Seventy-fifth heaven, the realm of atom splitting.

It is a completely different realm from before, a realm that is so different.

People in this realm can already manipulate material atoms at a microscopic level. Although the previous power realm can also achieve effects such as material strengthening, it is just pressing matter with force, something similar to high-pressure reactions and chemical reactions. In essence, the material type has not changed, iron is still iron, but the hardness and other physical properties are slightly different.

But it's different when it comes to the realm of atom splitting. They can truly manipulate microscopic atoms, just like nuclear reactions, completely transforming light atoms and heavy atoms, completely changing the type of matter. Iron can turn into water, and water can turn into uranium.

Just like Ling Tian just now, he completely changed the atoms of the small gravel, causing it to produce an unnatural atomic fission reaction and turn it into a nuclear warhead-like explosion.

And this is what Bai Takeo feels. It is not an explosion caused by infusion of power, but nuclear fission controlled from a microscopic level!

However, it would be okay if Ling Tian was an ordinary Seventy-Fifth Heaven. Although Bai Wunan couldn't win, it would be no problem if they were evenly matched. Moreover, at his full realm, as long as he was careful, he could even turn defeat into victory.

But, is Ling Tian an ordinary strong man?

No, Ling Tian is definitely a powerful man whose wisdom far exceeds that of Bai WuNan at the moment!

Anyone who can split an atom can do it as long as he can reach the seventy-fifth level.

But if paired with Ling Tian's complete realm, it would be a world of difference!

Ruwei, a power manipulation ability that is different from that of a normal strong person.

It's like the difference between the force of one hundred tons per square meter and the force of one hundred tons per square nanometer.

Those who first enter the realm of atom splitting can only barely manipulate atoms and produce fission reactions, but cannot get what they want.

Lingtian, on the other hand, has complete atomic manipulation. Not only can he easily change the restrictions between atoms, turning iron atoms into hydrogen atoms, he can even turn hydrogen atoms into uranium atoms. The atomic sequence gap between them is so large that it is unimaginable!

Therefore, if Ling Tian is willing, he can create unlimited nuclear fission and form nuclear fusion reactions at the same time.

Heavy atoms split into light atoms, light atoms fuse into heavy atoms, and the nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions are almost infinite cycles!

As long as a small piece of material is as big as a thumb, Ling Tian can make it release energy that can destroy a country!

However, to do this, only Ling Tian's true body can do it.

Because when doing this, extremely strong and profound control and flow are required in the early stages.

Without the ultimate power flow, it cannot support such consumption.

But being unable to do such a thing does not mean that you cannot do other things.

Science (what a lie!) speculates that as long as there are 1.5 million horses, antimatter can be created, that is, the antimatter realm.

However, the limit of what this universe can allow for the strongest is the self-destruction state of one million horses.

But if you use a trick (a trick that only the strongest can do), with a profound and complete realm and flow cultivation, you can superimpose the power of 750,000 horses twice in an instant, and you can create antimatter at one point. This is Here comes the ultimate move of the Giant Shark King - the God-Destroying Thunderbolt!

And how could Ling Tian, who knew this principle, not be able to do it?

Although Bai Wunan didn't know these things, given his wisdom, he understood that Ling Tian was definitely not someone he could afford to offend now.

His face changed faster than turning the page in a book. The murderous intention and evil consciousness disappeared in an instant, and an intriguing smile appeared on Bai Takeo's face.

"Why, my good big brother showed up here to teach me, this abominable father-eating thing, a lesson?"

Although he said this, Bai Wunan guessed that Ling Tian's purpose was not this, and he felt that if he did not take action against Ling Tian, Ling Tian would not take action to hinder his next performance.

Looking at this, it should be Even though it's a hateful thing, I didn't show any other expressions. All I have now is my feelings for the death of a friend.

"Takeo, I don't intend to scold you, because I don't have the qualifications to teach you a lesson."

Wang Takeo, I continued.

"Perhaps you have also guessed that I know all about your affairs and your fatal dangers, and I have also guessed your plans. Therefore, I have already had a premonition of today's situation."

Sighing helplessly

"But I had anticipated this situation, but did not stop it. So, am I as cold-blooded and ruthless as you?"

Bai Wunan, who was obviously stunned, reacted immediately.

"Hahahahaha! Oh I see."

Slowly gathering strength, Bai Wunan knew that he could no longer fight and did not intend to waste his energy.

"Brother, I don’t know about you, but now I also know that I am a hateful and cold-blooded person. As long as I have the opportunity, I will get rid of the most dangerous enemy, and that enemy is you, my dear Brother, don’t you plan to get rid of me now who is obviously trying to kill you?"

Hearing such a reply, I was indifferent.

Because everything has been arranged long ago, I don't need to do things that waste my strength. Fate will arrange everything well, and that's when it's time to harvest the ripe fruits.

"No, I told you, I will not interfere in your affairs for a long time. As long as you don't bother me, I will not take action."


Hearing such an answer again, Bai Wunan didn't understand it. Bai Wunan, a man with unparalleled wisdom, also didn't understand the answer.

"Why? Now that I have clearly shown my attitude, it would be better for you to get rid of me earlier, so that no one will come to compete for what you want, brother. And I don't believe that the eldest brother at this moment still has any brotherhood."

Yes, Bai Wunan understands that Ling Tian is by no means a soft-hearted person. As long as there is a threat, he will never let it go.

"Let me tell you clearly."

It's okay even if I tell Bai Wunan part of my plan, because this is a conspiracy. Even if I know my plan, Bai Wunan has to fall for it."

"Because I want someone strong enough to defeat me!"


I don't understand. Bai Wunan doesn't understand what Ling Tian said.

"I can't tell you more things, but there is only one thing, and that is a strong man, a shocking strong man!"

My determination is unshakable. I am no longer the ordinary helpless person I was before.

"That is the key. When strong enough warriors gather together, their unparalleled ultimate battle that shocks the past and present will become the key to unlock it. And you, Bai Wunan, you were chosen by me, no, you are the ultimate strong man chosen by fate. Therefore, I need you to become stronger. You are incredibly strong now!"

Facing Ling Tian's speech, the selfish Bai WuNan rarely became interested again, interested in what Ling Tian said.

"what is that?"

"One thing, when you understand that life is precious, you will do whatever it takes to have it."

"ha! Then look forward to it, I will definitely get it by then!"

"Oh, at that time, I won’t hold back either."

Telling their respective determinations, although there will always be a battle, before that, they can cooperate.

"However, now I should go out to take care of my father's funeral and kill all those who disobey me."

Yes, people outside are already watching with eager eyes, and they can feel the changes here.

"Then I won't block your style. And next, you will become the only emperor of the earth and the universe"

"Oh, then let me use your words to kill those guys who disobey me!"

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