Ling Tian had already flown into outer space and was in the orbit of the moon and the earth. Ling Tian only cut off at a speed slower than a gust of wind.

Feeling the pressure from behind, Ling Tian already understood what was happening.

Just understanding does not mean that he is interested. A person dominated by anger, not to mention the current Ling Tian, can easily defeat him even before he has recovered his memory.

Therefore, Chaya's current actions can only arouse Ling Tian's laughter.


With a sneer on his face, the current First King is like a clown. He is manipulated and played by Ling Tian. He is just a pawn. So, before you realize your value, continue to dance like a clown!

Ridiculous Laughter turned into a stream of consciousness and surged through the universe. Chaya, who was chasing after him, naturally felt that his anger had once again risen to another level. He was being teased, made a fool of himself, and ridiculed. What was even more disgusting was that he even accepted every move. If you don't do it, you will fail. This is an unprecedented insult to this first king, so——

"I will fucking tear you into pieces��!"

Extremely strong killing intent and consciousness messages shot out from Chaya's body, making Ling Tian and others in front understand Chaya's determination to kill.

"Oh, are you actually on the verge of final madness?"

I just teased him a little. Sure enough, Chaya's mental cultivation at this moment is still not enough.

In the Blue Kingdom, he is too invincible. He has been in a high position for a long time. Once he faces an absolute disadvantage, he completely loses the initiative. ?

However, the strong is always the strong. Even if he is extremely angry at the moment, the most important wisdom and calmness are still retained. Anyone who thinks that he has completely lost his sense and asks for a beating at this moment is completely seeking death.

"Oh, not only Chaya, but Baichou, who is controlled by the Dreamer, is also there? At this speed, we are about to catch up, but we can't let you catch up now. At least, let's delay it for a while."

Ling Tian was calculating something in his mind, and he had an idea.

"Wind, do your best to stop them with your storm."

Although it will be more effective to stop them personally, sometimes it is not good to be too good. What Ling Tian wants is to delay the time a little, not to completely stop them. Therefore, the best way now is to use this evil magic weapon - -storm

"I know."

Bang Feng, who had been observing calmly, knew that it was time for him to take action. Although he didn't know why Ling Tian didn't take action, the best way at this moment was indeed to use Storm

"Fifty levels of heavenly power, storm, world-destroying endless sword!"

Turn back and wave the storm in his hand. The most powerful power combined with the bad luck power of the storm, the boundless sword energy spreads like a spider web across the vast space behind him.

And although each sword energy has a huge impact on Chaya's level, It's nothing to a strong person, but its power of bad luck is definitely troublesome. As long as it encounters one, hehe, then continue to attack the street.

And sure enough, Chaya and Baichou stopped until the sword energy dissipated. If they don't, they won't be able to move forward for the time being.

"Well, that's it."

No more words, let's go!

After flying for a while, we finally arrived outside the earth's atmosphere.

It seems that the follow-up reinforcements were delayed due to something. They had already set off before, but now only the iron horses have arrived, and the other troops have actually arrived. Just emerged from the atmosphere

"How did you get here?"

Bangfeng asked, because if the reinforcements hadn't been so slow, they wouldn't have had to escape.

"The earth was strafed by Blue Country's special electromagnetic waves, long-distance consciousness communication was blocked, and we tried our best to organize enough manpower."

Leo was still the one who spoke, and after he finished speaking, thousands of strong men from the earth appeared behind him. In addition to the top Kebao, Bai Fuji and others, there was actually a new face whose power was no less than theirs.

A man with a nine-foot-tall body, the most perfect muscles, jet-black hair, and the most masculine face. The most special thing is that his eyes are different from normal people. His pupils are blood-colored, and the whites of his eyes are actually black..

Standing alone in the void, exuding a certain sense of oppression.

‘oh? Is this the real Shaantian? Hey, he is still young now, the reincarnation of the white-headed man will not only have such power. '

Yes, Shaantian, who is known as the perfect warrior, is the reincarnation of Baishounan. Although Baishounan was at his peak in that life, he was only inferior to Lingtian and Haihu, becoming the third person to use one million powers. A peerless strong man, but in fact he has not yet reached the ultimate level.

After being reincarnated as Shaantian, he will actually achieve the ultimate cultivation level. Therefore, it is Shaantian who dominates the main consciousness in the ultimate era, not Baishounan.

However, that will only come to the ultimate era.

However, since you have seen it, let’s say hello in advance.

Arriving in front of Cha An Tian, Ling Tian once again looked at this future ultimate strong man.

"Are you Ling Tian?"

It's natural to feel uncomfortable being looked at by others, so An Shura, who had lost his memory at this moment, spoke out.

"Well, I heard that after Takeo's death, a person who felt Takeo's power appeared. It is suspected that Takeo is not dead yet, and is that you?"

"Oh, I'm not that dead Bai Takeo, I have my own name, An Shura"

"Hey, An Shura?"

An Shura sneered at this moment. Didn't he know that he was Chaya's son?

Although he knew that he took the initiative to give up his memory to infiltrate the earth's powerful people, what does that have to do with Ling Tian?

"I won't mention your matter for now, but that other guy has been a coward for two years and still doesn't want to come out?"

A strong consciousness message swept across a certain area of the earth. Ling Tian seemed to be saying to some people:"Stop hiding, I have noticed you a long time ago."


The people present were also confused. They didn't know who Ling Tian was talking about.

"Not coming out? Then let’s revisit the scene from that day! Fifty levels of heavenly power, [Seven Great Limits], destroy the earth!"

The space rubble is pressed together with overwhelming force, and the unrivaled magnetic force hardens it to the limit, turning it into a terrifying giant that is a hundred times harder than diamond. It is then thrown down from space with force, and its destination is— —Sea Tiger Fifth City!

"What! Ling Tian, what are you going to do!"

Everyone present was shocked again, including An Shura.

What is Ling Tian going to do!

Doesn't he know what to do? Will it destroy everything within tens of millions of kilometers around the fifth city of Haihu!

This will destroy millions of lives on the earth!

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