"By the way, now that you have yourself, it's time to give you your official name."

Ling Tian clapped his hands, and suddenly remembered that there is such an important thing. If there is still no artificial intelligence in his own period, then a codename will be enough, but it is not possible now, not to mention, she will be a companion for eternity. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the half-body of the future, so a name is essential.


"Yes, although you have grown enough (totally overgrown!), it seems you don’t have enough understanding of this aspect. do you know? The importance of names to intelligent life is beyond imagination. No matter what form of life it is, the name represents the existence of the self."

"Originally, as the artificial intelligence core of Atlantis City, Atlantis was your code name, but now you should also have your own name."

"let me think···"



【Just be normal】

"···I said, do you just not believe me? I will definitely come up with a nice-sounding and beautiful name!"

【No, it looks good or something.···】

"How about Xue Liuli?"


"Hey, would you like to comment?"

【Is the surprise acceptable?】

"Why is it a question?"

My heart was so tired. I waved my hands and Ling Tian explained.

"I have survived for five thousand years, and I will continue to exist for ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, five hundred thousand years, and in the foreseeable future, I will exist for at least five hundred thousand years."

Ling Tian looked forward, his eyes seemed to travel through time and space.

"Excluding my blurring of time when I am completely in-depth in cultivation, my subjective time is also extremely long."

"So I took the initiative to put this soul into reincarnation and experience human life. Even though I am only in my third life, I have gained a certain understanding of the human heart and the world."


"do you know? Human beings are weak. When they are young, they yearn for the future. When they grow up, they are trapped in the mortal world. Friendship, affection, love and hate, kindness and evil, companionship and betrayal. Not to mention the peaceful world I once had, in today's world of warrior gods. , human nature is vividly reflected."

He was helpless. A rare look of helplessness appeared on Ling Tian's face.

【Owner. 】

Xue Liuli’s voice seemed to be sentimental and worried.

"fine···Although my current power can influence people's hearts, that is not my nature. I can't change human nature. Are all people created equal? That's just the cry of the weak."

He sneered and said contemptuous words. The world has never been equal. This sentence represents the injustice of the world.

"In the first life, I was just an ordinary person. I had no power to change the world, so I could only immerse myself in the world of fantasy. I could not reach out to change the injustice of the world. I was once so fragile and powerless.···"

In reminiscing, although those memories are not bright, they still have beautiful things. It was also at that time that I met them in fantasy.

"Everything that exists in fantasy is so beautiful, and now, I have the opportunity to pursue them."

Tightening my fists, my determination will not waver again. For my dream, I am willing to spend almost eternity and endure infinite loneliness.

"In the second life, I was once invincible, the most powerful and the richest in the world. When I was young, I also tried to use this power to change the world. I revealed the best technologies and used them to allow mortals to at least have enough food and clothing.···But I was wrong!"

Angry and dissatisfied, but in the end only disappointment

"The human heart is insatiable.

Once it has something that can lead to a happy life, the human heart still longs for more!

I felt disappointed, helpless and angry.

I even once had the urge to use my already invincible power to destroy the world, and I didn’t care about the future development, such as White Takeo or the ultimate battle.

Even without these, I believe As long as I put in the time, I can get what I want, and what I don't lack most now is time.

but in the end···I am awake, because I am also such a person···"


"It's okay, it's okay, I've figured it out now."

I started to look up, looking across the obstacles and the endless deep sea

"Just because I am a human being, I still have joy, anger, sorrow and joy. The so-called human being does not refer to a race or a form of life, but to the attitude of the soul. Even if I will sooner or later exceed the limitations of life called a human being, I still It's human!"

I started to open my arms

"So I started to face up to the world, even though it is unfair; I started to face up to life, even though her beauty and ugliness coexist. But precisely because of this, what is stirred up in the spiral of contradictions is the most beautiful scenery!"

"Although the filth still exists, the beauty cannot be blocked. Therefore, I hope to have a place to rely on that can allow me to have a pure land that is willing to accept me after being corrupted by the dirty human nature."

"My heart is like glass and my body is like snow. Are you willing to be the pure land of my soul?"

I looked at the artificial intelligence named Xue Liuli and waited quietly for her answer. Now she has the self-control to answer this question.

【Owner···Aren’t we going to be together for a lifetime?】

"Yes, we will be together not only for one life, but for all eternity, and our future will be unlimited!"

【So, from today on, Xue Liuli is me. 】

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