"Oh, is there still a long time? So this is what it means, before that, we will not be enemies?"

Said such words with a ferocious smile, Bai Wunan exuded the most chilling atmosphere.

"No matter what you think, you can't be an obstacle to me at this time, so you don't need to test like this."

"Are you saying that I am no match for you at this moment? Do you want to give it a try?"

Power began to surge, the surrounding gravity began to become abnormal, and the broken earth began to float.

"oh? Have you fully gained the strongest power after rebirth? It's a pity, as I said before, you are not even qualified to be a stumbling block for me now."

Ling Tian waved his backhand, dispersing the terrifying atmosphere created by Takeo, and in one fell swoop changed the abnormal phenomenon caused by Takeo's magnetic field power. The broken earth healed again, the breath of life enveloped it, and the vegetation began to grow wildly. In the blink of an eye, , the grassland turned into a rainforest

"I prefer creation to destruction. You see, when they are born in my own hands, I feel an indescribable sense of accomplishment."

Incomparably beautiful environment, fresh air, and the accompaniment of the chirping of insects. In a blink of an eye, this place becomes a piece of paradise after the earth has been cleansed.

"That's amazing, my dear brother, your cultivation of the Asura Dao is hardly inferior to that of that thief."

The thief is naturally referring to Shaantian who took away Haitong. Even though Takeo no longer loves her, even if it is something he doesn't want, this hateful Bai Takeo will not throw it to others.

"Ha, if you think so, then Takeo, you may be looking down on me again."

Shaking hands again, some of the surrounding leaves began to fall off, and then, an astonishing transformation began to occur. They began to break, they began to change, and they - turned into flying butterflies!

Colorful butterflies surrounded Ling Tian, for all this Bai Wunan and Bai Chou, who had been watching, were secretly shocked by the changes.

"Shura Dao, six paths of reincarnation!"

"Yes, that's exactly it!"

Ling Tian not only reached the realm of six paths of reincarnation, but also evolved it into his own principles.

"I'm not doing all this just to neutralize your power, Takeo. I want you to know clearly that you are not my opponent at this moment."

Looking at Wu Nan, Ling Tian clearly stated his plan.

"And Takeo, you should rest assured that I will not attack you while you are still 'weak', and although I don't want you to be an obstacle to me in the future, the other side of the obstacle may be help."

Hearing the word 'weak', Takeo, who had always remained calm, finally changed and became more terrifying and vicious.

‘Weak, this reborn Takeo is weak? '

On the other side, Baichou observed Wu Nan more carefully.


The greatest power of luck hinders Baichou's perception. Takeo is extremely unhappy at this moment. It is the anxiety of being told the pain point.

"weak? what are you talking about!"

"You know what it is, and I will not interfere in any of your decisions now. And seeing that you are unhappy about not being able to control all this in your own hands, I will remind you, brother, to become stronger faster, so that you have the ability to resist all this."

Ling Tian began to slowly rise into the sky.

"But at that point, it is an obstacle or a help, it is your choice, Takeo. Although, it will be the same in the end, only one of us will survive."

Flying farther and farther, Ling Tian's last words fell.

"Until then, Takeo, just do what you think you should do, kill the people you think should be killed, and I will not interfere with anything on the earth for a long time."

Silence enveloped Bai Wunan, and the beautiful antenna was also shaking, reflecting the changing emotions of its owner.

"Wu Nan, Ling Tian said this, so what are your plans."

Although I don't like the current Takeo, Bai Chou, who has a big priority, needs to understand Takeo's plan in order to regain their home.


Flicking the antenna on his forehead, Takeo finally showed a smile, a smile that was so hateful and evil.

"Since my good brother said he would not interfere in Dadi and my affairs, he will naturally keep his promise. It’s just that since it’s been made clear that we will all end up fighting each other in the end, my hateful big brother is really hateful and made it clear directly without even giving me any room."

"snort! In this case, let us first make plans to take back the land. But before that, my good father, should we kill a hateful thing that betrayed us?"


Then he will only be a hateful Thirteen Taibao, the Bailu-Bao of the past!"

"Yes, it's time to settle the score."

For a moment, even Bai Chou showed an angry attitude.

It is conceivable that in the hands of an evil Bai WuNan, the end of the Thirteen Taibao will be extremely sad!

"And after that, it will be the so-called Battle of Heavenly Kings, which will also be a good opportunity for our Earth Martial God to return!"

Everything has been planned, and secret weapons are being built.

Takeo, we must achieve great things that no one on earth can do!"

"At that time, I was the greatest emperor on earth, hahahahaha!!"

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