The ocean - the most mysterious place on earth.

The legends of the ocean are as numerous as the stars, and the most famous one is the legend of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean, at the junction of a certain plate, forms an extremely terrifying abyss. How deep is it?

Twenty thousand meters? Forty thousand meters? Hardly any person or being can know.

But today, we have a guest here.

That was Ling Tian who disappeared after rushing into the Atlantic Ocean.

Why is he here?

Ling Tian just treated the abyss as if it were nothing.

It doesn't make sense to say it, but in this tens of thousands of meters of underwater abyss, there is no light, ultra-low water temperature, and extremely terrifying water pressure. Only almost immortal microorganisms like tardigrades can survive.

And if the strong ones want to come here, they won't be able to survive without a magnetic field power of more than 500,000 horses.

There is only one result of being unable to survive - being crushed to pieces by the terrible water pressure.

Ling Tian continued to sink, and as the water pressure increased sharply, some impossible things began to appear.

They - yes, they.

They are like some kind of huge python, but no matter how big or powerful the python is, they are just earthworms in their eyes.

And they are demons—terrible killing creatures that appear in response to huge changes in the magnetic field.

No one knows how or why they appeared. Thousands of years in the future, they only left behind legends - the devil appeared and the magnetic field was chaotic!

From this we can know that they will only appear when the magnetic field undergoes terrible changes.

But why? Why do they appear in this era? They were born thousands of years ago!

And this is something we have to ask Ling Tian.

The abyss finally bottomed out, one hundred thousand meters away! Absolute forbidden area of life. And he is now conquered by a super life form!

A strange thing happened. There was no sea water at the bottom of this terrible abyss. Some powerful force was blocked by hundreds of millions of tons of sea water.

The vision suddenly opens up!

Buildings, magnificent and tall buildings, how is this possible!

"Sure enough, this place is better, don’t you think? Atlantis!"

"Yes Master. The Atlantis Ultimate Computer salutes you, Master!"

"Open the first martial arts training room, I want to practice"

"The first martial arts training room is open, please select the level"

"Naturally, it’s level one. This era is about to undergo great changes. It’s time for me to stretch my muscles first."

"First level confirmation. Virtual strongman confirmed. The power output of 900,000 horses is confirmed. The ultimate shield - 990,000 horses is opened! Master, I wish you a happy practice."

Terrible! From this conversation, we know that the terrifying power of 900,000 horses can only be regarded as a pleasant warm-up for Ling Tian.

What's going on? Let us uncover the mystery now.

Half a century ago, Ling Tian achieved the ultimate breakthrough, possessing an unprecedented power of 990,000 horses.

However, due to some unknown reason, Ling Tian's power dropped to the level of 500,000 horses, and the power of the awakened superpowers also returned. The second time.

In order to regain his strength, Ling Tian traveled around the world for half a century, which put his subordinates in a dilemma and could only prepare people in different places to meet and report for thirty years!. Lingtian regained the strength of 990,000 horses that he had reached.

This place was the place that Lingtian found intentionally or unintentionally - the ancient city of Atlantis that had sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean due to changes in the earth's crust. Ling Tian used the powerful power he finally recovered to transform and strengthen this place.

As the strong men became more and more powerful, their brains also developed more and more, and this was reflected in the complete state of ignorance. It is used for combat and martial arts analysis and training. It can also be used for scientific research.

Let's put it this way. The strong people may have different personalities, some are domineering, some are crazy, but they will never be stupid if they go deep into scientific research. They can definitely achieve great results.

How can Ling Tian fall behind them?

After becoming stronger, Ling Tian can finally understand and use it. Knowledge that he didn't understand before.

And this new city of Atlantis is his greatest achievement.

The ultimate computer built with ultimate wisdom - Atlantis, which can input various martial arts knowledge and powers. With its advanced technology, it is now enough to calculate and simulate powerful people to a certain extent, and can even strengthen them. Computers with the power of Huangji can even calculate the fortunes of powerful people and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

Atlantis itself can use powerful weapons with the power of 900,000 horses, and these weapons will become more and more powerful as the computer evolves, and his shield is even more powerful than 990,000 horses. The strongest person will never be able to break through.

The huge shield covering the entire underwater abyss not only serves as a defense, but also can hide this terrible place. Ling Tian believes that the technology that is hundreds of thousands of years ahead of the world is not the ultimate strength. If you don't, you will never find and open this place.

There is no shortage of lucky guys in the world. To prevent them from being accidentally discovered, it is the devil's turn to kill all unexpected factors and change their luck. It's unfortunate.

The demon gods used for defense and counterattack are terrifying weapons made and modified by Ling Tian using biotechnology.

Now the demon gods with the power of 500,000 horses will guard this place, and each of them has a life of thousands of years. With the growth of life, having the power of 990,000 horses is not a problem.

There are more and more terrifying things in this place.

All of this is preparation for the future.

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