Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1257: Is it obvious enough now?

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I am going to go!

Xu’s shortcomings almost made a sound, unbelievable.

Retired for a year, not only him, but also several people in the vicinity of Duan Jiude also cultivated, but they have almost no conversation during this year, and have been exhausted in the sentiment of the Tao.

Xu is also the same, so he did not go too far to understand how his cultivation grew. Until now, he only observed his own cultivation after he knew it, but found that he did not step into the fairyland.

This is a very unexpected thing for him, because it is too unreasonable. According to his qualifications, it takes a year to spend a few years in the Jinzhiyu liquid pool. How can there be no breakthrough?

However, this is the fact that he is still out of the peak of the wonderland of mankind. It is only a little bit away from the fairyland. But it is such a little bit, and it has not crossed the past. All the fairy yuan is constantly being squeezed and squeezed in Danfu. The more sturdy and pure, the more magnificent.

Therefore, Xu lacked consciousness and thought about whether his own flesh had a problem. Under the circumstance, he only withdrew from the state of sentiment and checked the flesh.

But when he looked down, he was dumbfounded.

What is the special situation?

The good chicken has turned into a golden color, and it stands still there. The golden mang of the scorpion is particularly dazzling in the Jinzhiyu liquid pool, and almost shook Xu’s lack!

"Gold... Golden Chicken Independent?"

Xu lacks some crying at this moment, and he wonders why he really can't understand why this happens, but it can be clearly felt that there is a terrible force in it, all of which are condensed inside.

What is the use of this special?

How do you see people after taking off your pants?

When it’s hard to fight, take this baby as a weapon?

Although Xu lacks a shame, but there is no such bottom line, he is really difficult to accept!

"Cicada, Cistanche, you look at it, what's wrong with me?" Xu suddenly looked at the mouth of the hail, calling for enquiries.

He felt that the first time, this may be Xuan Rongrong doing things.

No matter how his **** knows how to call, the hail is no movement, empty, obviously Xuanyuan Rong does not want to pay attention to him, or can not ignore him, after all, in the end, it is just a remnant of the soul.

"Hey, wait a minute, it feels like you can control..."

Suddenly, Xu lacked the awareness of his own consciousness and seemed to be able to control the power there.

He tried to probe the gods into himself, then pulled the power and released it from it.


When God knows what to do, Xu’s body is like a domino that has been overturned. The terrorist power in the Golden Rooster’s independence is instantly washed like a dam. The ferocious floods rush into the body, inject meridians, inject bones, and even integrate into him. Blood and flesh.


Xu lacked a cold breath on the spot, feeling that the whole body was bitten by countless mosquitoes, and then it was a refreshing body that was liberated, and then bitten again, and the cycle was repeated.


Almost at the same time, in the hail that was supposed to be silent, a remnant of the soul reappeared.

Only this time, Xuanyuan Rong did not illusion, and only a light smoke was derived from the hail, which evoked a shocking mood.

"The smell of Pluto's hegemony... No, this has surpassed the Pluto's hegemony, and even has transcended from the beginning, but now it is changing!" Xuan Rongrong's voice whispered, and it looked awkward in the quiet palace. .

The three of the dogs in the palace did not hear the sound.

Xu deficiency is the only awake person, but now he is being tortured by the changes in the flesh, and there is still a mind to listen to the surrounding voice.

He felt as if he had returned to the underground of Pluto, once again experiencing the pain and suffering of physical remodeling, and this time it was significantly more terrible than last time.

one day,

Two days,

Three days,

Ten days...

Until the last seven or seventy-nine days passed, Xu was not numb because of long-term suffering, but felt that the body became more sensitive and the pain was more clear.

Fortunately, this day, he finally felt that the painful suffering is gradually decreasing.

He slowly calmed down.

The mood is calm.

The soul is calm.

The tight body is also calming down.

In the end, he fell into a very comfortable state, as if he was a desperate sprinting exercise, and he stayed up all night and stayed up for several days. Finally, he suddenly had a chance to sleep, so he fell asleep peacefully. It is.


At the same time, a white smoke came out of the hail, and the figure of Xuan Rongrong appeared again.

Her sorrowful soul finally manifested her figure again. Just taking a step, she has already appeared outside the temple, her eyes staring at Xu’s body.

"The hegemony and the body have been able to compete against each other. Only the Eucharist can surpass those two constitutions. The Eucharist has always been a guess and a concept. No one has ever been able to do it..."

