Ultimate Martial Divine King

Chapter 264: Chuchen in distress

噺 ⑧ 一 中文 网 ωωω.χ⒏1zщ.còм 哽 噺 繓 赽 捌 ㈠ 小说 哽 噺 繓 赽 捌 ㈠

"Booming ..."

From the valley of the valley, pits of people!

Sudden changes have plunged the entire valley into unprecedented turmoil and confusion. The dark black clouds over the valley seemed to swell like waves.

In the abyss of the rock layer broken in all directions with the ghost tree as the center, thick black mist rises wantonly. And it is connected to the magic barrier in the sky, and merges into a giant bird cage ...

There is black fog blocking the road in front, and a ghost vine is killing you in the back!

The geniuses of the major dynasties are all in flight.


In Chu Chen, with a soft palm, he pushed Luo Mengshang and Shao Yan, and after the three of Chen Yu were sent out, they started the one where Ziyingyi left, and they came from nowhere. The life-threatening vine was directly attached to Chu An's right leg ankle.

As soon as the extremely flexible gray vine entangled Chu scar's right leg, it tightened instantly and dragged it back immediately.

"Chu marks ..."

Yu Chenyu, Luo Mengshang, and Shao Yan, who had successfully arrived at the opposite of the fault seam, were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Ancient tree, the vine!"

Yu Chenyu shouted loudly, then raised her hands lightly. Together with the strong breath of life, several green tree vines flew out of her palm and struck toward Chu.

"Chu marks, grab my tree vine ..."

Of course, Chen Yu's ancient tree vine arrived at Chu Hen's side, and the thick black mist in the crack of the earth's fault soared into the sky. When the verdant ancient vine touched the overbearing black gas, it withered directly.

Immediately afterwards, the monstrous dark mist magic barrier immediately blocked the Chu mark.

"Chu marks!"

"Master Chuchen!"

The faces of several people were all upheaval. Shao Yan frowned, his eyes were solemn.

Luo Mengshangyu clenched her hands, her knuckles were a little pale, "Don't die like this!"


The gloom of the sky rolled down, and the gloom of the ground rose upwards.

That huge 'black bird cage' gradually took shape.

The tenacious vine is the owner's tremendous force, constantly dragging Chu marks toward the ghost tree. Even worse, there are seven or eight deadly vines coming towards this side.

Each one is like the gray python, which is unusually infiltrating.

Chu Chen quickly stabilized his body, raised his hand and waved Sen Luo's teeth, and the sharp knife force cut out, cutting off the vine under his feet ...

Then, the purple shadow wing on the back shined brightly and swept directly forward.

Chu Chen's speed is extremely fast, looking at the black mist barrier that is close at hand, a little relieved in his heart, as long as he breaks through this layer of obstacles, he can escape.

Of course, just as Chu Hen raised his black sword to break through the dense fog obstacle ahead.

"Boom!" A violent airflow trembled in the air, and a bright golden light net popped up without any warning in front of Chu mark ...

this is?

Chu scar was frightened.

Unexpectedly, he was immediately firmly covered by the front of this golden light net.

"Well ..."

The next moment, those looming vines that came after them directly took the opportunity to entangle the limbs and limbs of Chu mark, as well as the waist ... The heavy feeling like a chain of iron suddenly spread all over.

Chu Hen's pupils shrank, and the corner of his eyes was a glance. I saw a familiar young figure standing not far away, looking at himself with a playful smile, and his eyebrows were full of pride.

"Huangfu, Liang ..." Chu Hen roared angrily.

"Hey!" The cold, smug smile appeared more and more intense on the young man's face, he waved his hand towards Chu Hen, and said in a frivolous tone, "Good to go!"

It turned out that from the beginning, Huang Fuliang was hiding nearby and waiting to move.

This is a great escape for others.

But in Huang Fuliang's view, it is a great opportunity to get rid of Chu marks.

It didn't take much effort, and no one saw that he did it. God didn't know it, and he didn't know it.

"Well ..."

In the blink of an eye, Chuchen's entire body was sturdy with gray, life-threatening vines, from the legs to the waist to the chest, then the neck, the head ...

One second before the sight was about to be blocked, a strong murderous intention erupted in Chu Hen's cold eyes.

"Huang Fuliang, if I don't die today, I will make you sad."

"call out!"

With the words falling, Chu Hen was completely tied into a 'cocoon'. Immediately dragged back, and then hung under the ghost tree.

"Hum, I want to fight against my Huang Fuliang, next life!"

Seeing Chu Chen completely trapped by the ghost tree, a cold smile appeared on Huang Fuliang's face, and there was absolutely no chance for the other party to survive.

Immediately, Huang Fuliang did not dare to make any more stops here.

