out of it, and swallowed all these ten people in one gulp.

Seeing this scene, the vampires in the air outside all screamed and fled in all directions.

I saw that head, it was the head of a giant python. ()

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