Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Three hundred and fifty-six chapters of the Martial Arts Association

Just when Sima Yu ordered the dozen or so warriors to rush towards Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan suddenly moved.

His right hand shot out instantly, grabbing Sima Yu's back and waist directly.

Sima Yu's complexion changed drastically, and he was shocked.

Apparently he didn't expect that Zhang Fan was so bold that he would actually dare to fight in the Warrior Association.

At the same time, Zhang Fan's breath leaked out with such a movement.

Sima Yu could feel that Zhang Fan's aura was much, much stronger than his.

It is likely to be a high-level warrior.

This is something he never thought of.

It has only been a year since he was promoted to an intermediate martial artist last time, yet Zhang Fan was promoted to an advanced martial artist again.

This is really too appalling.

At the same time, Sima Yu's sense of superiority over Zhang Fan quickly disappeared, replaced by the familiar fear of being dominated by Zhang Fan.

At this time, he was extremely regretful.

If I had known earlier, I would not have provoked this evil star.

But things had come to this, it was too late for him to escape.

The only thing we can do is fight.

However, how could Zhang Fan's speed be compared to that of an intermediate martial artist?

Before he could draw out his weapon, Zhang Fan's right hand became a claw and pierced directly into his waist.

Then he grabbed the lumbar spine inside, shook it violently, and then lifted it.


There was a sound of cloth being torn.

The flesh on Sima Yu's back was directly torn.

The spinal bones inside, together with the skull, were lifted out by Zhang Fan.

The brain inside the skull was still beating.

A bloody smell suddenly spread throughout the hall.

Seeing this scene, all the warriors present backed away in horror.

Although they are warriors, have they ever seen such a bloody scene?

And they have imagined thousands of ways to kill, but they never imagined that there would be such a way of killing.

The spine bone and the skull are directly lifted out of the body.

What a terrifying sight this is?

Dozens of people were screaming and fleeing in all directions.

Those warriors did not dare to take a step forward.

At this moment, Sima Yu's brain was still beating.

His consciousness has long been engulfed by boundless fear and regret.

However, Zhang Fan won't let him regret for too long.

Grab the skull with your right hand and pinch it lightly.


Sima Yu's skull exploded, blood and broken brains splashed everywhere.

Only one blood core was left in Zhang Fan's hand.

Without looking at it, Zhang Fan threw the blood core into his mouth.

All the warriors at the scene felt their scalps tingling and got goosebumps all over their bodies.

After Zhang Fan swallowed Sima Yu's blood core, he turned around and looked at the remaining warriors.

Where did those martial artists dare to move again at this time, they turned around quickly one by one, and fled in all directions.

At the same time, in Wen Yangming's office.

Wen Yangming's heart trembled when he saw such a terrifying scene.

Why is Zhang Fan's strength so terrifying?

Judging from the speed shown by Zhang Fan just now, he has already reached the pinnacle of a high-level martial artist, and he is only a little short of being promoted to a peak martial artist.

At this time, Vice President James Liu called Wen Yangming: "President Wen, Zhang Fan's strength is too terrifying, we must go out and stop him."

Wen Yangming nodded and said, "Yes, go out now."

Said and hung up the phone.

But he didn't go out right away. From Zhang Fan's strength just now, he could already see that Zhang Fan's strength had been much, much stronger than it was nearly a year ago.

Moreover, judging from Zhang Fan's performance at the Martial Arts Conference, it was as simple as eating and drinking for him to leapfrog an opponent in seconds.

Even if he, a peak martial artist, goes out now, I am afraid that he will only end up giving away his head.

Thinking of this, his palms were sweating, and he kept walking up and down the office.

"What to do? What to do? What to do……"

As he walked anxiously, he thought about countermeasures in his heart.

At this time, his multi-function watch rang.

It was a call from a martial artist: "President, we have already found out that the source of the virus last night came from a student of Ling Guang Martial Arts Academy, Ling Xiao. There is also a suspected source of the virus, which is Zhang Fan."

Wen Yangming was overjoyed when he heard this: "Great! Release wireless virus detectors, the more the better!"


At the same time, in the hall, Zhang Fan killed five more warriors and swallowed their blood cores.

But these warriors are just elementary warriors.

Their blood core had little effect on Zhang Fan.

So Zhang Fan has not been promoted to the peak martial artist until now.

At this moment, Vice President James Liu came out and said to Zhang Fan, "Zhang Fan, stop—"

Zhang Fan heard Vice President James Liu's words and turned to look at him.

From the blood core of Sima Yu that he swallowed before, Zhang Fan knew that Vice President James Liu had actually proposed to save him, but Wen Yangming stopped him.

Moreover, Vice President James Liu treated Zhang Fan very well a year ago.

Therefore, James Liu was not included in Zhang Fan's devouring list.

"President Liu, this matter has nothing to do with you, it's best not to block my way."

As Zhang Fan said, he jumped over again, grabbed the head of a warrior with one hand, and swallowed the blood core.

Seeing this, Vice President James Liu quickly jumped in front of Zhang Fan: "Zhang Fan, stop doing stupid things, if..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Fan grabbed Vice President James Liu by the collar, and threw Vice President James Liu into the distance just like he did at the Martial Arts Conference nearly a year ago.


Vice President James Liu's body directly crashed through a wall and fell far away.

Just because Zhang Fan won't kill him doesn't mean he won't attack him.

After Zhang Fan threw Vice President James Liu out, he instantly killed two warriors and swallowed their blood cores.

"Wen Yangming, get out!"

Zhang Fan swallowed so many blood cores of warriors. From their memories, he knew that it was Wen Yangming who refused to let anyone go to Mount Hua to save him.

Moreover, Wen Yangming is a peak warrior, and if he devours his blood core, he will definitely be promoted to a peak warrior.

Therefore, his main goal in coming to the Martial Artists Association was Wen Yangming.

Wen Yangming left the office and slipped out of the headquarters of the Warrior Association through the side door.

Since the establishment of the Martial Artists Association, it has a history of more than one hundred years.

In the past hundred years, no one has ever dared to make trouble in the Warrior Association.

But today, Zhang Fan not only made a fuss, but made it so big.

In just two minutes, more than a dozen warriors from the Warrior Association have been beheaded.

And he kept yelling, telling the president of the Warrior Association to get out.

The president of the Martial Artists Association was so frightened that he didn't even dare to raise his head.

This is definitely a feat that can be recorded in history.

Zhang Fan shouted a few times, but Wen Yangming did not come out.

Zhang Fan didn't expect Wen Yangming, as the president of the Warrior Association, to be so cowardly.

So he ordered the nano watch to detect the entire Warrior Association, and soon, Wen Yangming was located.

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