It has been several months, drifting in the cold and ruthless space of the universe, and questioning my true heart has also been going on for several months.

Until today, a strange premonition appeared in me, pulling me back to reality from my mental experience.

"This feeling? Yeah? It’s about time."

The fluctuation that just appeared is the painful feeling of Takeo's sudden illness.

Takeo, who was reborn based on a piece of incomplete gene, has a fatal genetic defect.

A terminal disease that even if he is reborn, his body will deteriorate and rot within two years, and even if he absorbs Bailu- Bao's blood of the Bai family can only prolong the onset of the disease, but cannot cure it.

The evil Bai Wunan is not afraid of death, because he can be reborn once, but this terrible problem will still appear in two years. The terminal illness troubles him. The genetic defect is an innate thing. Even the effects of cell recombination are ineffective. Only by going one step further and reaching the realm of nuclear fission and being able to freely modify genes can Takeo completely get rid of this terminal illness.

Wu Nan can only make the last choice - to absorb the blood of the Bai family to make himself truly invincible forever!

And now the best goal is Bai Chou, so Bai Wu Nan needs to arrange for Bai Chou and Chaya to fight. Finally, he reaped the benefits.

In the past few months, Bai Wunan secretly developed nine demon weapons that were only slightly weaker than the God of Destruction!

Moreover, for these things, Bai Wunan had to cede half of the land to do this. Takeo, who has done great things, is regarded by everyone on the earth as the strongest emperor.

Now, it is time to eliminate other troubles.

"Finally, is it time for a friend to leave?"

This will probably be the last chance to face Baichou before the ultimate era. After pondering for months about the passing of an admired friend, I feel a rare loneliness.

At this moment, I understand even more the helplessness of eternal life. , but, I have to get it in the end.

Because, I am still a soft-hearted person, even if I have a long life and see through all kinds of things in the world, I still have the original heart - a flame called love. Extinguished.

But the five thousand years of burning have made it more and more prosperous.

Power is not necessary, but it would be more tragic to have power that cannot even save the one you love.

What is the use of the power of eternal life ? , its other side of power - omniscience and omnipotence, can enable me to save everyone I want to save without fear of fate, because I am soft-hearted, but I still don't have the courage to make up my mind. Understanding, five thousand years of loneliness has made me deeply understand the horror of eternal life.

Therefore, I cannot easily make up my mind.

However, I still have time, which is also an extremely long time for immortals, so I will go first. Say goodbye to your friends.

The next time we meet, it will be the ultimate battle to the death.

Using his strength, he forcibly stopped his floating. In the past few months, Ling Tian has actually floated near Pingyuan Planet (Saturn).

Follow, Ling. The sky turned into fire and flew towards the earth.

At this moment, the earth was in an unprecedented turmoil. Both the earth and the people of the Blue

Country were trapped in one place - Snow Fire Peak.

Fight to the death here.

And for his own plan, Bai Wunan ordered the demon gods to cooperate with high technology to completely block this place.

Of course, it is to ensure fairness and not let others disturb it.

But what is the truth, smart people. There are already guesses, but do they dare to say it?

Even though they know there is a trap, no one can stop the life-and-death battle between Bai Chou and Chaya.

Now, their battle has entered the final stage. When Takeo stopped them, Chaya and Baichou had been fighting for half a day.

Now the place had been bombarded beyond recognition.

The combined force of the powerful magnetic force was a million horses (only a very small range of magnetic field superposition effect). ), appearing several times to change the physical constants here (it was something that even a coffin board could not hold down when Newton saw it.)

And in this place that has become weird, the two former ones have not yet been separated. Victory or defeat

"Three hundred thousand moves already, Chaya, your killing moves have been completely exhausted."

"Then you, Baichou, are also different? After 300,000 moves, you can only use the so-called blasting fist."

"Ridiculous? Then you are totally wrong! By constantly using the Sea Tiger Explosive Fist, I can truly understand its true power, a power more terrifying than any killing move!"

"Huh, you say it's the strongest? Then why did you create the World-Destroying Sea Tiger Sword? And who says I don’t have a killer move? Bai Chou, the next move is the most powerful combination of my and my second brother's moves. Let's see how the punch with blood thicker than water will crush your blasting punch!"

"Huang Ji is experienced in the world, shocking the world and has no regrets, a peerless blow!"

The extremely powerful blow can be said to be Chaya's strongest move now.

However, Baichou noticed something wrong with it.

Then, Baichou did not choose to take it head-on, but made a mistake.

Because , the ultimate blow finally caused the old wounds on Chaya's body to burst out uncontrollably, and the seven orifices bleed.

The powerful blow was so powerful that even the triple magnetic field shield could not stop it and was noticed by the outside world.

"Baichou, what are you doing? Why don't you fight with me?"

"Because you were injured a long time ago"

"So what if TMD is injured? Didn’t I try my best to defeat you before when you were injured? Now you actually missed the opportunity?!"

"Chaya, at your level, do you think I can’t see it? Your injuries were from the battle with the God of Destruction, and you haven't healed yet."

"Enough said! Are you going to fight today or continue to talk nonsense!"

"Of course it's a battle, but unlike you Chaya, in a one-on-one battle, I, Baichou, will never take advantage of anyone's danger! I will defeat my opponent in an upright manner, and this is my promise to my eldest brother Bai Zheng! Haihu's blasting punch comes out!"

Driven by the power of the magnetic field, Baichou actually punched himself?

And judging from the amount of blood he vomited, the injury was definitely not light.

And isn't this the heroism that a strong man should have?

Chaya was shocked. From a certain perspective Said, he was defeated, defeated without any room

"Well, it's almost done. You and I should be about the same strength now. Come on, let's finish the fight just now."

He was vomiting blood, but at this moment Baichou's momentum reached its peak.

"You fucking idiot, since you are seeking death, I will help you!"

"Sea Tiger Explosive Punch!"

"A shocking blow!"

Without defense or dodge, both sides directly hit their opponents.

And their overwhelming power even destroyed the two injured strong men in pieces.

"The magnetic field rotates!"

"Cell reorganization!"

Forcing the whole body's strength, they have to reorganize the body that has been decomposed almost in half, but the Fifty Heavenly Power, which has been greatly reduced in flow, is not enough.

"Am I going to die here in vain?"


"I would never die like this! I am the strongest person in this universe, with absolute power, show up for me!"

Despite everything, Baichou went to the state of selflessness to use the vitality of the mad valley, and then, a power that surpassed the fifty heavens appeared.

The power was injected into every cell like a flood, and the magnetic field power not only broke through the fifty heavens, but also The endless reappearance reorganized Baichou, who was only half a body, and restored his strongest or even stronger fighting power.

After Baichou was successfully reorganized, his power reached the realm of the sixty-nine heavens!

"It's impossible, how could Baichou have such power!"

The other Chaya, who was struggling on the verge of death, was also shocked.

"Could it be an illusion? No matter what, even if it is an illusion, I will only be stronger! Strength, come out to me!"

He was unconscious, but the crazy Chaya also tried to destroy his power. He also succeeded, reorganized his body, and obtained stronger seventy-level power!

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