Ling Tian, who successfully broke through, calmed down and carefully felt his power at this moment.

"Is this the third awakening of the superpower? This is what my superpower is.

Decomposition, purification, reduction, storage and transformation of energy and matter? It's an upgraded version of my second awakening.

It's a pretty powerful ability, whether it's early or late.

But is there a limit to even the most powerful abilities? Now I can only absorb and store the energy of a nuclear bomb, which is of no use in the later stages of the God of War!

"Looking up at the universe, Ling Tian thought like this

"But superpowers can be developed. As long as I keep getting stronger, eventually I can even store a universe in my body! And now, let’s see the power of my special cheating device!"With that said, Ling Tian started to use his luck power.

The mainstream power in this world is the power of magnetic field. The ultimate strong man can even use the magnetic field to create a black hole. Let's take a look at the realm that Ling Tian can reach now.

The third level of superpower will Attracting the power of the universe, and the power of the universe is necessary to become the ultimate strong person, hundreds of thousands of volts of electric current appear on the body.

This is the state of electric current push, but it is obviously not the limit of direct current push, and the magnetic field symbol is at.

There are ten thousand horses, fifty thousand horses, one hundred thousand horses, two hundred thousand horses and two hundred and fifty thousand horses!

This is the highest peak that can be reached in the early stage of the Sea Tiger Era. It is said that those who reach this level will be able to explode the destiny star. In history, only Sakyamuni and Jesus could do it. However,

Lingtian, who is not a person of this world, does not have a destiny star, and the time traveler has reached the peak of the early Haihu era and cannot break through. No?

No, it won't. Ling Tian, who can now absorb powerful energy, has not yet reached his limit. Originally, the power of 250,000 horses was only what Oga and Haihu thought were the strongest in the early stage, and they were bound by their own egos. In fact, it can be stronger.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, adjusted for a moment, and his eyes focused. Since he is not a native life form of this world, Ling Tian does not have a life star, so there is no breaking star if he breaks through 250,000 horses! Phenomenon.

It can be stronger! Four hundred thousand and five hundred thousand horses! The anti-gravity realm has been reached without a doubt.

Ling Tian slowly lifted into the air, and the surrounding rubble was lifted. It also floated, getting faster and faster, and soon broke through the sound barrier and shot towards the universe!

Five hundred thousand horses is a dividing point, and only one with the power of five hundred thousand horses can survive in the vacuum of the universe..

Getting higher and faster, and getting stronger. With the power provided, Ling Tian seemed to be infinitely stronger, quickly breaking through 750,000 horses and reaching the realm of atomic splitting. , his vision suddenly became clear, and Ling Tian could clearly see the movement of every atom, and he could also control them.

As a result, he activated the atom splitting realm, moving every particle in his body to perfection, strengthening himself with power.

Martial arts that had not seen breakthroughs for a long time have also begun to make breakthroughs, especially the Huntian Baojian, which has reached the final realm of the mysterious universe, and the three transformations of the mysterious universe can also be used naturally.

As for the seventh heaven-shaking movement of the innate Qiankun Gong.

With his powerful body, it is no longer a desperate move that will harm both sides.

The breakthrough in martial arts has brought about stronger changes.

Now Lingtian has passed through the atmosphere and arrived at the vast cosmic radiation and all kinds of ruthless space.

The flying cosmic particles are turned into pure energy and stored under the influence of the third-dimensional superpower.

The cold environment of more than one hundred degrees below zero is just a matter of time with the power of 750,000 horses.

The cosmic particles turned into fresh air and breathed into his lungs.

Ling Tian just stared at the universe, not knowing what he was thinking.

There is no doubt that Ling Tian can be called a god in modern times - the strongest. God of War!

In the next few decades, Ling Tian will be the strongest.

But what happens after that?

Does immortality mean immortality

? It's rising, but not toward the earth. Where is it toward?

After a while we knew Ling Tian’s destination—the sun!

What on earth is Ling Tian going to do and why is he rushing towards the sun? We don’t know anything.

The sun, the origin of life, is also the end of life. It is almost an ideal sphere intertwined with hot plasma and magnetic field. The surface temperature is 5800K, the core temperature is as high as 15 million degrees, and the pressure is equivalent to 300 billion atmospheres. The thermonuclear reaction in which four hydrogen nuclei are fused into one helium nucleus is going on at any time.

Why did Ling Tian go to such a terrible place?

This is a place where only ultimate life can survive. What's scary about the sun is not only the ultra-high temperature, but also the extremely terrifying magnetic field, which is far beyond what Ling Tian can contend with now.

But Ling Tian's power began to grow stronger again, constantly rising, easily surpassing the nuclear fission realm of 850,000 horses, until - the realm of 990,000 horses!

A realm second only to the legendary ultimate power (the ultimate magnetic field power of one million horses).

A few months later, Ling Tian returned to Earth. Let's take a look at his current changes.

Huh? What's going on? Why did Ling Tian's power suddenly only have the power of 500,000 anti-gravity horses? Did you make reservations?

No! This is the limit of his power now, and for some reason, Ling Tian's awakened power has returned to the state of his second awakening.

Why, we won’t know until later! (I just won’t tell you why! Haha, hit me! If you want to know, just wait until the end of this volume. Maybe some smart kids already know it!)

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