While avoiding the oncoming vines, a strong dazzling golden light erupted in the body, and the deep Dragon Yin exuded majestic air. An illusive dragon shadow lingered outside Huang Fuliang's body. Under the protection of the dragon shadow, he passed directly through the thick and overbearing black mist obstacle and steadily swept to the outer safe area.



It's dark, and the sun and the moon are dark!

The bitter eerie chill permeated the entire Ligu.

The geniuses of the various dynasties are standing far away on the surrounding mountains, and their hearts are filled with the feeling of palpitations in the rest of the life after the disaster.

The eyes of everyone looked forward, full of fear.

The magic barrier in the sky is completely connected with the yin in the ground beneath it, looking far away, like a huge black bird nest.

Around the bird's nest, soaring air filled the air.

That huge tree of ghosts was shrouded in it, and with them were the ghosts hanging under the tree of ghosts.


The geniuses of the major dynasties who escaped from the dead were breathing a long breath.

That was really thrilling just now.

"Brother Qi Teng, what is going on here?" A young woman of the Juyan Dynasty asked with lingering fear.

Qi Teng's eyes were soft and he shook his head and said, "This Ligu has existed since the beginning of the founding of the Seven Souls, and there were unceasing battles and constant fires. Tens of thousands of souls died here. I think, It should be the ghosts that are scattered, gathered here and turned into that ghost tree ... "

Everyone was secretly frightened, the ghost tree transformed by thousands of souls, the gathered yin and its hugeness.

"Let's go! The smolder there is afraid that it won't dissipate within six months."

Qi Teng took the lead in expressing his abandonment of the clear ghost spring there.

Even if it was him, he couldn't persist in the huge dark mist for too long, not to mention that those vines on the ghost tree were too tricky.

Subsequently, the Lufeng dynasty Lu Qi and the sword dynasty Qin Yingxiao also led their teams to leave.

After such a thrilling upheaval just now, everyone's heart is in chaos, and for the time being there is not much mood to compete for the tokens in the hands of others.


There is a weird atmosphere on the Saint Star team.

"Didn't the Chu mark come out?" The giant elephant Lin Yuan frowned and showed confusion.

"Huh, it's really surprising!" Situ Feng's tone was light and a gloat smile appeared on his face.

Not far away, Yu Chenyu Jiao's body trembled slightly, jade hands clenched tightly together, her silver teeth biting her red lips, her eyes didn't feel slightly wet.

"Blame me!" Yu Chenyu's eyes were full of blame. If it was not for himself, Chu Chen would escape without any problems at all.

"Don't blame yourself, it's just an accident." Shao Yan's brows also expressed regret.

Chu Chen is dead, some people rejoice, some people are sad ...

Huang Fuliang frowned, and said lightly, "Let's go!"

The genius of each dynasty team left, and the Star Team naturally would not stay here.

Lin Yuan stepped forward to comfort a few people in Yuchen Yu and said, "Don't be too sad, staying here is not the way."

The Haunted Tree is completely closed by the endless dark mist and will not help even if it stays. Shao Yan sighed softly, then turned to leave.

Yu Chenyu's eyes contained wet tears, forcing them not to fall.

"Sister Mengshang ..." Lin Yuan saw Luo Mengshang still standing indifferently ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can not help but whispered a sentence.

"Huh?" Luo Mengshang turned her head back, Meimou slightly replied, "You go first! I won't be with you."

"Oh? Why?" Huang Fuliang turned back and asked.

"none of your business."

Huang Fuliang frowned, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and thought of Chu marks dying in his own hands, but his heart was particularly happy.

Then Huang Fuliang dismissed the cold hum, and then led the crowd to leave.

Soon, there was only Luo Mengshang in the entire Ligu Valley.

She let out a breath, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the huge black mist and cloudy air in the valley ahead.

"Honestly, I really don't believe you died so easily! Or, I'll take a chance for you ..." Luo Mengshang said with a red lips and murmured softly.

Then her body moved, and she was swept directly towards the huge dark misty air mass.

Near the edge of the crack abyss of the earth fault, Luo Mengshang lightly touched the ground with her toes, but she leapt up like a butterfly.

"Boom ..."

Together with a particularly amazing momentum, I saw Luo Mengshang unveil a pair of unreal white light wings. The pair of white light wings lingered in the dazzling bright light pattern, holy like the legendary angel wings.

"Buzz ..."

At the same time, the surging dark mist swelled like a raging wave.

However, Luo Mengshang was unmoved, a soft light emerged from her body, and something amazing happened. I saw that those overbearing sorrows were all isolated and it was difficult to hurt Luo Mengshang. .

"call out!"

Immediately, Luo Mengshang directly transformed into a flowing shadow and entered the thick fog and yin.

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