Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 132: Let's eat it well below.

Under the leadership of Su Linger, Xu Wei and her rushed to the direction of Lei Chi!

For Xu, who has such a strong physical constitution and strong real power, the road to catch up one night is nothing.

Su Linger is obviously too much to eat.

Su Linger's speed gradually slowed down after several hours of practice.

Xu lacked to stop and took the initiative to say: "Let's take a break first."

"Well." Su Linger tapped the dagger and stopped. He gasped slightly. Obviously, the real power was very high.

Xu couldn't help but smile: "Sit down and recover. If you are tired, who are the two conditions I am going to go?"

Su Linger gave him a sigh of relief, but he also found a clean place to sit down and run the body to recover.

Xu lacks also leans on a big tree, slightly closes his eyes and rests with ease.

At this time, the night has gradually deepened, and the stars are dotted with the night sky. The faint moonlight falls down and shines on Xu's body, making the yellow hair on his body seem a bit savage.

Su Linger’s eyes were half-closed, and Yu Guang’s involuntarily fell on Xu’s body, and there was an inexplicable sense of comfort in his heart!

It seems that this person is by her side, she can sit and rest in peace of mind, not afraid that there will be danger!

"Sun Wukong, what are your two conditions?"

Perhaps because the surrounding is too quiet, Su Linger broke the silence, and asked for the restoration of the real yuan in the body.

Xu lacked a smile at his mouth and squinted at his eyes: "There is nothing, just two times!"

"What do you mean?" Su Linger suddenly wondered.

"This question... is a bit esoteric and complicated, or I will talk about it later. After all, I will tell you after a long time." Xu said with a short hand.

Su Linger became more and more confused. He said: "Is this a secret? It will take me a long time to tell me, how long does it take?"

"Oh... usually a few times, it doesn't take long."

"Well? How long will it take a few days or a few days to count? How many times?"

"Hey, let's change the subject. It makes me a little embarrassed."

"Then tell me first, why do you always remind me of something, is that kind of chocolate coated on the medicinal herbs today?" Su Linger's curiosity was completely hooked up and began to ask.

Xu lacked the touch of the nose and smiled and said: "Oh, this problem is very complicated."

"It's not complicated when you say it."

"Hey, look at the stars this evening!"

"Don't shift the topic, let's talk!"

"Hey, look at the moon tonight!"

"Say it!"

"Hey, can I eat it for you below?"

"You still come face to face?"

"No!" Xu lacked his eyes and blinked.

"So why are you giving me the following?"

"It's nothing!"

"No, are you laughing?"

"You read it wrong, I didn't laugh, hahaha, I really didn't laugh."

"..." Su Linger has no idea to restore the true Yuan Li, and it is completely cursed by the strange expression of Xu.

She stared at her eyebrows, sat on the floor, holding her head, and staring at Xu Xiaoxuan, and began to think about it.

Xu lacked this meeting and really didn't smile. I was afraid that my bad taste would be seen by her. I was busy with a serious expression and said, "Okay, don't chat, you can restore the real yuan quickly, we have to hurry. Going on the road."

When Su Linger heard it, he also felt that it was imperative to rush to the Leichi, and he did not think much more. He continued to transport the law and restore the real yuan!

However, Xu lacked those words, but she always lingered in her mind, making her heart confused.

‘Why is he talking about noodles? And I always emphasize that I am jealous of things... No, he just said the following... Hey? ……what! This bastard! ’

Su Linger suddenly figured out something, and immediately made a big red face, and the screaming screaming to Xu was missing.

Although she is not a human race, her first grandfather is a human race. Therefore, there are inevitably many books from the world in the bookstore, which naturally include the kind of spring palace pictures!

Su Linger has lived for so many years, how could she not have seen it. At this time, she wants to know that behind such strange words, Xu hides such a big secret, which makes her very angry.

"Sun Wukong!" Su Linger screamed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Xu missed.

"You...you are shameless!" Su Linger snorted and twisted the beginning, no longer paying attention to him.

When Xu is short of mistakes, what is the situation? I am going, it will not be just those words that she figured out?

Immediately, Xu lacked righteousness and said: "Linger girl, you give me a clear statement, how can I be shameless?"

"You know yourself." Su Linger should be.

"I don't know, is it because I didn't give you the following?"

"You... you still said!" Su Linger was annoyed.

Xu was short of crying and laughing.

Mommy, it’s really seen through!

It’s just that Xu’s lack of such a brazen character is certainly impossible to admit.

Immediately he pretended to be pretending: "Isn't it the next bowl, what's the big thing, is it mad? I will give you a bowl of noodles, will you?"

After that, he really found two boxes of instant noodles from the system mall. Once they were exchanged, they quickly cooked the pot of hot water with different fires, and then poured them in...

Su Linger was originally trying to blame Xu for lack of results. As a result, she turned and saw that he really cooked two bowls of strange noodles and suddenly stopped.

Xu lacks to deliver two bowls of instant noodles to her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A serious question: "Hey, face, what do you want to eat, old sauerkraut or braised beef?"


Su Linger is completely dumbfounded, is it... I think too much? Did I misunderstand him? It’s so dangerous, I almost said the shameful words, but he didn’t find it!

"I... I am free!" Su Linger took a bowl of guilty conscience and then turned to eat it.

So this innocent nine-tailed fox, just like this, was suddenly fooled into the past!


After they had enough to eat and drink, they continued on the road. Su Linger was guilty and never dared to mention the matter. Xu was also happy to not want it, because just now, he received dozens of points to force the value...

When they rushed to the entrance of the Leichi, the sky was just bright, the sky was white, and the red sky was red.

The entrance to the Thunder Pool is full of dense bans. On an invisible barrier, lightning strikes from time to time.

At the same time, there are also a few inferior people in the Yuan Ying period outside the entrance, like waiting for others.

"After entering, it is the scope of the Thunder Pool. You can't use it. But don't talk indiscriminately, don't pay attention to others. Let's find a place to take the next thing to avoid Ledan, refining to tomorrow, just to rob!" At this time, the complexion began to condense, and the whisper reminded Xu that there was a missing sentence.

"Okay, but I have a problem!" Xu said, staring at the prohibition. "Is these forbidden barriers used to prevent foreigners?"

"Yes, people who are not my family, if they cross the barrier, they will lead to the rebellion of the entire Leichi! So after so many years, our family has gradually declined, but the Leichi holy land has never been destroyed by the Terran and the demon!" Linger should answer.


Xu lacks a corner of his mouth, Nima, can you pretend to mix it?

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