Xuanyuan Rong was very dignified and whispered to himself: "What kind of creation has this experience? First, I got the hegemonic body that transcends Pluto. Now, because of this metamorphosis, the hegemony has been upgraded to a level. Could it be... is this the Eucharist that exists only in conjectures and concepts?"

Silence for a long time, she stood in the same place, thoughtfully, and finally the body shape slowly dispersed, and returned to the hail again!


The next day, Xu's eyelids finally trembled and woke up.

He noticed that the body became incomparably refreshing, full of explosive power, stronger than the hegemony, and a kind of casual jump, you can reach out and touch the feeling of the sky.

"Hey? This is..."

Xu lacked to look at his own body again. The Golden Chicken independence has disappeared. The proud place has returned to normal, but there is still a golden thin line on the body, which is derived from the chest to the lower body.

When Shen Shen explored it, Xu Xiao saw a golden river, flowing down the chest, containing powerful power, constantly nourishing his body, and even banned his blood, bones and so on.

Golden bones, golden blood, what species are they now?

Xu lacked some wonders. He looked up and looked at the two dogs beside him. He raised his hand and patted it on the head of the two dogs.


In a crisp and clear sound, Xu suddenly closed his eyes and the two dogs suddenly blinked.

"Hey, grass, who is playing this god?" The two dogs looked annoyed, and they quietly realized that they were stunned by a slap.

Its first reaction is to look at Duan Jiude, but Duan Jiude is now on the verge of breakthrough, and soon will step into the fairyland, it is impossible to have the leisure time to attack it.

Xu lacks a face to be dignified, and his brow is still wrinkled from time to time, as if he is experiencing any important turning point.

Only Mo Junchen, with a light face and peace, is very leisurely.

When the two dogs saw it, they didn't want to think about it. If they didn't say anything, they would shoot on Mo Junchen's head.


Mo Junchen seems to have some feelings. Even if he is practicing and feeling the state of the Tao, he can immediately wake up and immediately avoid the two dogs.

"Rely, it is you sneak attack on the gods!" The two dogs immediately screamed and rushed toward Mo Junchen.

Mo Junchen is actually very annoyed, he is retreating, this dog actually engages in things, but the wicked first complained.

But when he was ready to shoot, and when he played with the two dogs, his eyes suddenly fell on Xu's body, his face changed instantly.

"Wait a minute, you are not right, you see the body of the lord..." Mo Junchen immediately stopped the two dogs and stretched his fingers to Xu.

When the two dogs turned their heads, they found that Xu had a slender gold thread on his chest, and the whole body was much stronger than a year ago. This kind of power is not simply powerful, but people feel that A level higher than the obvious is powerful!

"Holy body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is the Eucharist, I can't think of the sacred body that countless ancients have guessed for so long, and it has appeared today!" Mo Junchen was extremely excited and was very surprised by the scene witnessed.

"I rely on it, it seems that it is really the Eucharist, the golden bones, the golden blood, and even more terrible is that there is a huge golden river inside, this kid is going to be against the sky!" The two dogs were also full of surprise.

At this time, Xu's eyelashes were slightly trembled, the eyelids slowly opened, like a big dream, and his eyes looked at the two dogs and Mo Junchen, and asked, "Hey, what's wrong, how do you stare? Look at me?"

"Kid, you... you look at your chest!" The two dogs waved their paws and shouted at Xu's lack of chest.

"Oh?" Xu lacked a calm look and looked down. The cloud was light and said: "Hey, this gold line is it. This is actually nothing remarkable. It is just a symbol of the Eucharist. There is nothing to be heard. ”

The two dogs and Duan Jiude heard the words and they all straightened their eyes.

Nothing great?

Nothing to say?

I rely on, this special thing is the Eucharist, you are not excited at all?

"Hey, you don't know if you don't know the Eucharist?" Xu lacked another face and was curious.

The two dogs and Mo Junchen are still squinting and can't speak. I really don't understand why Xu is so calm.

At this time, Xu lacked his hand, and the fingertips showed the power of the soul, directly provoked the gold thread on the chest, and suddenly swayed.

In the next moment, in the stunned two dogs and Mo Junchen, the golden thread was changed by the fingers of Xu's lack of life, and became the two golden characters of the "Holy Body" hanging on the chest.

Then Xu lacked the eyelids and lifted it. He took a look at the two dogs and Mo Junchen. He said lightly: "Now should it be obvious enough? I am the Eucharist! The Holy Body of the Holy Spirit!"



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