Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 134: Thunder robbery!

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 30 points for the value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 50 points for the value!”


Xu lacks a husband to be off, Wanfu is not open, with a poisonous mouth, he is not enough to dare to talk to him.

With the previous car's nose, whether it is the camel or the elephant, or the last snake man, they have resisted the anger and turned away.

It’s not that they are really scared of Xu’s lack, but they simply can’t.

Xu lacks a word, they will find that they have no face to stay, what is behind the chest, small jj long face, head on the small jj, all with personal attacks, but people can not refute swearing, it is simply Words are hearty!

Su Linger flushed her face and smiled hard.

Although there are many words that make her feel ashamed in Xu’s discourse, she feels very relieved.

And Xu Xiao is even more forked, with the heroic attitude of the world, slowly sweeping through all the people present.

As everyone could see, everyone couldn't help but twist his head and didn't dare to look at him.


"I can see this for the first time, I am still seeing it for the first time. I am still better off!"

"Hey, wait until tomorrow, when the robbery comes, let's teach the monkey."

Not long after, everyone in the room also dispersed.

After all, it’s really a trick to take Xu, but you can’t beat it, you can’t fight it. If you’re mad at yourself, if you’re mad, you can’t help but use it. Go in.

Therefore, at this time, there really is no aliens who want to come back and sneak out.

Xu Xiao and Su Linger also got a more open space, but also fell clean.


Seeing that everyone was gone, Su Linger finally couldn’t help but laugh out, curiously looking at Xu: "Sun Wukong, how did you think of those swearing words?"

"Consignment, in fact, I am not a big thing, Zhuge Liang 骂 王 Wang Lang that is really arrogant!" Xu lacks a modest smile.

"Oh? Who is Zhuge Liang?" asked Su Linger.

"A high man! You said that you don't understand, we still have to hurry up and refine the Taiqing to avoid Leidan. Come, one person and five will go down, and tomorrow's robbery will be guaranteed!" Xu said, then went to Su Linger Five remedies were stuffed in the hands.

Su Linger suddenly moved: "No, one is enough, otherwise it will not catch up with the thunder and robbery of tomorrow, and to cope with this kind of catastrophe, a medicinal property will be enough."

After that, Su Linger pinched one of the pieces to avoid the Leidan, including the entrance, and the rest was returned to Xu.

"Is this medicinal medicine difficult to refine?" Xu lacked a mistake.

Su Linger smiled slightly: "Everyone's physique is different, the speed of absorption will be different, but generally it will take four or five hours! I will start refining, and you will hurry!"

After that, she gently closed her eyes and sat on the ground to practice.

Xu lacked no time, sitting on the side of her side, followed by swallowing too much to avoid Leidan and began to digest.

"Hey, the host is in a banned state, the speed of refining the medicinal herbs is slowing down, and it is expected that an hour will be needed!" The system's prompt tone suddenly sounded.

Xu can not help but see what, what? Need an hour after slowing down?

I rely on it, does that mean that my physical condition is very strong? Yes, I almost forgot, I am a five-line Tianling root physique!

Xu was suddenly out of joy, looking at the remaining eight pieces of Taiqing to avoid Leidan, smiled and put it directly into his mouth!

"Hey, the host is in a banned state, and the speed of refining the medicinal herbs is slowing down. It is expected to take nine hours! Note that the refining process will go to sleep due to the excessive amount of dandruff that the host is currently consuming!"

"Hibernate? What the hell?"


The next moment, Xu is short of a black eye, directly unconscious!


As time goes by, there are more and more aliens in the Leichi area, and the night is coming!

When Su Linger finished the refining of Leidan, the night sky was already starry.

She vomited a bit of vomiting in her mouth, and the beautiful woman looked at Xu, who was still in the state of cultivation, and smiled lightly.

"Su Linger, our king asked me to bring you a sentence."

Just then, a strange man came suddenly in front of him.

