"Takeo, there is no need to work so hard, because we have already won the battle just now."

Only the upper half of his body was left, his arms had been shattered, and even his cell reorganization power had been weakened to the extreme. Kebao, who was almost in a human-animal state, laughed strangely.

"Ha, Kebao, Kebao, you are so cute and stupid. How did you win when everyone here was willing to take advantage of me?"

Without looking back at the fallen Ke Bao, the giant shark's attention was on Ling Tian, because this was the last opponent who still had considerable fighting ability.

"But giant shark, you have always felt uneasy, so your instinct tells you that you should kill me first. Now, I will tell you the reason. Give me the power of the magic sword!"


Following Kebao's order, for some reason, countless knife marks appeared on the giant shark.

Now, the feeling of uneasiness is even more intense.

"ah! It was the sword power just now"

"They are waiting, waiting for the moment to explode together"

"!! It was the three thousand six hundred and seventy dollars just now! No, not just them!!"

"Yes, there are also the one hundred and fifty-seven swords I left behind at the beginning. You just suppressed them with strength instead of removing them, which is your biggest failure. And together with the power they had just now, they attacked the fatal thing"

"heart! ? Kebao, you want to destroy my heart?"

The feeling of uneasiness is getting more and more intense, as if, no, there is definitely something wrong!

Although these powers can indeed completely destroy the giant shark's heart and strangle him on the spot if they fully explode, they must be able to explode. Okay.

Can't the giant shark with the most powerful force suppress them again?

No, it can. And as long as it is suppressed again, the giant shark will not tolerate their continued existence, even if it consumes strength. , he will also remove them immediately after suppressing them.

Therefore, although there is still a sense of crisis, the arrogant giant shark will still not be afraid.

"Oh, TMD Kebao, you are so cute and stupid. Now that you have revealed your trump card, why can't I break it? These things still can't kill me! Unless you can severely damage my brain at the same moment, there is no way you can kill me! And now, who of you has this ability, who can seize this moment of less than two seconds to inflict serious damage to the brain!"

The giant shark is not worried at all, because this time is too short, and he believes that even the strongest Ling Tian cannot severely damage his brain in two seconds, because the brain and heart are the strongest and the most protected. The place


But Kebao's answer was beyond the giant shark's expectation. The bad feeling and the life-threatening feeling really appeared. Where is the enemy?!!

I thought of it! It's him!

As smart as a giant shark, he can already guess the enemy with just a little thought. Where did it come from?

He wanted to solve the hidden danger as soon as possible, so without any hesitation, he wanted to destroy the Heavenly Eye on his forehead before he could attack.

"Third senior brother, thank you very much."

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The speed of thinking was several times faster than the movements of the giant shark.

In a ten millionth of a second, the Sky Eye self-destructed.

There was an evil demon knife power hidden inside the Sky Eye, and while it self-destructed, Just cut open the giant shark's brain and split it into two, even the war marks were shattered, causing his thinking to stop, but this was not fatal.

With the power of the giant shark, the heart would immediately destroy the severely injured brain.


But Kebao's sword force attacks the heart that needs the command of consciousness at the same time, making the two unable to cooperate with each other to save each other.

At this moment, the giant shark is in despair.


Even Bai Wunan breathed a sigh of relief. This time it was too dangerous.

Others, too, finally showed a victorious smile.

But suddenly, a wanton laugh came out. What a harsh laugh it was. , but even a fool can understand the joy contained in it. Despite this, everyone can't help but feel a chill.

"Haha, haha, hahahaha!"

"What's wrong!"

Bai Wunan suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if something beyond imagination was about to happen.

Others were also uneasy, just like the animal doctors in nature, who were panicked before natural disasters occurred.

"Finally, finally, I finally have an opponent to fight with!"

Ling Tian's laughter has stopped, but his fiery fighting spirit has become even higher.

"what are you saying!"

Although the feeling of uneasiness became more and more intense, the strong men present did not know where the uneasiness came from.

Ling Tian did not answer their thoughts. All his fighting spirit and attention had been concentrated.

"Hey, what are you still pretending to do? Hurry up before you die and let's start the real battle!"

Ling Tian concentrated on a giant shark that was turning into fragments of a strong man.

"What's the meaning!"

"Could it be!"

Everyone finally reacted and looked at the giant shark.

At this moment, the giant shark should have been completely broken. Why, why is it just breaking!

"Thief hahaha, as expected, can’t you be deceived by this trick?"

The voice of the giant shark appeared, and almost everyone began to despair. Why, why is the giant shark not dead yet!

The shattering phenomenon has stopped.

First of all, the knife force sweeping through the giant shark's heart seemed to pass through the giant shark's body like a phantom, A powerful killing force appeared behind the giant shark, shattering and cleaning the blood-stained earth.

Then, the head that was divided into two parts healed again, but the heavenly eye on its forehead had disappeared.

Finally, it turned out to be Qiang Dajiu. The power of 150,000 horses!

"Ha, what a critical moment. Unexpectedly, because of this thing, I actually broke through again, and my strength was completely full. I felt that I was truly invincible."

One step forward and the earth shatters

"Come on, let's continue."

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