Hai Hu has already attacked. He is so crazy that he is so reserved that he is about to blast the enemy who killed his father into pieces.

"The Seventh Heaven of Fire!"

"Huang Ji Jingshi Jellyfish Fist + Ice Palm!"

Good guy! Haihu's firepower is stronger than before!

But their battle can only be regarded as a small scene now, and the real meat grinder is still somewhere else.

"To be able to exert such power, Haihu becomes stronger and stronger! But even someone as strong as Oga is no match for me, and Sea Tiger is nothing. And if he wants to be my enemy, I will kill him like Oga you!"

Tianwu Giant Shark Fist!

The punch power of 250,000 horses smashed the surrounding area into a mess. This punch not only killed Oga, but also shocked Haihu.

But Haihu ignored him and started killing the ugly man crazily.

"This sea tiger, his madness is not as strong as mine, nor is it like Oga's tyranny. What is he without his natal star to exert his strongest power?"

"Haihu, if you are my enemy, I don’t want you to be as incompetent as Oga and fall so fast!! disappoint me"

"Heaven's way"


"Do you want to leave now?"

Oga stood up from the rubble with a bloody head.

"Don’t think that just because you and I are stronger, you can beat me. I, Oga, have met many people who are stronger than me in my life, but in the end, they were not all killed by me one by one. Have you ever defeated someone stronger than you? And if not, I will teach you, my little brother, what it means to be strong!"

Screaming wildly, the star behind Oga suddenly erupted with intense light, and suddenly shattered.


Oga also reached the star-breaking state, and then, they will start the next battle.

250,000 punch power VS 250,000 Tianwu Giant Shark Fist.

Two of the strongest creatures in history fight the strongest fist in history! The sky seems to be cracking and the sea is about to explode!

"Accident? God, let us continue to live here!"

In a round of bombardment, in order to kill the enemy, they used everything around them to increase their lethality.

"High frequency vibration, material hardening!"After hardening the stone tip, Tiandao will throw Oga towards it.

But if Tiandao can do it, why can't Oga?

Driven by current, magnetic field and electric field! Die!

The power of current equal to 200,000 horses is blasted into Tiandao's head. This The power makes Tiandao feel pain!

"TMD!"Tiandao immediately blasted Oga away with a head hammer.

In order to fight again, the two used the power of cell reorganization to repair themselves. In less than three seconds, they attacked each other again.


The two strong men fought against each other all night, and if it weren't for the power of the magnetic field and the reorganization of cells, they would have been shattered into pieces.

But it’s time to decide the outcome

"Third brother, this battle has come to a conclusion, and this time, it will prove that my heaven is stronger than yours!"

"nonsense! Only when one of us dies can we be considered a victory!"

"Yes, our punches have weakened, and the effectiveness of cellular reorganization is slower than before. And then, I can still use four strikes with a punch power of 250,000 horses, but I see you, you can only use three strikes"

"Then, use the Tianwu Giant Shark Fist to kill my third brother for me!"

Roaring wildly, the Heavenly Dao forced out his ultimate power, and the celestial phenomena were even more affected by the power of this magnetic field, and dark clouds covered the sky.

The Heavenly Dao has been exhausted, and Oga did not hold back. As a result, the environment became extremely harsh, with dark clouds, Strong winds, thunder and lightning, it seems like the end is coming

"not good! Big brother is going to lose! Seeing that the situation was not good, Yameng stopped the mad lion alone so that the virus could help his elder brother.

The ugly man also desperately used his life force to push the jellyfish fist, and finally found a flaw after taking another hard blow from Haihu's punch. After freezing the sea tiger, they finally rushed to Oga's side, but at this time, the two punches of 250,000 horses finally hit each other with a combined destructive power of 500,000 horses. Like a nuclear bomb, the ugly man and the virus were stopped, and around here, the human body seemed to lose gravity, and time seemed to stop.

The power of the second punch was equally terrifying, and the two of them moved forward even more powerfully.

"Let us die together with this last punch!"

But things were not as Ojia expected. Tiandao had already stored powerful power in his left fist and blocked Ojia's desperate punch.

"Then Oga, my third brother, goodbye!"

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