At this moment, the moon is being destroyed by a powerful enemy, Aoyun has been turned into ashes due to his own overestimation, and the Milky Way is still struggling to support itself.

Fortunately, a strong man came to support immediately

"Chaya, stop it!"

The voice has arrived before the person arrives.

"Oh, even if we use radio wave interference, we can still come here as soon as possible?"

The person who came was none other than Kuang Feng, who used his extreme strength to rush here as quickly as possible.

Without any explanation, Kuang Feng used the full force of the storm's endless sword to strike.

The sword energy was dense, and he killed Chaya and Zhaya with one move without reservation. Bai Chou fought back.

The wound after being hit by the knife was small, and he could recover it with just a moment of consciousness. It didn't seem like a big deal, but···


I don't know why, but a building actually stepped down, and the extremely powerful Haihu couldn't avoid it?

On the other side, Chaya has also landed on the ground.


He actually inserted his whole body into the ground. How could he be so helpless when he has the realm of anti-gravity!?

Not only that, some disgusting yellow things suddenly emerged from the place where he fell.


The unlucky Chaya actually fell into a pit (I don't know about Sigma or anything.), and misfortunes never come singly. When Chaya opened his mouth to speak, something dripped into his mouth.

"Damn it! Bah, bah, bah···"

I don't know why this happened, but on the other side, Baichou came out, which had shattered the building. It was extremely powerful, as strong as a god. Although he didn't know what happened just now, he would not allow it next.

Most things are not so easy to control. A fresh towel fell on Baichou's face, and he became black.

On the other side, Guangfeng is healing his junior brother Yinhe.

But Guangfeng is still paying attention to the situation of the two people.

But I don’t know why, Chaya and Baichou didn’t dare to step forward.

‘It's strange. With their strength, this shouldn't be the case. Could it be that the person killed by the storm is really a black man? '

If he can't bear it anymore, Chaya will kill those who saw his food.

"The King's Shocking Sword!"

The sword energy is concentrated. If the strong wind does not block it, the two of them will be in trouble.

"Junior brother, if you go to hold Baichou back, you must wait for support from Dadi!"

Chaya fights the storm, and on the other side, Baichou is approaching

‘I'm only in the fifth level, so I can't delay Baichou for long. '

I'm anxious, but there's nothing I can do about it


Bai Chou was about to take action, but he suddenly stopped.

There were not many people who could stop Bai Chou, but two people appeared this time.

One was naturally Ling Tian, and the other turned out to be Tiema. The one who now calls himself a waste has regained his original form. strongman

"Unexpectedly, the brat who was so greedy for profit at the time would actually gain enlightenment today. And if you are given enough time to realize this, you will become a terrifying and powerful man who surpasses Baichou."

"Senior, you think highly of me. Although I have made some progress now, I am still a loser. The truth I see clearly now turns out to be so simple. In the past, I could find it many times, but in the end I was trapped by fame and fortune. It's really a waste."

Although he was praised by Ling Tian, he was neither arrogant nor impetuous. He just focused on guarding against Bai Chou.

"Oh, you are a piece of trash, but you know, your potential that you don't even understand, maybe you can't compare with Takeo, but you have a chance to surpass these old guys in front of you, but it may be a little small."

Ling Tian saw it most clearly. At this moment, Tiema has achieved a kind of intellectual understanding. This situation will never happen twenty times in history. And everyone who reaches this standard, as long as they don't die, will eventually die. He has become a great man, and although he has not yet reached the goal of being the ultimate powerhouse, he can definitely become invincible!

It's a pity that he doesn't have the destiny to be the ultimate powerhouse, and he was born at the wrong time in this era. There are too many strong men who surpass him. In the end, Iron Horse can only become cannon fodder for the stronger ones. And if he is lucky enough to obtain reincarnation, he will eventually become just one of the thousands of souls who become the ultimate martial god, rather than an independent ultimate Strong.

If the unfortunate Tiema is lucky enough to be born in the ultimate era, and even though it is only a moment of glory, he will indeed have a chance to achieve ultimate cultivation at that time, although he will still be cannon fodder in the end.

"What, boy, do you want to have a date with Bai Chou, who doesn't know how to hold back? Let me see if you are a waste now?"

Originally, if Ling Tian took action, he could easily delay the arrival of support, and if he ignored his true strength, he could defeat Baichou and Chaya in five minutes.

But isn't this boring?

So, Let's just watch the show, there are plenty of opportunities to compete.

"If senior actually wants to see it, I won't refuse. Brother Yinhe, please step aside first."

Aiming the world at Bai Chou, the iron horse is about to show off its power.

On the other side, Chaya was slightly confused by the two people who appeared in front of him again, and was accidentally hit by the strong wind.

Although it was okay, it was going to be bad in some aspects. Got it!

‘No, this strong wind is a bit evil, I'd better retreat first! '

I made a rational decision at the moment, but bad luck cannot be avoided.

As for strong winds, you should also monitor the situation carefully

‘It's okay, how can a knife bring bad luck to someone?’


"What? Banana peel?"

I don't know when my left foot stepped on a banana peel, and this funny thing actually made Chaya slip!

‘How could I, the majestic king of the Blue Kingdom, be slippery on a banana peel when I hit the streets? Give me the fifty-fold heavenly power! '

It must have been settled, but this time I used too much force. Chaya actually had a double blow, and my pants were torn.···

"What the hell happened!"

It's really unlucky for Chaya to be made so mad by this thing that he roars."


Unable to bear it any longer, Ling Tian, who had been watching the plot from the beginning, finally couldn't help but laugh.

No, it makes me laugh!

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

The extremely mean-spirited mocking laughter resounded across the moon, driving the already dark-faced Shaya crazy.

"You stinky bastard! laugh! I make you laugh!"

Ignoring the strong wind, or in other words, not daring to touch the strong wind for the time being, Chaya killed Ling Tian like a madman.

"well? Do you blame me for your misfortune?"

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