Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1397: Your life

The two dogs were filled with admiration on their faces, and they looked at Xu’s lack of reverence.

This kind of love story is unparalleled, amazing, and every sentence can make people feel like goose bumps, meat to the extreme!

Therefore, the two dogs were convinced, Xu lacked this kind of words to Xuan Rongrong, the courage is really not big, anyway, the two dogs themselves are not afraid!

However, Xuan Rongrong is a playful look, faintly scanning the lack of Xu, and has no feeling for his so-called earthy love.

Her eyes are slightly stunned, like a smile: "You want your heart to burn for me, or if I want to fill your heart, I don't mind to fulfill you!"

"Don't stop, just kidding. If you are joking, how can you take it seriously?" Xu suddenly waved his hand and sweated coldly.

He is very convinced that Xuanyuan Rong absolutely can be said to have done it. This woman is simply unable to understand the style, completely unable to hear the connotation of love, only literally to understand, it is simply no interest.

If Xu is not explained at this time, it is a joke. It is estimated that the next second, Xuan Rongrong will dig out the heart of Xu, and even rushed into his heart.

After all, when Xu is missing this level, the heart is indifferent and it doesn't matter. It can be restored intact, but the pain is hard to avoid. He is not willing to make such a wave by Xuanyuan Rong for no reason!

Xuanyuan Rong was too lazy to compare this with Xu, and her beauty swept the ground.

In a crystal-clear palace, there is a hailstone. This is where she has been lying for tens of thousands of years. Now, when I look down from the outside, there is a different feeling.

However, at this time in her hail, there was a group of dark things lying on it, and there were some spikes outside the leather table. The whole look was dirty and dry, and it was ugly!

"You actually brought this thing out?" Xuanyuan Rong was a little surprised, looking at Xu and two dogs.

Xu lacked a smile: "You know the existence of this thing, so you are deliberately occupying other people's territory!"

"Since this place has become a land, it is a territory that belongs to my people. It has nothing to do with the sea people. How can we seize it?" Xuan Rongrong looked indifferent.

Xu was short of words, according to her robber logic, I really can't refute it!

"But you are unexpectedly unexpected. I have passed the void ban and changed the position of the sea and me. I don't need to crack the seal to let me get out of trouble in advance." Xuan Rongrong once again spoke, the tone seemed gentle and enough to indicate She is still satisfied with the lack of Xu and the two dogs.

"Xuanyuan on the celestial praise, can work for you, is the honor of this god!" Two dogs immediately flattered and complimented.

This vain ban, but also fortunately it restored some of the memories of the sixth world in the funeral valley, only to recall.

However, this is only a bit of a furry. The real void prohibition can be much stronger than this. However, when the second dog was in the sixth world, it was only a coincidence that he learned such a trace of fur.

"Two dogs, can you still have a little dogleg? Is it a bit of a slap in the face? Is there a bit of a face?" Xu said with a look of disdain.

The second dog immediately opened his mouth to refute, but saw Xuan Rongrong's gaze, has already returned to Xu's body, a look of strange look Xu Xu.

Xu lacked the vigilance of the two steps back: "Look at what I do? I am a handsome face, but it is not just a random look!"

"You have a strange smell on your body. It seems to be closely related to me. I thought it was an illusion, but now this feeling has been lingering!" Xuan Rongrong responded directly.

"Hey, this... is normal. You probably don't know. This is related to my face. Because it looks handsome, it has a special appeal to women!" Xu lacked Zhangkou and screamed.

Of course, he knows why Xuan Rongrong has this feeling. It is nothing more than the two souls in the hot wheels, the soul of her parents!

However, at this time, Xu is not afraid to tell her the truth. Who knows if she knows what her parents have encountered, or if she knows that she is using her parents' soul to be a bodyguard, I am afraid I will suffer a lot!

Therefore, Xu Xiao decided to temporarily conceal it. When he left the funeral valley, he returned the two souls to Xuan Rongrong, then turned and ran. Other things were completely irrelevant to him!

"I am talking about strange smell, nothing to do with your face!" Xuanyuan Rong shook his head and still looked at Xu.

If it is not considered that Xu deficiency is already a nominal Taoist, it may be that she has already taken the Xu deficiency and checked it out!

"Ah, lack of brother, there are still a few hours when it is dawning, you have to hurry and go back and prepare!" At this time, the two dogs pretended to see the change of the sky, hurriedly shouted to Xu.

It's not that it's a good heart to help Xu lack the solution, but it is afraid that after the event is revealed, it will also be cleaned up. After all, when Xu was short of two souls to force it, it also has its share!

"Yeah, I almost forgot the business, let's go!"

Xu lacked the words of the two dogs, and looked at Xuanyuan Rongdao: "What is strange about the strange atmosphere, you write my name to Taiyi Tianshu, it means that our lives have been connected. Naturally, something strange will happen!"

After that, he waved his hand at the two dogs. One person and one dog rushed toward the sky with a tacit agreement, and rushed straight to the previous mountain range.

Xuanyuan Rong stood in the same place, looking suspiciously at the back of Xu's absence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ whispered: "He has a **** atmosphere on his body, is it the descendant of Xuanyuan?"

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Rong suddenly trembled: "If it is a descendant of my family, then I will write him on the Taiyi Tianshu, and become a Taoist, isn't it..."

This is troublesome!

Xuan Rongrong's expression suddenly became dignified, and even a little panic.

At this moment, Xu Xiao has already rushed back to the original mountain with the two dogs, and looked at each other with a sigh of relief.

"Rely, kid, she should not have discovered it?" The two dogs were undecided, and from time to time, they swept to the rear to see if there was any figure of Xuan Rongrong.

"Do not worry, with my understanding of her, she must have not found it, otherwise we can't come back so smoothly!" Xu Xiaoliang laughed.

According to Xuan Rongrong's character, if she finds that she has the soul of her parents, she will definitely be forced to steal.

"That's good, let's not wait any longer, let's go in advance, so that when she comes over, I will find something different!" The two dogs sighed and urged.

"It makes sense!" Xu nodded his face and reached a consensus with the two dogs.

At least until he is about to take advantage of this upcoming advent, he does not want other incidents to happen again.

However, just as they were about to step into the palace, there was a gust of wind in the rear.

Followed by only listening to the "嗖", a virtual shadow fell in front of them, it is Xuanyuan Rong.

"I have something to talk to you about your life!" She looked straight at Xu, her face was dignified and she said.



[Sorry, I rushed to the Guangdong Writers Association meeting one day today. I didn’t finish the meeting until 9 o'clock in the evening. I quickly went back to the room and wrote a chapter. Go home tomorrow and continue to update! 】

(End of this chapter)

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