Below his neck, he is completely the body of a giant dog, but he can stand and walk, his head is no different from the human race, and he is smiling at Su Linger.

Su Linger’s face suddenly sinks, cold channel: “The wild dog, you traitor, dare to come see me?”

"Why don't you dare? Now there is a dragon tiger king covering me, how can you help me? Oh, you listen, the tiger king said, after the dawn, let you go to the robbery first." The little man's face is exposed.

"I am going to robbery first? Why?" Su Linger said coldly.

"Because your sister Su Xiaoqi is now in our hands. After dawn, you must not only rob you, but you can only rob yourself of your own robbery. You can't ignite any thunder pool, otherwise..."

"You dare!" Su Linger was furious and full of killing.

The wilderness dog has no fear, and he smiled and said: "Now you haven't been to the thunder and robbery. Can you help me? And don't forget, your sister is still in our hands."

After that, the wilderness dog laughed and turned away.

Su Linger was so angry that she could not shoot.

In a short time, several of the Tianyue tribe's Yuan Ying period strongmen rushed in anxiously, full of anger.

"Da Wang, we counted, when I arrived, I was ambushed by the people of the Wan Yao tribe! Xiao Qi she..."

"I already know, after the robbery, I personally went to find them!"

Su Linger took a deep breath and tried to restrain the anger in her heart and said in a deep voice.

She looked at Xu, who was still in the state of cultivation, and licked her mouth and did not wake him up!


Soon, the sky is getting brighter.


The time of the thunder and robbery came, and a blue sky suddenly descended from the sky and fell directly into the center of the thunder.

The raging lightning flashed wildly, squeaking in the air, and the sky was twisted and twisted, as if it could be torn at any time. Finally, the lightning gradually interweave, forming a huge altar, across the thunder pool!

All the aliens gathered together, surrounded by the thunder pool, looking up at the altar, his face full of awe and dignity!

"A hundred years of thunder and robbery, finally come again!"

"I don't know who will win the demon throne this time."

"On the strength, there should be the two kings of the Tianhui tribe and the Wanhui tribe."

"Maybe Su Linger is even better, only when I saw that she has cultivated six tails. On the thunder and robbery festival, it should be able to successfully mobilize the six robbers. This is the advantage of their families!"

"Yes! Six points for the six-huntred thunderbolt, plus the successful completion of the Yuan Ying period, and then mobilize two Lei pools, adding up to eight points!"

"It seems that the new demon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is very likely to be won by Su Linger."

"Not necessarily, the strength of the Dragon Tiger King is not to be underestimated."


There was a lot of discussion, but no one was rushing to the robbery. I wanted to watch it for a while.

Su Linger looked gloomy and looked at a man with a tiger tail, not far away.

"I will go to the robbery first, you protect Sun Wukong!"

The thunder robbery has been opened, she can use the shackles, and after a few strong men commanded, they will vacate and rush to the thunderbolt altar!

"Ah! King..."

A few of the strong infancy are all a glimpse. I want to stop Su Linger, but it is already late.

"What happened? How did the king go up first?"

"Now the altar is not yet stable. The first person who goes up may also suffer additional extravagance. It is not worth the loss!"

"Damn, I understand, it must be that the people of the Wanxue tribe are holding the small seven to threaten our king!"

"Damn, we all blame us for negligence!"

A few people are very upset.

The other interracial aliens were also amazed. No one thought that the first one to go to the altar would be Su Linger.

"Strange, isn't Su Linger not aware that the first tyrant is the least cost-effective?"

"If you are not lucky, you will be killed under the catastrophe."

"Yes, let alone she is still a robber!"

Everyone has talked about it, and Su Linger has stood in the center of the altar.

Her eyes closed slightly, took a deep breath, began to release the body's suppression force, and led the day to robbery!


In the clear skies, an arm-like lightning bolt suddenly fell!

At the same time, the lack of Xu in the dormant state, suddenly woke up, the eyelids slammed open, the surface of the skin flowed through countless arcs, creaking!

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